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Page 32

by Cristin Harber

  She climaxed. And everything she’d ever wondered, every vision, every cliché, every hope and dream of light and love, electrified through her body. Her muscles spasmed, her grip clenched as she couldn’t breathe—until the moment that he poured his climax into her, resuscitating her back to reality, and the magical dream that he’d coaxed her into.

  They went limp, breaths seesawing, and they stayed tangled together until he sweetly kissed her cheek. “I have a question for you.”

  “Yeah.” She nuzzled against his neck, turning in his arms so he could wrap her in a hug. “Anything.”

  “It’s more of a ‘thanks.’”

  She smiled. “I’ll take that too.”

  “I’d always acted as though things had an order of progression, and without one building block, the next couldn’t rightfully exist.”

  “Trust me, I noticed.”

  He laughed. “Trust me, I hadn’t. Not until it was pointed out, and now… sometimes it’s better to do things because it’s the needed thing rather than it’s the required step.”

  She pecked his lips and snuggled again. “Knowing you, that’s one of the sweetest things I think you might ever say to me.”

  Colin rolled over her, pressing his forehead to hers, letting their legs tangle and stomachs touch. “Adelia, marry me.”

  Her lips parted as emotion choked in her throat. “Of course.”

  “Now. Tomorrow. Later. You’re my world, baby. I’m with you all the way.”


  I’m excited to announce the ACES and Mayhem series are up next!

  I don’t have their release schedule yet. Add your name to my notification-only list. This is not a newsletter subscription. Just a quick email I’ll buzz you with these series have a specific release date and links. BONUS: After you sign up, there’s an awesome, free downloadable gift waiting for you.

  In addition to ACES and Mayhem, I’m working on concepts for the Titan kids as they grow up and another #SSP (super secret project) that I think will blow you out of the water!

  Titan Hugs,

  Cristin Harber



  If you haven’t finished DELTA: RICOCHET, you probably don’t want to read this chapter! Below are thoughts to discuss in the Facebook discussion group, with your book club, or reading circle! If you’re a librarian or bookseller, please go here for additional resources and event/ club scheduling.

  Adelia’s exact age is generalized to her thirties. She has experienced a wide variety of experiences, and would likely consider herself somewhat sexually experienced, but she remains a virgin.

  Given her upbringing and lack of autonomy when choosing a partner, did you understand her decision?

  Could you appreciate the matter of fact way she decided to lose her virginity?

  Which factors may have played a heavier role in that decision—her upbringing in Brazil or Pops trying to control her partner?

  Outwardly, Adelia appeared to be an open book, but she clings to two significant secrets which she keeps from her closest family and friends.

  Why did she find such ease with sharing her virginity with Colin but struggle with sharing about the trafficking network?

  Colin’s initial conflict stemmed around a promotion and taking time off for his love interest. Do you think he should have left earlier? Should he have pushed Titan Group/ Delta team to become more involved?

  Did his impression of Mayhem put her in more danger? Or did he make the best decision he could given the information he had?

  What were the not-so-obvious moments which served to help Colin progress from staunch rule who watched out for his team to a more caring, thoughtful leader?

  Lenora was a character that was easy to hate? Or was it more that you hated to love? If you’ve seen her from other Titan and Delta novels, how did she compare? Did you understand Lenora’s internal struggle—and would you want to see more of her internal conflict resolved as she, in the end, decided to help Adelia against what she “knew” to be of Mayhem’s code?

  Tex’s point of view wasn’t shared in the story. What do you think he did when Lenora couldn’t find him? Were you surprised to see him play MC politics and choose his adopted daughter over Mayhem.

  Hawke tends to be a likable character—agree?— which makes his position and duties distasteful. As he balances his criminal responsibilities and the duties the MC has entrusted him to carry out, did you see why he had a hard line stance on Adelia?

  Despite running weapons and approving hits, do you think Hawke has the ability to listen to reason? Did you opinion change when Tex explained Adelia’s punishment wasn’t fit for what Mayhem initially understood the “crime” to be?

  Parker (Titan series) had a chapter from his point of view planning with Jared. These are two characters who make decisions based on intelligence and instinct. In this story, the black ops mission was a secondary problem, and their lack of emotional perception or social awareness put them at a disadvantage. Discuss how these alpha heroes struggled with assumptions of risk and trust because of their binary beliefs. Example: Once an Army Ranger teammate, always a trusted, loyal teammate.

  Do you wonder what it might like to live in a black ops world where good guys might be bad, and bad guys have to pair up with the heroes?

