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Biker Bait: The Lost Souls MC Series

Page 15

by Ellie R. Hunter

  He looked about the same age as my uncle, but his hair was much more speckled with grey, his beard was longer than most and I swear if I got any closer I would see the dirt buried in it. He was tall and maybe one day long ago he had muscle but he just looked fat now, his belly so rounded, I doubted his cut would reach far enough round to do up? Most of all he was just dirty.

  He stepped closer towards me and tugged on the rope above my head, I felt the squeeze around my neck and fear like I never experienced before blow me apart from the inside out.

  “Just checkin’ ya comfortable bitch.” he sneered.

  While he was this close to me I spat in his face.

  “They’ll be coming for me, they’ll you kill you for this!” I screamed.

  He wiped his face with the back of his hand and wiped it on my jumper, putting extra pressure as his hand ran over my breasts.

  “I want them comin’ for you, but those pussy bitches won’t be doin’ fuck all but dyin’ themselves. We’re waitin’, we’re ready and when they come, we’re gonna blow each and every head off of those mother fuckers.”

  No! I am not going to lose anyone else to these animals.

  I laughed at him, using every ounce of strength I had left to show them his threats weren’t scaring me because on the inside I was full of fear.

  “We’ve been watchin’ you, baffled us at first why you were out in the middle of nowhere but we got over it and used that to our advantage in the end. Saw that cunt Castiel makin’ himself at home in ya pussy and knew you were special. Not only that fuck Michael’s niece but the VP’s old lady too, don’t get much loved than that. The pussy’s think they can blow up my shit and get away with it, your fuckin’ wrong bitch, when they get here, they die. If you play nice I’ll let you watch as I rip your uncle’s throat out.”

  He laughed.

  Biker two hadn’t moved or said a word, he just stood there watching, agreeing with everything he said.

  “Oh, how rude of me, we haven’t been introduced, I’m Hunter Carson, no need for your name bitch, I know all about you, have done for a long fuckin’ time.”

  Funny, the way he kept calling me bitch, I would have thought that was my name.

  “Fuck off, I don’t need to know your name, I won’t remember it when my club puts you in the ground!” I told him, hoping and praying I was right, if not, then I would die and if I’m going to die, I’m not going to give them the satisfaction of seeing me crumble.

  “Your club?” biker two laughed, “No wonder the cunts don’t know their heads from their asses, their women have too much fuckin’ say.”

  “Feisty ain’t she.” Hunter laughed, turning to look at biker two, “If my daughter was as feisty as you, I might have given her more leeway, fuckin’ disgraceful mistake she was.” he mumbled to himself.

  “Having you for a father I’m not surprised she isn’t feisty.”

  He has probably beat the shit and any feistiness she had out of her.

  Oh god, why can’t I stop goading him?

  “Stop talkin’ now bitch.” he warned.

  “I’m not a bitch. And.Fuck.You.”

  Oh please Alannah stop! I told myself.

  My stubbornness gained me a back handed slap, my lip split on impact, filling my mouth with blood and dripped down my chin. Somehow I still managed to let out a small giggle, if I ever imagined I would be kidnapped and tied up, I would have thought I’d be scared shitless, but from somewhere and god knows where, I dug deep determined not to show any weakness.

  The sound of my giggle flipped him over the edge. He gripped my chin and in seconds his fist collided with my head, he didn’t stop, my vision blurred and my skull bounced around until he finally stopped.

  I could feel wetness running down my forehead, and when it flowed over my eyebrow and went into my eye, my right side vision went a shade of red. Blood.

  I couldn’t focus on one single thing, he began taunting me again, telling me how my club was going to die painfully while I watch, how I was going to die if they didn’t turn up soon, he yanked my hair back millimetres from his face, I wasn’t sure but I thought I saw biker two holding a phone, holding it up, was he taking a picture?

  I had too much blood in my mouth, turning my head to the left I spat all I had at him, his cheek painted with my blood. His other hand came up and gripped my mouth, my lip was throbbing, more blood poured out.

