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How the Lady Charmed the Marquess

Page 17

by Laura A. Barnes

  “Do you not think so, Jasper?”

  “What do I think, Mother?”

  “That Charlotte is the most striking lady at the ball this evening.”

  Charlie’s cheeks turned the color of the reddest rose. Even with a blush, she was a sight to behold. That Jasper would never deny.

  “You look very lovely this evening, Lady Holbrooke.”

  “Thank you, Lord Sinclair.”

  Lady Sinclair laughed. “Lord and lady. I have never known you two to be so proper.” She held Charlotte’s hands in hers, looking them over.

  “I thought ...” Lady Sinclair looked over at Jasper.

  Jasper shook his head. “You were mistaken in your thoughts.”

  “I do not think so. What happened to the item you requested?”

  “As I said, you were mistaken. I shall return the item to you on the morrow.”

  Charlie’s head swiveled back and forth at the confusing conversation Jasper held with his mother. Lady Sinclair was adamant on the unspoken subject. With each of Jasper’s denials, her fingers tightened around Charlotte’s hand.

  “What happened?” Lady Sinclair asked.

  “Let us say that I was mistaken with my decision.”


  “If you ladies will excuse me.” Sinclair made no excuse for his leave, because he had none. Only that he couldn’t stay in the proximity of Charlie for another minute. Not without making both of them look like fools. He didn’t allow the ladies time to respond before stalking away.

  “I do not understand what has gotten into that boy. All day he prowled around the house in a state of doom. Then only became more agitated on the carriage ride over. Now he abandons us.”

  “You know Jasper, he hates these things.” Charlie tried to make up an excuse for Jasper’s behavior. However, it sounded false even to her ears.

  “Yes, dear. That must be it. Now, will you please escort an old lady over to the other matrons? When your guests return home, you must pay me a visit to share the details of the house party. Promise?”

  “I promise.” Charlie smiled at Jasper’s mother, making a promise to something she might not be able to keep.

  After Charlotte settled Lady Sinclair next to Aunt Susanna, she went in search of Jasper. She wanted an explanation for his avoidance. His reaction toward Charlie confused her. One minute he devoured her with his eyes, then the next minute fury rolled off him. Charlie searched the house over and couldn’t find him. She visited everywhere. Jasper wasn’t in the card room, the billiard room, the library, or Uncle Theo’s study. However, her uncle was there.

  “Come in, Charlotte. I would like to have a few words with you. Please close the door.”

  Charlie nervously advanced to the desk. She sat down, perched on the edge of the chair. Ready to take flight at a moment’s notice. Her uncle only smiled at her indulgently, so Charlie relaxed back in the chair. She worried he held knowledge of her activities. Instead, he paid compliments to her appearance and her behavior, sans the dunking of Lord Sinclair, during the house party. He continued declaring how proud of her he was, and he couldn’t wait to show her off in London. Even promising to take her to Tattersall’s to let her choose the livestock for their business venture. While his offer sounded amazing, it wasn’t what her heart wished for, or what it expected. She had thought Sinclair would ask her to marry him and they would live happily ever after on his estate raising horses. A dream that seemed to be slipping away with each passing minute.

  “Why the long face, my dear?”

  “I am sorry, Uncle Theo. It all sounds wonderful. I guess I am a little tired from all the dancing.”

  “Yes, I noticed your dance card was quite full this evening. It reminded me of my sweet Olivia. All the gentlemen clamored for a chance to hold her in their arms. How I became so lucky to have made her mine, I am clueless even to this day.”

  “Because she loved you the first moment she laid on eyes on you.”

  “And I her,” Uncle Theo sighed.

  Charlie’s lips lifted into a wistful smile. “I wish for the same.”

  “You have found it, my dear.”

  “I thought I had, only now I am not so sure.”


  “Then why does he avoid me?”

  Uncle Theo laughed. “Because you scare him.”

  “Now you speak nonsense.”

