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Awakening A God

Page 17

by Troy Snyder

  A large Craxi pirate charged inward at Trent. His sword glanced off Trent’s shield and before he could recover the goat was in position. It came in under Trent’s shield and with all the power of its hind legs thrust its head upward into the man’s groin. He doubled over in pain clutching at his aching manhood. Trent seized the moment and thrust his sword down and into the man’s heart.

  This angered the group even more. Two more came running in toward Trent with bloodlust, but before they could reach him a boom rocked the hangar. A short second later the two that had been charging were sent flying across the room along with another who was in the path of the shot. Though the armor they wore was flowing with energy making it extremely strong was enough to take the shot, their bodies were not so lucky. The force of the round Antonio had fired from the tank killed them.

  Everyone in the hangar looked toward the behemoth that had taken out three of the pirates in seconds. All of them turned from Trent to face the new threat. They began to run toward it, weapons drawn. As they reached half way the tank fired again. This time the target was unlucky enough to only be wearing leather. The shot exploded the man into nothing sending blood spraying all over his allies.

  The group hesitated at the sight before letting out roars of anger and continuing the charge. They reached the tank before it could fire again. One man leapt into the air with his sword overhead attempting to cut the barrel of the tank in half, it fired. The man was sent flying across the room, another casualty to the beast. The two men had taken out some of their people, but they were still severely outnumbered and outmatched.

  Pirates began climbing like ants on the tank and Antonio knew it was only a matter of time before they got inside to him. Trent was there a moment after they began to climb. He swung as hard as he could at a climbing light elf and took off its leg. The goat was right by his side and began trampling the fallen elf. Trent started to climb the tank himself trusting the goat to take care of the downed enemy. His six-foot-even lithe body carrying him up the tank easily.

  A figure jumped from the catwalk above down onto the tank. All looked toward the new arrival. As soon as they saw him the Craxi in the ground began backing away. Odin had come, and from the look on his face he was not at all happy.

  “You dare soil my ship with your traitor footsteps? None of you belong on a warrior’s ship!” Odin boomed.

  In his full battledress he looked even larger. Odin began to spin Gungnir above his head, energy began to build up around it turning it into a swirling green. With a vicious strike he slammed the weapon down sending strikes of green energy that appeared to be lighting into the remaining enemies. The energy was so intense it burnt the feeble pirates into nothing.

  Antonio popped his head out to see Odin standing on the tank and Hugin and Munin rushing toward them. “Odin,” Antonio said.

  Odin looked down toward Antonio taking in his injuries and the weapons Trent had. He knew they fought hard to protect his ship so would not fault them, in fact, once they returned to the feast, he would reward them. Because even a battle could not stop a Craxi feast. He had even seen some of his men taking food onto the boarding ship. No one got between a Craxi and his feast.

  “What is it,” Odin replied.

  “You dented my tank. Also, I kind of need you to get off. I need to go help Alexander.”

  Odin was not used to the bluntness in which this man talked to him. However, he saw distress in the man’s eyes and knew he felt he had to be at his friend’s side in a fight. He hopped down off the tank as Trent began to climb the rest of the way in. Hugin and Munin reached Odin’s side. They ignored everyone and went straight to the goat checking for any injuries.

  Trent looked back, “Light elves must really care about goats,” He said. In return for his comment Munin gave him a deathly glare. He suppressed a laugh; the light elf looked almost comical with its large irises. “Come goaty, we have to go help Alexander.”

  “I think not,” Hugin said. “She will be staying right here.”

  “I thought the goat was mine, besides if it wasn’t for goaty we wouldn’t have survived long.”

  “Absolutely out of the question, I will not have her going off to get killed in a battle. She is not a fighter.” The goat ignored the words of the light elf and began to attempt to climb the tank. “I don’t think so young lady,” He said reaching out to grab the goat’s hind leg.

  A flash of light lit up the room temporarily blinding Antonio and Trent. The light died down revealing a young light elf woman where the goat had been. “I’m going father and you can’t stop me,” She said kicking his hand away and climbing up to Trent.

  Trent was completely caught off guard. “I… uhh… here,” He said holding out his hand and helping her into the tank.

  The light elf smiled at Trent and he could feel his face heating up, though it would not show on his dark skin. She was pale and had the same full irises as her father, but hers were bright green and her hair was a tangle of red on top of her head. It was at that moment Trent believed in love at first sight.

  Once she was inside the tank Trent followed and closed the hatch. It was cramped in the tight confines of the tank with all

  of the being six-foot-tall, or over in Antonio’s case, but they would have to make it work.

  “So, what is the plan?” The light elf girl asked.

  “Nice girl you got there Trent. You two will make interesting kids.” Antonio said wanting to see the reaction from the two.

  The light elf’s face went bright red and Trent’s eyes went wide and his jaw dropped searching for words to say. Thankfully the light elf saved him, “Let’s get back on topic please.” She said clenching her purple silken dress and staring down at her hands.

  “You two are no fun. Anyway, fine. Let’s go.”

  “You’re not going to tell us your plan?”

  “Where’s the fun in that?” Antonio said, sending the tank lurching forward.

