Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish)

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Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish) Page 7

by Mayburn, Ann

  “Please, Master, spank me for coming without your permission. I’ve been a bad girl.” She licked her lower lip and loved the way his jaw tightened at the sight of her tongue.

  He swallowed hard then said in a tight voice, “That’s more like it.”

  He placed his lips over the tip of her breast and gently suckled her nipple, playing with the gold barbell piercing until she had to grab onto his shoulders for support. God, he was so strong. The muscles beneath her hands were rock hard slabs, highlighting his power over her. He switched to her other breast, and seemingly of their own accord, her hands moved to the back of his head, gently caressing the almost smooth skin of the back of his skull before playing with the longer strands on top. Her confused emotions swung between fear, self-disgust, and a pussy-clenching need for his touch.

  Letting go of her now stiff nipple with a pop, he pushed her back a step. “Come on, malyshka, it is time for you to take your punishment.”

  He helped her lay over his lap, adjusting her until her toes barely skimmed the floor and she was balancing most of her weight on her palms. He spread his legs wider, giving her a better base of support and pressing his cock against her stomach. She almost moaned at the sensation of his erection beneath her and the knowledge she was turning him on. Then shame set in as she realized she truly wanted to please him, wanted him to punish her so she could make up for her lack of control. She was a submissive down to the very marrow of her bones, and she was helpless against her desire to please the man she thought of more as her Master than her captor.

  He stroked her back, murmuring something in Russian that sounded complimentary by his tone. Her skin was still slick from the oil and she hoped that would somehow lessen the impact of the spanking. Then again, a small, dirty part of her wanted it to hurt, wanted him to exert his dominance over her further. It wasn’t really her fault he turned her on. He knew exactly how to play her body and she had no choice but to endure the intense sensations.

  The rough, utterly masculine quality of his touch across her bottom had her arching into his hand. She needed to let go of herself, to let her body lead her. Fighting him wouldn’t stop him from doing anything. He was going to use her as he wished.

  To her shock, he swept one of his thick, rough fingers between the folds of her sex, gathering her arousal and spreading it around her labia. She tried to hold still, to not let him know how much he was affecting her. Unfortunately, her body seemed to have a mind of its own, and her hips tilted into his touch, giving him better access.

  “Ahh, moya sladkaya, you are so wet for me. I want to drink this sweet honey and make you give me more.”

  He found the bump of her clit and began to rub that oh so tender bit of flesh in a way that had her toes curling. Passion burned through her, pushing away her fears and doubts and replacing them with the need to please her Master. Shifting beneath her, he thrust the thumb of his free hand into her mouth.


  Eagerly opening for him, hoping that if she pleased him he’d let her come and forget about the spanking, she did as he said and groaned at the taste of his skin. To her dismay, he removed his other hand from her swollen sex and rubbed her ass. Goosebumps rose along her back and she drew in a deep breath through her nose, surrounded by his smell and taste.

  The first smack caught her unaware, and she jerked her head away from his thumb with a sharp gasp. While she was sure he hadn’t hit her with all his strength, it fucking hurt! He shoved his thumb back into her mouth, and she had to suck or choke. Another slap, this time on her right cheek.

  “I love to watch your ass dance beneath my touch, Gia. Almost as much as I love how wet you are for me. Now be a good girl and keep sucking while I administer your punishment.”

  She nodded and moaned low in her throat as he used the hand against her face to cup her chin and support her head. While she licked at his thumb he used his fingers to delicately caress her chin and jaw, a devastatingly gentle touch when compared to the harsh slap of his hand against her ass. Pain began to radiate through her bottom as he slapped her again and again, taking up no particular rhythm and leaving her constantly anticipating the smack of his hand.

  Another slap, this time to the sensitive skin where her left thigh met her ass. It stung, bad, and she cried out around his thumb.

  “Keep sucking.”

