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Manchester Ménage 01 - Saving Samuel

Page 27

by Nicole Colville

  He needed to come and they had to get him there. “Please! Do it.” They fucked his body harder and Samuel shot over his chest. “Yes! More.”

  He didn’t know who was touching what, but his body had never been so excited about being touched like this before.

  “Samuel.” Daniel was kissing him. “You okay?”

  Samuel could barely breathe—he was struggling to even stay conscious. He just nodded and felt Milo’s fingers slip from him, his heavy body now beside him, cradling him in his arms, spreading soft kisses over his neck and shoulders.

  “Thank you.” Samuel closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He needed a moment to calm down. Well, maybe two or three, or four…

  Chapter 35

  Daniel woke Milo as soon as he sat up in bed, and Milo turned around, leaning up so he could look over the sleeping body of Samuel between them to see what was wrong. Daniel used to sleep like the dead at home, never waking, not even really turning around, but since they’d freed Samuel and started their new life together, things hadn’t been the same. Milo reached out and stroked Daniel’s back as he sat with his legs hanging off the bed, smiling when Daniel shook his head.

  “Go back to sleep. You have an early start tomorrow.” His voice was hushed, barely heard, but Milo rubbed his shoulder and tugged him a little, making him turn around.

  “I want you with us when we sleep, not sitting alone with your worries.” Milo gently ran his fingertip down Daniel’s jaw and smiled sadly. “Nightmare?”

  “Yeah.” Daniel looked at the peaceful body of Samuel curled next to Milo, his arm splayed out and resting where Daniel should be on the other side of him. “I can’t seem to shake them.”

  “It will take time. We’re all still in a strange place right now.”

  Daniel ran his hands gruffly over his sleepy eyes and nodded. They all tried hard to move on, but it had only been three weeks since they were reunited and things were still settling down. “I know I shouldn’t be this worried, but there’s still the fear hanging around me someone else will come, you know.” Daniel met Milo’s gaze and he shrugged. “Awake, I can talk to myself, tell myself all the reasons why it’s going to be okay, but asleep, I can’t do that.”

  “I know.” Milo tugged him again and this time Daniel lay back, gently lifting Samuel’s arm and placing it on his chest. “I have those same fears, same dreams.” Milo ran his fingers through Samuel’s hair and smiled. “But we’re all here and together when I wake up. It’s not going to go away anytime soon, but things will get better with time, I promise.”

  Daniel sighed heavily, closing his eyes. “I don’t want to live in fear forever and I don’t want these feelings to rub off on Samuel. He’s looking forward with such a positive outlook and I don’t want to drag him down.”

  “You're not,” Milo said firmly. “You’re not doing that. We’re all afraid, Danny. It’s okay to feel that right now. There are so many changes happening in our lives. Just moving house and setting up a home together is a huge step. We all feel unsettled.”

  Milo laid more on his side, fluffing his pillow up as Daniel did the same, both of them moving closer. Samuel moaned softly, shifting his sleeping body so he was pressed up against both of them, his leg hanging over Daniel and his back crushed to Milo’s chest. It made Daniel smile and he placed a kiss on his lips.

  “I think when we know where we’ll be living, it will be much better. I feel like we’re waiting right now, for the right house, the right beginning. It’s changed for us all.”

  Daniel nodded. “I know. I used to feel settled here, but now I'm just wondering where our real place is and I want this all done with.”

  Milo yawned. They’d been to see several houses now. They were able to buy a much bigger place due to both of them putting their cash into the same place, and so far they had trouble deciding which place suited them all. Finding a house for two people was hard, finding one for three people with three different views and three different jobs and routes to work or college was the sticking point.

  They didn’t want to be out in the middle of nowhere because they all felt safer close to the city. Milo hated to mention the house near his parents’ place, but so far it was the right one. It was just a bit too close for him and Daniel, but Samuel and his mum would enjoy spending time together. His youngest sister was at home and studying for her high school exams. She’d offered to help Samuel too as a study buddy and Milo knew it would help him to have friends closer to his own age.

