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Luci's Lullaby

Page 14

by Leaona Luxx

  “I’ll get her.” He walks away as if nothing has happened.

  I grab a bottle to heat, hoping my reddened face will mellow. He takes his time coming back into the room; I’m not convinced it was so I would leave or not. He offers me a tight smile when I hand him the bottle.

  Luci immediately starts crying. Frustration is written all over him. I know the episode with Red and me didn’t help, but he has to chill when he has her.

  “Alden,” he glances at me, “I realize you’re upset, but she feels it too.”

  He releases a heavy sigh. “I know, I’m at a loss for what to do. I’ve tried sleeping with her, talking to her, and even laying her down until I get my sh—crap together, but nothing’s working.”

  “Sing to her.” His eyes lock with mine. “Try it sometime, I bet it helps.”

  He rubs her lips again with the nipple, and she finally latches on. “Good girl.”

  “I’m gonna head out.” I hesitate. “Do you need any help tomorrow?”

  “If you don’t mind, I’d appreciate it.” He forces a smile, and Luci grunts.

  “I think that’s my cue.” Tiptoeing, I place a soft kiss on Luci’s cheek.

  “Running again I see.” He smirks.

  “Don’t worry, one day you’ll enjoy the view of me walking away.” I wave at him as something sparks in his eye.

  We follow Charlee to the door, watching as she leaves. Luci’s busy chugging her bottle when I glance at her. “Did you hear her? She thinks I want her to leave.”

  Luci grunts again. “No, I don’t like her that way. We’re friends.”

  I gaze at Luci and all I can think of is Charlee holding her. She does it with such care and love. “I can totally just be friends with her.”

  I sit down with her on the couch, putting my feet up. She stares at me with wide eyes, and I’m taken aback by how beautiful Luci truly is, so much like her mom. “You not only remind me of your mom but of Charlee. You could pass for being our daughter, you know that?”

  Luci wraps her finger around my pinky. “Look at you, before long you’ll be holding your own bottle.”

  I sit up, grabbing my phone.

  Guess who just held my finger?

  The Easter Bunny? ~C


  Language! ~C

  She can’t read.

  What are you saying? ~C

  Luci’s the smartest baby ever in the history of ever. ~C

  That she is.

  You in bed?

  I roll my eyes. “Why would you ask that?”

  I am. ~C

  You? ~C

  Naw, she’s still eating.

  She’s gonna drink the whole thing this time. ~C

  It looks like it.

  How much is left? ~C

  Hang on, I’ll send a pic.

  I flip the camera and snap a shot of Luci in my arms. Hitting send as soon as I approve of it.

  Awe, look at y’all. ~C

  See what you’re missing out on.

  I know, wish I was there. ~C

  Stop running away.

  Stop pushing me. ~C

  Luci finishes her milk, so I shove the cell in my pocket and take her bottle to the sink, rinsing it out. My messages go off several times as I walk to my bed, laying down with Luci beside me.

  Are you still there? ~C

  I didn’t mean to imply anything. ~C

  Alden? ~C

  I thought we were bickering… ~C

  I didn’t mean anything by it. ~C

  No worries, I put Luci to bed.

  Oh. I hate I missed it. ~C

  I flip the phone around again and take another picture of us in bed. I hit send and wait on the little dots to show up.

  Perfect. ~C

  She is.

  I hesitate my next words but decide to send them anyway.

  You’re pretty great yourself.

  So you say. ~C

  Stay with us tomorrow night.

  Luci’s a little young for a sleepover. ~C

  I’m not.

  Go to sleep, you’re delirious. ~C

  Goodnight, Charlee

  Kiss Luci for me. ~C

  Night, Alden. ~C

  I roll over, placing my phone on charge. I snuggle next to the pillow barrier between Luci and me. She catches her breath and sighs. “I hear ya, I feel the same way. Now, what in the hell am I gonna do about it?”

  I fall asleep watching Luci and thinking of Charlee. For the first time in months, I sleep more than two or three hours at one time. We actually get in five hours before we need a change and a bottle.