  She whimpered and tried to do as he asked, but the pain had reached the level where she couldn’t hold back the tears. When the first salty drop reached his fingers he made a pleased murmur and spanked her harder. Hell, she didn’t have to worry about the sadists downstairs, she had her very own right here. The way he made her suckle on him while submitting to his punishment tore at her mind, breaking down her mental barriers between pleasure and pain, right and wrong. She wanted to please him, to make him happy with her, but, oh, God, she couldn’t stand much more of his stinging smacks.

  With her breath hitching in her throat she began to shriek every time he hit her, over and over again.

  “Whose pussy is this?”

  “Yours, Master.” Talking around his thumb in her mouth made her voice sound garbled.

  “Yes, it is.”

  With that he hauled her off his lap and threw her back on the bed hard enough to bounce, the stinging in her ass making her cry out. She landed among the mound of taupe and cream pillows, their softness cushioning her fall. Her whole body ached, the battling sensations of the pain in the ass and the throbbing in her pussy mingling until she fairly shook with need. The overload of feelings began to fog her mind, to take her to that place deep inside of herself that Ivan seemed to find with ease.

  Ivan unbuttoned his shirt, and she sat up straighter, eager to see his body even as she scolded herself for wanting him. Inch by inch, his sculpted torso, covered in a soft mat of fur, was revealed. Most men with killer bodies like his waxed or shaved, but the hair on Ivan’s body seemed to highlight the muscles making him even more masculine.

  Why couldn’t he be the man who had won her at the auction? He was perfect. Pure sensual domination wrapped up in a bad ass package. It was almost unfair that he was so sexy. Women must be throwing themselves at him…yet he wanted her. At least temporarily.

  Making a low, hungry growl, he came onto the bed and grabbed her ankle, hauling her towards him as if she weighed no more than the pillows surrounding her. Without preamble, he shoved her legs open, his broad shoulders stretching her wide. The soft, warm brush of his lips against her inner thigh had her moaning softly and she abandoned herself to his touch, letting him do whatever he wanted to her. It wasn’t like she had much of a choice…or that’s what she told herself when guilt at her lack of resistance tried to intrude on the moment. She ground her pussy against his mouth and he nipped her labia hard enough to hurt.

  He smiled at her pained moan and looked up at her. “You have such a beautiful cunt. My cunt.”

  An altogether pleasurable shiver raced through her over stimulated nerves. Her ass burned and she shifted, trying to get more comfortable. Making a displeased sound he slapped her thigh.

  “Be still.”

  She froze. Then, unable to help herself, she arched as his mouth sealed on her swollen sex. He could hold her pussy in his mouth all at once, and his touch felt sinfully good. He didn’t tease or nibble, instead, he ate her with an aggression that curled her toes. He began to suckle that tender bundle of nerves, driving her crazy. She moaned and thrashed beneath his onslaught, unable to control her own body. His licks gentled, becoming soothing strokes that only served to drive her higher.

  “Master, please, you feel so good. May I come?”

  He didn’t lift his mouth from her sex, only shook his head. She groaned in frustration and curled her legs around his shoulders, drawing him closer. Setting her heels against his back, she began to rock her pelvis against his greedy mouth, moaning with abandon as he pressed his thick tongue into her sheath. Her pussy clamped down on him, and when he pulled away, she moaned in distress.
/>   Sitting back on the bed, he began to unbuckle his pants, then paused and looked at her where she was writhing against the comforter, her legs scissoring in an effort to alleviate the muscle-clenching need he’d unleashed in her. Damn, give the man five minutes eating her pussy, and she was ready to do anything and everything he wanted. Feeling wanton, she crawled across the bed towards him and sat back on her heels with her thighs spread, giving him an unimpeded view of her wet sex.

  “How may I serve you, Master?”

  He smiled, a slight dimple deepening next to his mouth that she hadn’t seen before. “I want you to ride me, dorogaya.”

  Sliding out of his pants, he turned his hip so she couldn’t get a good view of his cock.


  “Close your eyes and do not open them until you are about to climax.”

