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How the Lady Charmed the Marquess

Page 15

by Laura A. Barnes

  “That is a shame,” said Charlie, leaning over Jasper to reach the basket.

  Jasper gulped at the low neckline to Charlie’s dress. When she reached across him, her dress gaped open, giving him a view of her swollen breasts. Charlie pulled back, so slowly that her body brushed across his intimately. When she settled back, her seductive smile would have brought him to his knees if he weren’t seated already

  “Um, what is a shame?” Jasper lost track of the conversation.

  “That you will treat me no different, even though you have taken my innocence and ruined me so scandalously,” Charlie answered with a cheeky grin.

  “I think you are the one who has ruined me for any other woman.”

  “Who, me?”

  “You know damn well the affect you have over me, Charlotte Holbrooke. I would show you now, if so many people did not surround us,” Jasper growled.

  Charlie threw back her head and laughed. Soon she had their plates filled with every decadent treat. Jasper should have known Charlie would fill their lunch basket with nothing but sugar. Her sweet tooth had always been her demise. After eating cake, biscuits, cream puffs, and jam-filled pastries, Jasper laid back and closed his eyes. Charlie’s voice was mesmerizing as she talked about Sapphire. Their love of horses was something they held in common. Charlie’s excitement for Sapphire’s new foal was contagious. He had almost drifted asleep when a commotion near the pond had him jumping to his feet.

  Selina was trudging out of the water with Forrester’s assistance. The lady’s hair lay in a soaked décor with her ribbons hanging over her face. She swiped them away in annoyance, holding up the heavy skirt to step over the rocks. The once pristine white dress now hung on Selina stained a mucky brown. Moss clung to the buttons, and she appeared to be missing a shoe.

  “You utter buffoon. Look what you have done to my dress,” Selina shrieked at Forrester.

  “A simple accident, my lady. I apologize for my unsteadiness.”

  “You stood up in the boat, tipping it over. That is not an accident.”

  “Only for the purpose of swatting away a bee you were caterwauling about.”

  “Caterwauling! I do not lower myself to that tone. I only whimpered when the insect landed on my parasol.”

  Forrester guffawed. “Believe me, your response was no whimper.”

  “Your manners, sir, leave a lot to be desired. You are nothing but an over-large, uncoordinated, disrespectable excuse for a gentleman.”

  “Well, you are no lady yourself.”

  “Well, I ...” Selina stomped a foot at his audacity. He made her so angry, she couldn’t form the words to describe his true character. “Grhh.”

  Selina stomped away to her father to garner sympathy. Her father helped her into a curricle and they rode back to the house for her to change clothes. And probably to sulk. Since Duncan had embarrassed Selina, she would be on the warpath to make someone more miserable than her. And since Abigail had been paired with Lucas and not her, then reason said Selina would strike out at Abigail. Charlie would need to stay close to Abigail once they returned to the house. Not that Abigail needed protection, she could hold her own, usually more with kindness than anything else. Still, Charlie wanted to offer support, and she knew her sisters and Gemma would feel no different.

  Droplets flew through the air when Duncan shook his body. He'd lost his hat when he went under and tried to save the ungrateful lass. His red locks lay drenched with the rest of his clothing. However, he would endure it all over again to catch the sight of a soaked lass. A soaked lass no matter how angry leaves nothing to the imagination. A soaked lass only fuels fantasies that one would want to act upon if given a chance. Selina made a very fine soaked lass indeed.

  Duncan plopped down on an empty spot on Charlie and Sinclair’s blanket. He dug around in their basket, pulling out a slice of chocolate cake. Duncan tore into the treat, finishing it in three bites.

  He heard Sinclair mutter, “Savage” before sitting back down.

  “I should have known you were the one who came away with all the sweets,” said Duncan, digging through the basket for more to eat. “The wench who packed my lunch served me nothing but what a rabbit would eat.”

  “Oh, you poor man.”

  Duncan raised his head to wink at Charlie’s teasing tone. He caught her staring at his bare legs covered in slime. Duncan also saw Sinclair’s possessive stare of Charlie and knew the gent didn’t care for her notice of him. Duncan wanted to have a little fun at Sinclair’s expense.

