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The Billionaire's Kitten: A Fake Marriage Romance

Page 9

by Cassandra Dee

  “Yes,” I panted hotly. “Yes, that’s it Daddy, use my body.”

  And after a few more hot strokes, a few more deep drills inside, Gray did it. He burst, lash after lash of hot white coating my rectum, spraying deep into my GI tract. It was so nasty, a man’s penis jerking uncontrollably in my most private part, but it just made me want it more.

  “Yes Daddy!” I cried out incoherently. “YES!”

  And with that, I careened over the edge. Everything this man has taught me has been incredible. Before, I’d believed in princess romances, where a knight in white armor ravaged a noble lady in a four-poster bed, lovingly escorting her to an earth-shattering release. And I had my shattering release, for sure, but this was no knight. Instead, Gray was a dirty motherfucker, an alpha male who took whatever he wanted, including forcing a virgin to do anal with no mercy.

  But the thing is that I love it. I love what this man does to me, I love how he breaks every boundary, opening me to new experiences, physical and emotional. Because right now, impaled on his dick, I was lost. I only wanted more, to go where he led, to follow and let him use me, any way he wanted. Pussy or ass? Yes please. Both at the same time? Yes.

  So with another scream and cry, I let go. Jolts shuddered from my behind to my nipples, electrifying them so that they stood out like bullets. My cunt creamed heavily, the juices dripping backwards to coat our bodies, and my entire form shook with desire. Literally, I bucked up and down on his dick, like a cowgirl riding a bronco, but with a very special joystick in my ass.

  “Oh oh oh!” I moaned, crying out with ecstasy. Who cares who heard? If the neighbors saw me later, I was proud for them to know that I’m the girl riding Gray Channing’s dick, the one who feels that pole deep in my insides.

  And the billionaire was just as unstoppable. With a roar, he pulsed again, another jet of semen going up my backside, coating me with lust. But Gray doesn’t like to waste. Because in one swift move, he pulled my ass off his dick and thrust deep in my pussy.

  “FUCK!” he roared. “Fuck fuck fuck!”

  Half my mind spun. Why did the alpha do that? Wasn’t my ass enough? Why the hell had he dicked deep into my vaginal chamber?

  But my body ate it up because oh god, it felt so right to have a hot pole spurting in my female parts. It felt absolutely right to feel his virile juices spraying my pink channel, pussy gripping him in ecstasy as he pumped again and again.

  And finally, it was over. With a few last spasms, my cunt milked him of his last drops, pulling that virile sperm deep into my body. I panted, collapsing on the bed, the big man still embedded, and he followed me down, huge and heavy on my back.

  “Ummm,” I moaned, face in the coverlet. Grayson felt right on top of me, even if it was hard to breathe. I tried to get some air, but he was just too heavy and big.

  “Gray,” I whispered, shifting my hips slightly, the friction from his dick in my ass making us both moan again. “Gray, can’t breathe.”

  And with a deep rumble, he kissed the back of my neck before getting up, withdrawing slowly from my back end. Both of us groaned sensuously, me from the feel and him from the dirty sight. Because oh yeah, his shaft was completely wet with a mix of sperm and anal sweat. I’d done that to my man. I’d drained him of every drop, that precious cum churning in my insides.

  And squeezing my pussy and ass tight, I smiled sweetly at the alpha over my shoulder.

  “Daddy, I don’t want to lose an ounce,” I murmured. “I want to keep you inside me, every last bit of sperm.”

  Gray’s eyes flared once more, that blue gaze blazing.

  “That’s right, baby girl,” he soothed, stroking one heavy butt cheek before grabbing hold of my meaty thigh and taking a bite. “That’s good because Daddy’s sperm belongs in your ripe body.”

  And I merely sighed and stretched once more, bumping my butt a little.

  “Any time, Daddy,” I cooed, smiling coyly over my shoulder at him. “Any time you want baby’s butt or cunt, just let me know.”

  The billionaire smiled darkly behind me.

  “Oh believe me, I will, my slutty princess. Believe me, I will.”

