Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish)

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Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish) Page 8

by Mayburn, Ann

  She began to slowly surface from her dark ocean, drawn closer to consciousness by the slow, warm stroke of his hand over her hip. When she opened her eyes, she found Ivan had turned off the lights at some point and had them both snuggled together beneath the sheets, the comforter a heavenly weight on her body. She stretched, pressing her bottom against his semi-hard dick and sighing.


  He chuckled behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and chest, holding her close. “So, how do you like subspace?”

  She giggled, the lightness of her soul lingering and filling her with a soft joy. “I liked it very much, Master.”

  “I must say, you pleased me greatly, Gia. Perhaps I won’t accept any ransom offers and keep you for myself.”

  His words chased the tingle of pleasure from her blood, leaving her cold and the tension returning to her muscles. Oh fuck, she had to escape. Trying to keep the fear from her voice, she murmured. “Whatever my Master wishes.”

  He didn’t say anything more, just continued to hold her. Then he began to stroke her arms, smoothing the tension from her limbs. Her lack of sleep and all the shit she’d had to endure soon caught up with her, leaving her exhausted. She snuggled against him, loving the press of his body against hers and hated herself for enjoying it.

  The thought of leaving him made her heart hurt; even so, she began to plan her escape. Eventually, Ivan would leave her alone, and when he did, she was getting the fuck out of here.

  Chapter Five

  Ivan woke slowly, completely satisfied in a way he’d never known. It was like his body had let go of all of his tension with his orgasm. He’d grown so used to his muscles being tight, it had become an annoying background hum of pain. But now it was gone, all of it, and he had the woman sleeping next to him to thank for it.

  He reached out, wanting to touch her warm skin, but found only sheets. With a start, he sat up and turned on the light. Pillows had been mounded next to him in a vaguely human shape but Gia was gone. He checked the bathroom quickly and found nothing there. The sink was dry and so was the shower. Panic made his heart race as he realized Gia was missing.

  After returning to the bedroom he swore as he saw his clothes were gone as well. Thankfully she’d left him his underwear, but nothing else. He tried to rationalize that she’d gone to get something to eat, but he didn’t think so. With a sickening lurch, his stomach tightened as he realized that maybe, just maybe Gia didn’t know this was all a ruse.

  Instant guilt made his chest and he ran out the bedroom door, looking for some sign of her.

  “Gia!” he yelled at the top of his lungs, praying she would hear him and come back. If she was really trying to escape what she thought was a real abduction, she could easily get lost and hurt. Hundreds of acres on all sides were nothing but forest. The temperature was going to be close to freezing tonight and he knew her life was in danger.

  “Gia!” he yelled as he took a left and ran into his room long enough to throw on some pants, a shirt, two pairs of socks and shoes before grabbing his jacket. If he got hypothermia looking for her in his underwear he wouldn’t be much good to anyone.

  “Ivan,” he heard a man yell in a tight voice. “Here.”

  He quickly made his way across the great room of the house, a huge affair with a two-story ceiling and lots of exposed beams. A gigantic river stone fireplace flanked the far wall, and various colorful carpets and padded furniture made up different sitting groups. At the end of the room, his friend Yuri was holding his crotch while the male submissive Yuri won at the auction looked on with worry and guilt.

  With a groan Yuri glanced at Ivan and said in Russian, “Are you missing a girl?”

  Ivan nodded as guilt gnawed at him. “I’ve fucked up, big time. She doesn’t know this is a fake abduction. She thinks I really did kidnap her and am holding her for ransom.”

  Yuri glared up at him. “Wait, you faked an abduction? Is that why you needed the helicopter to yourself last night? While I did enjoy the limo ride with my new submissive, I would have liked to get home sooner. And she wouldn’t have kicked me in the balls.”

  “What happened?”

  “I saw her going outside in what were obviously not her clothes wearing only a pair of those flimsy shower slippers with some socks beneath on her feet. Of course, I wondered what the hell was going on, but I pretended not to see her as she snuck to the door. When I realized she was actually going outside in that ridicules outfit, I went to stop her so I could get her a jacket. I thought maybe you two were playing a game.”