  There’s a light tap on the door as Luci and I hang on the couch for this feeding. The doors still locked, so I wallow out of the seat and go to open it. My heart hammers when I’m face to face with those beautiful blue eyes again.

  “Gooda morning.” What in the hell?

  “You had a bottle of your own today?” She giggles as she steps through the door.

  “I’m practicing a new language.” I grimace at my excuse for being tongue-tied.

  “Oh, I thought you were just happy to see me.” She winks as she curls up on the couch.

  I join her, laying Luci between us. “So what’s your plan for this fine Saturday?”

  “I don’t have a thing planned.” She shrugs. “I have the weekend off.”

  “You had last night off?”

  She nods. “Yeah, I didn’t tell you?”

  “Uh, no. You could’ve stayed last night.”

  “I haven’t decided to stay tonight, but I did bring clothes.” She grins shyly.

  “I say we call in delivery and get our veg on.”

  “You mean, do nothing all weekend?” She sits up.

  “What’s the kids call it? Netflix and chill?” She slaps her hand over her mouth, stifling her laugh. “What?”

  “I’m pretty sure that means have sex and chill.” She giggles.

  “No way, are you sure?”

  “Not really, but I say we watch Netflix and relax,” she says with a glint in her eyes. A lightness fills my chest, sending a shiver down my back. “Are you cold?”

  I shake my head. “No, we haven’t been up long. I think it was reflexes.”

  She leans over with her hand in the air and flicks a piece of my hair where it’s standing on end. “I could tell by the bedhead.”

  “Luci has bedhead too.”

  “I see that; it’s good to know y’all are finally sleeping.” She smiles at me sweetly.

  “It only took us three and a half months.”

  “She’s almost four months?” She frowns.

  “She starts her shots Monday. I think we’re running behind on everything.”

  She wrinkles her nose. “Two weeks, not a big deal.”

  We sit on opposite ends of the sofa while Luci sleeps, loving on her and talking. When she wakes, we find food for all of us. Charlee is sitting at the counter with Luci in her arms as we eat.

  “Do you know how happy I am you had Lo Mein in the refrigerator?” She slurps a noodle down.

  “I’m getting a good feeling about it.”

  She picks up another one between her fingers, dropping it in her mouth. “So good.”

  I chuckle. “It looks that way.” Luci squirms a little and Charlee gives her bottle back.

  “What are we gonna do about dinner?”

  She shrugs, her eyes cutting to the noodles. “I don’t know. I could live on this stuff, but I think we should do something different.” She looks over at her food again.

  “Here, let me.”

  She sinks her teeth into her bottom lip as I pick one up. I hang it in the air over her head. Her eyes are on mine as she sticks her tongue out and twirls the noodle around it and sucks it in.

  Not going to lie, it’s sexy as fuck. At one point over the last few months, I thought the attraction was because I was lonely. It’s obvious now it’s so much more.

  “Good?” I ask as she licks her lips.

  She grins. “M
hmm, but it’s probably gonna be all over my face by the time we’re through.”

  “No worries, we’ll clean you up as soon as you’re done.”

  “In that case…” She holds her tongue out again.

  A familiar pull ignites deep in my core. “You want more?”

  She nods, holding her mouth open. I pick up another noodle, thinking of taking her mouth for my own; instead, I hover it over her until she sucks it in.

  “More?” I quirk my brow, and she giggles with a nod.

  I take another and do the same with it until she gets it in her mouth. Fuck. A few more of these and I’m going to have to shower. With the thought of me showering comes the memory of the one we shared.

  Houston… we have lift off.

  I whirl around, jerking open the refrigerator door. “Do you need a drink?”

  “No, I still have one,” she murmurs over her food.

  “I-I need to go grab something outta the bedroom.” I hurry from the kitchen to my room as fast as my feet will carry me.

  I close the door behind me and head straight for the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I look down at my hard cock. “What the fuck, dude? Why now? It’s been months and now you’re all interested?”

  “Alden? Are you alright?” Charlee calls, and my dick twitches as if he’s answering her.

