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Heavenly Returns

Page 18

by Karin De Havin

  Ryan scrunched up his face. “You mean like the ones on Star Trek?”

  “Yep. I’m actually on a shuttle headed toward you right now. My father hid it in the ballroom of the palace behind a cloaking device.”

  “Wow, this is crazy. It’s like being on a sci-fi TV show.”

  “Yep. I’m pinching myself constantly as I watch Earth grow closer and closer.”

  “So you’re going to be here soon?”

  “Think we should be there in about an hour. Still getting used to the whole speed of light thing.”

  He laughed. “I can’t wait to see you.”

  I wondered about his conversation with Trinity. “Me too. Keep your eye out for Palmer. I’m sure he saw us take off. He won't be far behind.”

  “Okay, I’ll tell the UFO guys. We’ll be ready, don't you worry.”

  “Great. I’ll be there soon.” Jealousy crept up on me. “And Ryan, I’d cancel that date with Trinity if I were you.”


  The beauty of Earth filled the cockpit window as we sped toward our landing spot. I’d never take my planet for granted ever again. I checked to made sure Celery and Austin were buckled in tight. Then I took the seat next to the pilot. The moment I’d been planning for and yet dreading had finally arrived. The pilot pointed to an illuminated screen in the middle of the control console. “You want me to land in the thicket of trees. Is that correct?”

  “Yes, I’m hoping it will conceal the shuttle long enough for us to get off the ship. Once we exit you’ll put on the cloaking device, understood?”

  He nodded. “You realize we will be destroying at least fifty trees in the process.”

  The more time I spent with the Katran, the more I realized they were very analytical, like the fictional Vulcans. They also respected plants and animals far more than people. “I realize the woods will lose some trees, but it can't be helped.”

  He didn’t say anything more. Despite his personal feelings about the trees, he knew he had to follow orders from his commander. Taylor Anderson, a commander, what a concept.

  The pilot pointed to a bright blue switch near the joystick. “You will contact me when you want to implement the cocooning device, correct?”

  Mr. X had installed a special present for me at the last minute. A giant gun that could zap a hundred people or more. I’d asked him for a Godzilla-sized cocoon and he delivered. “Yes.” I adjusted my second earpiece. “When I have Palmer and his men right where I want them, I’ll give you the order.

  “Understood, commander.” He tapped the shuttle intercom. “Prepare for landing.”

  Celery double-checked her seat harness. “Make sure your tray tables are up and all personal devices are turned off.”

  Austin laughed. “Don't forget about the overhead bins.”

  The pilot’s eyebrows furrowed. I gave him a smile. “Just a little Earthling humor.”

  Before I could pull my seat harness nice and tight, the shuttle shook for a quick second and then touched down. The pilot lowered the exit ramp. “A total of seventy-two trees were destroyed.”

  I unbuckled my harness and motioned for Celery and Austin to follow me. As I stood on the ramp, the sound of breaking branches filled the air. “Make that seventy-three trees.”

  We pulled out our guns and raced down the ramp. Celery glanced back at the shuttle. “T, look, how cool. The shuttle is gone and all the trees are back.”

  How awesome. No one could tell we landed except for the pungent odor of crushed maple bark. I tapped my earpiece. “I just signaled Ryan and the UFO guys. They’re about a mile away.”

  We crouched down, moving quickly through the woods until we hit a clearing where the cotton fields began. Rows of white tufted plants went on for miles. We worked our way down the aisles heading south toward my rendezvous point with Ryan.

  Out of the corner of my eye I saw a person standing at the end of the row next to us. “Either that’s Ryan or we have company.”

  Austin pulled out his ray gun. “You want me to check it out?”

  “No. I’ll run recon on this. Alone.”

  Celery gave me a wink. “She wants to have a quick roll in the cotton with Ryan.”

  Like I had the time. “If I’m not back in two minutes, take him out.”

  They both nodded as I crouched down and moved down the row as quietly as I could. When I hit the end of the field, I spied a pair of shoes. I’d recognize the beat up Nikes anywhere. “Hey, hottie, want a girlfriend?”