  “You want to see the house on my parents’ street again?”

  Daniel lifted a brow. “I wish the house was a couple of streets away.”

  “Yeah, I know, but it’s not. So, do you?”

  Daniel frowned. They thought the same thing about this place. It was perfect, it was just the fact it was within walking distance to Milo’s mum which held them back. “I still don’t think she likes me.”

  Milo sighed. This would go on for years, he could tell. “She likes you both.”

  “She likes Samuel better.” Daniel pouted and Milo laughed softly.

  “Like everything else, it will take time. I'm doing my best, Danny.”

  “I know, Milo.” Daniel looked to the ceiling and yawned. “Okay. We’ll go see it again tomorrow. Final decision time.”

  Milo felt lighter as soon as Daniel said that. The place had a good feel to it, they knew the area, and Samuel would have people close by they both trusted to look after him if they weren’t there. It was close to the city routes and to the major roads leading to work. It had four big bedrooms, a big garden and a huge kitchen. They could turn it into a home and Milo could see them being there for a long time.

  “I really like the house, Danny.”

  “I know, Milo,” Daniel huffed out. “So do I.”

  “She’ll come round. I promise.”

  “Yeah.” Daniel smiled at him. “I like her, and I know we just need to get to know each other more. I just don’t want her living in our pockets.”

  “She won’t. She has a life, you know. Three other kids, two with husbands, one with a baby on the way. There’s not just us to keep her busy. Trust me, as soon as the baby’s born, we won’t see her for dust. Layla will have her round all the time at her place. It’s the first grandchild, we don’t stand a chance.”

  “Remind me to thank your sister for getting pregnant.” Daniel smirked at him.

  “I have a good feeling about this place. If we all agree, then I want to put in an offer tomorrow and get the ball rolling. I think it will settle us all down once we get in there. A new start, new house, new life, new possibilities.”

  Daniel nodded, his lids dropping. “Let’s see how we feel tomorrow.”

  Milo lay on his back, trying to settle his mind, but it was too full of their future plans. He had an early shift to start in three hours and after lying in bed for another half an hour he eventually drifted off to sleep.

  The alarm wasn’t welcome when it went off at six, but Milo switched it off and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He needed a cold shower to wake him up and about a gallon of coffee.

  “Morning,” Samuel whispered huskily, turning around and pressing his face into Milo’s chest. “Did you two have a midnight chat last night?”

  “Maybe.” Milo yawned. “Why? We wake you? I thought you slept through it.”

  “I sort of did. I just remember something about the house, and then I drifted back off to sleep. Are we going to see the one on your mum's street again?”

  “Yep. After I finish work.” Milo watched Samuel sit up, his tussled hair hanging down to his waist and calling to Milo. He touched it softly, running his fingers through it then under it so he could feel Samuel’s hot skin on his palm.

  “I'm starving.” Samuel leaned over and kissed him. “Are you?”


  “I am,” Daniel mumbled into his pillow. “I've been thinking about food since three a.m..”

  “You’re always thinking about food.” Samuel
kissed his shoulder.

  “That’s not true. I think about sex a lot too.”

  Milo chuckled as he swung his legs out of bed, stretching his back and arms out. “That’s also true.”

  “I want eggs.” Samuel crawled to the bottom of the bed so he didn’t have to climb over either one of them and pulled on some slacks. “Lots of them. Runny ones.”

  “Yummy.” Daniel’s stomach growled and he laughed as he lay on his back. “I told you, I'm starving.”

  While Milo showered, Daniel brushed his teeth and had a shave, humming to the radio which was playing loudly in the kitchen while Samuel got breakfast ready. When Milo got out, he left the water running for Daniel and they swapped places with a quick kiss and a grope while they slid past each other.

  Milo was dressed when Daniel got out, dripping wet and leaving footprints on the hardwood floor for someone to slip on later. “See any of my wet feet anywhere?” He pointed to the pattern of feet behind Daniel.

  “It’s fine. I like to get dry in here. It’s all damp in there, takes me ages.”