  “Michael. Castiel. You better hurry up, this bitch can’t keep her mouth shut, if you want her alive, you better ride faster boys!” I heard him say, who the hell was he talking to?

  I managed a ‘fuck you’ before my vision completely clouded over and I was back in knocked out land.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “Michael? Tell me the kid is wrong.” Oak said, speaking for the first time.

  I still hadn’t taken my eyes off of him and nor him mine.

  “I had to do something.” he said, weakly.

  It was all the admission I needed.

  “Prospect, stop the van.” I ordered.

  No sooner had the van stopped did Oak have the back doors open and I was shoving Michael out.

  I jumped out and carried on pushing him to a patch of grass on the side of the road. The others began stopping and parking up along the stretch of road and joined us to see what was happening.

  My final push to Michael’s back sent him on his knees, I came around him and faced him straight on. I wanted him to see when I punched him for the first time ever.

  Before I could raise my arm, my brothers were closing in, I punched him hard and fast. Sparky, Oak, Pope and the others in the van didn’t move as they knew of his treacherous betrayal, but all the others saw was their president being attacked. I wonder how long their loyalty will last once they find out what he’s done, not fucking long I imagined.

  I held my arms up showing them I was finished.

  “Tell them, tell them how you fuckin’ used Alannah as bait. How you used her, your own blood.” I yelled, bordering on crying.

  “We never use women to do our work, never mind our blood.”

  There wasn’t a single brother without shock on their faces and gasps escaping their bearded mouths.

  “Nothin’ we did was good enough, the fuckers were one step ahead all the fuckin’ time.” he said, trying to defend himself to everyone.

  “That’s our world, not Alannah’s. It’s why we fuckin’ fight every god damn day.” I screamed at him.

  “If they had been in the blast, we wouldn’t be here now!”

  “No, if you hadn’t put Barbie at risk, we wouldn’t be here now.” Sparky yelled from behind me.

  “I didn’t want it to go down like this, it was a last resort. She’ll be fine, they would’ve just taken her to get to us.” he said, trying to justify his actions.

  I let out an animalistic growl, unable to hide my frustration at this man.

  “You saw what they did to Billy, they ain’t gonna fuck about when it comes to her, she killed two of their men. She’s as good as dead because you…you couldn’t get a grip of yourself.” Oak said, from my other side.

  “Your hatred for the Ghost Riders has gone too far and an innocent woman is paying the price.” I told him, I didn’t have the fight for him anymore, I couldn’t even look at him.

  “Makes me think what you’d fuckin’ do to one of us if you can to do this to your own niece?” Pope said in disgust.

  He had a point, a president held all the respect in a club, no brother doubted him, no brother gave him anything less than their life and their loyalty and what Michael has done has destroyed all of that.

  One after the other, phones began going off. I heard mine ring out but left it in my pocket, nothing was as important as this.

  I grabbed Michael by his cut, ready to rip it from his back, no one was stopping me, they were staring at their phone screens in only what could be described as horror.

  “Brother, you should take a look at this.” Sparky sa
id, tossing me his phone before he turned around and heaved on the grass verge.

  I caught it in my free hand, released Michael and hit play. Alannah and Hunter appeared on the screen, she was bleeding from everywhere and had her hands tied above her head. Hunter had his hand in her hair, yanking her head back, mother fucker, I’m going to rip his fucking hands off! I barely heard his distorted voice as I couldn’t take my eyes away from my girl. When I saw her spit at Hunter, covering him with her blood I knew she was trying to be brave, when I saw her lose consciousness at the end, I knew we didn’t have much time before she didn’t wake up again. I understood why Sparky was puking up, I wanted to do exactly the same.

  I shoved the phone in Michael’s face and hit play.

  “Watch that and fuckin’ tell me she’s fine!” I yelled from the bottom of my lungs, “You done this!”

  His despair enraged me, I dropped the phone and laid into him, I couldn’t hit him hard enough, I wanted, no I needed him to feel bit of the pain Alannah had to be feeling.

