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Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish)

Page 16

by Mayburn, Ann

  Reaching around on the wall, she located the light switch and rushed to the first mirror she spotted. With a low moan she walked up to the glass and tried to wipe at her face. Her mascara had indeed melted down her cheeks in dark tracks from her tears. She dabbed at her smeared eye shadow with a tissue until she didn’t resemble a clown on meth. Her lipstick was long gone and she had swollen lips from Ivan’s firm kisses.

  With a wince, she turned so she could see her butt. As soon as she saw the bruising starting to rise up in places she bit her lip. Sitting would be an issue for the next few days, and there were a couple very visible bite marks. Bending, she swore she could actually see the bruising imprint of Ivan’s big hand blooming quite nicely on her ass.

  There was no doubt she hurt, and would hurt more tomorrow, but she absolutely loved the way he’d marked her. In her experience, a man only marked a woman if he wanted a very visible stamp of ownership. For fuck’s sake, she had his teeth marks all over her. Can’t get more obvious than that. Turning slowly, she looked at her front and traced her fingertip on one particularly dark imprint of his teeth on the mound of her breast. The bite would easily show if she wore a shirt that revealed any kind of cleavage.

  Ivan had come into the bathroom, and the way he smiled when he found her playing with his bite mark made her knees weak. Open affection shone in his face as he strode forward, gloriously aroused and nude, then swept her into his arms. With a low groan, he lifted her high enough to lick at the bite mark on her breast. Once again, she was reminded of the lion, or the wolf licking his mate, or considering Ivan’s size and his wonderfully furry chest, a bear. His touch brought a warm wave of comfort that left her sighing in pleasure.

  He lowered her to her feet then turned on the water in the shower. It was a beautiful green and silver marble affair with multiple chrome showerheads, and warm amber light bathed them in a soft golden glow. Turning, he took her hand and pulled her into the water with him. The way he held her so gently made her heart melt, and she cupped his face with her hands, wanting to tell him her feelings but scared of his reaction. They only had a few days left, but she was sure if she didn’t tell him how she felt she’d regret it for the rest of her life.

  She almost said something, but fear made her bite back the words and turn away from his gaze. “Thank you for tonight.”

  Holding her closer, Ivan placed a sound kiss on the top of her head. “I have never had such a good time with anyone, Gia.”

  Blinking back the water from the showerhead, she searched his face. “Me, too.”

  His expression became serious and thoughtful. “Would you like to come to Moscow with me?”

  “What?” She’d have stumbled back if he wasn’t holding her so securely. “Are you crazy?”

  His expression shut down and she swore a chill raced down her spine. “I’m sorry, I misread your interest in me.”

  When his hands slipped from her waist she pushed him back against the shower wall. “No, you didn’t. I...I really like you Ivan, a lot. Like more than I should and it scares me. But I can’t go to Moscow with you.”

  “Why not?”

  “Well, for one thing, don’t you have to get like special permission to go there or something?”

  “You have your passport, in fact I have it in a safe along with your other papers, a set of your clothes, and your purse.”

  She blinked at him, trying to rationalize why she couldn’t do this when her heart was begging her to say yes. “We don’t know each other.”

  “This is true. Which is why, when we arrive in Moscow, I will give you your own space. I own vast amounts of real estate in Russia.” He got a rather savage gleam in his eye. “In fact, I’m the top ten percent of private property owners in Moscow. Or at least my corporation is. Do not worry about any papers you might need. My family has connections and I will take care of it.”

  She frowned, wishing they weren’t having this conversation in the shower. His hard cock pressed against her, and as usual, her hormones went crazy at his touch. Her hunger was already rising for him, and she wondered if there would ever be a time when she could be around Ivan without wanting to jump his bones. But all the best sex in the world wouldn’t keep her happy.

  She needed love.

  “Why do you really want me to come with you, Ivan? You have your choice of any woman in the world. No offense, but I won't be any man’s mistress, not even yours.”

  His lips thinned. “I do not want you as a mistress. I want you to come with me because it makes me feel good to have you near me. That is, until you get that stubborn little frown on your face, which I also find cute. You’re like an angry puppy.”

  The need to have him inside of her grew, but so did her temper. “I’m serious.”

  He sobered. “I know you are. The truth is, I don’t know. None of this makes sense to me either. I hope you will believe me when I say I’m in uncharted waters with you. No one has ever made me feel like this. It is like the world is better when you are with me.”

  She wanted so much to believe him, but she’d been sweet talked more than once by some asshole. Having her heart broken more than a couple times made her instantly suspicious of charming men. At least, it usually did. Ivan seemed so sincere, and she knew she wasn’t misreading the heavy emotions in his gaze. In fact, she felt like she knew him better than she’d ever known anyone, in a weird way.

  “What about my job?”

  “What about it? You don’t have to work when you’re with me.”

  “Uh-uh, buster.” She pushed herself out of his arms and put her hands on her hips. The effect was slightly ruined because of her wet and naked state. “I’m not anyone’s house pet.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I worked my ass off for my degree. Do you know how many times I had to choose between eating and paying for books? I worked two part time jobs while I was in school and usually averaged five to six hours of sleep a night. Why in the world would I give it up now, when I’ve finally started to achieve my dreams?”