  And with that, I sighed once more, totally sated and fulfilled. Because what could be better than taking your man to ecstasy and beyond? What could be better than making a man want you so much that he spurts in both your cunt and ass? I was fully a woman now … and I belong to Grayson Channing, one hundred percent.



  I can’t believe I’m doing this. I can’t believe that we’re standing in front of a furniture shop. Kitty’s my fake fiancée for crying out loud, and we’re not supposed to do real things. Sure, we can masquerade as a couple, going to the movies and shit, but we shouldn’t be doing anything permanent for fuck’s sake.

  But somehow Kitty’s taken over. She took one look at my immaculate apartment and shook her head.

  “Can we change things up a little?” she’d asked gently. “Just a little, maybe swap out some things? A couple accent pieces here and there?”

  I shook my head with disbelief.

  “I paid fifty grand,” I grunted, gesturing to the white leather couches and modern, sleek console. “I forked over fifty grand to professionals to do up this place. And that doesn’t even count what I spent on the furniture itself.”

  The brunette tilted her chin at me.

  “I know Gray,” she murmured softly, those caramel eyes searching and so sensitive. “I know you spent a lot, but this place seems impersonal, a little like a hotel. It doesn’t have a trace of you, or of any human being whatsoever. It belongs in a magazine, like real people don’t live here.”

  I surveyed the white living room. Sure, it was perfect, nothing out of place. And I am a hotel magnate, so of course my place would look like a hotel. But maybe the female was right. Because the space was cold and calculating, with polished surfaces and hard gleaming edges.

  “Gray,” her voice interrupted, firmly this time. “I know you, and this isn’t you. Sure, you’re tough and domineering, but you’re also human. You have a funny, charming mom, and you have me, your fiancée. So why would you live like this? This place looks really lonely, honestly, like the inside of an ice cube.”

  Ouch, that was a zinger. But that’s the thing. Somehow I let Kitty get away with murder, she talks to me in a way that should turn me into a raging bear. In fact, if someone else gave me this kind of lip, they’d be pounded into the pavement already, fired and shit outta luck.

  But with Kitty, somehow it’s different. So yeah, here I am at the furniture store with my fiancée on my arm. It was almost too perfect, we looked like a couple from a commercial. Except this isn’t real. Kitty is my fake fiancée, and so what the fuck is going on? I shook my head, still confused. Shit, my life was taking twists and turns, becoming a roller coaster of doubt. Me, the alpha who’s always owned his future, is being led around like a stray puppy by a sweet, sensitive girl.

  Except that Kitty acted like nothing was wrong.

  “Hi,” she said with a smile to the salesperson. “We’re here to outfit my fiancé’s apartment.”

  The woman bowed and smiled, her nose practically touching the floor.

  “Of course! Which room or rooms? And were you looking to spruce things up, or was this a complete re-do?”

  “Complete re-do,” said Kitty firmly before I could even get a word in. “We’re getting rid of everything and starting fresh.”

  Of course, the saleslady practically bowed again, drooling obsessively. Because on my dime, she was gonna get a huge commission, we were likely to spend six figures on furniture today.

  I had to put my foot down. This was crazy, and opening my mouth, the protest began. But Kitty’s sweet smile stopped me in my tracks.

  “My fiancé here is shy,” she cooed. “Gray doesn’t know much about furniture, but I wanted him to come along because he lives there too, you know? So he’ll be along for the ride, but don’t be afraid of him,”
she confided in a whisper. “He’s just a big, cuddly bear at heart. He’s just as excited as I am to be re-decorating.”

  I looked at her, stunned. Holy shit. This was like being ratted out by a real wife, a real fiancée. Besides, big cuddly bear? Where the fuck did that come from? I was a deadly assassin, not some stuffed animal here for hugs.

  But the saleslady nodded approvingly.

  “Oh I completely understand,” she chimed. “We have so many men who don’t know how to express themselves. He’s lucky to have you,” she clucked at Kitty. “He’s lucky to have a loving woman like you, looking out for his best interests.”

  And the two females started walking the aisles together, heads close, chattering about fabric samples and whatnot. I was too stunned to move at first, my big form rooted in place. Was this really happening? Was I really here, at a furniture store, playing the role of “clueless guy” as my fiancée wandered ahead, chatting amiably with the saleslady, scouting for new stuff?

