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Changing Destiny

Page 4

by Rivers, Brandy L

  He pulled at his hair. “I love her with every ounce of my being, but Saressa’s in my heart, warping it, trying to destroy that love.” He stared up at Toryn with wet trails down his face. “What am I to do? I love Saressa as much as I hate her. It’s nothing compared to the love I feel for Jayde, but it’s still there, ripping my heart to pieces.”

  Elondril hissed as he walked around Endiscott. “Toryn, come here.”

  Endiscott flinched, realizing he’d tossed his shirt to the ground as he started to work, wishing to be free of an irritant to the mess of his back. He could have healed himself while he poured his attentions at Saressa, but the pain was a welcome reminder of the agony he saw in Jayde’s eyes the one time she came to the Water Castle.

  “Why didn’t you fix this?” Toryn asked, his voice gentled.

  “Why should I? She will only repeat the punishment when I wake up from dreams of Jayde. Saressa made it clear I’m her prisoner, that I will please her, and that I can never leave. And the most sickening factor is I physically crave Saressa. When I’m with her, I can set aside the pain of losing Jayde for a while. But the moment I’m done, I’m back to this agony.”

  Toryn moved in front of him and took his shoulders. “Why did you fuck Saressa?”

  “A stupid bet. I didn’t bed Lisanna. Aeremaius claimed his prize. He sent me to the lake.” He squeezed his eyes shut, more tears running down his face. “I fought, or tried to. She paralyzed me, and I couldn’t push her away.” Endiscott covered his face with his hands. “She made me believe it was Jayde. She twisted my perceptions and I was stupid enough to fall for it.”

  Toryn pulled him into an embrace. Elondril placed a tender hand on Endiscott’s back, pushing healing energy at him. It took the pain, sealed some of the raw wounds, but the newly mended skin was tight and pulled uncomfortably.

  “What are you doing here?” Elondril asked.

  “I need my own place. Somewhere I can hide for a time, and try to make sense of my new destiny.”

  “We’ll find a way to break the bond,” Toryn told him. “I’m not sure you deserve her faith, but Jayde—she doesn’t blame you.”

  “It’s my fault. I ruined everything.”

  Elondril shook his head. “Saressa tricked you. We’ll find a solution. For now, let’s make sure she can’t breach the wards.” He hopped up, working his own magic as he moved around the clearing.

  Toryn stood, pulling him to a stand. “I’ll watch over Jayde.”

  Endiscott’s teeth ground together.

  “She’s yours, Endiscott. I would never touch her like that.”

  “You already did,” he growled, remembering the way Toryn kissed her in the carriage. And yes, that had been Endiscott’s hope, but seeing it, knowing there was nothing he could do, tore him apart.

  “I needed to distract her. Don’t worry, lesson learned. Jayde was so enraged I touched her, she slapped and punched me.”

  Endiscott let out a sigh. “I don’t have a right to complain. Look at what I did.”

  “What Saressa did,” Elondril corrected.

  “Does it matter? I’m still bound to another woman. One who has vowed to make sure I have a hand in Jayde’s destruction. Tell Jayde to move on. That I’ve let her go.”

  “You haven’t,” Toryn answered.

  “I need to.”

  “We’ll find the answers.”

  Endiscott had no hope they would succeed, but didn’t bother to argue. Once Toryn set his mind to something, he would find a way to fulfill his goal, no matter how long it took. Only problem, he didn’t think he’d survive that long.

  * * * *

  Jayde sat in the clearing where she’d last kissed Endiscott. Her heart throbbed in her chest, the pain radiating through her body as tears fell down her face, into her skirts where she rested her head on her knees. Her whole world had come crashing down.

  Endiscott was bound to a woman who clearly tormented him. She saw the agony in his eyes, heard the desperation to send her away, even as love warred with the bitterness.

  The only conclusion she could draw? Saressa finally found a way to entrap him in a bond. Her stomach was in knots, food had lost its appeal. She searched for an answer, but none came.

  “Jayde,” Toryn murmured as he approached.

  She looked up to find him kneeling before her. “He loves you. He never meant for this to happen. I believe him. Endiscott hates her as much as the bond ensures he loves her.”