  Confused, she did as he asked, feeling very vulnerable without her sight to aid her. A moment later the bed shifted, and with a gentle touch, he pulled her along with him until the crisp hair of his thighs tickled against her. His warm scent enveloped her and she yearned to feel his body pinning hers to the bed.

  “Lift your leg.”

  She did as he commanded and he grasped her hips, moving her onto his lap as easily as a doll. A moment later, she heard the foil of a condom wrapper tear. When he pulled her closer the hard, very thick length of him rubbed against her slit and belly.

  Dear God, the man was hung like a bull, too.

  “Grasp my cock and put it inside of you, slowly. You have no choice. I am your Master and you will obey me.”

  She groaned and reached between them, her senses heightened by her lack of sight. The smooth, spongy tip of his dick sheathed in latex met her questing fingertips and he tensed beneath her, already hard muscle turning to steel. She’d love to look at him right now, to see his expression and know if she pleased him. As messed up as it was, she wanted to make him feel good.

  Lifting herself slightly, she rubbed the thick head of his erection back and forth through her slit, lubricating him and driving both of them crazy. He had much better patience than she did, because not once did he try to shove into her or jerk her down on him. Instead, he let her play and tease until she was panting.

  Unfulfilled need made her aggressive, wanting him in deep right now. She placed the head of his cock against her sheath and prepared to slam herself down on him. He was thick, very thick, and it would hurt, but, fuck, she needed him to fill her. To give her an anchor to hold onto as she floated in the dark depths of her mind.

  Before she could sheathe him, he gripped her hips and held her immobile, poised over his body.

  Holy shit, he was strong.

  Ever so slowly he lowered her until the fat mushroom cap of the head of his cock rubbed just inside of her entrance. The sensation had her eyes rolling back her head and she gasped. With a pleased rumble he lowered her a little more, now almost halfway inside of her. Then he pulled almost all the way back out and she groaned in frustration.

  “Beg for it, my beautiful girl.”

  “Oh, God, Master, please fuck me. Please fill me up with your cock, ease the ache that you’ve left in my body. I want to come with you inside of me, I want to feel you all over me, surrounding me. I’ve been good, please.” She squeezed down her vaginal muscles, saying a thank you to kegel exercises, and delighted in his growl. “I want to milk that big dick of yours while you come inside of me.”

  She braced her hands on his chest and he removed his hands from her hips. “You please me very much, my Gia. Show me the beauty of your willing submission.”

  Tears gathered in the back of her throat at how soft his voice sounded, filled with emotions she didn’t know if she was imagining. If she could see his face she might be able to better judge his mood, but she didn’t dare peek, not now, when she was finally going to get her release.

  His erection slid through her wet, swollen tissues in a toe-curling sensation. He was much thicker than she was used to, and the way his dick seemed to rub her clit from the inside out with each inch, drove her out of her mind. She kept her pace slow, even though her legs shook with the effort. When her pussy finally came down all the way onto his pelvis, she almost opened her eyes in shock at the feeling of bare skin against her. Evidently Ivan didn’t shave his chest, but he did shave his pelvic area. Smooth, satiny, firm skin caressed her labia as she ground herself against it.

  Fuck, he was going to destroy her with pleasure.

  Unable to resist the temptation, she reached between them and caressed the skin of his pelvis, loving how smooth it felt, how decadent. Stroking her fingers over his firm abdominals almost made her feel like she was reading some type of braille. All the ridges, bumps, and valleys entranced her. Her fingers soon found a faint trail of hair above his navel leading to the soft fur of his chest. She leaned forward and rubbed her face against him, loving the feel of his chest hair tickling her cheek.

  Rolling her hips in a long, slow circle she ground her clit against Ivan.

  “That’s my girl. Now, clamp down on me with that strong cunt of yours.”

  She did as he asked, and they both tensed at the sensation. For her, it made his cock feel even bigger, better. Beginning to move, she slid up and down his shaft. When she was coming down, she would relax, allowing him a smooth ride deep into her body, and when she drew away, she’d clamp down and torture them both.