  “Yeah, I’m not feeling well.” Please go away, both of you.

  She taps on the door. “Can I do anything for you?”

  Fuck me. The thought alone makes my cock even harder. “Nope! I’ll be out in a minute.”

  “Oh, alright.” I relax against the door. “I think I’m gonna give Luci a bath.”

  “Sounds great!” Please, for the love of all that’s holy, leave.

  “Okay!” she says, and I hear the door close.

  I slump against the wall, willing my growing cock to relax. “Thank you for always rising for the wrong occasion.”

  Turning the water on, I jump in a cold shower and will this damn thing down. Ten minutes later, I find the girls in Luci’s bedroom. Charlee is looking around and measuring things.

  “Hey, you. Are you feeling better?” She frowns.

  “I am, I took a shower and shook it right off.”

  She chews on her finger. “So I was thinking of doing a few things in here. Would you mind?”

  “Not at all. Reese has been meaning to finish, but with the twins she has her hands full.”

  “I’ll get started next week.” She nudges my shoulder. “What do you think of purple?”

  My eyes widen as it dawns on me, I still have her panties. “I love it.”

  She beams. “Great! I’m so excited.”

  “I can’t wait to see what you come up with. She really does deserve a nicer room.”

  Charlee tilts her head, gazing at me. “You’re doing an amazing job, Alden.”

  “You sound surprised.”

  She pushes her hair behind her ear. “Please, have you forgotten who I am? I know you, the real you; not the Alden ‘I’m a country sanger and risin’ star, come have sex with me’ Beck. But the kindhearted, caring Alden Beck.”

  “Oh, really? What’s he like, I think I did forget?”

  Her brows snap together. “You haven’t forgotten, you just needed some time off.”

  “No truer words have been spoken.” I rub the back of my neck.

  “How about some Zombies until Luci wakes up.” The corners of her eyes crinkle when she smiles.

  “I’m down for that. We can grab some blankets and popcorn.”

  “If I keep hangin’ out with you, I’m gonna weigh a thousand pounds.” She scoots in front of me as we walk toward the living room.

  “Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t you about the same size you were in high school?”

  She trips, falling forward. I wrap her wrist, trying to catch her, but we both fall to the couch. We’re tangled in more ways than one, and I like it. We laugh as soon as we figure out we’re okay.

  “What were you doing?”

  “Well, I was fallin’ on my ass until you came along to save me and fell on top of me instead.” She giggles.

  “If that’s the way you’re gonna thank me, I’ll let the couch catch you from now on.”

  “Oh, please. You’re not offended. I’m pretty sure you coped a feel on the way down.” She bites her bottom lip to keep from laughing.

  I give her my best shy grin. “I didn’t feel much, just a cheek.”

  “Sorry about that. I’ll try to fall forward next time so you can get some boob action.” She waggles her brows.

  I hover over her, fighting the attraction that’s so palpable between us. “That’ll work, just give me a heads up so I can have both hands free.” Her mouth pops open. “Oh, no. Not on the second date, save that stuff for the fourth or fifth date.”

  She wriggles and worms underneath me. “You let me get outta here, or you’re gonna get it.”

  “Well then, please be my guest.” I let her go as her eyes widen.

  “You’re gonna pay. Maybe not now, but soon I’m gonna get you.” She pokes me in the side as she slides out from under me.

  I catch her by the wrist, yanking her back down. “Not so fast. I want to play slip-n-slide some more.”

  She slaps at me, giggling. “I thought we were going to watch a Zombie Fest.”

  “We are. Grab the blankets, and I’ll start the popcorn.”

  “Do you have ranch dressing?” She wrinkles her nose.

  I stare at her. “No, you’re joking. Right?”

  “I love popcorn dipped in ranch.” She smiles.

  “I do too.”

  “You lie!” She bumps me with her shoulder. “Tell me you’re lying.”

  “I will not. Go get the blankets, I’ll get the popcorn and we’ll chow down like Zombies eating brains.”

  She holds her arms up in front of her. “Brains.”

