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What Nathan Wants

Page 8

by Ruth Ann Nordin

  Amy opened her door and shot her friend a warning look.

  Danielle threw her hands up in the air. “Sorry. I won’t say anything else about this old relic.”


  Amy sat in her seat and closed the door. Once Danielle was settled in, she started up the car, grateful it started up right away. Maybe a new engine was a good idea. She decided she’d look into doing that later in the week, before Danielle’s kids came over to the house and drove Nathan to the point where he tossed Amy out of the house and vowed to never have children.

  After she dropped Danielle off at work, she drove to Nathan’s large house and parked in front of the garage. Glancing around the premises, she caught sight of Nathan and her mother playing tennis while her father lounged back in a chair and read a book. She tapped the steering wheel with her fingers. This was all a game to him. Like a game of chess. No matter which move she made, he got his pawn in her way first.

  She reluctantly got out of her car. She thought of going into the house, but her father saw her and called out to her. If it was anyone but her parents, she would have ignored them. Holding her purse, she made her way across the well-manicured lawn and slipped in through the gates that were set around the tennis court.

  “Nice to see you again.” Her father patted the chair next to him and motioned to the lemonade. “Kick up your feet and have a cool drink of lemonade. Your mother made it.”

  Her mother and Nathan still played tennis, so she decided to do as her father bid. What she really wanted to do was go up to Nathan and smack him over the head with her purse for dictating her life.

  “Did you have a good morning?” her dad asked.

  She sat down and took a sip of the pink lemonade. It was as good as she remembered. Shrugging, she said, “It was alright.”

  “Is something bothering you?”

  She glanced at Nathan who expertly hit the ball back to her mother who was grinning. “Mom’s enjoying this.”

  “You bet. She hates the way I play. She says I don’t give her a challenge. That husband of yours is giving her a run for her money.”

  She gritted her teeth. Her husband. “Yeah. He’s good at playing games.” Too good.

  “So what happened while you were out?”

  Noting the concern in his eyes, she relaxed a bit. “Not much. I met with Danielle for awhile and ran some errands.”

  “But something bad happened. You look upset.”

  She shrugged. “I don’t want to talk about it.” Like her father would understand. The man was tickled pink that Nathan took him golfing yesterday.

  “Suit yourself, but if you need to talk, I’m here.”

  They sat quietly for awhile, sipping lemonade and watching her mother and Nathan play. The two made impressive opponents, and in the end, Nathan won but it’d been a close game.

  “I’ll be.” Her father’s eyes sparkled with merriment. “No one’s been able to beat your mother in the longest time.” He stood up and waited for the two exhausted and sweaty people to walk over to them.

  “That was the most fun I had in a year!” her mother cheered. “Did you have a good morning, sweetheart?”

  Amy shrugged. “It was fine.”

  Nathan’s eyebrows rose in interest. “Things didn’t go as planned?”

  Though he seemed concerned, Amy couldn’t help but think that he was inwardly cheering. She resisted the urge to glare in his direction.

  “Maybe next time,” he happily said and tossed a clean towel in her mother’s direction. “I’m going to take a shower and then we can go to the IMAX. They have Adventure in Space showing today.”

  “Oh, that’ll be fun!” her father said in unbridled enthusiasm.

  “I better take a shower too,” her mother added.

  “Would you like to talk to me while I freshen up?” Nathan asked Amy.

  If she was expected to have a pleasant evening, then she couldn’t get into a fight with him right now, and that’s exactly what they’d get into if her parents weren’t around. “No. I don’t want to talk to you.” To add meaning to her words, she shot him a meaningful look.

  With wide eyes, he smiled and said, “Okay. Whenever you’re ready.” Then he kissed her cheek.

  She clutched her purse, reminding herself she could smack him with it later. She never agreed to marry him. He forced this on her, and unless Danielle’s children did the trick, she was going to be confined to this control freak for the rest of her life. She closed her eyes and prayed that Danielle’s kids would cause a lot of grief that upcoming weekend.


  Amy struggled to remain pleasant during the IMAX and dinner, but every time Nathan reached for her hand or brushed any part of his body against her, she remembered that she had no freedom. At one point she kicked him in the shin when he rested his hand on her knee during the meal. The only indication he gave that it affected him was a slight rise of his eyebrows. Then he kept his hands and other body parts to himself but continued talking to her parents as if nothing was wrong.

  By the time they retired for the night, he shut the bedroom door and gave her a good look. “Is something wrong?”

  She threw her purse onto the desk and stormed to the closet to get her pajamas. “Gee, you think something’s wrong?”

  He shrugged as he followed her. “You seem a tad bit upset.”

  She turned from the drawer and glared at him. “I can’t get a job.”

  He looked as if he had no idea what that had to do with anything. “Why would you want a job?”

  “You know very well why.”

  “No, I don’t. Jobs are for people who need to make money. You already have more than enough.”

  “You’ve been telling people not to hire me.”

  “I never told anyone not to hire you.”

  Crossing her arms, she asked, “Then why did the guy who was supposed to interview me at Weston Travel Agency say he couldn’t because I was your wife?”