  Yuri’s submissive, a handsome man with soft blond hair and a square jaw, interrupted them. “Hey, I don’t know what you’re talking about, but that girl is out in the woods. After she nailed Yuri, I mean my Master, in the nuts she took off. I was laughing too hard to chase her.”

  “Get some help. We need to find her before we lose all of our daylight.”

  Ivan vaguely heard his friends start yelling to each other about what was going on.

  The submissive male nodded. “You’re in luck. I’m a police officer and I’m trained in how to conduct a search. Let me get dressed and I’ll get some of your people together.”

  With a sigh Yuri finally stood. He captured his submissive’s neck in a tight grip. “You’re lucky they need you to find this girl, or I’d show you how much fun cock and ball torture can be.”

  The male submissive swallowed hard, but Ivan didn’t stick around to watch. He needed to find Gia. Right before he left he spied a throw blanket over a chair and grabbed that as well. Rolling it as he jogged, he placed it around his neck and tried to figure out which way she went. He needed to get into her mind, reason out which way she would go.

  A moment later Alex ran up to him with a backpack. “Hey, heard what you said. They have an emergency backpack in case someone gets lost.”

  “Thank you.” He slipped the pack on and tightened it until it sat right. “I’m going after her. Hopefully, I can find her before nightfall.”

  “There’s a thermal blanket in there along with enough food and water for a day. There’s also a flashlight that’s bright as hell and some other stuff. It should give us something to track. We’re getting the helicopter ready just in case we can spot her before full dark falls. If you find her, stay where you are and point the light up into the sky.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Good luck.”

  Turning to the forest again he tried to shut out all of his emotions and focus on the probabilities. He had a unique gift of being able to figure out the most likely scenarios, and it paid off in his military and civilian life. He knew she was a long distance runner so she’d probably try to use that to her advantage, not realizing she was only putting herself in greater danger. Ivan didn’t know these woods or this area so he was as blind as she was to any pitfalls that could break legs or natural predators. He wasn’t sure if they had bears here like they did where he grew up in Russia, but he had a feeling her greatest threat was going to be dehydration and hypothermia. Her entrance into the woods was easy to spot. Branches had been broken and the green smell of recently crushed vegetation still scented the air. Saying a quick prayer, he picked the route of least resistance through the undergrowth and trees.

  Gia leaned against a moss-covered boulder and tried to slow her speeding heart. She knew better than to sprint, especially in a pair of flip- flops. Thankfully they were made of a soft terry type material on top so they didn’t cut into her, but they sure as fuck made running awkward at best. Her arches were killing her and she could already feel a Charlie horse wanting to form in her right calf. Like a dumbass she’d given into her fear and had run as fast as she could from the house and into the forest. She had no idea how long she’d run, only that the sun had set almost completely and soon it would be full dark. Overhead the last of twilight brightened the sky and she almost moaned in despair.

  Her ill-considered escape plan had not included the house being situated in the middle of now
here. She’d been surprised the door had been unlocked when she made her escape, then reasoned that they’d never expected her to get away from Ivan. At the thought of the big, amazing, morally corrupt man who she wished was her Master she felt even worse.

  She’d fallen for losers before, but this was a new low for her. When he’d touched her last night she’d been dying for him, encouraging him to take her harder. They’d made love three more times after their initial encounter, one of them rousing in their sleep to stroke the other and slide their bodies together. The third time, it had been her turning to Ivan as he slept, taking his deliciously thick cock into her mouth. Without a doubt, she’d wanted him more than she’d ever wanted anyone and her shame knew no bounds.