  “Like what you see, lass?” Duncan asked, raising his eyebrows.

  Charlie shrugged, raking her gaze up and down Duncan’s length. “Not bad, but a little too hairy for my taste.” Charlie wrinkled her nose.

  Sinclair growled a warning, but Duncan ignored it. He was no threat to Sinclair’s courtship of Charlie, but the bloke didn’t need to know that yet.

  “Do you recall that matter I discussed with you the other night?”

  “Yes,” answered Charlie.

  “Well, it might have progressed further than I anticipated.”

  “Duncan, how could you? Do you not understand the repercussions this will cause?”

  “A heart does not see the reason the mind understands.”

  “You are a fool.”

  “Only for you, Charlie, my girl.”

  Charlie laughed, warmed by Duncan’s flirtation. Since she knew it was harmless gibberish, she didn’t pay any attention to what Sinclair might interpret it to be.

  “Can I assume your situation has progressed further too?”

  Charlie blushed. “Yes, it has.”

  Duncan glared at Sinclair, assessing Sinclair’s reaction to his conversation with Charlie. The gentleman’s jealousy satisfied Duncan. If the man grew agitated at a simple interchange, then it meant he cared for Charlie. Duncan would do nothing to stand in their way.

  “Excellent. We shall talk later.” Duncan jumped up, extending his hand to Sinclair. “I am withdrawing from the duke’s offer.”

  Sinclair warily shook Forrester’s hand and nodded. Even though he didn’t trust the Scot. His familiarity with Charlie still bothered him. Then there was Charlie’s open perusal of Forrester in his kilt. Their flirty exchange didn’t help appease his jealously. He wondered how Charlie would feel if he flirted with another woman. Would she be just as jealous? Sinclair shook his head. There was no other lady he wanted to charm than the one sitting next to him. Nor did he want to play games. Charlie insisted Forrester was only her friend, and he trusted her. So instead of letting past doubts fester, he needed to let them go.

  “Shall we walk this delightful lunch off?” asked Sinclair.

  Charlie beamed at Jasper. His open acceptance to her quirky ways warmed her heart. Any other gentleman would have lectured her on eating too many sweets. Instead, Jasper indulged her weaknesses.

  “I would enjoy that very much.”

  By then the other couples had finished their lunches and were partaking in the many outdoor activities provided for them. Jasper led them along a path around the lake. They would stop to skip a few rocks, then continue until they were far enough away where nobody noticed when he led them into the wooded area nearby.

  Once they had ventured deep enough, Jasper backed Charlie against a tree. His seductive smile spoke of his intentions. Intentions Charlie wouldn’t object to, for she had patiently waited all day for them. However, Jasper didn’t place his lips on hers. He started his assault placing soft kisses across her chest, trailing higher along her neck. When he reached her lips, Jasper hesitated but a breath away, driving Charlie’s anticipation up a notch. His stare at her lips hypnotized her. His eyes darkening with a desire he hadn’t shown before. Charlie drew her bottom lip through her teeth.

  Charlie’s eagerness showed for his kiss. His thumb smoothed out her teeth from her bottom lip. Sliding it back and forth over the smooth expanse. How he wanted to sample her sweetness, savor the raspberry jam flavor he knew she would tast
e like. Instead, his lips trailed back down her neck, nipping at her silky skin.

  “Jasper,” Charlie moaned.


  “Are you going to kiss me?”

  “No,” he whispered. His tongue dipping inside the front of her dress.


  “No.” He pulled away, sauntering back out of the woods near the lake.

  Charlie stood frustrated against the tree. She had hoped when he detoured them into the woods, Jasper would kiss her. Instead, he only heightened her desire to a level of frustration that he would deny. Not only that, Charlie also noticed his smile when he walked away. He took pleasure from withholding his kisses. Perhaps she was wrong. Jasper’s display proved his comment of remaining the arrogant arse he had always been to her. If that was the case, then she would remain the hoyden when provoked by him to act before she thought through her actions.

