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John Judge

Page 34

by Michael G Franks


  John and his commanders held the first official meeting with the three politicians. They were deep underground at Belsize Park. This was to be the fledgling interim government offices and living quarters. Much work had been done to equip the deep shelter into liveable space. Gas filters and toilets had been installed and sleeping areas were available. Four of the deep shelters, two north of the Thames and two south had been fully equipped to house several thousand civilians and soldiers in each. John knew that one day they would be forced permanently underground. But he and his men were prepared for that.

  John was impressed. Tables, chairs and all the trappings of a busy ministerial meeting office had been provided and even a secretary was available to record their discussions.

  John started ‘I would like to thank our three politicians for their commitment and the sacrifices they have made in coming here. I will not nor cannot give any assurances that there will not be a difficult road ahead, but I know that we will achieve our goal. Today we have begun a journey, the preparations for which have been laid by these men and their followers,’ he pointed to his Command team. ‘Now we are joined by Greg, Timothy and Alex, who are tasked with providing a framework for the sort of government we have all wished for. We hope that others will join them soon and enable a fully functioning administration. So, shall we get started gentlemen? I would, first of all, ask if any of you have the expertise to act as our financial controller? We have been able to accumulate a certain amount of funds and have been distributing some of them to the needy in our community. We need better control of this and an ability to invest any surplus.’

  Alex Carrington spoke. ‘I was destined to become Chancellor until Garside did his dirty work, so I would be happy to take on the role. We may need to go outside of the Country to do any investing; Garside will be keeping a close watch on new investors.’

  ‘Thank you, Alex, I’m sure it will be one of many roles you will all need to play until we have a full compliment.’ John continued ‘we are in danger of gas attacks from above especially when our network is discovered. We have prepared gas filters and a warning system in the event of such an attack and much of our funding has been used to equip all of the tunnels for a high degree of protection. The question has been asked about whether the tunnels could be deliberately flooded or blasted with explosives. We conclude that it is unlikely as so much infrastructure passes through that if it were damaged business life above ground would come to a standstill. A direct physical attack by troops is the most likely and I believe Garside will use the Army in that role soon. Each Commander has ensured that tunnel entrances are well guarded with fully armed and trained men so if they do decide on a direct attack they can expect a warm reception. Gentlemen, I am telling you this because you will need to protect yourselves. We must not lose this momentum by losing any one of you. I have therefore directed a full section of men to look after you and ensure your safety.’

  The fledgling ministers had managed to recruit more willing hands to their ranks and now had the numbers needed to start building a constitutional framework. They had even managed to get a message to Ted Grainger, who had slipped overseas shortly after the threatened character assassination. He had settled in France and getting back into the UK was not going to be easy without being spotted by the authorities. He had been warned that he was being sought after so a considerable amount of help was required from John’s contacts in France. The arrangement was to meet at Kings Cross station where he was quickly picked up by two of John’s men and ushered to the covert underground entrance. Ted Grainger felt some apprehension as he entered the underground system. Very little was said to him as the trio purposefully made their way through the various tunnels to Belsize Park. As he approached the old tunnel, his escorts started to make a descent into the deep shelter. Ted was amazed as the lights and an eye-popping frenetic activity suddenly confronted him. It was as if he had stepped into another world. People darted about carrying sheaves of paper, desktops carried plastic trays of in, out and pending documents waiting for their owners to immerse themselves in their content. A feverish and yet controlled atmosphere permeated what the newcomer could only describe as a re-energised ministerial office. He had not seen this sort of energy in any government office for many years.

  Gregory Harper appeared from one of the offices; he was followed by his colleagues Tim and Alex. Edward Grainger’s jaw dropped open as he recognised his three ex-colleagues. They warmly embraced, shaking each other’s hands and not wishing to let go. Greg put his arm around Edward’s shoulder and led him into their office. ‘Let’s get a nice cup of coffee Ted and we’ll brief you on what’s going on here.’ Gregory explained how John Judge and his small, dedicated army were creating havoc for Garside and his cronies. He gave examples of how the people had now come to realise that they no longer live in a democracy and their freedom had effectively been removed. ‘Unfortunately,’ he said, ‘the military and the police are still supporting him so any revolt by the people is quickly squashed. Whenever there is any sort of protest, the Containment Pens are filled up. So our citizens have sadly accepted their lot. John J does as much as he can to support those in need. He is confident that he will sooner rather than later remove Garside and all those who profit with him from the office he has purloined.’