  Some fucking president we had, he curled up into a fucking ball to protect himself.

  “Fuckin’ take it you piece of shit! Lana can’t hide, didn’t watch long enough to fuckin’ see she’s tied up!” I screamed.

  Sparky, Oak, Pope, Slade and a few others rushed towards me, lucky for Michael they stopped me because I couldn’t stop myself, in fact as soon as they let go of me, I ran back to him and kicked him repeatedly. Before I knew it, I was crashing to the ground, Sparky was on top of me, pushing my head into the ground.

  “We ain’t got time for this! Reign it in, we need to get her back and we’re not goin’ anywhere fast here.” he shouted in my ear.

  I could see Michael getting up from the floor, I couldn’t think of nothing else but beating him to death with my own hands.

  I continued to struggle under Sparky’s hold.

  “Brother, I’m fuckin’ tellin’ you if you don’t calm the fuck down, she’s gonna die, they will kill her.” he said, close to my ear, making sure I took everything in. I did.

  There wasn’t anything I wanted to do more than save her, killing Michael will have to wait.

  I stopped resisting and Sparky loosened his hold slightly.

  “You good?” he asked.

  Ha, am I good? I’m far from fucking good but I nodded and he raised himself off me.

  I rolled onto my back and took his offered hand. I steered clear of Michael not trusting myself to get too close.

  “He’s no brother of ours, strip his cut and toss him in the van.” I said to the group of brothers surrounding Michael.

  “Castiel, don’t do this to me.” he begged.

  “Don’t fuckin’ speak to me, the only way you’re gettin’ out of dying tonight is if you save Lana and even then I ain’t fuckin’ promisin’ anythin’.”

  I headed towards the van and turned.

  “We don’t have much further to go, we get there, we shoot our way in and take out every mother fucker, I would say Hunter is mine but I don’t give a fuck who kills him as long as he is put to ground!”

  Wisely Michael was put in the other van for the rest of the way, this was one big head fuck, I kept the images of Alannah bleeding out of my head, I kept Michael’s betrayal out of my head, I thought of nothing but of how I was going to make as many people I can pay for hurting the only good thing in my life. If they planned on taking her from me they better do it from my cold, dead fingers because I’m not letting her go for nothing.

  Chapter Seventeen


  The warm, oblivious bliss soon ended when I felt myself moving about, panicking I might slip off the crates I opened my eyes, well one of them, the other was swollen shut.

  A Ghost Rider I hadn’t seen before was tugging at my jeans, oh god no. I began squirming away from him but the further back I moved the tighter the rope around my neck coiled.

  “Please, no.” I cried out.

  He looked up when he heard me and smiled. Nothing else, no reply, just a smile.

  I couldn’t cope with the beatings but they were a lot easier to endure than having this guy about to rape me. I tried screaming but nothing came out, my fear crippled me and broke everything I had, I cried. Tears mixed with blood burned my eyes, I squeezed them shut, I prayed hard. These men were nothing like the Lost Souls men, these men were rabid animals and the scariest part was there was no reasoning with them. I couldn’t stay strong and show no weakness, I just cried.

  I heard the door open and felt a surge of relief, Hunter was no better but in some strange way I felt safer with him here.

  “You can have your fun later Harry, I need her for now.” he called as he crossed the distance from the door to me. Harry sulked out of the room without murmuring a single word.

  “I was bored so I thought I’d come and have a chat. See, I have to get some things off my chest.”

  He was mocking me. I had nothing left so I let him get on with it.

  “As I said, I know all about you, I knew your daddy, I know how close you were to Micky, you wanna know what happened to him?” he asked.

  I really didn’t, I knew enough. I remained silent and he carried on.

  “I can show you if you like, I recorded it, no? Okay, he was sent to deliver an envelope, I thought it was strange but who am I to turn away an enemy? When he found out what he delivered he kicked up a right fuckin’ fuss, see, your precious club thinks he ratted them out, you should’ve seen his face when I read out loud what the message said. Your uncle betrayed him, the cunt had no clue what the envelope contained.” he laughed.

