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Page 9

by Cristin Harber

  “That turns me on, Adelia.” He propped onto an elbow, leaning over her to make sure she understood. “If soft kisses or deep thrusts make you wet…” He pulled their intertwined hand apart and let his fingers draw faint lines across her skin and dress until he drew circles over her breasts. Her nipples hardened as he carefully toyed with her, not teasing too much but damn near killing himself in the process. “Knowing that I can make you react? It’s extraordinary.”

  Her lips trembled, and Colin eased over her, brushing them with his. His tongue slipped into her mouth, and she arched like she couldn’t get enough, letting her tongue play with his mouth as she licked then sucked, finally using her teeth to nibble his lips. She’d kissed him like a goddess before, but now, he had no words. “I like that.”

  “Good,” she sighed. “We’re on the same page. What you like, I like.”

  “I’ll remember you like that,” he promised. But it seemed like she didn’t know herself. Discovering everything about Adelia, with her, was more stimulating than any op he’d ever led. “Tell me what you want.”

  “You. Whatever—”

  He kissed down her neck using his tongue, dragging his teeth, slowly making his way back to her jaw and nibbling slowly along the jawline until he stopped at her chin. “Yes or no?”

  “It’s all good,” she swore.

  “That’s nowhere near what you were giving me earlier.” Not with those writhing, arching moans. Her neck was a hot spot, and he’d do a whole hell of a lot to get her hips rolling like she was on a roller coaster again.

  Tension stilled her muscles. “No one has ever asked me that before, and I’m not sure I’ve been able to think it over.”

  That was what he thought, and he didn’t know how to fix it short of giving her a menu to choose from. “Close your eyes.”

  Her eyelashes fluttered, but after a doubtful second, she did.

  “Relax for me, Adelia.”

  Her muscles went lax against his chest, except the outline of her nipples pressed against her dress, and he choked down the need to tear off her dress. Colin traced the tips of his fingers along her forearms and watched the little hairs spike with goose bumps. Her breasts were full and plump.

  “Colin,” she whispered.

  He trailed his fingers along her collarbone. “Yeah.”

  “You know what I want?”

  “What?” he asked, unsure he was ready for the truth.

  “I want to know…” Her eyelids squeezed tight. “Exactly what you like.”

  He liked how multi-faceted she was—not just a hardcore biker babe, sexy to the max, but sweet and shockingly innocent, and willing to open herself up and shyly ask about him. “Are you going to keep your eyes closed?”

  She blushed. “Can I?”

  “You can do whatever you want, need.”

  “Then yes.”

  Colin stroked her cheek and brushed her hair. “I want to see your pleasure, how you build against me. The way you tighten and turn. Tensing. I like how your nipples are hard right now— and that raspy, throaty moan from kissing your neck.”

  Her lips widened, and her brow pinched, despite her closed eyes.

  “When your lips part like that, I want to slide my dick inside your hot mouth while you come, I want to watch your face, Adelia.” His chest ached with the truth. “I want to know when your pussy is quaking, and you can’t control it. And I want to be the one to make you lose your mind.”

  Arousal flushed her cheeks the sexiest color pink he’d ever seen. Her breasts rose and fell quicker as her breaths drew shallower.

  Colin licked his lips. “I need that, babe.”

  She nodded wordlessly.

  “To know you’re getting off because of my hands, my tongue, my dick. That’s what I need.”


  Adelia’s eyes flew open as a light breeze picked up, and Colin’s blood pounded, dreaming about her orgasms. He wanted to hold her down until she clutched his body and cried his name, until her fingernails scored his skin, or her legs wrapped around his shoulders and head.

  Colin wasn’t sure what kind of reaction he’d get, but as with everything so far, he was interested to find out. She needed to find out too. The simple need pouring from her was too much for a woman who wanted to hold back. He would. But damn it, if she didn’t know about her body, he’d sign up and teach her.


  “Selfish.” Pure and simple. But Colin didn’t care.

  Her eyes bulged. “No. The opposite.”