  He gasped. “You’re married to me and you went to a competing agency? Have you no sense of loyalty?”

  “I like being a travel agent!”


  “So you fired me from the job I already had!”

  “Is that what’s bothering you? You want your old job back?”

  She groaned and rubbed her temples. “I want my life back! I want to go back to my job and live in my quaint apartment. I want to be free!”


  When she realized he honestly couldn’t understand what she meant, she threw her hands up in the air. “I give up. You really don’t get it. You have no capacity to get it.” She returned to the drawer and pulled out her pajamas. “Just so you know, there are some things you can’t buy, Nathan, and I’m not for sale.”

  He shook his head, still appearing baffled, and said, “Fine. I can let you have your old job back, though why you’d want to subject yourself to working when you don’t have to, I’ll never understand. But,” he continued before she could speak, “you have to stay in this house. We are married, and despite what you think, I’m not a bad guy. The day will come when you’ll thank me for insisting on you giving this marriage a try.”

  “You can’t be so sure of that.”

  “Of course I can. We make a good match. I thought so when I interviewed you, and after getting to know your parents and learning all about you, I’m even more convinced of it.”

  He looked very satisfied with himself as he turned on his heel and headed for the bathroom.

  She sighed but decided it was better than nothing. At least she could go back to work with Danielle. A victory, no matter how small, was still a victory. She changed into her pajamas and slipped into bed. She rolled onto her side and snuggled into the comfortable sheets. Okay. So she loved the bed. Who wouldn’t? It was like sleeping on air.

  To her surprise, he slipped into bed with her. She gasped, rolled back over, and pulled the sheets up to her neck as if the pajamas weren’t already concealing everything
. “What are you doing?”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t touch you. I’m a little sore after playing tennis. If I sleep in the recliner tonight, my back will give me problems tomorrow.”

  She furrowed her eyebrows. “Well... Alright. But keep to your side.”

  He shot her an amused look. “You’re the one who had your arm draped over me last time, not the other way around.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t be blamed for what I do in my sleep.”

  “Really? So that means I can’t be held accountable for anything I do when I sleep either?”

  She frowned. “Don’t take advantage of the situation, buddy.”

  He laughed and clapped his hands. The lights went out and the bed shifted as he settled in. “I don’t need to take advantage. It’s a matter of time before you insist we have sex.”

  She grunted but didn’t respond. She didn’t believe he would ever force himself on her, and that was the only reason she didn’t bolt from the bed.

  “You were such a cute kid,” he said.

  She blinked and turned her gaze to him. In the dark, she could only make out the basic outline of his face. “How so?”

  “You used to wrap tin foil around your wrists and put a headband on your forehead and pretended you were Wonder Woman. I believe your mom said you used a jump rope to wrap around people’s waists so they’d tell you the truth.”

  Her jaw dropped. “My mom told you that?”

  “And about the time you used a curling iron and burnt your bangs so you had to cut your hair close the scalp to get the curling iron away from your head. She even showed me the picture.”

  “Oh no,” she said in horror. Her mother still had that awful picture?

  “You were cute, even if you did have that spiky hair in the front.”

  Her face grew unbearably warm. “It was horrible.”

  “You were only fourteen. How could you know what would happen if you let the curling iron stay on for too long? The point is you don’t do that now.”

  “No, I don’t. I’ll never touch another curling iron for as long as I live.”

  He chuckled. “I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t either. You only need to be burned once to learn your lesson.”

  “Is that what my parents did while I was gone? Tell you all about my past?”

  “Pretty much.”

  She groaned.

  “Oh, it was great. They even brought a photo album for me to look at. You know, if I’d known you in high school, I would have asked you out.”

  “When I was in high school, you were in college.”

  “That’s true. Well, then it’s good we met when we did.” He leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. “Good night, honey.”

  This time when she sighed it wasn’t because she was annoyed.

  Chapter Ten

  The next day, Nathan returned to work. As the elevator doors opened, he stepped through them and noted the shocked look on his secretary’s face.

  “You’re alive?” Carmen asked, adjusting her bifocals and peering up at him from her seat as if she had to be sure.

  “Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  She gave a slight shrug and turned to the computer monitor in front of her. “Since you’re here, you might want to join Mr. Jackson this morning. There’s the appointment at Jackson Advertising at 10.”

  “Right.” He stopped in front of her desk. “Any messages come for me while I was on vacation?”

  “Is that what you called it? Some might term it kidnapping.”

  He shot her a ‘get serious’ look.

  “Jack Bently left a message. He wants to talk to you about the meeting on May 31.”

  Nathan nodded. “I’ll be sure to call him. Anyone else?”

  “Just the funeral home. They want to know your height so they can design the casket.”

  He noted the smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “Now, let’s get something straight, Carmen. Mrs. Rudolph has adjusted to the situation, and everything’s under control.”

  The woman’s mouth dropped open. “You tied her up and gagged her!”

  He balked. “I did no such thing. Please, what do you take me for?”

  “You pretty much kidnapped the poor thing. If I were you, I’d watch my back when I’m asleep.”

  “I don’t need to do that.” Once again when he woke up, Amy was snuggled nicely against him and she had her arm wrapped around his waist. He rather liked waking up that way.

