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A Secret Baby for the Vampire

Page 15

by Wylder, Jasmine

  Chapter Ten

  “What do you mean?” Azurdee asked, noting a strange twinkle in Noah’s eyes. What was he saying? Had he been in a similar situation before? Was he trying to warn her?

  “Don’t worry about him.” Kai interrupted. “Why don’t we grab some lunch and we can talk about this further?”

  Azurdee bit the inside of her lip. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be rude or anything, but I really should be going home. It wouldn’t be wise if we were seen together…” Azurdee looked over her shoulder, the hair on the back of her neck standing on edge as if someone were watching her at that very moment.

  “C’mon, you have nothing to worry about here.” Noah got up, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. “We’ll keep you safe!”

  Azurdee wanted to answer him, but their sudden contact made her forget how to even speak properly. Her mind was in a jumble as his intoxicating scent wafted to her nose, invading her senses. He had a deep, musky scent, like someone who spent most of his time in the woods. Masked underneath was the lingering scent of blood, sweet and delicious.

  She looked up at him, her eyes wide and uncertain.

  “There’s a nice little place down the street here.” Kai offered. “Run by a friend of ours. We can assure you that no one from the nobility will be there. Well, no one but you.”

  Azurdee finally managed to pry herself from Noah’s grasp. Doing so made her feel incomplete, like a part of her was missing. She ran her fingers through her hair and took a deep breath, trying to clear her mind of the ridiculous attraction she felt for these men. They were worlds apart. She shouldn’t be falling for them, and yet…

  “Come on, we won’t take no for an answer,” Noah smirked, grabbing her hand and dragging her along.

  With no other choice, she followed them, her eyes darting all over the dirty streets. It seemed everywhere she looked, there were people standing in the shadows, watching her, judging her.

  She shivered, pressing herself a little bit closer to Noah who wrapped his arm around her waist. “Scared?” He asked, whispering into her ear as he rubbed her hip, his hand moving dangerously low on her body.

  Azurdee shook her head, pulling his hand back to her waist. “Watch it.”

  “Ooh, feisty. I like that in a woman.” His voice assumed a seductive tone, wrapping around Azurdee’s mind, making her legs feel like jelly in an instant. She almost stopped in the middle of the street, but Noah pulled her forward, pressing her even closer to his body.

  “Where did you find a piece of ass like that?” Suddenly, a vampire with greasy hair, blood red eyes, and a few missing teeth stepped onto the street, blocking their way.

  Noah instantly wrapped his arm around Azurdee a little tighter, his muscles tensing at the threat.

  “Move along, Jacob,” Kai said, his voice as calm as ever, but his clenched fists and rigid posture gave away his hostility. “Or you’re going to regret it.”

  “Oh yeah? What are you going to do?” Jacob licked his lips as his eyes roamed Azurdee’s body. “She’s a nice one… you have to share.”

  “We don’t share.” Kai approached the vampire.

  The air around them intensified with excited energy. Azurdee held her breath, wondering what was about to happen next, but before the fight began, Noah pulled her away, covering her eyes with his hand.

  Seconds later, a bloodcurdling scream echoed through the streets.

  Azurdee’s eyes widened and she tried to look back, to see what was happening, but Noah held her steady, preventing her from witnessing the violence.

  Behind her, Kai thrust his long, sharp claws through Jacob’s stomach, piercing through his gut. The vampire screamed in agony, blood spewing from his wounds. Before he could fall to his knees, Kai picked him up by the neck, dangling him above the ground. Jacob struggled, clawing against his attacker’s hand, but it was useless. Kai just squeezed his fingers a little tighter, rage in his eyes. The mere thought of this sleaze ball laying a finger on Azurdee drew him mad.

  “Kai. That’s enough.” Noah called out, breaking Kai from his rage-induced frenzy. Hesitantly, he put the vampire down, letting him crumble in a heap.

  He wouldn’t die.

  No vampire ever truly did.

  They just healed. Very slowly. And very painfully.