  Milo sucked in a breath and just left it. Today wasn’t the day for arguments. He wanted Daniel in the best mood he could be in when they went to see the new house. “I’ll be downstairs. Just dry the floor, huh. Someone could slip.”

  “I will.” Daniel rolled his eyes but kissed him. “I’ll never be able to be a slob with you two living with me, will I?”

  “Well, you try.” Milo grabbed his wet arse and squeezed. “Hmm. I love seeing you wet.” Milo held his palms on Daniel’s chest, stopping him from getting too close. “You’re all wet.”


  “I'm dressed.” Milo ran his hands over his shirt and smiled. “Later.”

  “Breakfast’s ready!” Samuel shouted over the music and they both looked at each other before Milo took off down the stairs. “Ha-ha, I'm first. I get food before you.”

  “I'm right behind you, fool.” Daniel was fighting with his wet feet, trying to force them into a pair of joggers as he hopped around the room. “Don’t eat my eggs.”

  Milo found Samuel by the cooker, sliding a few more eggs around in the pan, and he quickly wrapped his arms around his waist and hugged him, kissing his neck as he whispered his thanks for the food.

  “No need to thank me. I enjoy it.” Samuel leaned his head up and kissed Milo’s lips. “I love you.”

  “I love you too. And I’ll never stop saying thank you for anything you do for us. It’s always appreciated, and I don’t think it will be like this all the time so I'm making the most of it. You’re going to be busy with college work and cookery classes. We all have to work together. It’s not just up to you.”

  Samuel smiled but shook his head. “I like looking after you. Cooking is one thing I'm good at and I get to see how you enjoy my hard work. You two need looking after. I can’t imagine what you’d do if I left this up to you.”

  “We’d manage. Not as good as you do, but we’d do it for you.” Milo kissed him one last time then poured them all a coffee from the jug.

  Daniel rushed into the room and took his place, kissing Samuel and tickling his ribs, both of them enjoying the sound of his laughter filling the room. “Thanks, Baby. You need a hand with anything?”

  “You can butter the toast.”

  As they all sat down with their food, they talked about their day. Milo would be at work until four, Daniel and Samuel would be running a few errands and preparing the house for a couple the estate agent was showing around in the afternoon, then they would all be meeting up at the house near Milo’s mum’s for another viewing.

  Samuel was excited about it, and he didn’t hide how much he loved it and the thought of being near Milo’s family. He needed people around him, they both saw that. It helped him feel confident and grounded in his new life. Neither Milo nor Daniel would stop that from happening, and Milo could already see Daniel’s worries about his parents being so close slipping away as Samuel told them how it was a short walk from the learning centre where his cookery class would be and how he liked Milo’s sister.

  He needed friends, and this was the first step for him. Milo hoped once he got settled in his courses, he would make more. It worried him too, and Daniel shared those feelings, but Samuel had to step out on his own at some point.

  Milo left them both after a quick kiss, taking another coffee with him for the journey and feeling good about the day. Hopefully the couple coming to view Danny’s house in the afternoon would love it and make an offer. He’d already accepted one for his house last week, and getting Danny’s sold would hurry things up a lot.

  Chapter 36

  Samuel was packing up the last things from the kitchen cupboards. He needed to keep busy in between course work and his classes, and packing up random things in Daniel’s house seemed to fill those hours up. He held up a glass bowl with leaves etched all around it and sighed. Daniel had so much crap hanging around, and Samuel had no idea why he would even have what looked to be a punch bowl, but there it was.

  He placed it in a box for charity and would make Daniel look through it before he gave them away. Daniel had accepted an offer on the house. It was lower than he wanted, but still a good one. A cute couple bought it who fell in love with it as soon as they saw it. Samuel smiled when he remembered their faces as they walked around. He’d spent a good deal of time making the house feel like a home, even if it was just to sell it, and it showed, or it did. Samuel looked around him. Three huge boxes filled the kitchen, all with pans and pots and random things like pancake makers which he’d never seen before.

