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While Someone Watches

Page 3

by L A Walton

  Laci clicked on her next e-mail. It was actually an e-card. It had a picture of a cute cartoon porcupine with binoculars and the caption, “Don’t forget.” She opened the e-card and music started playing. She turned up her speakers. It was a song from the 80’s by Rockwell featuring Michael Jackson. It was titled Somebody’s Watching Me.

  As they lyrics played, she couldn’t help but feel a shudder run down her spine, “Somebody’s watching me? Great. It’s the perfect scare tactic for a stalker.” She flipped off her computer and took a deep breath. She wasn’t sure if it was a string of coincidences or if it was the same person sending her messages but for now she was going to ignore it and hope that it stopped. If it didn’t, she was going to have to get the authorities involved.

  “Declan, I have some clients coming over today so make yourself scarce. Got it?”

  “I still can’t believe you let them know where you live,” Declan said shaking his head in disbelief.

  “Believe it or not, many psychologists and therapists treat clients out of their homes.”

  “Yeah…because they need to see a therapist themselves. You’d have to be crazy to let these people know where you live.”

  “Declan. These are couples looking for couple’s therapy…not clients that have mental illnesses.”

  “So if you’re married, you can’t have schizophrenia? Is that what you’re saying?”

  Laci gave him the stink eye, “Shut up. You know what I mean. Now go find something to do for an hour or two.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay in case they get too rowdy? I could be your personal bouncer or something. I’ll kick them out if they start fighting.”

  “Go!” Laci was pushing a laughing Declan out the door.

  Fifteen minutes later, Laci’ doorbell was ringing. It was Portia and Henry Meiser. Laci greeted them and brought them into her study which she used as her office to see clients in.

  “Dr. Cummings. He’s doing it again! He’s been hiding in the closet.” Portia was sitting as far away from Henry as she could.

  Laci took in Henry’s wrinkled shirt and jeans. He was a stark contrast to Portia’s pressed dress and heels. Laci wasn’t sure but she thought he even had a ketchup stain on his collar.

  “Henry, is that true?”

  Henry looked uncomfortable and fidgeted in his seat. He didn’t want to admit to doing something embarrassing.

  “Just tell her Henry! You like to hide in closets. Dr. Cummings,” Portia put her hand up to shield her mouth and whispered, “Do you think this means Henry is secretly gay?”

  “What?” Henry shot a quick glance to Dr. Cummings before chastising his wife, “I’m not gay Portia!”

  Portia shrugged her shoulders.

  “Portia,” Dr. Cummings smiled, “Can you tell us what made you fall in love with Henry in the first place?”

  “Hmmm…I don’t remember really. He used to make me laugh all of the time and he was smart. He always was always a gentleman.”

  “That sounds great Portia. What about you Henry? What made you fall in love with Portia?”

  Henry looked at his wife who was preening in front of him. “Well she’s beautiful. She used to be really kind before we got rich…then she changed.”

  “Changed? How did I change Henry?”

  Laci cut them off before they began arguing again. She had watched them argue enough to learn their patterns and didn’t need to witness anymore. “I’m going to give you each a journal to write in.”

  They both took a journal as Laci explained what they were to do with the journals. Then they discussed spending more time together. “I want you two to do activities together. Start rebuilding the emotional bond you two once had.”

  Laci listened to them decide to take an art class together. “That sounds great!”

  After the couple left Laci texted her brother to come back home. Her phone rang and she thought it was going to be Declan but instead it was Amber, one of her best friends.

  “Hey Freckles, are you coming to meet with us for lunch today?” Amber asked.

  “Who’s going to be there?”

  Amber laughed, “The usual. You, me, Marie Ann, and Kay.”

  “Where are we meeting?”

  “The Chinese Chopsticks. Kay keeps asking to eat there.”

  “Okay sounds good. I’ll see you in twenty.”

  Laci sent a text to Declan that she would be out and quickly got ready to meet with her friends.

  “So? Who’s the sexy sounding Dr. Brett on your show?” Kay asked.

  Laci blushed, “He’s Andrew Brett and he’s a colleague. Nothing more.”

  "Yet,” Marie Ann chimed in. They all started laughing. Laci had been having lunch with these girls for years. They had all become friends in college.

  Laci’ phone dinged and she checked her message. It was from her brother.

  “What the hay??? You went to have lunch without me? What kind of big sister are you?”

  The text caused Laci to laugh because she knew that her brother was joking. She looked at the women around her and asked, “Oh did I tell you all? My brother is back in town!”

  “What! When are we finally going to meet him?” Amber asked.

  “I don’t know. He might end up hitting on one of you and that would be awkward.”

  Kay laughed, “Is he cute?”

  “He’s my brother but even I will admit that he’s handsome. I mean really handsome.”

  “Where was he?” Marie Ann asked as she took a sip of her sweet tea.

  “He wouldn’t tell me. He can work from wherever since he’s a freelance graphic designer but he wouldn’t even give me a clue.”