  “Your gentleman has never had a vulnerable moment in his life. Every aspect has been given to him or he gained it easily. You, my dear, are a whirlwind he cannot control, nor will you make life easy and he knows that. Therefore his life will never be easygoing again and that scares him. He does not fear the love you have for one another, but the depth of what that emotion will do.”

  “We have not even spoken of love.”

  “Then there lies your problem, Charlie. Perhaps instead of waiting for the gentleman to confess his love, you need to confess your love first. Clear the doubts away.”

  “Do you know of which gentleman I speak of?”

  “Yes, I am aware of which gentleman captured your heart.”

  “You will not force him, if he does not feel the same way?”

  “No, but I will secure your future as I see fit, my dear.”

  Charlie nodded. She understood her uncle’s underlying message. He may not force Sinclair to love her in return, but he would find her a groom soon. Charlie rose and placed a kiss on her uncle’s cheek.

  “I love you,” she whispered on the verge of tears, rushing toward the door. This evening had been an emotional ride, leaving her confused for the future.


  Charlie turned, swiping a tear from her cheek. “Yes?”

  “I noticed Sinclair taking himself off to the stables.”

  “You did?”


  Charlie beamed with excitement, her uncle’s support made clear. Charlie threw the door open.

  “At least change your dress,” Uncle Theo yelled after Charlie.

  Charlie rushed to her room, coming to a halt seeing Evelyn lying on the bed crying. She hurried to her sister’s side, kneeling on the floor.

  “What is wrong, dearest?”

  “He asked you to supper, and you said yes.”



  “No, you are mistaken.”

  “I stood next to you when he asked, and you answered yes.” Evelyn cried harder.

  Charlie closed her eyes, remembering that Worthington had asked her something, and she'd answered yes. She had grown irritated at his persistent company. Every time Charlie tried to direct him toward Evelyn, he only tried harder for Charlie’s attention. In her annoyance, she had only given Worthington encouragement and hurt her sister.

  “I have made such a mess. It was never my intention. I did not realize what he asked. My attention was focused on Jasper, and I only answered yes for him to leave me alone. I swear I had no clue to what he was asking.”

  “It no longer matters. I must face the fact that Worthington holds no interest in me.”

  “Nonsense. You must only try harder. Perhaps if you ...” A knock sounded on the door, interrupting Charlie.

  Charlie rose and opened the door a crack, so as not to draw attention to Evelyn’s distress state. Lucas stood agitated at the door, his hair standing on end and his cravat ripped open.

  “Charlie, you must come quick. Sapphire is in labor and having a difficult time. Sinclair is with her now, but she needs your gentle attention.”

  “Wait for me to change.”

  “Hurry,” Lucas shouted through the closed door.

  Evelyn had heard Lucas and rose from the bed to help Charlie undress. After they discarded the many layers, Charlie slid into a pair of breeches and one of Lucas’s old linen shirts. She stuffed her feet into boots and pulled a pair of work gloves from the wardrobe.

  “I am sorry Evelyn, I must help Sapphire. Please promise that you will not give up on your hope for Wo
rthington. If he is your true heart’s desire, then you must fight for him.”

  Evelyn smiled through her tears. “I promise.”

  Charlie kissed Evelyn’s cheek before she rushed out the door where Lucas waited. The two of them ran toward the servant staircase to sneak outside. While most of the guests knew of Charlie’s eccentricity of dressing like a boy, it wasn’t what they liked to parade about. Evelyn watched them from the window, running into the stables. Charlie wouldn’t return for the rest of the evening.

  Evelyn glanced over to Charlie’s discarded dress. She knew in her heart that when Charlie told Worthington they could share the dinner dance, she hadn’t meant it. Sinclair’s absence had distracted her sister, and once he arrived that had been the only thing Charlotte obsessed over. Even though Charlie danced with Lord Worthington, her mind had been elsewhere.

  No one would realize Charlie’s absence at the ball. Her family wouldn’t announce that Charlie was in the stable helping a horse give birth. To everyone, Charlie would spend the evening dancing and sharing a meal with Worthington. Nor would they notice Evelyn’s disappearance. She had always been the quiet one who went unnoticed by all.