  “Stop, you’re scaring me.” I pretend to hide my eyes as we laugh.

  We spend the rest of the day chilling. Luci wakes and joins us for dinner. As night falls, we settle in watching old movies. Charlee is tucked beside me holding Luci.

  “She asleep?” I whisper.

  “Almost.” Charlee nuzzles Luci’s cheek.

  I’m lost in thought when I start humming. Charlee’s head lulls on my shoulder, and I rest my cheek on hers. The song brings a smile to my face when I think about lyrics I’d written years ago, the words now so fitting.

  “Livin’ in a world where everything changes in a flash, I can’t imagine a heart changin’ that fast. You see who I am and still believe, I’m better than I allow myself to be. Your blues eyes haunt me, even in my dreams and I don’t know what it means. But, oh, what I do know, is that I’ll never forget you, not in this life or the one I dream of with you.”

  I feel Charlee’s pulse race, and I love how my words disturb the rhythm of her heart. I glance at her, she’s gazing at me. Her face is lit up as she holds Luci to her chest.

  She licks her lips, and it’s like a magnet drawing me closer. Our mouths mere inches apart as I stare into her eyes. The heat from her body warms my soul. The part of me I thought was dead now shows signs of life.

  She sinks her teeth into her bottom lip, and I watch it deepen in color. My lips part, and her eyes dart to them as my heart thunders in my chest. She releases a heavy sigh as if she’s been holding her breath.

  And my phone rings making Luci jump and begin to cry.


  The sun breaks through the shade and alerts me to the dawning morning. I slowly blink, allowing my eyes to acclimate to the light in the room. The view is breathtaking.

  Alden lays across from me with Luci between us, the pillow wall encasing her. His right arm up and around the top of her head, mirroring mine. Our fingers touching.

  He flinches, and I pull my hand back. Last night was too close. We have to remember we’re here for Luci and only her. The attraction we feel is in part to the fact we spend so muc
h time together.

  I slowly move, hoping to slip out and start breakfast. I shift and get a strange feeling. I look over to find Alden staring at me. I bite my lip.

  “Sorry,” I mouth.

  “Mornin’.” He smiles lopsidedly and my belly flutters in response. His hair is sticking up in all directions. My eyes dart to Luci, who’s sporting the same style.

  “Y’all need a new beautician.”

  He reaches over, tucking my hair behind my ear. “You’re beautiful.”

  Warmth spreads through my body. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Thank you.” He quirks his brow.

  “Thank you.”

  Luci opens her eyes and stretches with a grin showing her dimples. We marvel at her. He lays his hand on her belly, rubbing it. I play with her hair, watching their exchange.

  “Good mornin’ to you, gorgeous girl.” She coos at his every word. Yeah, I feel you, Luci. He has the same effect on me too. “What are you grinning about over there?”

  “The way you love her, it’s a thing of beauty.”

  “She’s been so unexpected, just like you.” His eyes flash to mine.

  I hold my breath, trying to calm my racing pulse. “How about I go make some breakfast?”

  “Luci, would like some breakfast?” She coos as if answering him. “She’d like eggs and bacon.”

  “I’m not sure we have that, sweetie. How about a nice bottle of tempted soy milk?”

  She coos and Alden smiles. “I think that was a yes.”

  “I believe it was.” I roll over and slide from the bed. “I’ll grab her a diaper.”

  “I can change her.” He throws the sheet back and he's hard as a rock. “Shit. Sorry, morning.” He shrugs.

  I avert my eyes and nod nervously. “Oh, yeah. I get it.”

  “Don’t I wish,” he mumbles to the point I question him.


  “What?” He looks innocently at me.

  “I thought you were talking to me.” I walk to the door, turning to look at him.

  He shakes his head. “Naw, it was nothing.”

  “Okay,” I pause until he stands. “Alden?”

  He peers over his shoulder. “Yeah?”

  “Be careful.” He frowns. “I don’t want you to trip on that pole on your side of the bed.”

  He narrows his eyes, and he throws a pillow at me as I scurry from the room cackling. “You could help me with it!”


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