  “Not at all.” He could go into unneeded explanations about the hows and whys. He could tell her that no one else could do that for him, that no one could take credit for his actions as had happened in his career, though that had been long ago. It still hampered him, and maybe this was nothing more than deep-rooted insecurity.

  Some people had sex because it felt great, others because of control, and he wanted... If he hadn’t been well aware of it, he likely would’ve become a hedonistic trophy collector early in life.

  Without warning, Adelia leaned close. Her eyes remained open, holding onto his gaze until the last second when their lips connected. The touch was barely there, tentative as she steadied against him and sweet in her intention until the tip of her tongue brushed against his bottom lip, licking and then kissing first the top and then bottom before she surged against him. Her arms wrapped around his neck. She groaned as Colin took charge.

  He’d needed her kisses before, but nothing like she was giving out now. Wanton and writhing, she didn’t just come alive. She was exploding. Just from a kiss. But Colin didn’t care.

  His cock pressed against the seam of his zipper, and Adelia’s barely dress-covered bottom rocked against him, driving pinpricks of need worked down his spine. Electricity exploded along every hair on his arm and chest.

  “I needed you,” she panted.

  She had no idea. Her heat could blind him, and the taste of her was becoming sweeter and sweeter, more addictive. “Adelia.”

  What did he want? Slow down? Strip? They needed to be nearly anywhere but on top of this damn roof.

  But he couldn’t stay away. He tasted her neck, working down to her collarbone.

  “That’s not the type of kiss that’s getting off a roof with our clothes on.” He pushed the edge of her dress an inch, sliding his jacket off her shoulder.

  Her head dropped back, exposing her neck, and Colin watched as her thick, silky hair wave as she swayed with her eyes closed. “I’ve never kissed a guy first before.”

  “Why?” A chill swept over him. He didn’t want to react the wrong way and didn’t know how to take that. Never because she didn’t want to? Was she timid? Except Adelia and timid were far apart on the spectrum.

  “Well…” Her eyes opened toward the morning sky, and she picked up her head, finding him staring. Again with the shy grin... A blush pinked her cheeks, but her eyes betrayed her as she downplayed what she’d confessed with a throw of her hand.

  Last night, they’d had a connection, one made more of friendship than of wedding-reception hookups. She was beautiful and sweet, and their chemistry scored off the charts. Add in her dropping bombs, and Colin didn’t know what to make of the dynamic or the pull in his chest.

  “You’ve never kissed a guy first before? And you’ve wanted to?” He urged her on and then reflected on his past. Did he always make the first move? Kisses happened. Attraction was a magnetic force, and when he noticed its pull, its dance was enough to make him lust-drunk.

  “I don’t know.” She shrugged.


  “A kiss opens the door. It says everything about who you’re with and how it will be. It’s a precursor to consent but more intimate—A kiss is the intersection of opportunity and interest.”

  “That’s a far cry from, ‘I don’t know.’”

  She bit her lip. “Kisses are about being in charge.”

  “No, they’re not.”

  “Or they were.”
She twisted back. “Until I slept on this roof.”

  “Can you ignore me when I go on truth-bearing moments that might make you run away?” Her head rolled against his shoulder.

  “Yeah, who cares about who kisses who first?” Colin ran the palms of his hands along her sides. “Beautiful, are you ready to head out of here?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  “Do I keep touching you?”

  “Absolutely.” She pulled him close as she inched her skirt up for him. “As long as you to touch me here.”

  “Good to know how well you take to naming your desires.” His fingers ran up her thighs.

  “Like this?” He stilled, teasing her inches away from her mound. Colin could feel her pussy’s inviting heat.

  “More,” she whispered.

  “This.” He inched closer, not giving her what she wanted.

  “Colin!” Adelia hung her head back.

  “Maybe like this.” Carefully, he dipped his fingers under the silk fabric as she sighed, arching her back against him. A blazing pleasure ran up his fingers when he contacted her wetness. “God, Adelia. You’re soaked.”