  Instead of answering her, he took down a bottle of body wash and poured it into his palm. The sweet scent of oranges and the perfume of bergamot filled the steamy air. “Come here, my Gia.”

  God she loved it when he said her name like that, all growly and sexy. She took a reluctant step forward. Ivan closed the distance between them with a sigh and began to gently wash and massage her left hand.

  “That feels good, but I’m still mad.”

  “You do have a temper.”

  She started to protest, but he hit a tense muscle in her palm that had her sighing. “I do.”

  He grinned, moving up to wash her arm now. The callouses on his big hands gently rasped over her skin, making her shiver. He washed her in silence for a few minutes and she didn’t try to break it. Her mind spun with the implications of his words, and for a brief moment, she allowed herself to indulge in the fantasy of being his woman. Then reality stepped in and brought up all the scary things about moving across the world to be with a man she barely knew. The part of her mind that loved a good fairytale when she was a little girl was urging Gia to go for it, but she’d stopped believing in fairytales a long time ago.

  Ivan gently turned her and tilted her head back. “I’m going to wash your hair.”

  He tucked her closer to him and she enjoyed the sensation of his big, solid mass pressing against her and his hard dick nestled between them. Ivan was such an intensely sexual man, she wondered if he had it in him to be monogamous. Of course, being into BDSM didn’t make him a swinger, but for all she knew, he wanted a submissive at home to play with on the nights he didn’t feel like going to a club.

  His thick fingers massaged her scalp and she tried to relax into his touch, but it was hard. “Gia, I apologize.”

  “For what?”

  “For assuming you’d want to stay at home and live a life of pampered leisure.”

  She relaxed somewhat against him as she grinned. “When you put it li
ke that I feel silly for being mad.”

  “No, I think I understand. You are like me. We both sacrificed much to get where we are and we love what we do. I tried to put myself in your place.” He tipped her head back so he could rinse the soap out of her hair. “It is something I do when I’m making business deals. I try to see the world through your eyes. If I can do that, I can usually figure out what I need to do next.”

  She shook her head beneath the shower. “I love my job. I really do. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have spent the last seven years busting my ass for my degrees. It’s not just a job to me, it’s my passion. I love to design buildings. Seeing my vision come to life is…it’s like watching a part of my soul put up for the world to see.”

  He uncapped another bottle, this time conditioner, and worked it through her hair. Ivan was, by far, the best bath time buddy she’d ever had. If this was what he meant by pampering her, she could get used to this treatment, especially when he was sounding so rational and logical while she was a hot emotional mess. She’d never wanted anyone as badly as she wanted Ivan, and it scared her. On the other hand, imagining a future with him was all too easy, a sure sign he’d managed to fuck her stupid. She was absolutely sure of one thing about herself, she was not some hopeless romantic. In fact, most men she knew were more romantic than she was. With Ivan though, all she wanted to do was share her heart with him.

  “So, what do you see when you try to put yourself in my place.”

  He rinsed her hair, then turned her around so she faced him. The intense look in his eyes definitely made him look like he could either read her mind, or he’d be really good at hypnotizing someone. Either way she found herself drowning in him and she couldn’t summon the strength to resist.

  This moment was everything she’d been looking for, complete surrender to a Master. She opened herself to him, offering her heart in her gaze, trying to make him see how vulnerable she was to him. His lips curved into a smooth, warm smile.

  “There we go. You want to make this work with me, but you’re apprehensive, and with good reason. You are not a stupid woman and you are not weak-willed. I will have to respect your opinion, but I will not tolerate any shit from you in the bedroom. Once we’re in our private space together, you become mine completely. I will not be content with just having you, Gia. I will want to own you. Already the urge to see you in my collar eats at me and I struggle to hold myself back.”

  His open honesty, and pretty correct presumption of her state of mind had her smiling even as she sighed and gave him an irritated look. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “Kiss me?”

  Giggling, she splashed water at him. “No.”

  “Want me to kiss you?”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “Ahhh. I know exactly what you need.” The lusty gleam in his eye should have warned her. When he spun her around so her back was against the shower wall and sank to his knees, she almost passed out from a fierce onslaught of desire. Her clit hardened and her arousal began to make her sex slick for his entry. “You want me to kiss your pussy like I kiss your beautiful mouth. This is what you need.”

  His complete confidence was quickly backed up when he began to gently kiss her sex like he was seducing her mouth. All she could do was to try to remain standing. Then he began to French kiss her, sliding his tongue through her folds in a way that had her grasping onto his shoulders. The big muscles beneath her hands reminded her of how strong he was.

  Which allowed her to do things like this.

  “Hold me. You’re too good. I’m going to fall.”

  His pleased growl against her pussy did take the last of the strength left in her legs, but she didn’t move an inch. He held her against the wall, his arm supporting her ass while he ate the fuck out of her. The way he sucked on her clit, then began to rub his tongue over it had her screaming out his name as her climax hit hard and fast. He pulled back and began to lap at her sex, then thrust his tongue in deep enough to make her pussy clench again in a mind numbing rush of need. There was no way it should be physically possible for her to want him again mere seconds after coming, but she did. The orgasms he gave her drained her emotionally and physically, leaving her feeling so damn good inside and out.