  “I’ll kill her,” Jayde croaked, her voice ragged from days of crying. “No matter how long it takes, I’ll rip everything she’s built down around her.”

  Toryn smiled sadly. “You are not ready. Let me help you. I can train you to use those skills you’ve acquired, show you how to fight. We’ll find a way, but it’s going to take years.”

  “I don’t care how long it takes. I want to tear that evil woman apart. He hates her, no matter what his body craves. I should have been more persistent. I should have argued when he vowed to wait until the ceremony. It’s like Aeremaius knew how close we were, and showed up the moment it would hurt me the worst.”

  “Did he touch you?” Toryn growled.

  She shook her head. “No. Just ensured Endiscott would be in the Water Realm that night. I can imagine how she lured him, how she took advantage of his body’s need. Endiscott wouldn’t make love to me because of my mother’s ridiculous ploy to have him marry me properly. I never cared about that. I love him, and I can’t stop, even knowing he’s bound to her.” She stood so fast her head spun.

  Toryn caught her, pulling her into his arms for a gentle embrace full of comfort. “I promised Endiscott I would watch over you. That I would keep you safe. Which means teaching you to fight, but I can’t in your current state. Promise me you’ll take care of yourself, and I swear to you we’ll find the answer.”

  “I’m ready.”

  He chuckled sadly. “No, Jayde. Eat. I hear your stomach rumbling. Your dress is practically falling off it’s so loose. Eat, and tomorrow when I come, wear pants, or at the very least put them under the gown if your mother doesn’t approve.”

  “She will know. No sense in hiding, but I doubt she’ll argue.” She sighed heavily, stepping back to look into Toryn’s eyes. “I’ll see you tomorrow, fed, and ready to learn ways to kill Saressa.”

  “Come, I’ll walk you back to the manor, make sure you have a meal before I take my leave.”

  A tear slipped down her face as she walked along the trail. “I suppose I shouldn’t let myself fall apart.”

  “No, never. Someday, you two will find your way back to each other,” Toryn promised.

  As they came around the bend, Janessa stood with her hands on her hips. “You will do as Toryn says, and you will learn to fight. You will not give up. Endiscott truly loves you. He didn’t freely choose Saressa.”

  Jayde sighed, knowing they were both right, though the situation still tormented her. “Yes, Mother. I need to be strong to take back my man. One day I will kill Saressa.”

  “Yes you will, darling. Come, let’s eat.” She smiled at Toryn. “You’re welcome to join us. I’ve already requested another setting at the table.”

  “Of course, Lordess. It would be my pleasure. I would feel better witnessing Jayde eat before I leave.”

  “Come. Perhaps I can make suggestions regarding what training to focus on.” Janessa took Jayde’s arm and pulled her toward the house.

  Fantasies of new ways to slaughter the Queen of Water blurred through her head, filling Jayde with motivation.

  Chapter 6

  Two hundred fifty-one years ago…

  Days bled into weeks, which flowed into months, then years. Endiscott hated himself for his need of Saressa. The warring vines of love and hate grew thicker, binding him, strangling. The conflict tore him apart.

  Every night his dreams started with Jayde, but ended with Saressa destroying her in some new way before she reclaimed Endiscott. No matter what Saressa did, she couldn’t squelch his
love for his Paineater. Though he had quickly learned trying to save Jayde in those nightmares earned him worse punishment the next morning.

  Watching in silence garnered him rewards. He’d prefer to be left alone, but being rewarded was better than being tortured until he begged for a death she refused grant.

  Escape was impossible. Instead, he often wished for death’s dark embrace. Saressa was a master of bringing him to the brink of death, only to nurse him back through intimate acts that scarred his psyche. He’d long since given up on life.

  “Finally have her out of your system?” Saressa purred from behind him.

  “Of course. I’m bound to you.” As she constantly reminded him. And if he showed any emotion toward the woman he still longed for, Saressa would make good on her promise to destroy Jayde in front of him. He turned to find Saressa’s dazzling emerald eyes sparkling with cruelty. Fear and hatred twisted through him.