  “You mean she let you live?” a man called out.

  Nathan turned to Tyler who exited the elevator. “Ha ha.”

  “He swears that Amy Watson is agreeable to the arrangement,” the secretary told Tyler.

  “Her name is Amy Rudolph,” Nathan reminded her.

  “Why? Is that baby on the way?” the woman asked him.

  “I’m working on it.”

  “Well, until she sleeps with you, I’ll call her Amy Watson. She did make it clear that she’ll get an annulment.”

  “Oh that,” Nathan waved his hand. “She had to say that so that she could have the appearance of control. She didn’t mean it.”

  Carmen and Tyler exchanged knowing glances.

  “If there aren’t any more pressing calls to tend to, I’ll go to my office.”

  “Oh, right. About that...” Tyler ran past him.

  Unsure of whether or not he wanted to know what the deal was, Nathan quickened his pace so that he reached the door in time to see Tyler remove something from the nameplate on his office door. “What is that?” He snatched the nameplate from Tyler before he could tuck it into his pocket.

  Tyler Jackson, President

  May Nathan Rudolph rest in peace

  “Very funny,” Nathan dryly stated, hiding his amusement. He tossed it into the trash. “You just wait. One of these days, Amy Rudolph is going to come to my office and be very happy to see me.”

  Tyler glanced at Carmen and shook his head.

  “It’ll happen,” Nathan insisted and gave Tyler a piercing look. “We are due to leave for Jackson Advertising at 9:45.”

  “Yes, sir.” Tyler gave a mock salute before he headed off for his office.

  “Why do I keep you two on my staff?” he called out.

  “Because no one else has the patience to deal with you,” Tyler joked over his shoulder.

  “Nor would they have the compassion to call your doctor about that fungus,” Carmen added. “I go above and beyond the call of duty.”

  “Yes, you’re a saint,” Nathan said, humoring her. “When you die, we’ll erect a statue in your honor.”

  She gave him a slight grin before returning to her computer.

  Nathan entered his office and turned on his computer and then opened his appointment book. It was too bad Amy’s parents had a returning flight tomorrow morning. He rather enjoyed having them around. If anything, it confirmed that he made the right choice in picking her to be his wife, but he also liked talking to them. He’d have to find a way to see them again before the year was up. With any luck, he and Amy could announce her pregnancy at that time.

  He looked out the window, not really seeing the building next to him or the sky beyond. Maybe they could fly down to Florida for Christmas and announce it on Christmas day. He could picture the scene vividly in his mind. They would be around the Christmas tree, unwrapping presents, drinking eggnog, and listening to Christmas songs. He smiled. He thought Amy’s face would glow with joy, and perhaps by then, she would love him.

  A loud slap on his desk pulled him abruptly from his daydream. His head snapped in the direction of his ex-wife who clucked her tongue at him. “Is this what you do at work all day? Stare out the window?”

  His gaze drifted to his secretary who offered an apologetic shrug. He sighed and leaned back in his seat. Well, he couldn’t fault her. Veronica had a way of barging in where she wasn’t wanted. He turned his attention to the woman dressed in an expensive dress suit. “What brings you here today?” he blan
dly asked, clasping his hands together and not breaking eye contact.

  She sat on the edge of his desk and adjusted her hat. “I came to congratulate you.”

  “I didn’t realize you followed anything that happened in my life.”

  She laughed and waved her hand. “Oh, please. I wasn’t talking about your personal life. I meant you’re off the hook for the alimony. I’m getting married!”

  “What’s the guy’s name and address? I should send a sympathy card.”

  “Oh, Nate. It’s nice to see you haven’t lost your sense of humor.”

  “So when can I stop the automatic payments to your account?” he asked, realizing that even if she was doing him a favor by relieving him of the financial burden of the alimony, he couldn’t help but feel sorry for her next husband.

  “June 12th. A Saturday. Feel free to attend. I could send you an invite.”

  He inwardly cringed. “I’ll pass. I suppose the least I can do is send a gift. Is there anything pressing you need as you and the victim start a new life together?”

  She chuckled. “You’re way too much fun. Seriously, I can’t remember what I ever saw in you.”

  “I believe it was my bank account.”

  “Now to be fair, I didn’t know how loaded you were until we were engaged. I rather fancied your car and where you worked.”

  “Ah, the impression of wealth.”

  She gave an amused smirk. “My intended outdoes you, honey.”

  “I hate to think you’d move down the money chain.”

  “You know me better than that.” Standing, she adjusted her charm bracelet. “If you would like to give us a gift, a trip to the Bahamas via cruise works, but only if you give us a balcony.”

  “Why? Do you have dreams of shoving him off the ledge?”

  “Too bad I didn’t do that with you when I had the chance.”

  They laughed, neither one really amused.

  “You’re all heart, Veronica.” He sat up straight. “I can’t do a cruise, but I’ll have my secretary pick out something suitable for a bride and groom.”

  “A gift that comes straight from the heart. I’m touched.”

  “Granted, it’s not the lovely parting gift you gave me, but I’m sure Mrs. Riles will make sure it’s nothing you can infect your husband with.”


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