  Evelyn started unbuttoning her dress and slipping off the bodice and skirt. Charlie would forgive Evelyn for the deception, and she only prayed Worthington would too. After she slipped on Charlie’s dress and re-buttoned herself, she stood in the mirror and undid the ribbons in her hair. She brushed out her curls until they hung in waves, framing her face. If asked, she would say the pearls had fallen out of her hair. Once this evening finished, she promised herself that she would never pretend to be Charlie again. Evelyn only wanted one more night with Reese Worthington. In the morning, if she didn’t hold a chance with him, then she would allow Uncle Theo to find a groom worthy of her love.

  Chapter Twenty

  Charlie crooned a lullaby to the foal suckling on her mother. Sapphire and her new baby made an amazing picture that Charlie wanted to stare at forever. Even though she gifted her uncle with Sapphire’s first foal, she knew the horses would never be apart. What most didn’t know was that Charlie owned Sapphire and Uncle Theo would never sell the foal. Perhaps he would even allow her to name the colt.

  When she arrived at the stable and saw to Sapphire’s comfort, all the tension with Jasper disappeared. Their only focus was on the horse’s birthing. While Sapphire struggled toward the end, it was with their gentle care that the horse settled and delivered a beautiful golden baby. Charlie cried at the beautiful sight while laughing in delight. With a few more words of praise, Charlie slid out of the stall, leaving mama and baby some time alone. She moved to the next stall and settled down on a bed she made to stay close. The blanket was soft even though some hay poked through. However, her exhausted body didn’t care. Charlie’s eyes drifted shut even before her head hit the hay.

  That was where Jasper found Charlie. He'd informed Gray he would make sure Charlie returned to the house protected. When Selina arrived in the middle of the birth shrieking her displeasure at his absence from the ball, Jasper assured Gray he would see to the birth and Charlie. Gray agreed reluctantly before returning to the house. Throughout the birth, Jasper’s only focus had been on Sapphire. It was what happened after the birth that made Jasper want to run in the opposite direction. Charlie had thrown herself in his arms, thanking him for helping Sapphire. Before Charlie clung any tighter, Jasper stepped away from her. It was watching her stare at the mama and baby with tears in her eyes that made Jasper uncomfortable.

  Charlie standing in the garments of a man with her hair styled like a lady was a sight to behold. However, it wasn’t what she wore, but how she wore her heart on her sleeve. It was a look he wanted bestowed upon him for the rest of his life. However, for the first time in his life, Jasper wouldn’t be selfish. He wouldn’t trap Charlie into a marriage when her heart lay with another. When she sang to the horses, he listened to the soft melody melting his heart. After she finished, Jasper thought she would leave. Instead, she curled into a stall near the horses. Jasper couldn’t leave her alone in the stable all night, and he knew Charlie wouldn’t return to the house until morning.

  Jasper closed his eyes and tilted his head back, blowing out a sigh. What he was about to do, would be foolish. But he wanted to hold her one more night before Forrester made an offer for her hand. Jasper lowered himself to the ground and drew Charlie into his arms. She moaned in her sleep and snuggled closer. Jasper’s heart gave another tug. However, when Charlie murmured, “Love you, Jasper.” Jasper’s heart exploded. Jasper stilled, waiting for Charlie to say more. Instead, she only nuzzled her head into his chest and wrapped an arm around his middle. Jasper stared at the rafters, fighting the urge to awaken Charlie and to demand who her heart laid with. Soon he relaxed with Charlie and drifted to sleep.

  Charlie shivered, snuggling deeper to find warmth. Her hand slid under the cover and encountered a warm, solid body. Charlie’s eyes flashed open to find herself in Jasper’s arms. His face relaxed in sleep with his mouth slightly open. Charlie never meant to wake him, but she couldn’t stop herself from touching him. Her fingers lightly flickered across his cheek, along his neck. Her hand hovered over his chest, but instead of her hand she placed her lips on him. Pressing light kisses. When she raised her head, it was to find Jasper awake and watching her. Waiting for her next move.