  But evidently, this was my life because Kitty turned then, gesturing to me.

  “Come on Gray,” she called sweetly. “Come on, we’re already all the way over here.”

  And like a puppy on a leash, my big form jolted forwards. Yes, I was obeying her commands, she was the puppeteer and I was the marionette, there were invisible strings tied to my limbs. I was hers to command, hanging on to her every sweet word like a crazy, head over heels in love billionaire. What the hell?

  But despite the doubts, my feet moved like they were magnetized. I trailed behind the women, looming and large, picking up things when ordered, looking at samples without much input.

  “Oh Gray,” cooed Kitty. “Isn’t this such a beautiful side table? It would look perfect with that couch over there.”

  I nodded wordlessly, but Kitty had already turned away. She was inspecting a blown glass sculpture that looked like an inverted snowflake, some weird ass thing that was new-agey and probably cost fuck-all.

  But the thing is I wanted her to have it. If it made my best girl happy, then there was no price that was too high to pay. I can’t explain it really. I’m not supposed to care, none of this is supposed to make a difference. And yet here I was, acting the part of a would-be husband, nodding and pulling out my wallet on cue.

  And the stupidest part is that no one was here to see. It would be one thing if we were acting lovey-dovey for an audience. Because yeah, I had to have a fake fiancée in order to access the money from my dad’s will. Our little ploy had to be persuasive, the lawyers would never swallow it otherwise. But that’s the thing. There was no one here to see. No lawyers, not my mom, not my friends, not the society gossips who trail me everywhere, desperate to figure out who I’m dating. So what the fuck am I doing?

  But it was too late because Kitty was already in the children’s furniture section.

  “This one is a best seller,” proclaimed the saleslady, her hand resting lightly a white wooden cradle painted with pictures of animals. “If you don’t mind me asking honey, how old are you?”

  Kitty flushed.

  “I’m eighteen,” she murmured softly. “Why?”

  The saleslady nodded approvingly.

  “Eighteen is such a great age because you’ll be able to have lots of children. You’ve got plenty of time. I didn’t have my first until I was twenty-eight, and that was late,” she confided in a hushed whisper. “I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to get pregnant, so you folks are doing the right thing.”

  I stood there, immobile, unable to get my bearings. Because holy shit, was this really happening? Were we really thinking of buying a cradle for a baby? Hell no! This was the Twilight Zone, a farce come to life. Couldn’t they tell it was all a sham?

  But Kitty turned to me then, caramel eyes wide.

  “What do you think Gray?” she asked softly. “We’re not married yet, but do you think we should plan ahead just in case?”

  My mouth opened and closed soundlessly, like a fish out of water. Because was she nuts? We were getting married and then divorced, had Kitty forgotten? There wasn’t gonna be a baby, no way no how.

  But I couldn’t say the words because the girl looked so beautiful standing there, caressing the edge of the cradle, a dreamy look in her eyes. The brunette was round, ripe and fertile, and a sense of ownership welled up inside me from out of nowhere. Shit, Kitty was right as a mommy. I could imagine that soft belly swelling up, full and round with my child, the girl blossoming with my seed. And shit, but my dick grew hard just thinking about it. Suddenly I needed to get out of here.

  “We’ll take it all,” I ground out, gesturing to the entire nursery set. “All of it, put it on my card.”

  Kitty swung around to look at me, eyes wide.

  “Are you sure Gray?” she asked in a whisper. “There’s no need, you know.”

  I had an impulse to swing her into my arms right there and fuck my dick into her body, getting her pregnant right here in the middle of the furniture store. But right, we were going at it kosher. We were an engaged couple, not porn stars.

  So I grunted again.

  “Oh yeah baby girl, you’re getting pregnant,” I rumbled, eyes gleaming at her, hard rod stiff. “I want six or seven kids, minimum. The sooner the better.”

  Her mouth opened like an “O.” What would it be like to have my dick stuffed down that throat, those pouty lips sucking me? How good would it feel to have those wet pussy walls clamped around my cock again, milking me dry? Oh yeah, that was the way to go, that was a life I wanted.

