Book Read Free

What Nathan Wants

Page 14

by Ruth Ann Nordin

  Amy finished shredding the paper in time to hear Danielle moan. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “My pen ran out of ink. Can you get me another one?”

  Amy went to her desk and pulled a pen from her pen holder.

  “No. Not that kind. I want one that says Rudolph Travel Agency on it.”

  Amy sighed. “What does it matter what the pen says on it? The important thing is it works.”

  “You have no clue, do you? I can’t represent this company if I have an ordinary pen. I need a pen that advertises this place. How else will our customers take us seriously?”

  “We don’t have any of those pens.”

  “I bet the boss does. He must have a drawer full of these beauties.” She held up the silver pen with the fancy black lettering on it.

  “You won’t stop until I go see him, will you?”


  “Fine. I’ll go.”

  “No need to thank me,” Danielle called out as Amy went across the room.

  Amy opened the door and smiled. “I won’t,” she teased.

  Okay. Amy had to admit she did want to go see Nathan, but she wasn’t about to tell Danielle that. It was ridiculous to be experiencing these high school emotions. She was a grown woman, after all, but experience them she did. By the time she reached the main office, her heart was fluttering like crazy.

  Cool down, Amy. You’re thirty-four, not seventeen!

  She approached the secretary who was on the phone. “Yes, Mr. Bently. I’ll transfer you to him now.” Then she pressed a button on her phone. “Mr. Rudolph, you have Jack Bently on line 1.” She hung up and smiled at Amy. “Nice to see you. From the looks of it, I won’t be writing Nathan’s obituary today.”

  “No. Not today,” Amy replied.

  “Oh good. That means I get my paycheck.”

  Amy laughed at the older woman’s joke.

  “Go on in.”

  “Thanks.” Amy went over to the office and opened the door.

  Nathan glanced up from the appointment calendar on his desk. Smiling, he waved her in, and kept talking on the phone.

  She stepped into the office and shut the door. It felt weird to be here and not be upset or thinking she was being interviewed. She stood still for a moment and tried to decide what to do.

  “Yes, I’m aware of the engagement you have coming up,” Nathan said into the phone as he tapped his pencil on the calendar.

  Clasping her hands behind her back, she strolled over to the windows and peered at downtown Omaha. She made out the place where she worked not too far from there. A glance further out showed her the direction of Fontenelle Forest. Judging from the sun and breeze, it’d be a nice day for a walk.

  “No, I wasn’t aware of that.”

  Noting the apprehensive tone in her husband’s voice, she turned on her heel.

  He sighed but patiently listened to the man on the other end. She could tell that Nathan wasn’t too happy by the way his eyebrows furrowed.

  Her sympathetic gaze traveled from his handsome profile to the familiar image on his computer. Her eyes grew wide and she gave a slight gasp. On his screen saver was a picture of her lounging by the side of his pool in her swimsuit. She was smiling at the camera as if she was more than happy to grace Nathan Rudolph’s computer. She looked back at Nathan in disbelief. He was far more cunning than she gave him credit for.

  “I’ll try to make it.” Though Nathan winced, he sounded pleasant. He hung up the phone and rubbed his forehead. He sighed and glanced at her.

  Before he could speak, she pointed to the computer. “I see you found a way to get a picture of me in a swimsuit.”

  A mischievous grin crossed his face. “It’s my favorite one.”

  “It’s horrible. I’m barely wearing anything.”

  “You have a swimsuit on. Too bad it’s a one piece. I was hoping you were a bikini kind of girl.”

  She shook her head. “Does anyone else see that?”

  “Of course not. Don’t worry. Your lovely body is for my eyes only.”

  She debated whether or not she wanted that picture on his computer. He was her husband, and even though she wasn’t as fully dressed as she preferred, it wasn’t as if she was naked. Plenty of women wore less at a pool and thought nothing of it. She sighed. “Okay. Fine. You can keep it up.”