  Eventually, Noah guided Azurdee around the wretch agonizing in the street. She was completely speechless when she looked at Kai, his hand covered in another vampire’s blood. She never expected him to be so vicious. He was usually the calmer of the two. A shiver ran through her spine.

  “He was just protecting you,” Noah whispered, his hand still tight around her waist as if he would never let her go. “If Jacob had his way, you’d be screaming for mercy by the time he was done with you. It was about time someone put him in his place.”

  “I…” Azurdee was both grateful and terrified. She was glad they had protected her from that creep, but at the same time, their willingness to use such violence scared her. There was no telling what they were capable of.

  “Well, in any case, here we are.” Kai had just finished cleaning his hand of the blood when he stepped forward, opening a glass door.

  The building it was attached to looked rundown and vacant. Azurdee bit her lip, unsure.

  Before she could voice her concerns, however, Noah pushed her inside.

  To her surprise, it was actually quite nice. There were quite a few vampires scattered around in tables, enjoying a sandwich and a goblet of wine. Everyone looked relaxed, their eyes as black as coal.

  When Kai and Noah stepped inside, the vampire behind the counter looked up, offering them a bright smile. “It’s been a while, boys.” The woman was older, her black hair starting to go gray. It was unusual for a vampire to age so rapidly. Those who did were usually the ones who didn’t drink enough blood. “Any reason why you two have been avoiding your dear mother?” As she finished her question, she finally seemed to spot Azurdee, who was standing awkwardly between the two men.

  A bright smile crossed her face before she fumbled for the glasses on the top of her head. “What do we have here?” Her grin deepened when she saw Azurdee’s cute face and beautiful figure. “You’ve never brought a woman before.”

  Noah rolled his eyes in response. “I wonder why…”

  “Don’t give me that, I’m your mother.” She pointed a spatula at him like she was about to hit him with it. “Anyway, what’s your name, dear?”


  Paula, their mother, noted the girl’s nervous stutter and smiled kindly. “Hopefully, my boys have been taking good care of you.” She leaned in closer. “If they give you any trouble, you let me know, I’ll put them in their place in no time.”

  Again, Noah rolled his eyes before towing Azurdee to a vacant table. He handed her a menu before plopping down beside her. Kai sat on the other side of the booth.

  “Why are we here?” Azurdee asked after staring at the menu for a minute. “I really should get going… people are going to start to worry.”

  “Don’t worry, we’ll have you back home before the sun rises,” Noah answered. “Stop worrying so much. If you’re going to live with us, you should get used to our company.”

  “Who said I’m going to live with you? I haven’t agreed to your plan just yet.”

  “Oh? So, you’re going to marry Fredrick after all?” Noah snickered. “I bet that will work out just fine for you.”

  Azurdee ground her teeth together, growing agitated by the fact that these men seemed to be playing games with her. “Look, I just want to go home.”

  Just then, Paula came around with a notepad in her hand. “So, what can I get for you?” She was looking straight at Azurdee.

  “Well, I’ll– “

  “I didn’t ask you.” She cut Noah off. “Really, Noah, I’ve taught you better manners than that. Why can’t you be more like your brother?”

  Noah held his tongue, even though it was obvious he wanted to sa
y something.

  “Uh…” Azurdee racked her brain for an answer. In all honesty, she hadn’t properly looked at the menu.

  “How about a nice roast beef sandwich and a goblet of wine? Today’s special.”

  “Sure.” She answered, not knowing what else to pick.

  “Perfect, I’ll have that right out for you.”

  “What about us?” Noah called out, but their mother didn’t bother to answer him. Looking a little frustrated, he grumbled something under his breath that Azurdee couldn’t quite understand.

  As they waited for their food, silence settled around them, making Azurdee anxious. She didn’t like it one bit, it felt awkward. “Look, I respect what you guys are trying to do for me – trying to protect me and all, but I swear, I can take care of myself.”

  Both men looked skeptical, but they didn’t say anything.

