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Page 11

by Cristin Harber

His quick flicks gave way to long sucking ones on one nipple as he massaged the other breast, thumbing over the tip. Sensations blazed, and she needed him to touch between her legs and slide his fingers inside her again. “Colin.”

  “Hmm.” His throatiness vibrated against her sensitive skin, send a fury of tornadoes down her stomach.

  “Please,” she pleaded. “Take my panties off.”

  His mouth fell away from her breast when he yanked them down. Colin dropped to his knees and ran the palms of his hands over her breasts and stomach, over her hipbones to the top of her thighs. He urged her legs apart, leaning close to her mound, and white lightning struck when his velvety-wet tongue slid over her clitoris.

  Colin circled the tight bud of nerves as she whimpered. His powerful forearms pushed against the soft skin of her inner thighs, spreading her wide, and he let his tongue roam as she writhed.

  The tension varied. Colin responded to her moans and cries, stroking her open with his tongue, rasping the sides of her folds and skin with his morning whiskers.

  Adelia clawed the wall and raked her hands into her hair. “Yes.”

  His fingers breached her tight entrance, and she knotted her dark locks in her fists as his tongue thrust into her canal.

  Adelia was on the brink as his unrelenting fingers and tongue pushed her higher.

  “I’m going to come,” she promised, dragging her nails against the wall and finding nothing to hold onto. Her hands flexed, fingers ached as she trembled. “Colin. Colin.”

  She pushed onto her toes, running away from what felt too damn good, and he stayed with her, never stopping, giving her more of what she needed until her orgasm exploded inside her, a supernova of bliss, quaking her pussy, rippling the muscles around his fingers and spasming her most intimate muscles against his kiss as she came apart for him.

  No one had ever gone down on her before, nothing more than a few seconds of play.

  No one had ever… She didn’t even know.

  No one had ever wanted her this much—maybe as much as she wanted Colin.

  Nothing had ever felt this special, and she didn’t want to move, didn’t want to break the moment. She wanted Colin inside her. It wasn’t about sex or tit for tat. For the first time, she needed that type of connection.

  He kissed her thigh, her hipbone, and her body went limp as Colin worked up her side until he towered over her again.

  “You are fucking unreal,” he whispered.

  She grabbed his sides. “Don’t move. Just for a minute.”

  He locked his arms around her neck, bringing her to his chest. Moving. But she didn’t care. They didn’t go anywhere. When Adelia was sure she could think straight, her hands slid over his stomach.

  “Let’s go lie down,” he offered.

  “I’m not ready.”


  She ran her fingers along his skin. He was smooth except for the smattering of short chest hair across his defined pectorals. The tips of her fingers explored every groove of muscle, every valley and ridge. “Your skin’s soft.”

  He kissed her temple, not saying a word. Her palms ran to his sides, drifting again across his abdomen of corded strength, and she rested on the top of his suit pants.

  “Let’s go,” he said quietly.

  “I want to stay here.”

  He quietly snort-laughed. “If that’s what you want.”

  “I want everything,” she promised. “But I don’t want to move.”

  “You have me, Adelia.” He kissed her cheek. “That’s what you want? In less than a day, you’ve got me crazy about you.”

  “I can’t even explain where my head’s at.” She watched her manicure tease the top fastener of his dress pants as though they weren’t her fingers. The idea of wanting a man like this was foreign, but she was lucid in every way possible and aware of the intense rollercoaster of new experiences she was on. “But I want more.”

  “More,” he repeated quietly. “We’ve got time for a little more, beautiful.”

  “No.” She shook her head because he was missing her intention, and she clearly had no practice being so bold. Adelia unfastened the top of his pants. “I want you.”

  He inched back, staring hard into her eyes. “Let’s go lie down for a few minutes and—”

  “I don’t want to talk.” She fortified herself with a breath as anxious as it was needy. “I want you inside of me.”

