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Holiday Games (A Play-By-Play Novella)

Page 6

by Burton, Jaci

  “Fine with me if my wife says yes.”

  The woman leaned forward and looked at Jenna. “Go for it, honey.”

  Liz got out her camera as Jenna kissed the top of his head. She got the shot and thanked the couple, then took Jenna by the hand.

  “You about ready to call it a night?”

  “Hell, no. I’m ready for another drink.”

  Liz rolled her eyes. Oh, Lord. This was going to be a long-ass night.


  Gavin got his second card from the dealer.

  A six, which gave him twelve.

  What the fuck. A twelve? How could he keep getting such shitty hands?

  “Dude,” was all Ty said next to him. At least he commiserated.

  Gavin flicked his fingers to take a card. He had to hit on the twelve. He had no choice.

  He pulled a nine from the dealer and grinned.


  The dealer ended up with eighteen and Gavin raked in winnings.

  “You lucky sonofabitch,” Mick said, setting down his bet for the next hand. “Who the fuck pulls a twenty-one out of a twelve?”

  “I just did.”

  They played several rounds, and after that one winning hand, Gavin’s luck changed. When the dealer reshuffled the deck, Gavin cashed out, figuring he wouldn’t press his luck. He and Mick moved over to the craps tables. They both did well there, so Ty and Garrett joined them along with Ty’s friends from his hockey team, Eddie Wolkowski and Victor Putinov.

  “Too bad Cole can’t be here,” Gavin said. “He loves to gamble.”

  “Yeah, well, he has a game tomorrow and I have a bye this week, so he’s shit out of luck,” Mick said with a smile as he tossed the dice across the table.

  Everyone surrounding the table cheered as the numbers came up a win.

  “But I’m in the luck,” Mick said with a wide grin.

  It had been a good day. They’d gone to the shooting range earlier in the day. Nothing like firing off some machine gun rounds in a controlled environment to let off a little aggression. It turned out Victor was the most accurate. Ty had accused him of spending time in the Soviet military. Victor laughed and told them he used to hunt rabbits and that’s why he was such a good shot, though he didn’t need machine guns to take them down.

  Then they’d headed over to the raceway and driven some very expensive cars. Gavin had chosen the Ferrari, which had been a once-in-a-lifetime experience. There was nothing like having all that power in his hands as he’d fired it up and taken it around the curves at the Las Vegas raceway. It had been a thrill not only to drive the car, but to watch the other guys drive the cars they’d chosen. Impressive machines, and a lot of fun.

  Spending tonight gambling was more relaxing. It was nice to have an easy night just hanging with the guys and cutting loose. Guys didn’t need glitz and glamour to have a good time. Gavin just wanted to make sure Ty was having fun, and from the pile of chips in front of him and the wide grin on his face, he seemed to be having a blast.

  They hit the poker room later in the evening, drank several beers, and played well into the night. Gavin had given Ty a choice of gambling or hitting the clubs.

  “I spend a lot of time in Riley’s Club with Jenna,” he said. “Lots of music and dancing and we always have a really good time. If I want to hit a club, I’ll do it with my woman. Let’s gamble.”

  It had been a good choice. This was quiet: just the guys, their beers, and their cards. Understated, and fucking perfect.

  He sat in the sports book room and took a look at the betting, more or less to take a breather.

  Mick joined him. The waitress came over and Mick ordered a soda while Gavin ordered another beer.

  “Making bets on some of the games?” Mick asked.

  “Nah. Just looking at the lines.”

  The waitress brought their drinks.

  “How’s Nathan doing?” Gavin asked.

  “Good. He’s finishing up finals and coming home next week. I can’t wait to see him.”

  “Me, too. He’s changed a lot since you and Tara first got together. He’s a man now.”

  Mick laughed. “Yeah. He was just a kid when I first met Tara. A little unsure of himself, but still, he knew what he wanted. And now he’s the damned quarterback at the University of Texas. His freshman year and they took the Big 12 Championship.” Mick took a long swallow of soda with a smile on his face.