  “But, I’ll sleep on it, alright?”

  Kai reached into his pocket and pulled out a little notebook he liked to carry with him. There was a pen attached to the cover that he slid off and uncapped, revealing a beautiful quill tip. Opening the notebook to a blank page, he started to write in a clear, flowing cursive.

  “Now, you’re just showing off.” Noah huffed. Kai glared before he continued to write something down, eventually tearing off the page and handing it to Azurdee.

  “It’s our address. You can come find us whenever you’re ready.” Kai explained.

  Azurdee took the piece of paper. “Flint District?” She asked, tilting her head in confusion. “I’ve never heard of it before.”

  “That’s because we’re the only people who live there,” Noah said. “It’s our own little paradise. We built a beautiful home for ourselves, away from it all. Really nice view and everything.” He leaned closer to her. “Do you like the ocean?”

  “Y-yes…” Azurdee nodded.

  “Well, we’re right by the seaside. In the morning, you can hear the waves crashing against the shore. Now… just imagine what it would feel like to be in my bed, listening to the ocean with me by your side.”

  Azurdee’s face instantly reddened at his comment. She started to picture the scenario and for some reason, they were both naked, their bodies locked together. She almost shivered at the thought, her hormones raging inside of her. Why did she want him so bad?

  She did her best to resist the urge to jump on him right then and there. “But… if you live in a remote area… how am I supposed to find you?”

  “Do you know where the Pillai Mountain is? If you come at it from the west side, there’s a path. It will lead you right to our home.” Kai explained. “Do you want me to write that down for you?”

  “No, no. I should be able to remember it.” She stared at the address. “Pillai Mountain.” She repeated as if that would be enough to engrave it in her memory.

  “You really should consider it.” Noah shimmied a little closer, his arm slung around the booth above her, his posture relaxed. “We’ll keep you hidden. No one can ever hope to find you. And while you live with us, we’ll make sure to be very gracious hosts. Make you feel at home and all that. Do whatever we need to do… just as long as you don’t marry that politician.” Noah spat his final word.

  Before Azurdee could respond, Paula returned with Azurdee’s sandwich and blood.

  “Enjoy.” She said, her smile bright and cheerful before she walked off, serving some of her other customers.

  She took a bite out of her sandwich, surprised to find that it tasted so good. She expected it would taste bland and rubbery coming from a lower-class restaurant, but it was even better than the food that was served in her own home. Somehow, the simplicity of the sandwich made the flavors rich and savory.

  Maybe, a new perspective was really all she needed.

  Chapter Eleven

  As promised, they walked her back to her estate before morning. “Well, we would walk you up to the door, but I doubt you want to be seen with a couple of lower-class men,” Noah said, standing in the alley’s shadow. They were a few streets away from Azurdee’s home. Even being this close was dangerous, but Azurdee was grateful that they had helped her get home. After everything that had happened that evening, she was a little more anxious than usual.

  “Will you be okay?” Kai asked, gently taking her hand in his. “We can take you now if you’d like.” He whispered, his eyes searching hers, hoping she would reconsider her decision.

  “I’ll be fine. The marriage isn’t for a couple more weeks. I have time to think things over. Maybe Fredrick isn’t as bad as he seems.”

  Noah snorted.

  “But I really do have to go now.” Without thinking, she kissed Kai on the cheek and before Noah could get offended, she did the same to him. “Thank you for everything!”

  The two men watched her as she walked away, heading to the large mansion she called home.

  “Do you think she’s going to go through with it?” Noah asked.

  “She’s a smart girl, she’ll make the right decision.” Kai watched her a little while longer before he turned his back and started down the alleyway. When he came across a large, chain-link fence, he had no trouble jumping to the top, perching on it like a bird on a tree branch. He waited for his brother to join him before his face broke out into a wild grin. “Race?”