  Ryan pulled me into his arms and kissed me hard. Then he stroked my face. “I already have one.”

  I pushed a stray hair off his forehead. “Darn. You’re just my type. Is her name Trinity?”

  Ryan swallowed hard. “We just met for dinner to talk shop.” He kissed me again. “You’re the only one for me.”

  A shadow loomed over us. “See, Austin,” Celery said, “I told you they were going to roll in the cotton.”

  I brushed off my jeans and stood up, satisfied Trinity was no threat. Back to business. “Ryan, where are the rest of the guys?”

  “They’re over in the wheat field double-checking the lasers. From the chatter on the UFO sites, some kind of enormous spacecraft appeared in the sky over Georgia.”

  I knew Palmer would follow the shuttle. “Ok. Take me to the landing spot.”

  Ryan led us across the cotton field and down a dirt road until we hit a field of wheat. I didn’t notice the UFO guys at first, only the loud sound of something whirring. Then Brice’s head popped up. He waved us over. “So glad you made it. We have double-checked all the lasers and they are ready to go. Clark reached out to a friend at a tech firm, so we upgraded the outer array to industrial strength lasers. That should totally throw off the navigation signals on the mothership.”

  Ryan patted Brice on the back. “These guys are awesome. They’ve been working overtime, laying the extensive network of cables to two big generators.”

  That explained the endless orange cords snaking through the field. “Thanks for coming through, Brice. We really needed your help.”

  He beamed. “Anything for a cool alien like you.”

  Celery laughed. “She is pretty cool, even if she doesn't have antennae.”

  I held up my fist about to punch her in the arm when my earpiece clicked on. “My daughter, according to our instruments the mothership is about to penetrate Earths atmosphere. The invasion will commence in minutes. 20:00 at the latest.”

  So Palmer stepped up the timeline by an hour.

  A loud boom rocked the sky as a pulsing lavender light raided across the clouds.

  “I’m on it, Father.” I signaled the UFO squad. “Palmer’s almost here, start the lasers.”

  Brice put his fingers together and whistled. He yanked on my shirtsleeve, “Everyone, duck!” We all hit the ground as the buzz of the powerful lasers lit up the sky. In seconds the mothership blasted through the cloud cover, heading right for its landing spot. The ship swerved back and forth before it shuddered to a stop. It hovered overhead for a second. So much for Brice’s boast that the lasers would force the ship into the Gulf of Mexico.

  A huge light beam shot out of the bottom of the ship and hit the ground so hard it caused a tremor. Were they going to fire the torpedoes next? “Guys, we need to take cover. The ship has torpedoes.”

  Before we could find a safe place to hide, three small silver pod shaped objects bounced to the ground. A pod about the size of a Volkswagen Beetle rolled just fifty feet from us. A hatch popped open and twenty of Palmer’s men jumped out. Ryan whispered, “How could they all fit in there?”

  I watched as the men exited the pods and branched out in all directions and disappeared into the wheat field. “We need to find a way to herd them together.”

  Austin pointed out the obvious. “I don’t see Palmer anywhere.”

  “Maybe he’s hiding among his men. I wouldn't put it past him to wear a disguise. ” I signaled Brice and the rest of the UFO crew. “You guys did an aweso
me job, now I need you to use the lasers to start a fire in the field. It will force the men out in the open.”

  Neo and Scott nodded and ran for the lasers as Ryan and I gave them cover, shooting blue cocoons into the air. Two of Palmer’s men spotted us and fired some kind of laser weapon straight at us.

  Ryan grabbed his arm. Blood seeped through his shirt. I pulled him close. “Are you okay?”

  He nodded. “Don’t worry about me. Go help Neo and Scott. Palmer’s men are right on their tail.”

  I raced after Neo as he zigzagged through the field, trying to keep from getting hit. One of Palmer’s men spotted me and aimed his weapon at my chest. I ducked as fast as I could, but the laser tagged me just below my collarbone. The pain radiated across my chest making it hard to breathe. I fought to stay conscious. Someone reached out for me as I collapsed on the ground. “Taylor, stay with me.”

  The smell of burning wheat filled the air. Neo and Scott had done their job.