  Under Antonio’s control the tank was traveling quickly across the hangar before he swung it around and began to move it in reverse. It began to pick up speed as it approached the thin membrane covering the hangar. Antonio knew he needed a small boost but would have to time it correctly.

  A split second before the tank went over the edge he fired another round and sent them flying into empty space. Trent clenched his eyes shut and screamed a quite unbecoming scream for a man.

  He opened his eyes to see the others staring at him. “We’re not dead?” He asked confused.

  “I covered the tank with energy, a lesson from the membrane on the ship. It’s a lot of concentration, but I can manage it,” Antonio said.

  “Sure, yeah, I knew that.”

  “Then why did you scream like a small child?” The light elf asked giggling.

  “I don’t think I appreciate the implications, goaty.”

  “The name is Maren, thank you. I only pretended to be your goat because Odin asked me to keep an eye on all of you. My father was not at all happy about that I can tell you.”

  “Well love birds, let’s save this story for another time.” Antonio cut in.

  Another round was fired giving the tank more speed flying toward the enemy ship. Odin watch from the hangar, though he saw it fire it gave no booming noise like the one he had heard earlier. The vacuum of space drained away all sound causing the whole scene to look surreal.

  “Your daughter has a defiant and fighting spirit, Hugin. She will become a fine warrior.” Odin looked to his old companion who still seemed angered.

  “I would rather her become a Valkyrie or aid to you, my lord.” Hugin said with clenched teeth.

  “Ha… children listening to their parents, that will be the day. Come; let us return to the flight deck.”

  Antonio had fired two more rounds sending the tank flying at even greater speed toward the pirate vessel. The vessel looked like it was a mash up of several ships. It had no definite structure other than a dull rectangular look. There was no design o
r structure like the Craxi ship, but like the Craxi ship, the other ship’s hangar was protected by a thin membrane of energy, the shield had been broken by the Craxi return fire.

  “Hey Toni,” Trent said, a thought coming to him.

  “What is it,” The response was not hostile, but distracted. Antonio’s eyes did not leave his target.

  “Two questions, how are we going to land and are you sure you can make it into the hangar? If we miss we fly off into space or hit the hull.”

  “I got this, relax. Besides, if we miss I’m sure Odin will come and get us in one of the transports.”

  “Or we miss and hit the ship and die in a fiery explosion,” Maren added. Both men looked at her.

  “That makes me feel safe, thanks Maren.” Trent said.

  Everyone in the tank became worried when the tank neared the enemy vessel. The realization that they were too high and the theory of them dying in a fiery death was beginning to seem real. It began striking fear in Trent and Maren. Antonio however seemed calm as ever. As they drew close the barrel of the tank was pointed upward and fired sending them in a diagonal path that would land them directly in the hangar.

  Alexander had been fighting for his life constantly since landing. He had seen an enemy ship take off but was told not to be concerned about it. They had fought back the pirates concentrating them in one area of the square hangar. Their backs were to the edge, if they fell back more they would fall into the empty abyss of space. Knowing they would fight even harder now that they were backed into a corner, Athils, who was in charge of the raid, reined in his men. The two groups were split staring at one another seeing who would make then first move. Craxi soldiers munched their feast they carried along as the groups sat at the impasse.

  Looking behind the wall of pirates Alexander could see something heading toward the ship. A smile broke out on his face; his friends had caught up like they said they would. Where did they find a ship he wondered, but as it drew closer he realized what was flying toward them. His eyes widened as the tank flew downward at a diagonal path straight for the horde of remaining pirates.

  “Take cover,” Alexander yelled for all his might. The Craxi warriors saw what he meant and began to scramble out of the way.

  Moments later the tank came crashing into the hangar crushing almost all the remaining pirates as it slid to a halt. The turret turned without waiting and sent a shot booming through the hangar taking out several more pirates. Those remaining attempted to flee but were cut off by the Craxi forces and dispatched quickly.

  After the hangar had settled Antonio opened the hatch and popped his head out of the tank. “Did we miss anything?” He asked.

  Alexander was about to speak before a big purple Craxi warrior shoved his way through the crowd. “Look who it is boys, the scrawny one!” Craxi warriors all around laughed at the comment.

  “Yes, I came to make sure the dirty pirates didn’t have their way with you. I realized without me around you were too small and weak to handle yourself.” Another roar of laughter echoed off the hangar walls.

  Alexander thought the purple man might be set off in anger, but he stood there. “You may not have fought like one of us, but I’ll be damned if I don’t give you credit for the kills.” The large purple man began rapping his axe onto his shield. All over Craxi warriors began smacking their axes into their shields. The raising cacophony was enough to hurt Alexander’s ears.

  A warrior shouted and everyone looked toward where he was pointing. The Craxi crowd grew quiet as they stared at the new arrival. A Dwarven vessel appeared behind the Craxi ship.

  “We should get back to the ship,” Alexander said turning toward Athils.

  “Agreed. BACK TO THE SHIP!” Athils barked. “You,” He said pointing toward Antonio. “Take a ship this time and not that giant deathtrap.”