  “You’re definitely nice to look at during the day.” He offered a wicked smile and wiggled his eyebrows. “So, did you come to act out a fantasy about visiting your boss during working hours?”

  She hid her amusement. “No. I came to get some pens.”

  He blinked. “Pens?”

  “We ran out of the pens with the company logo on them.”

  “Are you pulling my leg?”

  “Nope. Danielle sent me. She needs to fill out the supply sheet, and she can’t do that unless she has the right kind of pen.”

  “Oh, in that case...” He opened one of his drawers and retrieved a couple. “It’s a good thing I keep these on hand at all times.”

  She went over to him and took them. “Thank you. She will be most relieved.”

  “While you’re here, I need to ask you a question.”


  “Would you sit on my lap while I ask it?”

  “Can’t I just sit in that chair?” She pointed to the chair across from the desk.

  “What’d be the fun in that? I thought you came so we could make out.”

  Feeling playful, she decided to oblige him and straddled him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she leaned forward and kissed him. His hands settled on her hips as he returned her kiss. Her skin warmed as their kiss depended. She traced his bottom lip with her tongue and involuntarily groaned when he parted his lips for her. She pressed closer against him until she felt his erection between her legs. Every nerve ending in her body seemed to spark to life.

  She hadn’t made love since her last time in bed with Sean, but the memory of how pleasurable sex was came rushing back to her. There was no doubt about it. She couldn’t wait anymore to consummate her marriage to Nathan. She’d held out as long as she could as she waited to see if he would try to dictate that she do something, and though a couple of days probably wasn’t long enough, she knew she wanted to stay married to him so why torture herself by waiting?

  His hands traveled up her back and around to her front where he cupped her breasts in his hands. She never dreamed of doing something this risqué while at work, but she had to admit this was the most exciting thing that ever happened to her—sexually speaking. She wondered if they should just strip down and do it here and now. Her body was primed for action, and judging by the strength of his arousal, he obviously felt the same way.

  But then she remembered the secretary on the other side of the door and the vice president in the next office. No. She couldn’t do this right here when other people were around. The idea that someone might overhear or, even worse, walk in on them, calmed her passion back to a simmer.

  Reluctant, she ended the kiss and tried to catch her breath.

  “You feel good, Amy,” he whispered, leaning forward and kissing her neck.

  She gritted her teeth so she wouldn’t give into the urge to move her hips. “At home. Tonight.”

  At that, he sat back and made eye contact. “You promise?”

  “Yes. I can’t do it here when there are other people around.”

  “I suppose I can hold out for that long.” He smiled and caressed her breasts. “Mind if I take a peek now?”

  She laughed and swatted his hands away. “No way. I don’t trust you. As soon as I unbutton my shirt, I have a feeling you’ll talk me into keeping things going.”

  “You’re probably right.” With a heavy sigh, he brought his hands back to her hips. “I’ll keep it PG.”

  She gave him a quick kiss. “I’ll make it worth the wait.”

  “I don’t doubt it.”

  She smiled at him and asked, “Did you have something you wanted t
o ask me?”

  “Yes, I did. Jack Bently is thinking of offering an exclusive cruise package through my company, and this would attract some of the richer clients in Omaha and probably even out of state, but he wants me to go to an extravagant party where he plans to announce his new ship line to the world. He wants me there, but I don’t want to go alone.”

  “You’re asking me if I want to go?”

  “Yes, but you should be aware that my ex-wife will be there as well. She’s the model for the magazine ads he plans to run, and I believe she has a part in the commercial.”

  She cringed. She didn’t exactly relish the idea of running into his ex-wife. “How many people will be at this event?”

  “Probably a hundred, not including any reporters or the paparazzi. I try to avoid them and the ex whenever I can.”

  “You’re obviously not looking forward to it.”

  He shrugged. “I’m not. If I was single, I’d go, but if I go, I’ll want to bring you.”