  He teased her silken folds, parting the delicate skin, and watched as he played her body.

  He danced his fingers over her. The sensitive flesh had swollen. Her clitoris hardened, and Adelia parted her thighs and shook as he pressed inside her tightening canal.

  Her bliss was an aphrodisiac. Her pink parted lips, kiss-plumped, and made his erection thunder for attention. But it was the driving need to see her climax, to feel her intimate clenching muscles spasm that had him at the brink.

  Colin pumped into her as her hips lifted, meeting his fingers.

  Her moans thrashed as hair caught on her face, and her unintelligible words were lost to cries of need that he hoped never to forget. “Please. Colin!”

  He needed this—God —nearly as much as she might. “Yes, baby. You’ve got it,” he groaned in her ear, thrusting fingers the way she seemed to love. “I want to feel you come.”

  Her jaw hinged, and her head tipped back. “Colin.”

  He speared, watching her cry his name and pressed the back of his palm against her clit.

  Her delicate hand dipped into her panties with his. He faltered, not expecting—

  “Do not stop,” she moaned as she rubbed in time with him.

  Hell, this was hot, and he kissed her neck, biting onto her ear.

  “Please. Please, Colin—God!” Her teasing fingers wrapped around his wrist as she cried into the morning sky, and the walls of her pussy contracted.

  “God,” he muttered. Had he ever seen someone come that hard?

  Adelia collapsed. He held her close when she twisted for his embrace. Finally, she kissed him on the cheek. “That was amazing.”

  “No kidding.” And he wasn’t even on the receiving end. He stroked a stray hair off her face. “You’re beautiful.”

  She sat up, but her bliss was gone. “What would you like?”

  He eyed her and propped up on his elbow. “What do you mean?”

  “Well.” Adelia sat up. “Erections don’t just vaporize.”

  He grimaced. “I hope not.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  He sat up to face her, rearranging his still-there, non-vaporized hard-on. “I kind of do, but…” Colin shook his head. “What I’m assuming is, hell, I don’t know. I’m hoping I’m off base to be honest.”

  “What I’m trying to say is, um, I enjoyed what we did, and whatever your expectation is, I’d like to know. To make it even, I guess.”

  Frustrated that Mayhem bullshit was screwing with her mind, he sucked his cheeks in. Apparently, she’d missed the part about how he’d enjoy what she did. “I’m not keeping score.”

  “Right. I get that, and…” Her cheeks blushed. “I really appreciate how considerate you are about are things I might like. But in the end, we’re all adults, and, so long as things stay at the same, um, level…” She pinched an eye shut and squinted the other as though she wasn’t sure how to frame her response. “Tit for tat.”

  Colin almost couldn’t respond, at least not in a way that she’d ever talk to him again. Tit for tat? She thought there was an obligatory orgasm owed? His molars ground, but instead of spouting his opinion on what her home life might be like, he opted for the obvious. “Mayhem’s filled with a bunch of jackasses, isn’t it?”

  Uncertainty colored her gaze. “I guess. Maybe not everyone. I don’t know.”

  “Very persuasive.”

  She squirmed away from him. “When Tex is your pops, the rules are a little different.”

  He grumbled. “Yeah, I bet.”

  Colin stood up, half-chub still poking the front of his pants. He readjusted himself. “Let’s go get breakfast.”

  “No tit for tat?”

  “Especially not after you say that, but no, babe.” He scowled. “If you’re ever around when I get off—” And Colin nearly dropped to his knees and prayed that it would be sometime soon. “It’s because you’re dying to see me come as much as I just wanted to see you get off.”

  “Oh,” she whispered, her eyes not meeting his.

  Damn it. “Hey, I just mean—”

  “No, I get it.”

  His eyes narrowed, not sure of that. “Okay.”

  “Even if I came back and corrected my motives now, the mood is gone.”

  Colin wasn’t about to correct her. He could get off with her, no problem. But if she said the mood was dead, the damn mood was dead. Again, he gnashed his teeth.

  “So, breakfast?”