  “That’s weird. You’re his sister,” Amber said.

  “Tell me about it. I’m afraid he secretly knocked some girl up and doesn’t want to admit it to me. Ladies, I love my brother…but he’s a player.”

  They all started laughing.

  “So does he not have a steady income?” Kay asked.

  Laci raised her brow, “Please don’t tell me you’re actually interested in meeting my brother.”

  Kay raised her hands in defense, “What? He’s single…I’m single."

  “He makes good money. A lot of companies want him to become a steady employee with them but he likes to travel too much to stop doing freelance. If you can get him to settle down, I would love it.”

  They all started laughing as their lunch was being brought to them.

  In a corner of the Chinese Chopsticks sat a man who was staring at four women having lunch. He hadn’t expected to see them there but what a wonderful surprise it turned out to be. He was close enough to listen to their conversations. He learned their names: Amber, Kay, Marie Ann, and of course Laci Cummings. She was the woman that would have to be taught a lesson. He flagged the waitress and asked for his meal to go along with the check. As she brought his food in a Styrofoam box, he stood up quietly, not wanting to be noticed by the four women. He went to pay and as he did so, he wrote a quick note on the back of a napkin. He asked that it be passed to the table that the four women were at. The cashier nodded and after the man had left she passed it to one of the waitresses.

  “Excuse me, is there a Laci at this table?”

  The four women looked up in surprise.

  “I’m Laci. Is there a problem?”

  “A customer that left asked that we give this to you?”


  The waitress nodded.

  Laci read the note and paled.

  “What’s wrong Laci?” Amber asked.

  Laci flagged the waitress and asked her, “The customer that gave you this…what did he look like?”

  The waitress shrugged, “I don’t know. I didn’t see him. I’ll ask the cashier.” She quickly left and then came back. “I’m sorry she doesn’t remember. All she said was that he had dark hair.”

  “Well that helps a whole bunch,” Kay said sarcastically. “What does the note say Laci?”

  Laci shook her head and stuck the note in her purse. “It’s just a fan, that’s all. Hey Kay are you going to eat that biscuit?”

  The girls weren’t sure whether to let it drop but they did once Kay answered, “No. I don’t need to be eating anymore carbs as it is. Take it from me you heifer.”

  After lunch was over, Laci sat in her car and pulled out the napkin. She thought of the e-card she had gotten earlier and sighed. The note had to be from the same person. So much for being a nightly hunter. It was lunch time and she was getting creepy notes. The lyrics from another popular 80s song, this time it was Welcome to the Jungle by Guns n Roses, were right in front of her as she read the note again and the last line was underlined.

  Welcome to the jungle

  It gets worse here everyday

  You learn to live like an animal

  In the jungle where we play

  Welcome to the jungle

  Watch it bring you to your knees

  I’m gonna watch you bleed


  “So this is the napkin they gave you in the restaurant?” Officer Joe Bishop asked Laci as she sat to the side of his desk at the local police station.

  “Yes. I think he’s been stalking me.”

  “Stalking you?”

  “Yes, stalking me. I got an e-mail with the song from Michael Jackson. It’s the lyrics to Somebody’s Watching Me.”

  Officer Bishop sighed as he placed the napkin on his desk, “Listen Ms. Cummings-”

  “Doctor Cummings,” She corrected him.

  He took a moment to smirk before saying, “Doctor Cummings, you write an advice column for the local newspaper and you have a radio show and you were the editor for some big time magazine. It’s not unusual to have some strange fans. Have you seen any unusual characters around your home? Has anyone been following you?”

  “No. Nothing like that.”

  “Has he called you? Gone to your workplace? Or threatened you?”

  “No…not a direct threat.”

  Officer Bishop handed the napkin back to Laci. “Until you have some evidence that actually shows someone is actually stalking you…I’m sorry but I can’t help you.” He turned away from her and began typing on his computer.

  “Are you kidding me right now?” Laci was upset. “I’m telling you that I feel unsafe and you’re telling me that’s not good enough?”

  Officer Bishop’s face hardened as he looked at Laci. “Ma’am, you’re telling me that someone is stalking you. I ask you for some proof. You tell me you got some weird e-mails and a napkin but none of them have a direct threat. You work in a position that puts you out in the public eye. From what I can tell…you don’t have a stalker. You have a crackpot that wants attention. For now, my hands are tied. I cannot help you.”

  Laci wanted to scream but she silently counted to five before turning around and leaving Officer Bishop to his work.

  “The Biggie Burger? Who had the Biggie Burger?”

  “I did,” two voices said in unison. Marie Ann Davis and a man she wished she knew spoke at the same time. They looked at one another and laughed.

  “It’s okay. You go ahead,” the man told her with a smile. Marie Ann smiled back.

  “I got two Biggie Burger!” the worker behind the counter shouted.

  Both the man and Marie Ann stepped forward to claim their food.

  “I wouldn’t take you as the type to eat fast food. You look like you’re really in shape,” he told her.