  “You’re not going to manipulate things so I have to go,” she teased.

  “No way. I don’t want you leaving me, especially when things are finally getting good.” His gaze drifted to her breasts.

  “You men are so easy to read.” She wiggled on top of him and was rewarded with the feel of his erection. “Okay. I’ll do it.”

  He blinked for a moment and then said, “Oh. You meant the thing at Bently’s.”


  “I thought... Well, I thought you were about to make my desk fantasy come true.”

  She knew that’s what he’d think, which was why she enjoyed the sudden change in topic. Maybe she shouldn’t take such a fiendish delight in tormenting him, but it was too tempting to resist. Besides, she would satisfy his needs when they got home. Standing up, she checked the clock. “I have just enough time to get back to work before my boss comes to pick me up.”

  “He can’t wait.”

  She smiled to herself as she went across the room. Opening the door, she glanced over her shoulder and winked. “Just you wait until I get you home.”

  Then she turned and almost ran into Tyler who was ready to knock on the door. His eyebrows rose in surprise.

  “Thank you for a most entertaining diversion, sweetheart,” Nathan suggestively called out to her.

  Heat flooded to her face. “Pens. I came for pens.” With trembling hands, she held the three pens up. “See?”

  “She’s right,” Nathan replied. “And I gave her exactly what she wanted.”

  Sure her face was as red as a tomato, she hurried to the elevator, not even bothering to make eye contact with the secretary. As soon as the doors opened, she scampered into the elevator and refused to look back.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “This is a nice place,” Nathan admitted as they strolled hand in hand up the boardwalk at Fontenelle Forest. Trees lined their path, giving them a sense of privacy, and since the place was vacant for the most part, they could hear the sound of birds chirping and squirrels running from tree to tree.

  “I love coming here,” Amy replied and glanced up at him. “I can take time to sit and think.”

  “What do you usually think about?”

  She shrugged. “Most of the time my job.”

  “No kidding?”

  Grinning, she said, “Nope.”

  “I had no idea I occupied so much of your time.”

  “It wasn’t you I was thinking of. It was various aspects of work. There is a difference.”

  “Really? I can’t think of a single one,” he teased.

  She chuckled and led him to one of the benches along the way. He sat next to her and put his arm around her shoulders, noting how wonderfully she fit next to him.

  “That’s the Missouri River and further out is downtown Omaha.”

  The cut in the trees and dip of the land afforded them a good view of the river, and over the river was another series of trees that tapered off to the tall buildings in the distance. He could even see where he worked. For a moment, he thought that the buildings where people spent so much of their time were just that: buildings. Whether or not they’d still be standing a hundred years from now was anybody’s guess. And though he wouldn’t live forever, that building he worked in—the one that symbolized his life’s work and would likely survive him—didn’t mean much in the whole scheme of things.

  It seemed to him that a true legacy a man might leave behind was a child; a piece of himself that would have a heart and a soul. A unique person that nothing could duplicate; someone with a free will who could love and be loved. Maybe someone who might make the world a better place and touch someone’s life.

  Maybe his plan had been to have a child, and it was a plan he still wanted. But he had to admit that he didn’t anticipate a woman he could love to go along with it. He figured the most he could hope for was an agreement to have an amiable marriage. Ideally, he hoped for friendship, and it was important that she would be a good woman, someone who would make a good mother. That was why he interviewed for a wife. He could have selected many women, but after what he went through with Veronica, he had to be picky. He didn’t want another woman who would cheat on him. He wanted a woman who could honor her marriage vows, even if she never loved him.

  Amy was far better than he’d hoped for.

  “This is my favorite spot,” she told him.

  He kissed the top of her head and smiled. “I can see why.”

  “I came here a lot after Sean died,” she softly said. “For the longest time, walking along this boardwalk was the only thing that gave me peace. Out there,” she motioned to the buildings, “things are busy. It’s easy to get caught up in the stress of everyday life. But here, when you can sit down and relax, things are simple. That’s why I love coming here. You can get away from it all for awhile and just enjoy the fact that you’re still alive.”