  It meant they could place a really good offer on the house they wanted, the one near Milo’s mum and the one they all knew was for them. They would be able to move in a couple of weeks if everything went okay.

  Daniel was at the gym, and Milo was finishing off his shift. Samuel always got calls from them while he was alone, but today he’d not really been home much to feel alone. All morning had been filled up with library visits and his first online mock exam in English and Math, which he passed. Samuel grinned to himself. Milo and Daniel had been so proud of him when he’d called them up. Milo’s mum Rekha called round for dinner, with cake to celebrate his results, and then they started packing. She’d left a couple of hours ago to visit her daughter and now Samuel was sitting in the middle of the kitchen, wondering what the hell to do with all the crap surrounding him.

  “Hey, Princess.” Milo made him jump and he held his hand to his chest.

  “Milo! You’re early.”

  “Nope, right on time for once.” Milo looked around and lifted a brow. “My mum called, told me she’d kind of left you in the middle of this.” He grinned and held up his phone. “Look what arrived.”

  Samuel took the phone from him and squealed. “Your sister had the baby.”

  “She sure did. A boy. Say hi to Zain.”

  “Oh my God, he’s beautiful. Is she okay? I didn’t know she was in labour.”

  "Neither did she.” Milo laughed. “Mum did though. Got her to the hospital just in time. Daniel will be happy.”

  Samuel kneeled and passed the phone back to Milo. “Your parents like him. I wish he’d see that.”

  “He does. He just feels a bit out of place. I think he misses his own mum when he’s with mine.”

  Samuel nodded. He understood Daniel found being without his own mum difficult. Samuel had years to get used to it but it still hurt. Having Milo’s mum nearby made him happy, but it also made him wish for his own mum to be with him. “You're so lucky to have your family close by. They accept your life and who you love, that’s amazing.”

  Milo shifted the biggest of the boxes and bent down, laying a soft kiss on Samuel’s lips. “I know. I love them both for supporting me. And they love you two.”

  Samuel sighed, tucking a strand of hair behind his ears. “Daniel has so much shit in here.”


  They’d agreed to take most of Daniel’s furniture along with al
l of Milo’s because they had a bigger place and could fit it all in. Samuel was sure it would work out and put them on until they got around to buying new things together, but they didn’t need double pans and plates and all the other junk.

  “How about we order food? Chinese good for you?”

  “Oh, God. That sounds brilliant.” Samuel was starving. “Thank you. I’ll call Daniel up and tell him to come home.”

  Milo helped clean up the kitchen, moving the boxes into the hall and wiping down the table while Samuel called Daniel up then had a quick wash upstairs to clean the dust from his skin. When he got back down, he found Milo and Daniel in the kitchen. Milo had him up against the wall, hands everywhere, kissing him breathless by the open door. Samuel smiled, just enjoying watching them move against each other.

  Daniel broke off for air and sighed. “I missed you too.”

  “Welcome home.” Samuel moved closer and they both turned to see him and smiled. “I missed you too. You look all buff and big.” Samuel ran his hands down Daniel’s chest. Like Milo, he appreciated the hard work Daniel put into his body and it turned him on seeing him fresh from his workout, smelling like shampoo and cologne, his hair still wet from his shower.

  “Hmmm. Look at you.” Daniel dragged his fingers through Samuel’s messy hair. “You look sexy in these pants.”

  Samuel sighed. He didn’t. He was wearing baggy stuff of Daniel’s which he’d found stored away in one of spare wardrobes. It was too big but it was comfy and he’d been moving around on his knees all afternoon on the tiles. “I look scruffy.”

  “You look sexy as hell,” Milo whispered into his ear. "I wanted to ravish you when I came home and saw you bent over. This plump arse in the air, pants too low and showing off the sexy curve of your spine. You had me hard in a second.”

  Samuel was pressed back into Daniel’s chest, his arms raised and pinned behind Daniel’s neck as Milo sandwiched him between them both. He could feel their hard, excited bodies pressing into him and he immediately reacted, his cock filling out and his breathless moans spilling out as they both kissed his neck, running their hands over his body.


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