  Pushing herself from the cold stone, she looked around for a place to sleep tonight. While she might be excessively stupid at times, she wasn’t purposely suicidal. Walking around in the woods during the night was next to impossible. She’d be better off if she found someplace to curl up and keep warm until dawn. Wincing as her calves cramped up, she made her way over to a pine tree and looked down at the bed of needles beneath the thick branches. It looked relatively creature-free, so she went and grabbed a bunch of long wild fern stems and tried to lay them out enough so she wouldn’t be covered in pine needles. With a grunt she sat beneath the branches and took a deep breath.

  She was cold, tired, hungry, and heartsick. The fact that she hadn’t eaten since yesterday gnawed at her gut, adding to her misery. Tears began to fall, and she didn’t stop them. A breeze blew through the forest, and the path of her tears cooled, then chilled. She ventured a little farther out to gather more ferns before the light was totally gone, hoping she could layer them over her like a blanket. There was enough illumination to see by as she crawled back beneath the tree and pulled as many leaves onto her as she could.

  What happened over the next few hours was the closest thing to hell she’d ever felt. She was so, so very cold. Her body shivered in uncontrollable jerks. With her hands between her thighs she tried to curl into a ball as tightly as possible. The forest was in almost complete darkness, and she swore she kept feeling bugs crawling over her. She berated herself a thousand times over for doing this, wishing with all her might she was back with Ivan right now.

  Yes, he was scary. Yes, he was a criminal, but he’d also been good to her—at least so far. While she was sure he’d be seriously pissed when he found her, she would endure anything to be warm again. Freezing to death had to be one of the most painful ways to die and she hoped the numbness of her toes didn’t indicate frostbite. She’d lost feeling in her ears a couple times, but then she’d cup her hands over them until they thawed. But now her hands were becoming cold no matter where she put them on her body and she was afraid to fall asleep. She’d watched enough recue shows to know that when a freezing person fell asleep, they didn’t wake up.

  Her thoughts slowed and her shivers began to wind down as well. She thought maybe she was dying because she swore she heard her name. Craning her neck towards the sound, she saw a bright light and was sure she was dead. But if she was dead, why did she still hurt?

  The thoughts spun through her head like bubbles on the wind, insubstantial and fleeting. Someone called her name again and she recognized the rough accent.


  “Here,” she croaked out, her throat completely dry.

  He came closer. “Gia!” His voice was rough and starting to break.

  Taking a deep breath, she tried to sit up on numb arms. “Here.”

  The beam of light swung away from her and she cried out, a harsh and jagged sound that hurt her throat like nails. Terrified he wouldn’t see her, she tried to scramble out from beneath the tree but her limbs didn’t want to respond. A burst of adrenaline leant her some strength and she moved a few feet out from beneath the branches.

  A moment later the light hit her and stayed on her.

  “Gia!” Ivan’s voice held so much relief, she started to cry again.

  When he reached her, he set his light down and immediately shrugged off his backpack before he picked her up. The shivers started again as she tried to tell him she was sorry, but she couldn’t form words around the chattering of her teeth. In the harsh light of the flashlight, his face was all highlights and deep shadows, but the strain was obvious.

  He was clearly worried about her.

  The thought spun around in her head as he set her down. “Hold on, Gia. Let me get this set up and we’ll get you warm.”

  She could barely keep her eyes open, the last of her energy exhausted. He then began to undress her and she wondered why he wanted to have sex now. Her shivers had stopped again and a comfortable fuzziness blanketed her skin. With a grunt he lifted her against him and he slid them into some kind of gigantic foil bag. He must have put their clothing beneath the bag because there was a buffer in-between her and the ground. Next he drew a blanket over them and wrapped his big body around hers. With a rough gasp she clung to him, turning her face on his chest to warm herself. She started to shake again, more like convulsions than shivers. He pulled her tight and she absently noted he was naked, but she couldn’t care less.

  He was warm.

  Blissfully, wonderfully, warm.

  Though he startled at the touch of her cold skin, soon he was briskly rubbing her hands. “You are freezing.”

  For a moment he moved away from her and she stuttered out a protest. “I have heated packages.”