  So I grunted again, eyes fierce.

  “If anything, let’s take two of everything,” I growled, never even looking at the saleslady. “Let’s take two cribs, two changing tables, two nappies or whatever, throw it all in. Because my baby is gonna be pregnant so fast, so many times over we’ll need multiples.”

  Kitty just stared at me, eyes wide. But the saleslady was on it, cackling like a hag, dollar bills zinging in her eyes.

  “Two it is!” she sang. “Two of everything, and honey,” she confided to Kitty. “You’re lucky to have a husband who wants to have a dozen children. Most men who come in are anti-child, they want a Ferrari instead. So roll with it. Two of everything, coming right up!”

  And with that, the saleslady bustled off, noting things on her clipboard, muttering to herself. That left Kitty and I alone, staring at each other.

  “Gray, you don’t have to,” she whispered, curvy body quivering with shock. “You know you don’t have to.”

  “I do,” I ground out affirmatively. “I absolutely do.”

  She stared at me, brown eyes wide.

  “But why? We’re not getting married for real.”

  Ah, the million dollar question. I couldn’t explain it, I couldn’t provide an answer that made sense, so I shrugged like it was no big deal.

  “It’s just money, it doesn’t matter,” came my dismissive grunt. “What’s the point of being rich if you don’t spend it?”

  Kitty bit her lip, eyes unsure. But evidently she changed her mind about saying anything because the girl nodded, head down.

  “I see,” was all she said. “I get it, makes sense. You’re gonna return it all afterwards right? After we get divorced?”

  To be honest, I hadn’t thought of that. My thoughts hadn’t gone beyond imagining the fertile girl pregnant and heavy with my child, but no matter. Instead, I grunted again.

  “Yeah, these places always take their shit back within thirty days. Especially if it’s unused.”

  I meant unused because we wouldn’t have a baby in our arms by then, no one can find a baby within thirty days. But the girl’s eyes filled with tears, and she looked down, brown curls swinging down so they hid her face.

  “Right, you’re going to return this all,” she choked out. “Return policy and all that. Sorry, don’t mind me, I’m don’t know what’s wrong.”

  I grabbed Kitty’s chin, forcing the female to look at me. She was so beautiful, those brown eyes filled with tears, lip
s trembling uncontrollably. I wanted to smash my mouth down on hers, to ravage that sweet body, get her naked until she was screaming with pleasure, all thoughts of sad things blown away. But instead, I did something out of character. Gently, my lips descended to meet hers in a sweet, delectable kiss.

  But it just made things even worse. Because oh shit, the moment our lips met, my body went haywire. If I’d been fighting a stiffie before, then the war was over because my cock was up and out, like a fucking hammer ready to do some pounding, pulsing insistently. It pressed into Katie’s stomach, hot and hard, making her gasp.

  “Gray?” she murmured against my lips, hands fluttering against my shoulders. “Gray?”

  And she wanted it. Oh yeah, my best girl wanted it, she loves getting pussy and ass fucked, even if we were in the middle of a furniture store. So I pressed my lips urgently against her ear.

  “Baby I need to be inside you. Now,” I rasped urgently. The need was so intense that I was an animal, barely restraining myself.

  But Kitty’s responsive to me, she knows what I need before I even know it myself. So she nodded imperceptibly, sweet breath hot on my neck.

  “I know Gray,” she said in a low voice. “Because I need it too.”

  I seized her eyes.

  “Well what the fuck are we gonna do? We’re in a fucking public place, are we just gonna get it on on one of these model beds? Looks comfy baby, but anyone could see us.”

  She looked around, breathing hard, those nips stiff under her thin blouse. Oh shit, I could feel them poking my chest, the proof of her desire. And even more I could already smell that wet cunt, the delectable female musk drifting up to fill my nostrils.

  “This spot is too revealing,” she agreed softly. “It’s just an open area. But maybe over there by the side.”

  Growling, I swung my head to take a look. Shit, it didn’t matter. I was moments from ravishing Kitty right here, other people be damned. So what if people saw me fuck my fiancée? That’s what engaged people do, right? They’re hot and horny for each other, otherwise they shouldn’t be getting married.


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