  Noah responded by jumping onto a nearby rooftop. Seconds later, he bolted, running so fast he was nothing more than a blur. But before long, Kai was hot on his tail, catching up to him as they seemed to almost fly over the gaps between the buildings. A few people spotted them, gasping and pointing, but the two brothers paid them no mind, each of them determined to win the race.

  The adrenaline that rushed through their veins was addicting, causing them to run faster and faster. Soon, they reached the city limit and without missing a beat, they rushed into the forest, weaving amongst the trees. Kai kept to the ground, hurdling over fallen logs and other obstacles while Noah kept to the treetops.

  He hollered and screamed, feeling more alive than ever, swinging from tree branch to tree branch, even doing a few flips along the way.

  The two brothers never tired, even when they started to climb the side of the Pillai Mountain. It would have been easier to use the path, but where was the fun in that?

  Their strong hands gripped the jutting rocks, their shoulders rippling with muscle. One fall and they would seriously injure themselves, but they didn’t seem all that concerned. They had done this dozens of times before.

  Noah jumped onto a nearby ledge, his grip nearly failing him. He hung on one arm, dangling for a second, his eyes wide.

  “Stop fooling around,” Kai said, jumping effortlessly onto the ledge above him, hoisting him up with ease.

  Noah chuckled. “You never take a joke, do you?”

  From that point onward, it was smooth sailing to their home. They clung to the edge, the path so narrow they had to shuffle along. When they rounded the corner, their gorgeous house came into view. Beyond it, the bright blue ocean sparkled in the first rays of sunlight.


  Meanwhile, Azurdee snuck into her mother’s mansion, hoping she wouldn’t get in trouble for breaking curfew, but of course, the second she stepped inside, the matriarch seemed to materialize out of thin air.

  “Where have you been, young lady?”

  “S-Shopping,” Azurdee answered quickly, hoping it would quell her anger.

  Azaria snatched up her daughter’s shopping bags, pulling out the putrid yellow dress. She held it between her fingers as if it was a dirty piece of garbage. “What is this?” She asked, looking horrified.

  “A dress…” Azurdee avoided her mother’s piercing gaze.

  “This is nothing more than a dishrag.” Without hesitation, she ripped the dress in half, throwing it to the floor. “I cannot believe you wasted our money on such filth.” She barred her teeth, snatching up the matching yellow hat. “And this?” She hissed, her voice so low, Azurdee knew she was in trouble.

  “It’s a m
atching hat…”

  “Get out of my sight.”

  Azurdee couldn’t move.

  “Now!” Azaria’s voice bellowed through the entrance hall, causing Azurdee to jump. Before her mother’s anger could get out of hand, she rushed up the stairs to her room, leaving her purchases behind, knowing the servants would dispose of them.

  Inside her room, she locked the door, leaning against it.

  She closed her eyes for a minute, the excitement of her night finally catching up to her. With all her limbs feeling as if they were made of lead, she trudged toward her bed, sitting on the edge.

  Faintly, she could hear her mother screaming at some of the servants.

  Azurdee was so sick of living under her mother’s rule. She wanted to leave, and there were only two ways for her to do so. She either married Fredrick and braved life as his wife, or she took up the brothers on their offer.

  Sighing, she plopped back into her bed, staring at the ceiling. The ceiling fan moved in a winding circle, just pushing the hot air around, making the room more stuffy than cool. She wanted to turn it off, but at the same time, she was too tired to get up.

  So, she closed her eyes and pretended she was by the seashore, the soft breeze running through her hair, the salt air new and refreshing. She could almost hear the seagulls squawk overhead.

  But it was crazy.

  She couldn’t just run away with a couple of strangers. Sure, the brothers had protected her today, but she didn’t know them as much as she wanted to. All she knew were their names, clan, and that they liked to pickpocket in their spare time.

  How was she supposed to trust a couple of guys like that?

  “It’s crazy…”


  The next night, Azurdee ventured out of her room, looking for something to eat. Since she had angered her mother, she had tried to stay out of her way, knowing that tempting the woman was like playing with fire. It never ended well.


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