  Colin agreed without a word, wishing he had a bucket to kick, but recognized his hormones were behaving like a military recruit and not the proud, upstanding individual who brought a woman on top of a building…

  They collected what was theirs, and he brought their bundle of coffee and flowers down the ladder before returning to help Adelia down.

  They climbed down the ladder, laughing, and ignored the two women who eyed them as they came out of the restroom on their way to a workout class.

  Sweet Hills, Iowa was a special place where they didn’t like men in suit jackets coming down ladders but were okay with Mayhem running around. Color him confused. He thought about Adelia and her relationship with the club. “Tex probably wouldn’t appreciate the night on the roof.”

  She shrugged, taking his hand. “Actually, he wouldn’t care about that or not coming home.”

  “Then what would he care about?”

  “Whether or not you tried to screw me without asking him first.”

  “Wait. What?” He stopped, not having words for what he wanted to say. Or scream.

  Adelia tugged on his hand. “Can we keep walking?”

  “Yeah.” He made his legs move and mentally bounced between wanting to kill Tex and listen to Adelia so she could explain. “We’re walking. Clarify.”

  “There’s an okay-by-him list at Mayhem. I don’t know who’s on it. I don’t want to know because I have zero interest in any of them. That doesn’t mean I couldn’t fool around with someone. He doesn’t care about that.”

  Anger pounded in his ear. His eyes saw nothing but red, and Colin tried to keep the calmest touch on her hand that he could manage. Nothing short of a death threat would fall from his lips, so he grunted and kept walking with her.

  “And outside of Mayhem,” Adelia added, “there’s this headache in Sweet Hills about who thinks what. MC girls are easy. Since you know I’ve come across a bit of a tit for tat headache, I’ve found it closer to ignore it all, and avoid pretty much everyone. I just hang out with my close friends. Mostly Seven.”

  “Seven’s good people,” Colin managed as they walked out the front doors of the community center. A few cars and motorcycles had been left over night, and he angled them toward his rental. “She’s a good barometer.”

  “Yeah, and Seven normally has no time for men. Jax is a freaking miracle…”

  Colin stopped Adelia next to the passenger door. “That’s fucked up about Tex, you know?”

  Her placating grin gave him a non-answer.

  “Controlling who you choose to be with.”

  She shrugged and looked over his shoulder. “It’s his club, his rules.”

  “Get your own rules,” Colin snapped harder than he meant to.

  “I’ve been meaning to…” Her gaze fell to the side. “But I got myself wrapped into this job with them that I can’t leave.”

  “Get a new one.”

  “I can’t—and I won’t.”

  “Why don’t you care about what Tex says?”

  “It doesn’t matter that much to me.”

  “That’s insane, Adelia.”

  “Really. It’s not. I promise.”

  “You can’t let a guy like that make those choices for you.” He shook his head. What kind of men had she dated? Tex-approved pieces of shit? Colin could only imagine.

  She bit her lip. “I think I’m not saying enough for you to read between the lines.”

  Read between the lines? What more did he need to hear than her adoptive father who saved her from a pimp picked out the people she could have sex with. “Then say it because your world is blowing my mind.”

  Her brown-sugar eyes swept the ground as though her secret was stashed there, and when she met his gaze, her color was gone. “I’m a virgin.”


  The sledgehammer in Adelia’s heart didn’t knock her over. She couldn’t believe she’d told Colin about her virginity. Had she ever said that out loud before? Never.

  “That’s is going to make interesting breakfast conversation.” Colin reached behind Adelia and opened the door for her then spun her around into the seat. “Buckle in, babe. I have a feeling with you, it’s always a wild ride.”

  The door shut. That was it? No comical reactions or immediate, balking disbelief? He tossed his keys in the air and casually sauntered from the car, and she was trapped in a rental with the warm fuzzies and a shy smile that wouldn’t quit. But it needed to! With only a few seconds to gain her composure, Adelia stared at the spinning car rental tag that hung from the rearview mirror as though it might offer words of wisdom for baring her soul and came up empty.


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