  He rolled his bottom lip into his mouth, clearly struggling with what she’d said, and Adelia tried not to be confused and hurt. He said he was crazy about her. This was good manners. This was… him. “You told me to tell you what I wanted,” she added and hoped the uncertainty in her voice was masked. “Why doesn’t it matter this time?”

  Colin rolled his shoulders back. “I’m not taking your virginity against a wall.”

  Wait, what? That was his concern? He just went down on her and fingered her against a wall. “This is where you’ve held me. Kissed me. Made me come.” She caressed him through his slacks. Colin had been engorged since they first kissed, but her hands hadn’t explored him properly.

  “There’s an order to how things like this are supposed to go.” His jaw muscles ticked as she continued to touch him. “We’ve missed a hand and blow job, if you want to hang out here.”

  Adelia snort-laughed. She knew he wouldn’t give her some BS line of hearts and flowers, but rather something about order and organization.

  “I haven’t been holding out,” she explained. “I’ve never been interested.”

  “And now you are?”

  She nodded. “I never wanted to before today. And this is what I want. Who I want. Where I want it.” She paused, realizing her shakiness had dissipated when explaining. “Does that still turn you on?”

  “Hell yes, beautiful.”

  “You need to decide if you trust me enough to know what I’ve been waiting for.” It sure wasn’t a pre-planned, scripted moment in bed. This was it. She wanted Colin to press inside of her. The urge was there, and it was far more powerful than any horny need to come she’d ever felt before.

  His hand went to his back pocket, pulling out his wallet, then a condom. Colin tossed the wallet aside, and she slid the zipper down, feeling her heart pound in her chest. The slacks dropped away, a quick fall of expensive fabric. He toed off his shoes then took off his socks until he remained in black boxer briefs, cut tight over his thick thighs and holding back his jutting, aroused cock.

  “You’re one sexy beast.” Adelia raised an eyebrow. “You’re aware of this?”

  Colin laughed. “A beast, huh?”

  “Oh, yeah. And not because of all these muscles…” She trailed her fingers along his waistband. “Thank you for trusting me.”

  “I could say the same thing.” He gently tweaked her nipples then skimmed his hand over her stomach before Colin brushed his mouth to hers. “You taste addictive.”

  She slid her hands to his cock, watching his face, and gripped him. His eyes slid shut. Adelia stacked her hands and lightly stroked.

  “Everything you do.” He grew harder in her hand, longer, and she lingered to massage his ball sac with one hand and let the other thumb the ridge of his crown. “Kills me.”

  Colin tore open the condom.

  Adelia’s heart skipped a beat as he moved in to sheath himself. A mixture of hope and anticipation swirled her nerves. Her hands smoothed up his stomach, pushing to his shoulders. When he was finished rolling the condom over his shaft, she glanced at the pile of their clothes beneath their feet, and a heady rush hit that they weren’t in a bed.

  “Put your arms around my neck.”

  She shivered, and the excited pinpricks skated across her skin. His voice had been low, deliberate, but deadly serious. She folded one arm around his strong shoulders and then the other.

  Colin lifted her, pinning her against the wall, making her float on air. His luscious mouth kissed her deeply until her nipples throbbed deep, and her pussy ached for more. Adelia
’s legs hitched, her arousal slick between her folds. His fingers played with her body, teasing, touching, pushing in and making her moan.

  If that’s what his fingers could do, and he’d already made her come with his tongue just a few minutes ago, she couldn’t comprehend what it might feel like to have him inside of her.

  But that didn’t matter. The thought was fleeting. He tormented her until she thrust against him, reaching for more contact, begging Colin to make her feel alive.

  “Adelia.” His hot breath burned against her ear. He held up against the wall as though she were light as a puff of air and the thick crown of his cock nudged her slickness. “Tell me what you want.”


  “Say it again,” he groaned.

  “Colin.” He stole her breath with the first press of his shaft. “You. Inside me.”

  “Good.” His blunt head pressed deeper. “God, Adelia.”

  “Uh-huh.” His girth stretched her, and the intoxicating rush of his shaft splitting her muscles was nothing like she’d imagined. “Colin.”