  “Spoken like a proud father.”

  “I know. I can hardly believe it myself. But he’s my kid. He might not have been born mine and he might not have my DNA, but he’s still mine and has been since— Hell, since the first day I met him, I guess. I couldn’t be more proud of everything he’s accomplished.”

  “You’ve done some nudging along the way. There’s no doubt you’ve had some influence on him.”

  “Yeah. A lot of don’t-fuck-this-up-like-I-did influence. He knows what not to do. He’s always gotten good grades, and he loves sports. He’s focused. Though he said he wants to bring his girlfriend to be his date for Ty’s wedding.”

  Gavin arched a brow. “Nathan has a girlfriend?”

  “So he tells me. Some hottie who plays for the basketball team there.”

  “You said yes, right?”

  “Of course I said yes. Though the poor girl will be subjected to all the Rileys. I’m not sure Nathan knows what he’s dragging her into.”

  Gavin shrugged. “If she survives all of us at one time, she’s a keeper.”

  Mick laughed. “You’re right about that. Maybe he’s smarter than I think. Trial by fire and all that.”

  “Hey, relax, Dad,” Gavin teased. “He’s doing good.”

  “I know. He’s got it all together. I keep reminding myself that every day.”

  Gavin knew what Mick wasn’t saying. “And he’s not drinking.”

  “God, no. Not like I was in college, anyway. He knows I’ll kick his ass from Texas back to Missouri if he does.”

  “I think he understands how important this is. And what you went through with your alcoholism and how it almost cost you your shot in the NFL. Like you said, he’s a smart kid.”

  “Yeah, he is.”

  “So quit worrying and let’s figure out who’s going to kick Philadelphia’s ass on Sunday.”

  Mick grinned and they stared at the board for a while. After that, they wandered out to find the others. Mick went back to playing blackjack with Garrett, while Gavin, Eddie, Victor, and Ty hit the poker tables.

  Gavin wondered how Liz was doing with the women. Knowing her, she was probably showing them all a great time in Jamaica.

  His woman knew how to party. He knew she had it well handled.

  Still, she was on his mind, so when he took his next break he grabbed his phone and sent her a text, figuring she likely wouldn’t see it until tomorrow.

  I miss you. How’s it going?

  Surprisingly, she sent back a reply within a few minutes.

  Everyone’s drunk except me. And maybe Tara. And I miss you, too. I’m having fun with the girls, but Jamaica would be a lot more romantic if you were here.

  He smiled and sent her another. Yeah, fun here with the guys, but can’t touch them like I can you.

  She replied back with. God, I hope not. People will talk.

  He laughed and typed off one more text. Have fun. Call me tomorrow. I love you.

  I love you, too, Gavin.

  Chapter Six

  “No one told me I’d have to fly home with a hangover today. This is awful.”

  Jenna sat on the edge of the sofa, bent over with her hands covering her face.

  Liz was curled up on the chair across from her, oh-so-happy not to have partaken in the debauchery of drink last night. She’d suffered many a hangover and she was glad to have escaped it this time.
  Alicia came out of the bedroom and leaned against the doorway. “Can we stay another day? Because I feel like I’m going to die.”

  Liz fought the urge to laugh. Alicia’s hair kind of resembled Einstein’s at the moment.

  “Did you sleep on your face last night?”

  Alicia dragged her hair back. “I don’t even remember getting back to the hotel last night.”

  Savannah pushed her way past Alicia, and, if possible, looked even worse. She didn’t make eye contact, just stared straight ahead. “I. Need. Coffee.”

  “It’s over there.” Liz hooked her thumb toward the cart. “There’s also orange juice, tomato juice, and some pastries.”

  “Gag,” Jenna said from her spot on the sofa.

  “You should eat something,” Liz said. “And tomato juice will help.”

  Jenna pulled a decorative pillow against her stomach. “Please stop mentioning food. Or drink.”

  “Hey, at least we had fun last night,” Liz said.

