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Hot Cop Next Door: A Second Chance Romance

Page 23

by Brooke Noelle

  I had every faith in Cameron and knew he would take the information I’d given him and run with it. When I heard a commotion in the hall, I smiled at the man giving me a lecherous look from the couch. I knew what was coming; he didn’t. That made me the one with the power.

  “Uh-oh,” I said in a small voice and watched his face change from glib to pissed in an instant.

  Cameron, followed by several men wearing jackets identifying them as DEA agents, flooded the room, guns trained on the singer and his group. I held up my hands along with Tom and didn’t move a muscle. The tension was high, and I didn’t want to get shot or do something that led to one of the police officers getting shot.

  “Jerry Smith, you’re under arrest for a shitload of crimes,” Cameron nearly shouted. “Burning my house to the fucking ground is just one of them, you piece of shit. You’re going to prison for a long time.”

  It was my turn to smile. My man had just given ol’ Jerry Smith what he had coming. Obviously, I was bummed about losing my first act, but there were singers on every corner. I would sacrifice everything, including my career, if it meant protecting Cameron and his daughter.

  Jerry looked at me and licked his lips while one of the men read him his rights. When I shuddered with disgust, he burst into laughter. The sound was maniacal and made goose bumps pop up all over my flesh.

  “Don’t even look at her,” Cameron hissed near the man’s ear as he held Jerry’s cuffed hands behind his back.

  Jerry sneered. “I’ve seen enough of her.”

  Cameron and I exchanged a look as the man was led out of the room by the DEA agent who had taken Jerry off Cameron’s hands. His buddies were led out as well.

  “He knew you,” I said, thinking back to the night at the bar. “How did he know you?”

  Cameron placed his hands on my upper arms and looked me directly in the eye. “I don’t know—yet. I’m going to find out. Can I come by later?”

  I nodded, still disturbed that the man had stood there onstage, watching us dance. How had I thought he was good enough to sign to a record deal? It was scary to think how close I had come to working with a man capable of such horror.

  Once the studio cleared out, Cesar and Tom both looked at me for an explanation. I awkwardly explained, hoping they would understand. They seemed more shocked than angry. Cesar was giving me another shot to bring in an artist, preferably one that wouldn’t be hauled off by the police.

  By the end of the day, I was anxious to hear from Cameron. I had texted him several times and never gotten a response. I was trying to be patient and failing miserably. As soon as I wrapped things up at work, I headed home, hoping Cameron would be waiting there. He wasn’t.

  Waiting to hear what had happened made me feel a lot like a caged lion. I was pacing my house, staring out my front window, checking my phone every two minutes, and stressing out in general. If Jerry Smith wasn’t the man Cameron had been looking for, I would be eating crow, and for some reason I didn’t think the guy was going to be real forgiving. He creeped me out, and I didn’t want him back on the streets.

  Cameron’s truck crawled down the street, and I went to the front door, yanking it open and waiting for him to climb out.

  “Well?” I asked as he walked up the driveway.

  He smiled. “We got him.”

  I led him inside. “Tell me everything!”

  “You might want to sit down,” he joked.

  I sat down and stared at him like a child waiting to hear an exciting story.

  “I’ve been working with a special task force on occasion to help track down a man notorious for cooking meth all over the east coast. The DEA has been chasing him from one city to the next but has never managed to get him. They didn’t know his name or what he looked like and dubbed him the Cooker.”

  My eyes widened. “Oh my god!”

  He grinned. “I’ve been talking to people on the streets, asking questions about the guy as well as helping to serve a couple search warrants and talking to the people in the houses at the time. I gave out my card, asking them to call if they had any information.”

  I nodded. “And that’s how he got your name.”

  “Yep. He had targeted a couple other guys who were doing the same thing but didn’t get around to hitting them. Although, I just found out today that one of the guys who served on the task force had his car stolen a couple days ago. The investigators are probably going to connect the Cooker and his merry band of misfits too that as well,” he said, and I could hear the relief in his voice.

  “How did he know where you lived?” I asked, still a little puzzled.

  Cameron shrugged. “Google is an evil tool when it falls into the wrong hands.”

  “When he saw us at the club that night, how did he know who you were?”

  He shook his head. “I’m not sure. He’s locked up for now. They have the DNA to hold him on the arson, but it’ll take a lot more evidence to prove he’s the man behind all the meth houses.”

  I was in shock regarding how everything had unfolded. Cameron’s job was dangerous. I had never really understood how dangerous until that exact moment. I thought about the families of the other cops and wondered how they handled the constant threat.

  “Wow, so…it’s over. You solved two cases with one arrest. That must be some kind of record in your world.” I smiled, feeling proud I was able to help him a little. “Do you get a medal?” I teased.

  “I don’t think so, but it’ll definitely look good on my record should I put in for a promotion.”

  “That’s amazing. Good job. I bet your boss was impressed.”

  He chuckled. “It certainly doesn’t happen often. I owe you for leading me to him. I think the guy thought he was above the law. I’m not sure what his plans were with you, but I’m glad we snatched him when we did.”