  With shaking fingers, Charlie undid the buttons on his shirt, spreading it open. She rolled over, straddling her body over his, her lips caressing his chest. She rose and lifted her shirt off over her head, laying herself bare to him.

  “Charlie, stop.”


  “You will regret this come morning.”

  “How so?”

  Charlie slid Jasper’s shirt up to pull off. Her determination to rid him of his clothing didn’t go unnoticed. Jasper meant to put a stop to it as soon as his arms were free, but when Charlie placed her lips on his, all rational intentions fled. Then when she pressed her breasts against his bare chest, he refused to resist her touch. Jasper pulled her head to his, devouring her mouth and sending the pearls in her hair scattering across the stall. He never answered her question.

  Jasper slid his hand inside Charlie’s loose breeches, brushing against her soft curls. When she arched into him, he sunk his fingers into her wetness, groaning at her readiness for him. He slid a finger inside her and Charlie bit his bottom lip. After he slid another finger inside, Charlie rocked her body on his hand. With one hand pleasuring her, the other hand gripped her head to his. Their tongues clashed with a need that only the other could fulfill. Jasper breathed his soul into Charlie with every kiss.

  Charlie teetered on the verge of exploding with each stroke from Jasper. His kisses dominated her senses with each pull of his lips. She clung to him out of desperation. His odd behavior the last two days caused her to fear that she'd lost him. When Jasper lifted his head to draw a breath, Charlie pulled away and stood. With a hurry, she undid her trousers, dropping them to the ground. Charlie stood above Jasper, naked. His gaze devoured her, his eyes dipping to her breasts where they lingered while she drew in deep breaths, recovering from his onslaught of kisses. Then they lowered, scorching a path of desire with his gaze. His hands lingered on the back of her knees, tracing circles. Charlie’s gaze lowered to his pants and noticed his hardness. Jasper still wanted her.

  When Charlie stared at his cock like a starving woman, Jasper only hardened more. He needed this woman now. He would wait no longer to take her again. Jasper lifted his hips and stripped his pants off, throwing them against the wall. With a crook of his finger, he beckoned Charlie to lower herself on him.

  Charlie knew what Jasper wanted and was more than happy to oblige him. She wanted Jasper to answer her question, but she needed him inside her more than an explanation. Charlie lowered herself with her knees straddling Jasper. Jasper stroked his cock before he guided it inside Charlie. Charlie’s eyes widened at the pressure. With one hand on Jasper’s chest, C
harlie wiggled lower, taking him deeper.

  It took everything Jasper had to stay still. If he moved, he would explode inside Charlie without a single stroke. Charlie may have been wet with need, but her pussy gripped his cock tight. When she rotated her hips in small circles, he grasped her hips holding on. With each movement, Jasper realized Charlie gained confidence in pleasing him. Each time she rose and slid him back inside her, his groans echoed around him. Her pace quickened with a smile of a siren gracing her face at the power she held.

  Charlie took Jasper inside her deeply, lighting a fire around them with each stroke. Their passion built a need so deep, Charlie didn’t know if they would ever fulfill it. Each time she rocked her body with Jasper’s, his eyes clouded with a possessive desire. She got so lost in the depths, she hadn’t realized when each time she lowered herself onto him, he would push his hips into hers. Their strokes rose into a rising inferno of need. Jasper pulled Charlie into him, claiming her mouth while he claimed her body. Charlie clung to him, and Jasper inhaled her cry of pleasure.

  Their bodies shook from their passion exploding. Jasper lay back, pulling Charlotte with him. She rested on his chest, catching her breath. Jasper’s hold only tightened the longer they were together. He was a selfish bastard for what he just did, and now he didn’t want to let Charlie go.

  Charlie pressed a kiss on Jasper’s chest. “Jasper, while I love lying in your arms, I must breathe.”

  Jasper dropped his arms to his sides. Before Charlie moved, he rolled out from underneath her. Jasper jumped to his feet, searching for his clothes. He found his breeches and stepped into them and pulled his shirt over his head. All the while Charlie lay there naked. After he stood there dressed and raking his hand through his hair, she pulled the blanket over herself.


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