  When he stood back up, she was pleasantly aroused and languid from her release. He lifted her into his arms and dipped his head for a kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back, delighted she didn’t have to worry about being too heavy. Ivan was so strong, she knew he could hold her like this all day.

  He broke their kiss and slid her down his body. “Come, you need to get dried off. I took the liberty of ordering some dessert for us. You’ll need your energy.”

  She giggled and managed to make it out of the shower on shaky legs without falling and killing herself. Ivan shut the water off and she grabbed two lush grey towels off the nearby rack. To her pleasant surprise they were warm and she grinned at another perk of living the high life. She’d never have to dry off with a chilly towel again like a peasant. That silly thought sent her off into another fit of giggles.

  Ivan wrapped his arms around her. “Give me those towels.”

  She handed one to him and sighed as he wrapped her up. After securing the other towel around his waist, he began to pat her with a gentle, but firm touch. He placed a trail of kisses over her skin as he went in a way that brought tears to her eyes. He made her feel too much. She didn’t know how to handle her emotions around him. In a way, he made her feel like an awkward teenager with her first boyfriend. This was so different from anything she’d ever done all she could do was react.

  Ivan glanced up and gave her an understanding look. “Come on. Let’s wrap you up and get you fed.”

  He stripped off her towel and helped her into a thick, comfortable black robe. In a way, the plush fabric made her feel like she was being hugged by a stuffed teddy bear. He tried to wrap her hair up for her in a towel, but he couldn’t quite get it to stay. Finally he blew out a frustrated breath.

  “I must admit, I’ve never tried to do this for a woman before.”

  “Dry her hair?”


  She turned and took the towel from him, flipping forward so she could do it. “Why?”

  “I’ve never felt the need to take care of someone as much as I want to take care of you.”

  She flipped back up and secured the towel. “Can we not talk about serious stuff for a little bit? I mean, I’m kinda shell-shocked here. I’d like to eat and cuddle if that’s okay.”

  He held out his hand, but he couldn’t quite hide the hurt in his eyes. “Of course.”

  When they entered the bedroom she let out a soft gasp. A lovely, romantic display of milk, cookies, and cupcakes graced the table in the dining area. A vase of colorful flowers accented the meal, and the lighting had been turned down to give the room an intimate atmosphere. She flushed and tried to remember if Ivan had closed the door to the bathroom. Well, even if he hadn’t no one could have seen anything through the heavily frosted glass, but they sure as heck would have heard her.

  Suddenly famished, she grabbed a giant oatmeal and raisin cookie, grinning when she found it was still warm from the oven. Her first bite was bliss and she shook her head as she chewed. “I could eat everything here, so you better grab something before I do.”

  Ivan laughed and took a chocolate cupcake. “I find that hard to believe. You need to gain weight so I definitely encourage you to have a bite of everything.”

  She grinned at him, then took a sip of her milk before saying, “I love food. Love it. But I also love running so it balances out. I can eat like a pig then go clear my mind with a good eight mile run.”

  “I like to run as well, but I usually only manage to get five miles in. It’s hard to find time for a good run.”

  “Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending upon your perspective, I am a dreadfully boring person. I work all the time and hardly ever go out.”

  “What ab
out your local BDSM club?”

  “Oh, I go there a dozen or so times a month.” He raised his eyebrows and she flushed. “What? There’s no judgment there. I can talk with people and be myself. I’m not always there to play, but sometimes I do.”

  “I don’t like hearing about another man touching you.”

  She had to resist rolling her eyes. While dominant men were wonderful in so many ways, they had quirks that made her want to kick them in the ass. Like being uber possessive. She didn’t want to make Ivan mad, but he needed to know she would only let him take it so far.

  “Ditto. Are there any girlfriends of yours I need to be aware of?”

  “I was dating a few women, but nothing serious.”

  She took another drink to wet her suddenly dry mouth. “Am I something serious?”

  He studied her and her heart threatened to break if he rejected her now. “Yes, Gia, you are.”

  His words scared her, while at the same time, her soul relished the idea of being Ivan’s 'something serious'. Her mind was spinning a thousand miles an hour, and she took a deep breath and blew it out. While it wasn’t a declaration of everlasting love, which would have sent her running out the door, it was nice to know she meant something to Ivan. She really was too tired for more drama tonight, so she said one word that summed up all her chaotic feelings.


  She grabbed a cupcake with yellow frosting and what looked like sugar snowflakes on it. Intrigued, she took a bite and moaned in bliss. “Oh my God, this is like some kind of crazy good vanilla mint. You have to try this. It’s like it has a hint of birthday cake to it.”

  He obediently opened for her, the fine lines around his eyes deepening with humor. They spent the next hour eating and talking about their lives. She learned Ivan was one of three children. He had a younger brother living in Kazan, Russia and a sister living in Japan with her husband and two children. His parents passed away a few years ago from different illnesses, and he had an uncle he was very close to who was like his surrogate father.


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