  “I don’t think he was after me. I chased him down. I made it way too easy for him. I bet he thought he was the smartest man in the room, sitting there looking like the cat that ate the canary until you came in.”

  “It all worked out. I hate that you had to deal with the creep, but I’m so glad you did. Good catch on those song lyrics. The DA is going to use them as evidence in my case,” he said.

  “I saw you with that man the other day. Was that your insurance guy?” I asked, hoping to keep the conversation going. I didn’t want him to leave and hoped to stall him.

  He nodded. “Yes. They weren’t exactly generous with their settlement offer. At this point, they’ll pay to rebuild the house as is. I will get a little something to replace some of the furnishings, but without receipts and pictures, a lot of the stuff is not going to be covered.”

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

  “It’s okay. I mean, it has to be. I do have the option of not rebuilding. The land value has increased quite a bit since I bought the home six years ago. I could sell that,” he said slowly, looking at me as he spoke. “I’d be given a decent settlement check after the lender was paid.”

  “You’re going to move?” I said, feeling the loss all over again.

  “I was thinking about it. Savannah, I don’t know how to say this, so I’m just going to come right out and say it,” he said, his hand reaching out to take mine.

  I licked my lips, mentally preparing myself for another harsh blow. “Okay,” I said, my voice barely above the sound of my breathing.

  “I love you.”

  I blinked several times. “What?” I said, feeling like a complete dumbass.

  He smiled and leaned closer. “I love you. I’m in love with you. I didn’t want to fall in love, but I did.”

  The words felt like they were floating in my brain, touching nerves and triggering all kinds of emotions.


  He nodded.

  “I love you too,” I said with a smile. “And trust me, the last thing I wanted to do was fall in love.”

  He chuckled. “I guess we both had our hang-ups, but here we are.”

sp; “Are you staying in Nashville?” I blurted out, needing to know if I was going to lose him to distance.

  “What? Of course I am.”

  “You said you were thinking about selling the land…”

  “Oh, that. Well, I was wondering if your offer still stood,” he said with that sexy grin of his.

  “My offer?” I felt like my head was mud. Those three little words had tripped me up, and I didn’t want to think about anything else except that he loved me and what that meant.

  “To live with you.”

  “Yes!” I nearly jumped off the couch. “Absolutely! That would be great!”

  He was smiling, a true smile that reached his eyes and made them squint a little. It was the first time I had seen it. It was beautiful, just like him.

  “Lily will be overjoyed. She’s been bugging me about coming back here all week. She really likes you. I love how great you are with her. I know it’s a lot for you, but if you’re ready, I’m ready,” he said, looking a little nervous.

  “I’m so ready,” I whispered as he leaned closer to me.

  “I’m a lot to handle,” he said in a husky voice.

  “I know, and I can’t wait to handle you.”

  He grinned a second before his eyes fluttered shut and his mouth closed over mine. I let myself get lost in his kiss. It was gentle and sweet at first. It was as if he was sealing our confession of love for one another before he pushed harder against my mouth, prying my lips open with the pressure. It wasn’t long before that familiar passion ignited, and I felt myself becoming overwhelmed with desire for the man.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  Our kiss was heating up. Everything felt stronger. Each pang of desire that shot down into my belly felt sharper than ever. She tasted better than I remembered.

  “Savannah,” I moaned into her mouth.

  She must have understood what I was trying to convey. She stood, grabbed my hand, and led me down the hall to her room—our room.

  “I’ve missed you,” I said, my chest heaving with heavy breathing.

  I had done nothing to exert myself. I was panting with need for the woman who had told me she loved me. I loved her, and it felt as if my heart would explode with the lust and passion I had for her. There was only one way to show her exactly how much I loved her. I wanted to share my very soul with her.

  I began to undress her, slowly at first but then with jerky movements that revealed my anxiousness. Her hands were on my belt, unfastening it before moving to the button on my pants.

  “I love you,” she whispered, pulling away from my mouth and stepping back to unbutton each of the buttons on my uniform shirt.

  The process was slow and tedious, heightening the anticipation of being naked with her. Once our clothes were removed, we stood before each other, completely nude and vulnerable. We had seen each other’s bodies before, but seeing her now was so much more intense. My eyes raked over her body as hers did the same to mine.

  “You’re beautiful,” I said, taking a step closer to her. “I’ve fantasized about you and me, just like this, for too long. I need you.”

  Her mouth went to my neck, her wet tongue lapping at my jugular vein before moving to hover over my mouth. “I need you.”

  That was all I needed to hear. I wrapped my arms around her and tumbled to the bed, my back hitting the mattress. I rolled to the side, depositing her body next to mine, and ran a hand over her breasts and down her flat stomach.

  I propped myself up on my elbow to look down at her. Her hair was fanned out around her, those green eyes staring back at me as I caressed her body. My hand moved lower. I felt her thigh press into mine as she opened her legs for me, never once breaking eye contact. I closed my hand over her pussy, relishing in the feel of the heat emanating from the center of her body.

  “I want you, every day, just like this,” I told her, looking forward to living with her and getting the chance to do this every night and every chance we got.