  “You must miss him,” he acknowledged.

  “I do. A part of me always will. Just like you probably miss your parents?”

  “Yes.” That was one of the reasons why he liked spending time with her parents. They had welcomed him with open arms and made him feel like a member of their family.

  “It took a long time to get over Sean’s death,” Amy confessed. “I didn’t bother dating again because I didn’t think anyone would be as good to me.” Then she looked at him with a gentle smile. “You may have done things in a way that didn’t endear me to you right away, but you’re a good guy.”

  His heart warmed at her words. “To be honest, I didn’t think you’d make such a fuss.”

  She laughed. “I guess that doesn’t surprise me by the way you acted. You did look like you were surprised when I came into your office and tore up the marriage license.”

  “I was. I couldn’t imagine why a woman didn’t want the money I came with.”

  “Well, I was never up for sale.”

  “Sean was a lucky guy.”

  “I do like being with you, Nathan.”

  “I like being with you too. And though my methods were unorthodox, I must admit I made an excellent choice.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Leave it to you to wrap a compliment for me with a compliment for yourself as well.”

  He chuckled.

  “Are you ready to walk again?” she asked.

  “Sure.” He stood up and took her hand to help her up. “You know, this is kind of fun. We’ll have to come back here.” He slipped his arms around her waist and kissed her. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” Then, before she could respond, he kissed her again, this time letting his lips linger on hers.


  When they got home, she led him upstairs and into the bedroom. “We need a shower,” she told him, casually taking off her clothes.

  When it was just the two of them, she had no trouble playing the seductive part, but in front of others, such talk did embarrass her. Fortunately, they were alone, and for the moment, she could put the ordeal at his office
behind her.

  “Do I get to join you this time?” he asked as he took off his tie.

  “You have to. I can’t wash my back.”

  “I have that brush in the shower that can do the job.”

  She finished unbuttoning her shirt and pretended to think about it. “You’re right. I guess I don’t need you in there after all.” She slipped off the shirt and undid the clasps on her bra.

  He pulled her against him. “Now that I think about it, that brush is old. You’re better off if I do it.”

  She grinned at him and took off her bra. “I have a feeling you’re right.”

  He kissed her and she melted in his arms. His hands ran up her bare back as he left a trail of kisses down her neck.

  She gave a contented sigh before she worked on his buttons. It’d been a long time since she’d enjoyed the male body, and she had every intention of exploring every inch of her husband. He shrugged off the shirt and then worked on taking off his pants. Taking that as her cue, she also removed hers and put her clothes in the hamper.

  “You’re beautiful,” he softly told her, making no qualms about openly staring at her naked body.

  “So are you.” She lightly traced the muscles in his chest and let her hand explore lower. “I’ve always found a man’s body to be one of the finest creations ever made.”

  He smiled. “I could say the same about a woman’s body. You complete me, you know. Physically and emotionally.” He kissed her again and she leaned into him.

  After the kiss ended, she took him by the hand and led him to the shower where she turned the water on and waited for it to warm up before she lathered up the soap. He followed suit and started rubbing the soap onto her back, massaging her muscles as he went along her spine.

  “That feels nice,” she murmured.

  “Makes you wish you had joined me sooner, doesn’t it?” he teased.

  “I don’t know. Something tells me you’re worth the wait.”

  He chuckled.

  When he was done, she motioned for him to turn around and washed his back, taking the time to thoroughly study him. She wrapped her arms around him and washed his chest. Eyes closed, she relied on her sense of touch to memorize every contour of his body. Fine hairs sprinkled his chest until her hands found the line of hairs that led to his erection. Unable to hide her sly grin, she reached lower and cupped him in her hands. He moaned, rewarding her for her efforts to clean all of him.


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