  All too soon, her orgasm began to push against her control, spurred on by the sexy sounds Ivan was making, the rough, almost growling noises in a tone so deep and low, the vibrations seemed to caress her body. He reached up and began to play with her nipples, making her arch into his touch.

  “Please, Master, may I come?”

  “No, not yet. Play with that pretty clit of yours. Show me how you like to touch yourself when no one is watching.”

  Too aroused to be embarrassed, she reached down and began to rub her clit between her thumb and index finger. It felt so good, especially when Ivan began to move beneath her, his short, hard thrusts pushing the air from her lungs. A moment later, he brushed her hand away from her pussy and began to manipulate that bundle of nerves in a much rougher manner than she was used to. It seemed to somehow reawaken the burning pain in her ass, making her once again aware of how sore and used she felt.

  It was wonderful.

  He rubbed his lips against her neck and murmured, “So perfect, so tight. You feel amazing.”

  He pulled at her clit and slid deeper. She tensed, shaking with the need to come. Finally, he gave her mercy.

  “Open your eyes, Gia, and come for me.”

  She opened her eyes, hovering on the edge of her orgasm, feeling incredibly aroused and vulnerable. The moment her gaze locked with his turquoise one everything froze, and her soul cried out with longing. His eyes held an incredible mixture of fierce lust and a possessive demand that she lost herself in him. He tore down every wall between her soul and his without even trying.

  The pleasure spiked and she struggled to hold his gaze, but the amazing surge of her release caught her in its sharp, crystalline talons. The contractions seemed to go on and on, making her collapse against his chest as she clenched around his wonderful dick. Goddamn, he even tasted good. As she licked his chest, she savored the heady, pheromone-laden sweat mixed with his delicious cologne.

  He rolled them over so she was on her back and began to fuck her hard. Her body, so tender from her orgasm, seemed to sink into the mattress. He wrapped her legs around his waist and leaned up, easily supporting her weight as he slid her up and down his cock like his own personal sex toy. The best she could manage was to hold on, her muscles having gone on vacation and leaving her pleasure dazed mind behind. She rubbed her lips against his neck, licking the salt from his skin.

  He was so masculine, so strong.

  Nothing mattered but him.

  Raining a trail of kisses over him, she eventually reached his mouth. When their lips touched he thrust hard into her, making her gasp and open f
or his tongue. She eagerly kissed him, loving his taste, the way he moved, and how he tensed up to the point where it almost felt like she was fucking a marble sculpture.

  Their kiss deepened and his strokes grew less controlled, more erratic. He swelled deep within her, slamming her down on his cock until she fairly keened with an overwhelming urge to come. The knowledge that her Master was feeling the same thing she did, was enjoying this same bliss stroked her the right way.

  “Master,” she panted against his lips. “Please come inside of me.”

  “When I come, you come.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  He said a long string of words in Russian she didn’t understand, but boy, did they sound hot. Grasping her ass with one hand and her back with the other, he held her close and gentled their kiss. It was now a long, slow, delicious sensation that spun into her need for her orgasm. Eager to make him come, she squeezed down with her sex and released again. He made a choking sound, and she did it again, her pussy trying to suck his seed out of him.

  It didn’t take long before he bucked with his hips and growled out, “Gia, orgasm for me.”

  She clung to him, ridding out the initial hard burst of pleasure from her climax, the fact that she was only being held up by his strength, that she was only coming because he let her sending her deep down into her quiet space. Cradled in warmth, she floated, occasionally buffeted in the darkness of her mind by movements, while riding out those gentle ripples until stillness returned to her soul.

  Here, in the quiet, everything was perfect.

  She’d never felt so at peace before, so relaxed. It wasn’t until she finally allowed herself to completely let go that she became aware the aches and pains caused by tension were disappearing. Nothing hurt now and she drifted.


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