  She stalked out of the woods to find him near the lake with his foot propped on a rock. When he didn’t turn at her arrival, she let her vindictive nature shine by shoving him into the lake. Then Charlotte stood with her hands on her hips, glaring at him when he surfaced. When he broke out in laughter at her display of revenge, she lowered her hands and stomped her foot.

  “My dear, if you wanted to see my body dripping with water again, you only had to make your request known and I would have obliged your desires.”

  “As if you knew how to oblige a lady’s desires.”

  “Mmm, I am sure you would find many to disagree with you, including yourself,” Jasper taunted.


  Jasper came out of the water, pausing but an inch from Charlie. Her fury at denying her a kiss rolled off her in waves. He loved watching her like this. Their marriage would never be boring. Granted, he would have to spend many nights making up for the times he would anger her. They would be pleasurable. However, now he had to make it appear that nothing untoward went on when he steered them into the woods. He had to leave when he did, if not he would have taken her against the tree. His need for Charlie consumed him so much, he forgot about her reputation. When she looked at him with so much trust and vulnerability, he froze.

  “Why what?”

  “Why did you not kiss me?” Charlie hissed.

  “Because once I started with one kiss, then it would turn to two, then three, then I would never have been able to stop,” Jasper whispered.

  “Oh ...”

  Jasper smiled at Charlie tenderly. “Yes, oh.”

  “I am sorry?” Charlie winced.

  “Are you stating your apology or asking?”


  Before the crowd gathered, Jasper spoke softly, “You may seek your forgiveness later.”

  Charlie gulped when she realized Jasper’s underlying message.

  Aunt Susanna pulled Charlie to the side to lecture her on the inappropriate behavior of young ladies. While listening to her, Charlie’s gaze kept drifting to Jasper. Where he sent her smoldering stares, stating exactly what he expected for an apology. If the sun warmed Charlie before, the heat burned her now. Inside and out. That was the force of Jasper Sinclair. Nothing but a fire that never sizzled out.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Dinner was a quiet affair. Most of the ladies pleaded too much sun from the afternoon and took a tray in their rooms for dinner. Since most of the chaperones and Aunt Susanna herself didn’t go to dinner, Uncle Theo thought it would be best for what girls who wanted dinner to have a small affair in the upstairs parlor. The gentlemen decided to take dinner at the inn in town, and to visit the taverns for a few drinks.

  Charlie stood at the window looking for any sign of Jasper’s return. The other ladies discussed amongst themselves their dresses for tomorrow’s ball. She smiled over her shoulder when they laughed about the afternoon. Over the course of the last few days, they had formed new friendships. Friendships that would be beneficial when they arrived in London for the season. Charlie thought Jasper would have proposed by now. Since he hadn’t, Charlie had to face the music that he might not. If that were the case, then she would need to find herself a husband in London. It was the pact the girls had decided when they agreed to the house party. They worried over Uncle Theo, and they owed him to make matches so he wouldn’t have to worry over them anymore. Her uncle was a generous soul, and Charlie loved him like a father. A father who overindulged her over the years with horses and her rebellious character. One who spoiled all of them in their own unique way.

  The sound of horses drew Charlie’s attention back outside, but it was only Kincaid and Worthington returning. With a sigh of disappointment, Charlie returned to the settee to join the discussion. She wasn’t one to fawn over the fashion plates, but even Charlie’s excitement over her gown that arrived from London this afternoon was hard to contain. It was a work of creation that stunned Charlie. She waited in anticipation for Jasper to see it.

  “Well, if this is not another quaint gathering. At least the gentlemen have left for the evening. It would be a shame for any of them to witness your drab garb.”

  Selina stood in the doorway, dressed in an elegant day dress with her claws out. She looked down at her nose at them. The humiliation from her earlier drowning would play no effectiveness in her shrew comments.

  “Our invitation for you to join us is still open,” said Abigail.

  Selina sneered, “As if I would want to join your little party. You ladies are ranked below me and will always be lower than my status. Once I am a duchess, your comfortable situations will change. I will not allow you to remain living here for free. The dukedom has paid for your welfare long enough. My advice to you wards is to find a man to marry tomorrow night or during your season in London. Because after you have your London season, Lucas and I are getting married. I will not be as generous as your uncle and neither will Lucas.”