  “Did we?” Savannah asked as she walked by with a cup of coffee in hand. “I hope there’s photographic evidence because I don’t recall a thing.” She laid the coffee down on the table and flopped into the chair. “Lord, who made me drink so much?”

  Alicia had only made it as far as the sofa where Jenna was lying. She sat and pulled Jenna’s legs on top of her lap. “I’m blaming Jenna for this.”

  “Me? How could this be my fault?”

  “Good morning, everyone.” Tara entered from the other side looking gorgeous, freshly showered, and obviously without a hangover.

  “You bitch,” Jenna said. “How can you look that good after last night?”

  Tara poured herself a cup of coffee. “Easy. I only had two drinks. Someone had to help Liz corral you drunkards.”

  Alicia looked over at Savannah. “That explains how we got back to the hotel. Thank you both for taking care of us.”

  “It was our pleasure. The pictures of all of you are lovely, by the way,” Liz said.

  Jenna groaned. “Oh, God. What did I do?”

  “You might have propositioned the bartender.”

  That shot her up straight on the sofa. “Shut the fuck up, Liz. I did not.”

  “You did. You told him you were madly in love with him and wanted him to come to St. Louis with you.”

  “Oh, shit. Tyler is going to kill me.”

  Tara laughed. “What she means is, you loved the way he mixed drinks and his interactions with the customers and you offered him a job at Riley’s Club on the spot, even offering to pay his transportation to St. Louis.”

  “I did?”

  “You did. He very kindly turned down your offer, saying he had a wife and a baby son and he was very happy living here.”

  “Fuck me. I must have been wasted. I don’t remember any of that.”

  Liz held up her phone. “I have photos. And video.”

  “I hate you.” Jenna sneered at her, then stood. “And it’s obvious if I’m going to feel human again, I’m going to need some carbs, juice, and coffee, no matter how revolting the thought.”

  “I’ll join you,” Alicia said.

  After they ate, everyone hit the pool for a little sweat session. When Liz suggested they go for a walk on the beach, Jenna groaned, saying she needed a nap.

  “No, what you need is to sweat some of that alcohol out of your system.”

  “The logical part of me knows you’re right. My stomach wants to tell you to fuck off.”

  Liz laughed and pulled Jenna out of the chaise.

  They all took a long walk down the beach, the warm sun beating down on them. Liz had worn a hat and her cover-up and enough sunscreen to ward off a burn.

  “This is nice,” she said.

  “What is?” Tara asked.

  “Being here. With all of you.”

  Tara looped her arm in Liz’s. “It has been fun. I had some reservations about coming. I thought I’d miss Sam too much.”

  “I sense a but in there.”

  “Actually, it’s been good for me to get away. Between chasing after the baby, and being back at work, things have been intense. I needed a break.”

  “I’m glad you had a chance to unwind. By the way, I have massages scheduled for all of us this afternoon before we have to pack.”

  Jenna sighed. “Have I mentioned how much I love you?”

  “You might have said that about fifteen times last night.”

  Jenna laughed. “As long as I only said it to you, then I’m okay.”

  “Oh, you loved everyone last night. Me, the other girls . . .”

  “The bartender,” Tara added. “The cocktail waitress who kept bringing you drinks.”

  “Don’t forget the bouncer at the club. You sang to him.”

  Jenna’s face went blank. “I did not.”

  “Oh, you did. He liked it though. He sang with you.”

  Alicia laughed. “I do remember that part. Hysterical.”

  Jenna lifted her chin. “I’m not speaking to any of you ever again.”

  Savannah put her arm around Jenna. “Yes, you are, honey, because we’re your bridesmaids. And we got stinking drunk with you and made fools of ourselves, too. Now if that isn’t love, what is?”

  Jenna smiled and laid her head on Savannah’s shoulder. “I love you guys.”

  Liz rolled her eyes.

  They had their massages later in the day, which to Liz felt like absolute heaven. By the time they all returned to the room to shower and pack, she was both reluctant and eager to get home. She’d loved having an all-women weekend, but she missed Gavin. And she wasn’t going to get pregnant spending time away from her husband.