  Ryan helped me sit up. The pain from the laser burn began to throb. “Man, that was close.”

  He gave me a gentle hug. “You had me worried for a second.” Ryan motioned toward the wheat field. “Look, Palmer’s men are out in the open!”

  I clicked on my shuttle earpiece. “Launch the cocoon, now!”

  A blue light radiated out from the woods and headed straight toward Palmer’s men. In a few seconds, a giant blue cocoon enveloped seventy soldiers. Luckily, the blast of air from launching the giant cocoon blew the main section of the fire out. Victory loomed close, but only if we caught Palmer. But like a typical coward, he didn’t even land with his men. He must be holed up on the mothership. I signaled Celery. “Time to finish this.”

  Clicking on Father’s earpiece, I sucked in a breath. The moment of truth. “Transport me into Palmer’s cabin. He’s on board the ship, isn’t he?”

  “Yes, but are you certain you are up for the task? I heard you are injured.”

  “I’m fine, Father. It’s just a scratch.”

  “Very well. Then good luck, my daughter, may the force be with you.”

  I laughed. Father finally understood Earthling humor. “It better be!”

  My body tingled all over as the transporter beam sucked me through space. In a second, I stood in Palmer’s cabin on the mothership. Every nerve in my body sizzled as I took in the sleek white leather and chrome trimmed room. Strange, Father told me he was here but where? With my ray gun held high, I searched the cabin. The living room area held a modern low-backed couch and two barrel-shaped chairs but no sign of Palmer. Just beyond it stood a frosted glass partition wall. Sweat dripped down my neck as I crouched down and slowly peeked behind the wall. A queen-sized platform bed hovered just above the floor. The bedding stretched firmly across the mattress. No sign of Palmer here.

  Tightening my grip on the ray gun, I moved to the very back of the cabin. The outlines of a door punctuated the middle of the upholstered back wall. I slowly turned the knob and opened the door a crack. There sat Palmer with his pants down around his ankles on a white pillbox-shaped object. He must have a nervous stomach to be in the bathroom so much. I stood staring down at him. He sat mesmerized by a scene on his tablet screen ignoring me. Probably watching Katran porn. I stomped my foot and his head jerked up. The surprise and embarrassment on his face grew even larger when I aimed the gun at his crotch. “I’ve been wanting to zap your ass for a long time.”

  He threw up his hands and covered his face as the blue cocoon spread across his body. Despite the fact he’d literally been caught with his pants down, he fought hard against the cocoon as it worked its way up to his face. Palmer shouted out right before the cocoon covered his mouth, “This isn't the end! I will be the ruler of Earth!”

  I kicked his cocoon out of the bathroom door, ignoring the electric shocks as I dug my heel into his chest. “There’s only one place you’re going to rule, a prison cell.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Love Conquers All, Right?

  We’d done it. Palmer and his men were defeated. Father’s men towed the shuttle back into the giant ballroom for safekeeping. I patted the wing as it passed by me. “Thanks, girl, you rocked it.” Now I knew why pilots felt like their planes were people. I had a special bond with the shuttle after our time in battle together. She’d performed flawlessly. I walked with newfound confidence into the palace to meet Father. With the help of the UFO guys and my team we’d stopped the invasion of Earth.

  Father stood waiting for me by the palace living room. He went to hug me but I stepped back. The burn still throbbed like crazy when I touched it. “Are you all right, my daughter? Is the wound bothering you?”

  “I’m fine. We’ll just have to save the hug for another day.”

  Father frowned. “Your pain is great.” He reached out and touched the wound. “This should reduce it greatly.”

  In seconds the pain almost disappeared. “So the Katran have healing powers, too?”

  He nodded. “Yes, but only for non-life-threatening injuries. We do not have the power to regenerate life or I would have saved you when you first came to Heaven.”

  I had no doubt. I ran my hand along the burn, amazed at the power he did have. The wound had healed completely over already. “I’m feeling much better, thanks.”

  He hugged me tight. “I am so proud of you, my daughter.”

  “I can’t take all the credit. I had the help of my friends on Earth and Mr. X’s giant cocoon gun. It did all the work.”

