Book Read Free

John Judge

Page 29

by Michael G Franks


  After a thorough briefing, John, Terry and a team of twelve of the more experienced men made their way south from Goodge Street to Tottenham Court Road where they met up with the Central Line. They headed west to Notting Hill Gate, which was their jump off point. They had about one-quarter mile above ground to reach the cover of Ladbroke Square Gardens that, were directly opposite the target address. Once under cover, the target’s house was observed. Ten of the men led by Alan Walker remained under cover in the gardens covering both entrances to Kensington Park Gardens while John and Terry approached Harper’s apartment. Terry disabled the outer door lock and they remained unmasked until they entered the foyer of the building and reached the apartment door. John was certain that a recluse would not be expecting anyone to knock at his door so a forced entry was essential. Quietly and expertly Terry sprang the door open. Both men now fully masked and armed rushed into the apartment. Gregory Harper was initially stunned by this sudden intrusion of two very threatening individuals, but oddly he calmed down very quickly.

  ‘I know who you are, you’re the people who have been causing mayhem and grief for Garside aren’t you?’ he said incredulously

  ‘Just sit down and remain calm Mr Harper, we mean you no harm and I promise we will leave after you have heard what we have to say.’

  ‘What the hell do you want from me? I’ve got nothing I can give you and believe me gents. If I could support you in what you’re doing and help bring that bastard Garside and his cronies down then you could walk away with it now.’

  Gregory Harper was younger than John had expected. ‘Mr Harper, we know that you were removed from office, we don’t know why and we don’t really care. What does matter is that we have to start preparing an alternative government to what is in place at the moment. From what you have just said I think you have already answered my question. If you really want to help, then we are going to need political expertise and a will to carry out that responsibility.’

  ‘I hate being called Gregory, please it's Greg. So, gentlemen, what can I do? I am persona non grata in every political walk of life, which is why I have chosen a fairly frugal and reclusive existence. I have no power anymore, Garside saw to that.’

  ‘First of all you can tell us who of the other four who were ousted from office have similar views to you. Would they be willing to come underground and start to put in place a plan that will return us to democracy. Are there other politicians who are similarly dissatisfied with what is happening who could help put this plan together?’

  Greg thought for a moment ‘I guess all of them with the exception of Boyce, who I believe is back raking in money from his banking activities. As to others still politically active, I would need to think hard about that. The fact remains that if they are politically active then they will be doing Garside’s bidding. At the end of the day, it’s about trust and honesty. We lost the meaning of those two basics long ago. So, where do go from here?’

  ‘If you agree to join us then you will be expected to live underground with members of our fighting group. You would be provided with an office, which I hope, when you have a team together, will eventually become the interim government offices. You will be protected, provisioned and have the full support of our medical staff. There are communication facilities in place which will enable you to put together a team and a viable plan.’

  ‘My word, you guys are even more organised than I’ve heard you were on the grapevine. Do you want me to come with you now?’

  ‘No Greg, I’d like you to spend the next couple of months sorting out your affairs here and also thinking carefully about what you are letting yourself in for. It is not going to be easy and will take time. I would also want you to make contact with any of your ex-colleagues who you believe are sympathetic to what we are doing. Be careful, though, the State will be watchful of any signs of an opposition forming. I would advise that you do not change your current lifestyle too quickly; it will be noticed. When we’re ready, you will be contacted. At that time you should go to Waterloo Station where you will be escorted underground; that’s of course if you don’t have second thoughts.’

  ‘Don’t worry, I won’t have second thoughts, I’ve been praying for some time that someone like you would turn up. By the way, what do I call you?’

  ‘My name isn’t important at the moment, but we will be properly introduced in due course. I will visit you again soon.’

  John and Terry left as they arrived, quietly and quickly. They kept their masks on as they crossed the road towards the waiting escort troop. Alan gave his command for the team to form up and make their way to Notting Hill Gate Station.

  Greg watched from his window. He saw his two visitors cross the road, mingle with several other shadowy figures and then merge into the darkness of the night. They were gone as quickly as they had arrived. For the first time in many months, Gregory Harper was hopeful. His heart went into his mouth as he saw a large Stapo patrol turn the corner into Ladbroke Square. He was helpless and saw that the men whom he had just spoken to were in grave danger.

  John spotted the patrol just as Alan’s lead section emerged from the dark shadows. A spotlight lit up the part of the patrol that had already broken their cover. ‘Stop right where you are and drop your weapons’ a voice commanded from the lead of two vehicles. Police officers started to scramble out and take up offensive positions.

  John signalled to the remainder of the section to move to the rear of the park under cover and take up positions behind the Stapo vehicles. They had stealthily assumed a line behind the police who were intensely focussed on their targets to the front. The lead police officer was shouting commands to the three men who they had exposed. ‘Lie down on the ground and put your hands on your head.’ The three stayed perfectly still and remained upright with their weapons laid on the ground beside them. They knew they needed to gain some time for their comrades to act. That time was now enough.

  The police patrol was shocked to hear John’s voice from the rear ‘Do not turn around or fire your weapons. My men have each one of you in their sights and will shoot if you do not do exactly as you are told.’

  The three being held up retrieved their weapons as soon as it was clear that this patrol was not prepared to take the risk of an all-out firefight.

  ‘Lay down your weapons now, put your hands on your head and move away from your vehicles. Lay face down on the pavement.'

  ‘Take no notice men, open fire.’ The patrol leader commanded, no one moved. ‘I command you, open fire.’

  John fired one shot at the patrol leader’s lower half hitting him below his left knee. He screamed in pain and sank to the ground ‘I can assure you officer we have no intention of seriously harming you but if you insist on a firefight, then my men will oblige.’ The Patrol Leader writhed and moaned on the ground holding his wounded leg. The patrol did as they were told. John directed his next command to his men. ‘Destroy the vehicle radios, collect their weapons and remove the ignition keys, then move out.’

  The episode was watched throughout by Greg Harper and he was greatly impressed. ‘Garside’s met his match at last’ he thought gleefully.

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