  I knew it! I knew Micky wasn’t a rat! But, my uncle knew, he had sent him in the first place, he knew what would happen to him. I wasn’t given any time to dwell on it as Hunter kept his admissions going.

  “I’ve got another surprise for you bitch.” he said, before calling someone to come in.

  I watched as a young, quite good looking guy brought a small, limping girl in. As if I couldn’t take no more, my heart broke again. It was Bonnie. Having more to fight for than just my life, I found my strength again. They must have took her as she arrived at the cabin.

  “She has nothing to do with this you fucking animal! Let her go!” I screamed.

  She had a nasty bruise on her right cheek, her lip was split like mine and was holding her ribs in pain. Her eyes widened when she saw me hanging here.

  Hunter laughed watching the two of us.

  “She has everythin’ to do with this you stupid bitch! Who do you think led us to you? She is my daughter, she recognised you from the photos we have of ya, and what would ya know…you’re at bloody college together. She’s been feeding us your movements for months.” he said, smirking.

  “I don’t believe you, she’s nothing like you.” I said, not caring if my tears gave any weaknesses away.

  “I could’ve got to you anytime I fuckin’ wanted to, while I admit I don’t care for the cunt, she is still my daughter and when your cunt of a uncle blew up my club, she caught the brush of it.” he explained, pointing to Bonnie, “When we found her, she had a bag packed, and goin’ through her phone we found out she was on her way to you.”

  “She looks like she’s been beaten not blown up.” I pointed out.

  He turned his full attention to me, “Because she never learns her fuckin’ place, just like you.” he sneered, edging closer.

  I cringed back as he brought his hand up again but Bonnie’s feral scream halted him.

  “Please dad, don’t hurt her.” she cried.

  “Shut up bitch.” the guy holding her arm told her.

  Once she was quiet, he slapped me, she began screaming out again. Hunter turned and rounded on her, he slapped her once into silence and left, followed by the young lad.

  When Bonnie heard the door slam shut she was on her feet and limping quickly towards me.

  “I promise you I didn’t give him nothing Alannah.” she urged.

  I had nothing left, with the men out
the room I could relax but that let in so much more pain.

  “Alannah, please believe me!” she cried.

  “Run.” I told her weakly.

  “I can’t, they watch me as closely as they do you.”

  “Try. Please.” I repeated.

  She dropped to floor, I wondered what she was doing until I felt my jeans being pulled up my legs.

  “I’m so sorry you’re in this. You have to stop talking back to them or he’ll kill you.” she told me.

  Her worry for me was painful to look at.

  “Help me.” I begged.

  “I can’t. The most I can do is stay close by and make a scene if they come back in.” she said, beginning to cry.

  It wasn’t fair of me to blame her, it seems she is a prisoner here just as much as I am. I was stronger than her, I thought back to all the times she returned to school in pain and now I know why.

  I flinched as she tried to wipe the blood off my face with her sleeve, it hurt too much for her touch so she left it be.

  “Oi, Bonnie, get away from our guest.” the young guy called from the door.

  She looked frantically between us, “I have to go, I’m so sorry, I’ll help if I can.”

  She said.

  Then I was on my own again. Cas will come for me soon, I just had to keep myself alive until then.

  Chapter Eighteen


  We were close, another ten minutes and we would be at the warehouse.

  “We’re gonna fuckin’ slaughter them all.” Sparky promised.

  Everyone mumbled in agreement, I couldn’t say a word. I rolled my neck, trying to find some sort of release to all this building tension coursing through my body.

  “I’m gonna take them all out, pile them up in one fuckin’ heap and blow them sky fuckin’ high, they’ll be body parts for miles around!” he added.

  In a fucked up way, it was soothing listening to the ways the cunts will be taken out.

  I called Slade in the other van and told him to signal to the others to drive in blind, they knew we’d be coming but with our lights off we could get a least a little closer before the saw us coming.


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