  Her brow arched. “Then you won’t mind that Aeremaius has invested his attention in her.” Honestly, he’d expected Saressa to sic her pet on Jayde long ago.

  Endiscott forced his breath to remain steady and hid all emotion. He thought about anything but the images those words conjured. “Why bring her up?” He crossed the distance, forcing his gaze to her barely-covered breasts and tore the fabric from her body.

  A smile crossed her lips as she spun him, pushing him onto the bed. He forced every thought, aside from twisted desire, out of his mind as he rolled her to her back, thrusting into her with a powerful stroke.

  * * * *

  “Listen to me, Jayde. I need you to go with Toryn. You cannot be here when Aeremaius arrives.” Janessa pushed Jayde toward Toryn.

  Tears streamed down her face. “I don’t want to leave without you. If you know what he plans, why are you staying?”

  “To keep him from you. Don’t worry, Jayde. There is nothing he can do to break me.” She wouldn’t survive the week, but she would feel none of the torment, locking herself into the deepest recesses of her mind. Reance had already woven the spells to block any physical sensation.

  Toryn touched Jayde’s shoulder. Resignation creased his brow. “Come. Janessa has made her decision.”

  Jayde spun toward him, shaking her head furiously. “He’ll tear her apart! I can’t leave her here.”

  “Please, Toryn. Take her,” Janessa pleaded.

  He met her gaze and dipped his head in a somber mixture of respect and acknowledgement. Jayde sank to the floor, unconscious. Toryn lifted her into his arms. “I don’t like this. You’re making a mistake.”

  “I accept what’s coming. I’m not afraid. I’ll die before he has what he wants from me. In the afterlife, I will be reunited with the man who completes me. Jayde has a long road to travel, and her happiness is delayed, thanks to Aeremaius and Saressa, but ultimately she will have far more happiness than suffering.”

  “I’ve only seen suffering for them both.”

  “Your gift of sight isn’t as far reaching as your mentor’s. Reance knows this is the best way, same as I do. Take her. Help her accept this was the right choice. Please.”

  “I hope you’re right. I’ll do what I can.”

  Unease slid through her. Toryn’s reputation was worse than Endiscott’s when it came to bed partners. “And please, remember, her heart belongs to Endiscott.”

  He let out a strained laugh. “I will always view her as his, though I’m not sure he deserves it at this point. Bastard is convinced he loves that snake.”

  Heaving a sigh, she nodded. “It will be ages before they find their way back to each other. The journey is not an easy one. I can’t thank you enough for this.”

  Toryn sighed. “Don’t mention it. I’ll take her someplace safe. I hope she understands and stays put.” He turned, and made his way to the tunnels that would lead him away from the estate.

  Janessa turned toward the window and waited. It wouldn’t be long until Aeremaius took her. He’d kill her before he had a chance to steal her pilfered gifts.

  * * * *

  Swishing sounds pulled her from sleep. Sweat dripped down her face in the sweltering heat. The world bounced around her. She caught the scent of dark chocolate, spices… and a horse?

  Her eyes flew open to find the desert breezing past her. In the distance, she could see the Castle of Flame rising from sand. Smoke billowed from the volcano above.

  She didn’t have to look to know Toryn was the one who brought her here. Saressa had been magically banished from the lands of fire. Jayde turned to find Toryn’s grim expression.

  “Why here?”

  “Reance vowed to keep you safe. He sent me to bring you to him. I know what you want to do, but you aren’t ready yet. And I’m not done training you either. Here we will have access to everything we need to prepare you.”

  She sighed, and looked away. “Why can’t I feel for you what I do for Endiscott?”

  “We were never meant to be.”

  She sighed. “He loves her. You said he claimed to as much as he hates her.”

  “In a corrupt manner, yes, but he can’t stand the woman. I don’t comprehend it myself. I would do anything to set my friend free, but I don’t yet have the means.”

  “Really think the Fire Realm is safe? I thought war was brewing.”

  “It is, but for now, she cannot cross the barrier. For the moment, this is the safest place for all of us.”

  Minutes later, they wound up the steep path to the castle. Red and gold walls, threaded with molten rock, rose above a churning magma moat.