  Wondering what the hell he was talking about, she watched as he rubbed some kind of gel pack briskly before placing it in her hands. The instant heat felt like it was burning her skin but she moaned, slowly becoming aware of how cold she still was as the numbness faded from her limbs. Little pinpricks of pain came from her hands then Ivan placed another two gel packs down by her feet.

  When he pulled her into his arms he resumed stroking her. “Gia, are you okay?”

  She nodded, then snuggled closer to him.

  “I’m so, so sorry. I didn’t know you weren’t aware this was all fake.”

  Her teeth chattered as she looked up at him, but she managed to stutter out, “What?”

  “You aren’t really kidnapped. I won you at the auction. I was trying to fulfill your capture fantasy so I staged the kidnapping.”

  “You…asshole,” she managed to stutter out. Anger warmed her blood and she gripped the gel pack, releasing another rush of heat to her frigid hands. “You fucking asshole!”

  “Your throat sounds dry, let me get you some water.”

  She wanted to kick him in the nuts and cover him with kisses at the same time. Most of all, she was immensely relieved to know she wasn’t going to die and wasn’t losing her mind by falling for her captor. When he lifted her gently to help her drink, she could see the guilt and regret in his gaze.

  After she was done, he recapped the bottle and helped her turn in the tight bag so her icy back was to his front. When she pressed her cold butt against his groin he yelped. “Shit!”

  He brushed her hair to the side and began to kiss her icy ear, slowly warming it with his lips and breath. “I’m so sorry, Gia. I will return you immediately and pay for any therapy you need. I cannot begin to tell you how ashamed I am of myself and my actions. To know that I caused you fear is intolerable to me.”

  The way he rubbed his hand over her hip combined with his lips on her skin started a burning warmth of another nature. Fifteen minutes ago she’d been sure she was going to die alone out here, and now she had this big, gloriously warm male touching her with such tenderness. When her shivers subsided and heat continued to build within the bag, she finally let out a long sigh.

  “I’m hungry.”

  He sat up, being careful to not let the heat escape from the bag. Now that her brain had thawed she watched him as he dug through the pack. He really was a handsome man, if in an unconventional way. While she was still pissed at him, she also felt bad for Ivan. He obviously felt terrible that he hadn’t figured out she re
ally didn’t know what was going on. When he handed her the energy bar she quickly ate it and washed it down with big gulps of water. The air outside the bag was frigid so she quickly snuggled up to Ivan.

  “They will find us soon,” he said in a low voice against the top of her head. “The helicopter is looking for me and it will see my flashlight shining through the trees.”

  Rubbing her face against the soft fur of his chest hair, she wrapped her arms around him as best she could. “I’m so happy you’re not a criminal.”

  He stiffened, then laughed and relaxed against her. “Me too.”

  “Did you really not know I wasn’t aware this was a fake kidnapping?”

  He shook his head, the movement rubbing his face against her hair. “I thought you were a very good actress. Though I’m glad to say I know your climaxes weren’t fake.”

  The way she’d orgasmed over and over for him, doing anything he wanted, giving herself to him made her sex contract. He smelled so good and he’d rescued her. She was going to live. That probably deserved some type of reward.

  Moving her arm down his torso, she let her fingertips trace the firm sections of his muscles and marveled at how little body fat he had. When she reached the indentation of his belly button he grabbed her wrist. “What are you doing?”

  In response, she moved her head until she could rub her lips over one of his hard nipples. “I’m thanking you.”

  “No, it is not necessary.” She used her other hand reach between them and cup his increasingly hard cock in her fist. He groaned then said, “Please, Gia, you don’t have to do this. I don’t deserve it. I’m a bastard.”

  She slung her leg over his hip and he tried to turn away from her, but that only made her roll on top of him. A cold breeze drifted into the bag and she leaned down closer to his body. In the weird half-light from the flashlight he watched her with narrowed eyes, but didn’t try to move her body off of his.

  The hot shaft of his erection rubbed against her butt cheeks and when she wiggled he groaned. “Gia, please…”


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