  Deacon has a lot of bad blood with people Colin knows yet he has done nothing personally to him. When they stop threatening each other and team up, do you see why they do so? And why Colin keeps Deacon at arm’s length, trying to signal HQ?

  Cullen Blackburn, Mayhem’s founder, has yet to show what he’s really made of. Good guy who’s an asshole? Bad guy who has the occasional pleasant streak? What is going on with him?


  If you’ve read JAX (a Titan novel), continue reading below.



  *** Spoiler below if you haven’t read Jax!***




  Were you surprised to see Deacon again? Or were you suspicious because his death was not given from the point of view of a trusted character?

  Knowing Deacon’s history with Jax’s first wife, should Colin have killed Deacon?

  Was Jared’s reaction enough or would this be part of their “day in the life” headaches that a black ops business might face on occasion?


  Great news on the audiobook front! LOCKE AND KEY and JAX are in production. I apologize about the wait. Life slowed me down. But Jeffrey Kafer, our award-winning narrator, should have the last two Titan novels available Spring 2018. We will immediately continue with three more books! Deja Vu, Delta: Redemption, and Delta: Ricochet.

  Now is the time to catch up! If you’re not an audiobook user, Audible will let you try a couple out for free. If you’re interested in Audible’s Romance Package, check out what I shared to learn more about the search options, binge-listens, and steamy search options. All my audiobooks are available in this package.


  Cristin Harber is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling romance author. She writes sexy, steamy romantic suspense, military romance, new adult, and contemporary romance. Readers voted her onto Amazon's Top Picks for Debut Romance Authors in 2013, and her debut Titan series was both a #1 romantic suspense and #1 military romance bestseller.

  Connect with Cristin: Email | Facebook | Instagram |Twitter | Team Titan

  Join the newsletter! Text TITAN to 66866 or click here to sign up for exclusive emails.

  The Titan Series:

  Book 1: Winters Heat

  Book 1.5: Sweet Girl

  Book 2: Garrison's Creed

  Book 3: Westin's Chase

  Book 4: Gambled

  Book 5: Chased

  Book 6: Savage Secrets

  Book 7: Hart Attack


Book 7.5: Sweet One

  Book 8: Black Dawn

  Book 8.5: Live Wire

  Book 9: Bishop’s Queen

  Book 10: Locke and Key

  Book 11: Jax

  The Delta Series:

  Book 1: Delta: Retribution

  Book 2: Delta: Rescue*

  Book 3: Delta: Revenge

  Book 4: Delta: Redemption

  Book 5: Delta: Ricochet

  *The Delta Novella in Liliana Hart’s MacKenzie Family Collection

  The Only Series:

  Book 1: Only for Him

  Book 2: Only for Her

  Book 3: Only for Us

  Book 4: Only Forever

  The ACES Series:

  Book 1: TBD

  The Mayhem Series:

  Book 1: TBD

  7 Brides for 7 Soldiers:

  Ryder (#1) - Barbara Freethy

  Adam (#2) - Roxanne St. Claire

  Zane (#3) - Christie Ridgway

  Wyatt (#4) - Lynn Raye Harris

  Jack (#5) - Julia London

  Noah (#6) - Cristin Harber

  Ford (#7) - Samantha Chase

  Each Titan, Delta, and 7 Brides book can be read as a standalone (except for Sweet Girl), but readers will likely best enjoy the series in order. The Only series must be read in order.


  If you’re reading this, I’m acknowledging you.

  Delta: Ricochet couldn’t have come to light without the support of my family and loved ones. I can’t write these books without inspiration from kind, loving, and powerful people.

  But when I sit back and think of everyone who I’d like to thank the most, it’s you.

  Whether you’re new to me or we’ve been together since Winters Heat, I’d like you to know how grateful I am for your time.

  Readers are an inspiration. I’m lucky enough to have a fantastic readership—woot, woot, Team Titan—and connection with people who feel #TitanStrong. Your love for books and each other make writing a treat. Thank you.

  Also, I’d like to give a special acknowledgment to the person who expanded my understanding of modern-day human trafficking. You are the most intense cloud of darkness I have ever had the pleasure to meet. The world is better because of you—and the cookies that you bake.

  Shout out to my team: Red Adept Editing, Hot Damn Design, InkSlinger Social Media


  Copyright © 2018 Cristin Harber

  All rights reserved. This book or any portions thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author and publisher except for the use of brief quotations used in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictionally.





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