  Edward said ‘I’ve heard about some of what is going on but only whispers. When I was contacted in France I thought it was a ruse to get me to come back although I had no idea why he would want me here, he had already destroyed my political career. Then the French contact took me to his home where he led me into a small office just full of radio and communications equipment. A guy in a ski mask spoke to me via the video link. He explained what they were doing here and that he needed my help. Somehow, I trusted him immediately and found myself on a boat in the middle of the night crossing the channel. I was met at every junction of the journey and escorted to the next leg. The organisation was fantastic. I couldn’t wait to meet the guy in the mask he must...’

  John appeared in the doorway, ‘I’m glad to make your acquaintance Edward, and I don’t have my mask, I hope you’re not disappointed.’

  Edward rose from his chair and warmly shook John’s hand. ‘No I’m not disappointed at all, in fact, I’m extremely excited about what I’m about to get involved in. Nice to meet you.’

  And so for the next three years the rebel politicians worked tirelessly, arguing, debating and analysing every aspect of what made good government.

  Meanwhile, John Judge and his growing band of followers continued with his planned activities. In one night, his teams had lifted a senior investment banker, a CEO of a large French owned water company and the MD of an American owned group of gambling casinos. Each of them was bound, gagged, hooded, and taken to three separate disused warehouses. All of them were understandably extremely distressed and feared the worst. On reaching their place of detention they were tied to a hard wooden chair and their gags removed but they remained hooded. Several hours had passed before anyone spoke to them. Throughout this time, the investment banker and the Frenchman pleaded with their captors not to harm them, offering large rewards for their safe release. The American just made threats, specifically about how his friends from stateside would be here in a flash to release him. ‘You don’t know what you’re dealing with here you limey arseholes.’ He said in a broad Texan accent.

  ‘We know exactly what we’re dealing with Mr Donatelli. Believe me, your friends, if indeed they ever arrived here would not be welcome and they would be despatched back from where they came I promise you that. You had better believe that you are not in any position to make threat. It would not take much for me to bundle you up and dump you in the Thames along with the rest of the rubbish that gets thrown in there.’ John’s words conveyed sufficient gravitas that there could be no doubt in understanding his seriousness. The American remained silent.

  John was uninterested with their pleading or their bribes, he spoke to
each in turn, ‘do you think for one moment we are interested in your dirty money. Your desire to rape this country in your search for profit at any cost makes me want to jump into a hot shower a scrub off the smell from being close to you. You abused this country and its people by your greed and corrupt dealings with those in power. So do not think that we can be bought off like Garside and his friends. We will eventually destroy him and all those like you who support him.’

  Each of them asked the same question, ‘what do you want from me then?’

  They were each told the same thing, ‘I want two things; I want you to search your conscience and I want your clothes. You will be untied, your clothes will be removed, and then you will be conveyed a short distance away from a Containment pen. It will be close to the place where you were picked up and we are sure the Stapo at those locations will see that you return home. When you walk through the Conpen area, look closely at the individuals that are behind the wire. Consider yourself lucky that you have come away from this episode unharmed. Examine your conscience carefully to avoid another such visitation. Do I make myself clear?’

  Each man trembled and muttered an acknowledgement as they were untied and stripped. Their hoods remained in place. Three vehicles each carried a naked, hooded man to approximately a quarter mile from a Conpen where they were unceremoniously dispatched onto the pavement.

  The vehicles did not wait around to hear the jeers and catcalls coming from the Conpens as each of the naked business leaders having removed their hoods, hurried embarrassingly towards the Stapo office.

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