  “You are…” He buried his head into her neck, driving his cock deeper.

  “God,” she cried, shimmying her legs around his hips.

  His fingers dug into her flesh, and her throat went dry from her gasps.

  “Easy, easy,” he groaned.

  “More, please.” She needed things she didn’t know—to feel all of him, to freeze every muscle, and to fly fast and furious until her cries were nothing but climaxes. “Colin, I need…”

  He thrusted.

  “God,” she cried.

  “Sorry, fuck, sorry—”

  Her fingernails bit into his skin. “Don’t stop.”

  He sucked air. Maybe she was killing him too, and he pulled back.

  Ecstasy. “Give me more.”

  He nodded, his jaw flexing, and the thrusts became deeper. Colin’s desperation tore her apart more than she knew possible. “Stay with me.”

  He flexed and fucked, and Adelia clung to his chest when he seated himself inside her body and kissed her deep, tongue laving when he drew back and carefully speared her again.

  She rocked for more. Clenching around his cock was perfect. Her climax was quick to start again, and she didn’t care.

  Sweat dampened their bodies, and her teeth found his shoulder, biting down when he let go of any restraint and drove them to the highest peaks. “Colin, I’m going to…” Die!

  She climaxed on his cock, pulsing and clawing. He strained, orgasming with her, and kissed her in a tangle of hard breaths and needy tongue-whipping licks until they could only cling to each other, spent.

  He carefully set her down, and Adelia wanted to cry but wouldn’t let a tear slide free. “That was perfect.”

  Colin leaned next to her against the wall, dropping a kiss on top of her head. “Yeah.”

  “And I think I’m finally ready to lie in a bed.”


  They walked into Adelia’s bedroom, and her jaw dropped. “This isn’t how I remember leaving this place.”

  “Clearly you weren’t planning on bringing anyone home,” Colin joked as they stared at a pile of unfolded laundry in the middle of her bed, the pair of pantyhose that she’d put on—and torn—then thrown across the room and were now half-dangling across her mirror.

  “I was really upset at those hose,” she quickly added.

  “Remind me not to piss you off.”

  Adelia grabbed him around the waist, pulling him from her bedroom. “We’re re-routing. My couch is comfy.” But she wasn’t going to lie around her living room naked. This was so awkward. “I’m getting a shirt and jammy pants. Meet you there in a minute.”

  “In a hundred years, I’d never have guessed that you’d say jammy.”

  She laughed. “Don’t make me snap my pantyhose at you.”

  Colin killed her laughter with a kiss, and once she was thoroughly melting against him, he gave her a quick peck. “Damn, you’re cute.” He let her go, walking down her hall. “You’re staring at my ass.”


  He chuckled, grabbing his clothes, and she spun from the door in disbelief that she’d admitted that out loud. Adelia grabbed comfy clothes and called out as she pulled her pants on. “Jammy pants are in full effect.”

  “Can’t wait.”

  She nearly skipped to the living room, but he was in the kitchen, staring at his phone. “Everything okay?”

  “Other than my boss is having a moment, and my flight leaves in about two hours, yeah.”

  Her lips pouted. “Reality sucks.”

  “That’s why I let my phone die.” Colin let his eyes drift over the fitted shirt she often wore to bed and the flannel pajama pants that matched. “Jammy pants.”


  “Those are worth the ass-ripping I’m gonna get.”

  Her cheeks hurt from smiling. “You’re nuts.”

  “What? Think about it.” He came closer, grabbing the snug waistband. “That string you tied into a bow is loose enough I could just rip down. That’s quite the oxymoron.”

  She nodded sarcastically. “That was my devious plan: to arouse you with my shapeless flannel sleepwear.”

  “Nothing about you is shapeless.” His fingers ran up her shirt, over her bra-less breast, and across the fabric to tease her other mound.

  The outline of her nipples pressed against the cotton, and the sensation was a gentle turn on. Colin hadn’t bothered to button his shirt, and it draped over his sculpted shoulders, showcasing his rippled abdomen and etched chest. “I don’t want you to leave.”