  “Don't be modest, my daughter. You caught Palmer yourself. And in a rather compromising position I heard.”

  I laughed, flashing on the image of him on the toilet with his pants down. “Yeah, it was awesome. Now that he’s captured, how are you going to punish him?”

  “Our council must convene to determine his fate.”

  “Do the Katran believe in the death penalty?”

  “No. We believe in more psychological forms of punishment.”

  So the Katran truly were a lot like the Vulcans. “I have a suggestion. Why don't we stick him on an asteroid alone somewhere in the middle of a galaxy? I can't think of something he’d hate more. He lives to boss people around.”

  Father cracked a smile. “That is an excellent idea. I will recommend it to the council.”

  “What happened to the torpedoes? Palmer never fired one.”

  Father walked over to one of the throne chairs and sat down. He motioned for me to do the same. “We were able to remove the threat before the ship took off.”

  “How? Did Mr. X invent some kind of disarming device?”

  “Yes, he did.” Father smiled. “You know him well.”

  “Thank goodness. That must have really pissed off Palmer when he realized what happened.”

  “I am surprised you could not hear him screaming all the way to Earth.”

  I laughed. “Did the mothership make it back okay?”

  “Yes, it’s back in the warehouse. My men are working on preparing the ship for its long journey. We need to start our mission to find a new planet immediately.”

  “I thought with the humidity machine running full steam, you might be able to take your time. I don’t mind growing an inch or two. I could be a runway model when I return home. ”

  He didn’t laugh. Instead a pained look crossed his face, like he’d eaten rotten fruit. “The machine is running well, but Heaven still is not completely restored.”

  “What else can you do? Can Mr. X work on another machine?”

  He shook his head. “No. We know what will fix it completely but…”

  My blood, of course. “Father, I’m willing to do whatever it takes. How much blood do you want?”

  “There is no need. The mothership is being prepared for an intergalactic journey as we speak. If we leave soon there is a chance Heaven will finish repairing itself.”

  “And if you’re wrong?”

  He looked down at the ground and didn’t say anything. I stood up. “I’m already dead,
Father. I’m willing to chance it.”

  He reached out and took my hand. “After the procedure you may not be able to return to your old life on Earth. You might be exiled here forever.”

  I gave him a weak smile. “Even more reason to fix Heaven if it’s going to be my home.”


  Before I went to the lab to have Mr. X bleed my life force dry, I wanted to say good-bye to Austin and Celery. I’d hoped to join them back on Earth alive and well, but that may not happen now. I waved to Celery and Austin as they headed toward the transporter, ready to go back to their old lives. I walked up to Austin. “Take care of yourself, Austin. Don't do any more risky moves. You know what will happen.”

  He gave me a thumbs up. “I hope we can hang out when you get back to Earth.”

  “Sure, Skater Boy. That would be rad.” He gave me one last smile before he vanished.

  I raced over to Celery and hugged her tight. “I’m going to miss you so much.”

  She hugged me back. “T, I know you have to help your father, but promise you’ll come back home. We’re going to be roomies, remember?”

  “Sure. Just need to check a few more things off the list. I really want to make sure my father and the Katrans find a new home of their own before I go back.”

  Celery stuck out her lower lip “I know. Hey, why don't I stay and help you guys? Traveling through space again would be awesome.”

  She really didn’t want to go back to her parents. “Thanks for the offer, Cel. But I think my father wants it to be just family.”

  Celery hung her head. “I know. I’m going to miss you so much. Try to find the Katran another planet quickly, okay?”

  “Why don't you find a cool job and then get us a great apartment in Hollywood somewhere. That should keep you busy while I’m gone.”

  Her eyes lit up. “That’s an awesome idea!”

  I gave her a final hug as a man signaled that the transport was ready. “I’ll be home as soon as I can, promise.”

  The rustle of feathers signaled Sabrina’s arrival. “It’s time to see Mr. X.”

  Funny, death didn’t scare me any longer. If the worst happened, so be it. On the plus side, I wouldn't have to leave Sabrina. I hopped on her back. “I’m ready.”


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