  The trip home was long, and by the time everyone said their good-byes, she was counting the minutes until she walked in her front door. It was late, and she knew Gavin’s flight got in well before hers.

  He was probably asleep. The house was lit up, though, and when she opened the garage door, she was surprised to see him still up.

  “I thought you’d be sleeping,” she said as she got out of the car.

  He came over and enveloped her in his arms, pressing her against the car and kissing her deeply. She fell into his embrace, telling him without words just how much she’d missed him.

  “Mmm,” she said when he broke the kiss. “I missed that.”

  “Me, too. And I wanted to wait up for you and grab your luggage.”

  “Is that some kind of sexual euphemism?”

  He laughed. “Well, no, but I can make it one if you want me to.”

  “That’s all right. Carry on.”

  He pulled her bags out of the trunk of her car and carried them upstairs. She shrugged out of her jacket and hung it up, then followed him.

  She’d been exhausted driving home, thinking of nothing more than throwing off her clothes and climbing in bed next to her sleeping husband. But since he wasn’t asleep . . .

  When he set her bags down, she came up behind him and pressed her body against his. “I missed you.”

  He grasped her hands. “I missed you too, babe.” He turned around. “Did you have fun in Jamaica?”

  “We did.”

  He ran his finger across the tip of her nose. “It looks like you got a little sun.”

  She laughed. “Yeah, very little. You know my skin.”

  “I do. But I think I should inspect you fully to make sure you didn’t get burned.”

  She kicked off her shoes. “Yes, you probably should.”

  He undid the buttons of her blouse one by one, his gaze burning into hers, making her hotter by the second. Her nipples tightened, achingly sensitive against her bra as he pushed her blouse off her shoulders.

  Gavin traced the swell of her breasts. “I thought about you a lot while I was in Vegas,”
he said.

  She shuddered as she inhaled. “Did you? I thought about you, too.”

  “Yeah.” He walked around behind her and unhooked her bra, then leaned in to lift her hair and press a kiss against the side of her neck. “We’re always apart when I’m playing ball, so I like being with you during the off-season. It sucked being separated.”

  “It did.” Goose bumps prickled across her skin as he kissed his way across her neck toward her shoulder. He nipped at her shoulder and she tilted her head back. “Gavin.”

  “I like the way you say my name when you’re turned on.”

  He came around and faced her, dragging her bra down her arms. Her pants were next, and she held on to his shoulders while he tugged them down, then looked up at her, pulled her by her hips toward his face.

  He nuzzled her sex, making her draw in a deep breath. She’d missed this closeness, this passion they shared when it was just the two of them. And when he drew her panties down and put his mouth on her sex, her legs trembled. Gavin grasped her thighs and held her in place as his tongue and lips did magical things to her clit.

  She threaded her fingers through his dark hair as she watched his tongue roll over her clit. “You make me want to come. I’m ready. So ready.”

  He put his lips flat against her and sucked, catapulting her into orgasm. She rocked against his face, crying out as her climax sent her reeling. When he stood, she cupped the back of his neck and brought him down for a deep, soulful kiss that only made her pussy quiver more.

  Gavin pushed her onto the bed and dropped his jeans. He was inside her a heartbeat later, her pussy still spasming. She tightened around his cock, feeling every inch of him thicken inside her. And when he began to move within her, it was the sweetest pleasure, a reminder of why she loved being with him. He knew just how to touch her, the exact rhythm that would get her primed and ready to go again.

  When he ground against her, she lifted up, making sure he was buried deep, loving the look of fierce passion that furrowed his brow, the dark, predatory need reflected in his eyes that told her he was right there with her.

  She wrapped her legs around his hips and held him there, her body hovering on the brink of oblivion. He knew it, too, because he stopped moving, and it was as if the earth had stopped spinning, as if the two of them were suspended in space. All she could hear was their breathing, all she could feel was the hard pounding of their hearts against each other and his cock twitching inside her.


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