  “Was out of ammo anyway,” Antonio mumbled as he shut the hatch and drove onto a transport designated for him.

  Chapter 17:

  Quetzalcoatl sensed the danger rather than saw it. Sidestepping the strike and grabbing the shaft, it was an easily dodged strike. A quick shove back sent the offender tumbling backward. Graciana hit the ground letting forth an explosive gasp.

  Gabriella cupped her hands over her mouth. “Momma!”

  “What is the meaning of this?” Quetzalcoatl cried pointing the blades tip at the downed woman.

  “I will not let a monster corrupt my daughter!” Graciana was up in a split second. She charged at the snake god with hatred in her eyes.

  A flurry of fists and slaps was noting for Quetzalcoatl to block easily taking each one. The assault did not last long though, his body guards rushed to aid him. Potan grabbed the human woman wrapping his arm under hers and bring them behind her head and locking them. She was lifted into the air but continued to kick and scream insult at the snake god.

  She looked at him with a stare that, if possible, would kill. Spit left her mouth and hit his boot and he returned the menacing glare. Anger took control and he swung with a vicious back hand that struck with a crack. Instantly he regretted the strike and looked toward Gabriella.

  “Gabriella, I’m sorry my child.” He said making a placating gesture.

  “No, my mommy is bad. Bad people must be punished,” Gabriella said, her tiny fists clenched at her sides.

  “Gabriella no! Don’t fall for this monster’s tricks!” Graciana pleaded tearing up.

  “He is not a monster! He is a god, and my new daddy! Why would you try to hurt daddy? He has only been good to us!” Tears began streaming down her face.

  “He just murdered those men! Please dear child, listen to your mother!”

  “He saved us from the bad men. Now you’re being bad too. Daddy will have to punish you too.” Gabriella looked to Quetzalcoatl with a hard stare and nodded.

  He returned the gesture. “Lock her up. I will show mercy this time, but make no mistake, try this again and you will end up like them.” His hand swept toward the bloodied stairs.

  Potan dragged Graciana away still fighting with everything she had in a vain attempt to get at the creature that had taken everything from her. Guards fell in line behind Potan to ensure that if she did manage to break free, which was near impossible, they could catch her before she got too far. They took the elevator down into the underground layer of the pyramid where sunlight never reached and the only sound was the screams of the prisoners.

  Unsure what to say Quetzalcoatl stared at Gabriella for a short while before he could bare it no longer and turned away. With all his heart he loved the child like his own, she reminded him of when he was young and though she was human she was not a lesser being like her mother. She was strong, brave, intelligent, and most importantly, possessed the energy that most of humanity had not evolved into.

  Gabriella made the first move to close the rift of silence between them by walking up to him and taking his hand in hers. It became lost in his large grip and he looked down to see her smiling up at him. “It’s okay, Daddy. Like you said, bad people must be punished. Can we get something to eat now and then you can tell me stories or teach me to use these?” she said poking her little finger at the brace on his wrist.

  With his other hand Quetzalcoatl ruffled the child’s hair. Though he was still surprised how easily she had separated from her mother, he could not help but return the infectious smile. “Sadly, I do not have another one of these,” he said pointing to the brace, “But maybe one day Potan can teach you to fight with different weapons. Let’s eat first though. I will tell you the story of my father and how he came to power.”

  It had been several days since Quetzalcoatl took back his kingdom. Almost instantly he realized the severity of the dilapidation. He had taken to spending most of his time in his father’s old study where he had found the previous leaders. The table was removed and broken down to help supply the citizens and it was replaced with a plain desk and chair. Looking around now the room extremely large with the lack of furniture and decorativ
e items as it had in his father’s time. A large hearth fire was the only sense of normalcy in the entire place, always roaring as it had ever since he could remember, casting its warmth over the entire room. He sold off or broke down everything else.

  Massaging his temples with the balls of his hands, Quetzalcoatl attempted to dull the headache that had been plaguing him all day. He sat back against his high-backed chair and let out a heavy sigh. The papers on his left side, the side he still needed to review seemed to have doubled since the last time he looked at them. Almost all of the planet was stricken so bad in the war, most all their silver was taken as plunder from the Craxi who preferred silver to gold, and near all weaponry and ships were destroyed. Silver, being the monetary currency of the entire planet was the biggest blow to take.

  Forced to take drastic actions, the symbol of power on the planet, gold, was to be added to the current system of currency, though with a higher value. He could see though, there was little gold outside of the capitol itself, so even more drastic measures were taken. The royal families despised the action he took, but he did not care, his people needed money and hope, and so the process began of stripping the golden plating on all pyramids and statues in the capitol. Additionally, Quetzalcoatl began melting down some of the fineries still remaining in his royal palace.

  Now he stared at a paper describing the number of soldiers and armament. It was depressingly horrific. The entire planet had only a mere seven thousand confirmed soldiers, including the officers, and all of which were based in the capitol. Throbbing in his head began again and he let out a groan as he attempted to think of a way he could mend the situation. A draft would be frowned upon, he knew. Though he thought himself a god, he did not want to lose control of this very precarious situation, especially if he wanted to keep his revenge on track.


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