  “I need you so bad,” she moaned as my finger parted her folds.

  Her eyes started to close.

  “Look at me,” I whispered.

  Her eyes popped open, looking into mine as I gently probed her body with my finger. It was intimate and erotic as I massaged deep inside her pussy, her bottom lip sucked in as I brought her close to the edge.

  “Cameron,” she whimpered.

  “Shh, baby. I know what you need,” I said, dropping my mouth to hers and kissing her deeply, pushing my tongue inside her mouth at the same rhythm my finger penetrated her pussy. I felt her moan and knew she was ready to come.

  I continued my slow, leisurely exploration of the inside of her body with one finger before pulling out and running over her clit. Her body bucked against me, her mouth opening wide as the climax broke over her. I kissed her long and hard as she rode out her first orgasm. There were going to be plenty more where that came from.

  I moved over top of her, sliding my hard cock inside her, nearly undone by the hot, tight sheath that welcomed my invasion. Her hands slid up my arms, squeezing my biceps before moving to cup my face. She was looking at me with such love, it was nearly my undoing.

  I moved deeper inside her, still holding her gaze. “I love you,” I said again, loving the way the words felt when I said them.

  She groaned as I pushed in higher. I buried myself deep, feeling my very soul join with hers. Her pussy was vibrating around me, her body glistening with a fine sheen of sweat below me. I could smell her recent orgasm and taste her on my lips. Every one of my senses was tuned to her.

  “Oh god.” She groaned when I shifted inside her, angling my cock a little differently.

  I smiled, feeling her body building around me, knowing she was close to a climax once again. I pulled out slowly, watching her, knowing she was holding her breath. I slid back in, stopping and going deeper a little at a time.

  “Breathe, baby,” I whispered.

  “I can’t. This—you—oh god, I’m going to come,” she said, panting as my body rocked in and out of hers at a slow tempo, dragging my dick in and out of her tight sheath.

  “Easy,” I said, watching her head thrash back and forth on the bed.

  “Cameron!” she shouted. “Please! I need to come!”

  “You will. Let me make love to you,” I said, rotating my hips until I was deeper inside, filling her completely.

  I stayed seated right where I was, knowing the pressure against her clit was tickling her at her very core. I didn’t move as she squirmed below me, her body searching and demanding more.

  “I… So close,” she said through gritted teeth.

  I rocked my hips against her body, giving her the pressure she needed and feeling her body erupt around me in the same instance.

  “Oh god!” she cried out, her back arching as her body convulsed around and under me.

  I stayed solid as a rock, not moving a muscle, letting her slide up and down my dick as I impaled her on the bed. I felt the little spasms lessening and leaned my head down to kiss her.

  “You are the most gorgeous creature in this world. I love watching you come,” I said with a smile.

  She grinned. “I love coming.”

  “Good, because I see a future filled with lots of orgasms.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that. Now it’s my turn.”

  I raised an eyebrow in question. Her petite hand pressed against my chest, pushing me off her. I rolled to my back, my arms splayed wide as she kneeled next to me. She ran a hand over my chest, slowly moving over one nipple and then the next. It was a loving touch, as if she were committing the feel of my body to memory. I knew what she was doing because I had done the same.

  “Ride me,” I said, watching her face as I said the words.

  Heat bloom in her cheeks. “I’m going to. I’m going to ride you achingly slowly like you did me.”

  My cock jerked at the thought, and I grinned. “We’ll see how long you last going slow.”
/>   She climbed on top of me, her wet pussy pressed against me.

  “Let me in,” I demanded.

  She smiled. “Not yet.”

  Her mouth came down on mine. Her kiss was thorough as she swept her tongue inside my mouth. She sucked on my tongue before devouring me with such intensity, I was afraid I would explode. My hands wrapped around her, pulling her naked body tight against my chest, her breasts pressed against me. I was going to fucking come if this kept up.

  I yanked my head away. “Savannah, dammit, let me in,” I begged again.

  She leaned up, her palms resting on my chest, her beautiful breasts grabbing my attention. Her lips were wet and red from our passionate kiss.

  “Do you want inside me?” she teased.

  I growled and bucked my hips upward.

  She smiled, lifting her body before reaching between us and encircling my cock with her hand. She stroked a few times before guiding the head to her entrance. I had to fight not to push inside. I was desperate and found myself holding my breath.

  She slid her pussy over the head of my cock and stopped moving.

  “Savannah,” I rasped. “You can’t stop.”

  She pushed down a little more. My hands went to her hips, ready to hold her in place while I plunged inside. Her body slid down another fraction and then a little more. My gaze was focused on where we were joined. I watched as her sweet pussy swallowed my dick a little more each time.

  “Look at me,” she ordered.

  I tore my gaze away and looked into her eyes as she slid down. I groaned with supreme pleasure. It was like coming home after being gone for years. It felt so right with her on me, me inside her. She wiggled her hips, adjusting her body and sucking me deeper inside.

  She pulsed around me. She arched her back, driving her hips forward.

  “Fuck.” I moaned, the little motion sending fire through my veins.


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