  Marie Ann couldn’t help but smile despite thinking his pickup line was horrible. “I have a weakness for burgers.”

  “Me too. I was hoping to get a quick bite to eat before I went to watch a movie,” he said.

  “With your girlfriend?” Marie Ann asked hoping it was subtle enough to find out if he had a girlfriend without seeming too interested.

  “Actually, I was going to go by myself.”

  “Oh. Well going to a movie sounds like fun.”

  “Yeah well it would be more fun if I had a beautiful woman going with me.”

  Marie Ann laughed. He was cute. Too cute. Something must be wrong with him.

  He cleared his throat, “I don’t suppose you would like to go with me?”

  Marie Ann smiled, “Well it depends.”

  “On what?”

  “On what movie you wanted to see.”

  He smiled at her and answered, “I’ll watch whatever you want to watch. My name is Judas by the way.”

  “Hi Judas. I’m Marie Ann.”

  “Marie Ann? That’s a very unique name. I like it.”

  “Why thank you Judas.”

  The two ate their Biggie Burgers and then went to the movies where they watched some chick flick about an older woman falling in love with a younger man who turned out to be a serial killer. After the movie, the two of them went out for a walk at a local park.

  “So Marie Ann, I see you keep fiddling with that ring you’re wearing. Is it special to you? Are you secretly married?” He was laughing as he said it but Marie Ann stopped walking.

  “How did you know?”

  “You’re married? I was just joking! Oh man…I’m sorry. I would-" Marie Ann’s laughter stopped him from talking.

  “Very funny,” he shook his head.

  “Sorry but of course I’m not married. I wouldn’t have gone to the movies with you if I was.”

  Judas laughed at her admission. “I’m sorry. I once dated a married woman but I didn’t know she was married.”

  “Are you serious? What happened?”

  “Let’s just say that her husband found out about it and it wasn’t pretty.”

  Marie Ann laughed, "How horrible!”

  “It was. So what’s the deal with the ring?”

  Marie Ann lifted the ring to be at eye level with her face, “It’s beautiful isn’t it? It was my grandmother’s ring.” It was white gold with a red ruby and opal stones surrounding it. Her friends had often told her how interesting and beautiful the ring was.

  “It’s beautiful,” Judas admired.

  The park they were at wasn’t overly crowded. “Did you know that behind those trees, there’s a pond with some ducks?”

  Marie Ann shook her head, “No. I can’t say I normally come to the park.”

  “Do you want to see it?”

  Marie Ann couldn’t help but be drawn into Judas’s handsome face. “Sure. Why not?”

  He grabbed her hand and dragged her behind the trees. Marie Ann was laughing until they were hidden from the other park-goers and frowned. “Ahh….there’s no pond here.”

  She didn’t get to see him lifting a rock and slamming it into the back of her head. She was knocked out cold. He removed her ruby ring and lifted it to the moonlight. It really was beautiful and unique. He placed it in his pocket and pulled out a multipurpose knife that he carried. It would be difficult, but he knew he could use it to get the job done.

  He leaned forward and whispered into Marie Ann’s ear, “I'm sorry about this...but you really should have picked better friends."

  “Laci is that you?”


  “Yeah. Hey I’m sorry to bother you over the weekend but I just wanted to call and thank you again for the other night. You really helped me out of a bind.”

  “No problem.”

  “Okay…well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at work.”

  “Right. I’ll see you tomorrow Andrew.” Laci disconnected the call and turned around to see her brother Declan clucking his tongue at her.

  “What?” she asked him.

  “A guy calls you and you give him the cold shoulder. That’s cruel sister.”

  “What are you talking about? He just called me to thank me.”

  “And you call yourself a psychologist. How can you ignore the signs that are right in front of you?”

  “Declan…don’t even go there. Dr. Brett is my colleague and that’s it.”

  “Riiight…and I’m Saint Declan.”

“Whatever you want to call yourself is your business brother.”

  The sound of a really old Bobby Brown song filled the air.

  “Is this the stone age? Change your ringtone!” Declan teased his sister.

  “Oh shut up! It’s my prerogative!” Declan started laughing and she answered the phone to a frantic Amber.


  “Amber what’s the matter?”

  “It’s Marie Ann. Oh Laci!” Laci was having a hard time understanding her friend Amber. She would speak a few words and then break into tears.

  “Okay Amber. I’m going to need you to take a deep breath.”

  “It’s Marie Ann.”

  “What about Marie Ann?”

  “She was mugged in the park.”

  “What? Oh my God. Is she okay?”

  “Oh Laci. It’s terrible.”

  “Amber! Get a hold of yourself. What happened to Marie Ann? Tell me slowly.”

  Laci could hear her friend sniffling on the other end of the line. “Her brother called me today from Florida. The police had contacted him because her ID was on her…but they took her money and her jewelry.”

  “They left her with her ID though?”

  “Yeah it’s like they wanted the police to know who she was.”

  “Well how is she? Is she at the hospital right now?”

  “She’s not at the hospital.”

  “Why not?”


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