  Throughout Selina’s tirade she had stepped further into the room, landing in front of Abigail. While she meant her words for all of them, she targeted Abigail with her harshness. Charlie noticed the sadness in Abigail’s eyes, but her friend wouldn’t allow Selina Pemberton to cower her. Abigail pressed her shoulders back and held her head high. Abigail didn’t mince words with the shrew, instead returning her gaze with a determination Charlie had never witnessed in Abigail. Before Abigail spoke her opinion, a voice from the doorway stopped Selina’s vindictiveness.

  “Presumptuous, are you not, Lady Selina?” drawled Duncan, leaning on the doorjamb.

  “No, I do not believe I am, Lord Forrester,” Selina replied snidely, turning toward him.

  “Have you and Lucas set a wedding date?”

  “Papa and the duke will set the date once the house party has completed and the guests have left.”

  “So, nothing is set in stone per se.”

  “It has been set in stone since Lucas and I were children.”

  “Perhaps, but a stone can be broken, just as your betrothal can.”

  “There are no grounds on which it can break.”

  “Isn’t there?”

  Selina turned pale at Duncan’s taunt. Was there more to Duncan’s involvement with Selina than the mere kiss they shared in the hallway?

  “You, my lord, are overstepping your bounds as usual,” snarled Selina. She gathered her skirts, and turning she tried to exit the room. Before she left Duncan grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him. He lowered his head and whispered in Selina’s ear. Selina pulled her hand away to slap Duncan. Duncan cocked an eyebrow and made a small shake with his head. Selina growled unlady-like and stomped away.

  Duncan faced the ladies and made a bow. “I hope you ladies have enjoyed your leisurely evening resting. Because tomorrow evening I expect all you ladies to accept my offer for a twirl around the ballroom.”

  Charlie shook her head at Duncan’s charm. While his flirtation held no effect on her or the rest of her family, it did on the other ladies. They twittered their responses, causing Duncan to become more obnoxious.

e all the gentlemen returned from the village?” asked Jacqueline.

  “Yes, we returned earlier than expected.”

  “How so? Did someone fall ill?” asked Gemma.

  “More like a gentlemanly disagreement ensued, and the villagers requested that they return to the estate to settle their differences.”

  “What kind of disagreement?” asked Charlie.

  “I can only say that it involved winning a prize at the end of the house party?”

  “What kind of prize?” asked Evelyn.

  “A prize between gentlemen regarding a bet of sorts. You know how gentlemen can be.”

  “Foolish,” Abigail muttered loud enough for everyone to hear.

  “Foolish indeed.” Duncan agreed. “Now, I must bid you good evening. I wish you all pleasant dreams.”

  Duncan walked around the room and kissed every lady’s hand before leaving. After Duncan left, the other ladies oohed and awed over his attention. Charlie wanted to roll her eyes at their adoration of Duncan. While she didn’t fall for his charm, Charlie understood how other ladies who didn’t know him would. That was Duncan’s flaw. He charmed them until they were falling at his feet, then when they wanted more, he fled so fast in the opposite direction they could never catch him even if they wanted to.

  ONCE EVELYN’S LIGHT snores filled the bedroom, Charlie slipped out of bed, drawing on her robe. Leaving their room two nights in a row was risky, but one she could explain to Evelyn if caught. This time wasn’t for herself, but for a friend. Duncan’s mood didn’t fool her. She had noticed an underlying tension in him after his interaction with Selina. He'd slipped a note in her hand when he kissed her good evening, and she knew it was a request to meet him later. Charlie lit a candle and held the note under the light.

  Use the secret corridor and meet in my room at midnight.

  Duncan didn’t address or sign the note. The need for secrecy would protect them both as long as she didn’t get caught in his bedroom. Charlie would make the visit quick, then return to her bed. She didn’t even want to visit Jasper again. His behavior at the picnic still sat sour with her. Jasper’s nonchalant regard to the change in their relationship upset her. Charlie expected Jasper to treat her differently. Didn’t she deserve to have him treat her special? Especially since he loved her. But did he? Jasper had yet to speak any words of love, and Charlie didn’t know if he ever would.


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