  “Wish I didn’t have to go.” The back of his knuckles ran up her neck, sliding along her jaw.

  She sighed, eyes closing, nuzzling against his strong hand. “We have two hours?”

  “Not really. That includes travel and check-in.”

  “Makes sense.”

  “Couch. Let’s go. You and these jammy pants are mine until the last minute.” He swept her into his arm and carried her to the couch, where he fell, making her squeal, but he braced them right before she thought they’d slam into the cushions. The landing was nothing but the sweet impact of Colin’s muscled body, and that she’d take any day.

  He turned her to face him on the couch, and her hands drifted along his side.

  “Are you okay?” he asked. “Sore or something?”

  “Nothing that would be worth complaining about.”

  A cute smile turned up on the corner of his lips. “Good. I take complaints seriously.”

  “Does Delta have jobs in the US? I sometimes travel for work.”

  “What do you do?” he asked.

  Ugh. She’d walked into that one. What could she say? There were times that she met up with human traffickers because she was a regular. But she released everyone without calling the cops. Few understood that her law-enforcement-less plan helped more people that way. “Mayhem stuff, mostly.”

  He cocked an eyebrow.

  “Nothing bad!” But all kinds of illegal—and she hated lying to Colin. She didn’t even feel bad for lying to Tex about what she did. But Colin wouldn’t get it. What she did was good—no, it was great! Illegal, oh yeah. Definitely. But maybe there was a gray line of right and wrong for him. “What do you do at work?”

  “Bit of this and that.”

  At least he was evasive as she was. “Very interesting.”

  His lips quirked. “I’m trying for a promotion.”

  “Oh… I bet the ass-ripping you mentioned earlier doesn’t help.”

  He kissed her forehead. “Don’t worry about it. I almost have it.”

  She arched her eyebrow. “How does someone almost have a promotion and they’re not worried?”

  “It has a contingency, but today, I’m not concerned.”

  “Why aren’t you concerned?”

  “Some things are worth the risk or punishment, beautiful.”

  God, what was this between them? They had a
connection she couldn’t explain. It wasn’t the insta-love she rolled her eyes at in made-for-TV movies, but she couldn’t get enough of him. No question about that. But now what. “Are we friends?”

  “Sure.” He shrugged.

  That was anti-climactic.

  His shrug quickly faded, and Adelia realized she’d shown more on her face than she meant to as she watched him backtrack. “Oh, you mean, this? Us?”

  “Not necessarily.” She bit her lip.

  “I thought you were going to say something else. Of course, we’re friends.” He shifted onto his elbow, leaning over her on the couch.

  “That was weird to ask,” she downplayed. “I don’t do whatever this was. Sorry to put you in an awkward position.”

  “Whatever this is,” he corrected, still watching her intently.

  “Is.” She liked how quiet and contemplative he was, how Colin was masculine and tough but didn’t shy away from conversations that mattered.

  Then again, he hadn’t said anything besides she wasn’t yesterday’s news. Her nerves switched on, and she fidgeted. He brushed hair back from her forehead, and his intense study of her didn’t back away.

  “We don’t have to call us anything other than friends.” Adelia bit the inside of her cheeks. That sounded even stranger. “This doesn’t need an explanation. Can we forget I brought it up?”

  He chuckled. “You know that we stare at each other too long to be just friends, right? Like at the bachelor party.”

  He saw her checking him out? Her skin heated. “I didn’t mean to…” Except she couldn’t take her eyes off him.

  “You realize that, right?”

  “You’re easy to look at.” But now, she couldn’t look at him because he’d tapped into a vulnerability she didn’t know she had. Trusting another person with a soft, weak spot was terrifying.

  He touched her cheek, bringing her gaze back to him. “I don’t think that’s why.”


  “You tell me.” He smiled. “I already dropped one truth bomb on you.”

  “And what was that?”

  “You make jammy pants hot.”

  And there it was again, the amazing way he made her feel, inside and out. That was why she stared at him. He was magic. “You make me smile on the inside.”


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