  “How am I supposed to survive here?” she asked breathlessly.

  He chuckled. “Ah, the outside is worse than it looks. Don’t touch the walls, or take a dip, and you will be fine. Inside is quite cozy.”

  She couldn’t resist a smile. “Cozy? I’m used to temperate weather. Here the sun beats down at a constant rate.”

  “You will adjust. I wasn’t raised in such heat, yet I’m accustomed to it now.”

  “Hmm, but you are the master of fire.” She sighed, fanning herself. “I may melt.”

  “Then I suppose it’s good someone here is in need of your healing. He’s to be sent to Earth, and has no more need for his talent to resist fire.”

  She frowned. “You want me to purposely take his gift?”

  He nodded. “Reance will urge you to do so. I understand you can take whatever power you choose from an individual. If you plan to battle Saressa in the future, you should come prepared with every skill you can gather.”

  “And if I had to heal you at some point?” Jayde asked thoughtfully.

  He shrugged. “I can learn to work without whatever magic you take.”

  “But you’d hate me.”

  He shook his head. “No. It’s part of what makes you, you. I’ve seen some of what you’ve healed. A price must be paid.”

  In that moment, she knew she could trust Toryn with anything. “I wouldn’t take from you, no matter what I had to heal.”

  “Don’t say that. You may need to someday.”

  She shook her head. “I can heal without taking. If you hadn’t gotten through to me, I wouldn’t be here.”

  “I hope Endiscott can one day make up for all the pain he’ll cause you.”

  “He can’t cause me more than he already has. Yet, I’m not able to give up on winning him back. My heart still belongs to Endiscott.”

  The gates opened as Toryn warned, “The worst is yet to come.”

  Chapter 7

  Endiscott sat in his glade outside the castle walls. Daily, he wandered here, and stayed as long as he dared. Elondril and Toryn had worked together to help him secure the area after he was taken by Saressa.

  Pushing his fingers through his hair, he leaned against a tree, and tried to banish thoughts of both Saressa and Jayde. After three years, his love for Jayde hadn’t faded, instead it grew stronger. Same as his need for Saressa. It left him torn because somewhere in her cold, black heart, he knew Saressa loved him, no matter h
ow she tormented him when he didn’t meet her expectations.

  A hummingbird flew before Endiscott and paused. A swirl of smoke followed. Hope filled him, and in the blink of an eye, his most trusted friends stood before him. Toryn wore a grim expression, but the haunted look on Elondril’s face worried him most.

  “What news do you bring?”

  “Our parents, both yours and mine, are dead. Their lands were torched with no way out of the manor.”

  Endiscott jumped to his feet. “How did you escape?”

  “I was on my way back from visiting Toryn and Jayde at the Castle of Flame. When I saw the inferno raging over the lands, I turned back. I couldn’t even see the manor in the distance.”

  Sorrow washed over him at Elondril’s loss. Endiscott’s parents had disowned him when he broke his vow to marry Jayde. If they’d known his choice was taken from him, they may have forgiven him. Instead, they further isolated him and tore his heart out.

  “I wish there were something I could do.” He embraced his childhood friend. “I truly am sorry.”

  “Not your fault. You needed to know though. And there’s more.”

  “Janessa was taken by Aeremaius,” Endiscott answered dully. He’d been forced to watch what transpired through a spell that placed the whole scene on a pool of water. “I’m relieved Jayde slipped away.”

  Toryn interjected. “I took her away. Her mother didn’t suffer, though I have no doubt what that sick fuck did was far worse than I want to imagine.”

  Endiscott nodded. “Aye, and please, for her sake, never tell Jayde I had to witness it all.”

  “One day, Jayde will kill Saressa,” Toryn warned.

  His eyes squeezed tight. His chest ached. Either way, he lost someone he needed. Jayde was no match for Saressa. He wasn’t sure what would hurt worse.

  “No comment?” Toryn snapped. “You realize Jayde loves you with everything she is. She’s waited all this time, and will wait until she has you to herself. And you,” he shook his head with a sneer, “part of you wants her to fail against Saressa.”


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