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3013: SALVATION (3013: The Series Book 5)

Page 6

by Laurie Roma

  He shook his head. “It’s so much more than that. For the D’Aire, a keeper is the most significant, precious individual in our lives. It isn’t like the claiming that you humans do. The bond between us would be something that can’t quite be put into words. The reason we called them keepers is because you are just that. Once we join, you’d become the keeper of my heart, body and soul. My heart would beat for you, I would use my body to shield and protect you, and my soul would call to yours. The moment we met I knew you were destined to be my keeper.”

  She blinked at him. “Why haven’t you talked to me about this before now?”

  Arik hesitated for a moment before answering. “I see that I should have made my intentions more clear to you. It’s do I explain this? When we meet our keepers, it’s almost like feeling emotions for the first time. No, it’s like realizing that I’m been living in a muted world until you came into my life, and now there is the promise for more. More sensations, more emotions. Just...more. And this will only heighten once we truly bond. The D’Aire’s lack of emotions allows us to function without being bombarded by sexual needs or strong feelings until we find our keepers. After that, our entire world changes.”

  “That’s...” Skylar paused as she took in what he had just said. “I didn’t realize that it was so different for you. Is that why you don’t have sex with anyone but your keeper?”

  He gave a curt nod. “We only feel desire for our keepers. Just because I’ve never shared my body with another does not mean I will not be able to please you. Trust me when I say, you will not find me lacking in any way when we become intimate.”

  “I’m not worried about that.” She could tell his pride had been stung by his clipped response, but Skylar had no doubt Arik would be more than capable as a sex partner. It was all the other stuff involved in being with him that she wasn’t so sure about. Still, this new information was sort of shocking. “To be honest, all the D’Aire I have ever met have been single, and I just figured your race just wasn’t very interested in sex.”

  Arik let out a low laugh. “No, Skylar. We are highly sexual, but it’s just with our keeper. We tend not to let others know about the details of our keepers in order to protect them. The less others know about our ways the better to ensure the safety of those we love. If the public knew just how far we would go or what we would risk to make sure our keepers stay safe, it would not be good for the D’Aire race.”

  “That makes sense. Look, this is a lot to take in, but you haven’t mentioned my biggest issue with becoming your keeper. As soon as we bond you would have access to my mind, right? That means you would be able to see all the memories that I don’t remember.”

  “I understand you’re worried about the mind merge that comes with the bond we will have, but you won’t be alone when you face your past. Dom and I will be with you.”

  “See? And that just makes this seem even more impossible,” Skylar said, throwing her hands up in the air. “How can this work if you only bond with one person? What would that mean for Dom? Not to mention, has a D’Aire ever had a keeper that was Tarin or someone who was part-Tarin before?”

  “Not to my knowledge,” Arik said carefully. “It means we have a lot of new ground to cover together, but I believe you wouldn’t be destined to be my keeper if it would harm either one of us. I’m willing to share you with Dominic because I can sense your feelings for him are as strong as they are for me. For this to work we must all make concessions, but never doubt this is just as difficult for me as it is for you.”

  “Why?” Skylar asked, honestly confused. “Why would you put yourself through all this?”

  Arik stroked his fingers over a slight bruise that marred her cheek from her fight with the sparring droid earlier. He didn’t like seeing marks on his woman, but knew it was something he would have to deal with. Skylar would never be willing to sit safely on the sidelines.

  “It’s because I have never wanted another female the way I want you, and I never will. There is only one keeper for me. When I take you the first time, it will bond us together completely. D’Aire have longer life spans than humans, and that means your life will be tied to mine. What we will have together will be a unique link. And if you should ever fall, you will not go into the unknown alone. I will be with you in both life and in death.”

  Skylar’s breath caught. It was hard for her to fathom the kind of dedication he was talking about. She knew that he and Dom had wanted her, but Arik spoke of something far deeper and more profound than just being with someone because of basic attraction.

  She met his gaze without blinking. “You’re really ready for that kind of commitment?”

  “I am,” he vowed. “But I know you aren’t. Not yet. A part of that is my fault. I should have told you these things sooner.”

  “It does help knowing. I know it must seem silly to you to still have reservations, but—”

  “No,” Arik said, placing his finger over her lips to silence her. “It’s not silly. The regents were wrong to put you in this position, but we don’t need to worry about them. We will find a way to work this out...together.”

  Skylar was relieved Arik seemed to be taking her hesitation so well. Everything he’d told her helped her understand him better. The truth was she did want both Arik and Dom. A part of the reason she’d been so against being with them was the way they just sort of assumed she would be. Sure, Arik and Dom both knew her since they all worked together, but they had never actually talked to her about what they wanted, or more importantly, why. She also knew that she was partly to blame. She’d been so focused on keeping her freedom that she had ignored her desire for Dom and Arik. But it was no longer a question of if she ended up with them.

  It was just a matter of when.

  Hearing the sincerity in Arik’s voice and also seeing the need burning in his iridescent eyes convinced her that it was time to take that first step toward their future together. “I may not be ready to be claimed, but I do think it’s time we test the chemistry between us.”

  His eyes narrowed. “You have doubts?”

  Her lips curved in a small smile as she watched his eyes widened when she wrapped her legs around his, drawing him closer to her. “Not doubts. Let’s just call it curiosity.”

  Skylar leaned forward until their lips were almost touching. She heard him suck in his breath, and kept her eyes on his as she closed the distance between them, brushing her lips lightly against his. She teased them both with the gentle kiss, then gave into the urge to take more...give more. Closing her eyes, she lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck, anchoring herself against his hard body as she took the kiss deeper. Their lips parted and their tongues met, mating together in a heated dance.

  Kissing Arik was different than kissing Dom, but it was just as pleasurable. With Dom it had been all flash and fire, but touching Arik—being touched by him—created a slow burning ache that made her want him just as much. Hearing his low groan trilled her, and she tighten her legs around his waist so the thick length of his erection was pressed against her core.

  Skylar heard the sound of material tearing and felt the rush of wind on her face. Pulling back from him, she opened her eyes and saw that Arik’s majestic white wings had unfurled from his back, ripping straight through the material of his shirt. She’d only seen his wings a few times, and never got over just how beautiful they were. Without thinking, she reached up and stroked her hand over them and felt him shudder as she made contact.

  The texture wasn’t like feathers, each wing was velvety soft to the touch, but they were made of a durable substance that was almost like individual scales she knew was used as armor to protect their bodies. It was amazing how the D’Aire were able to keep their wings hidden from view unless they were needed. She shot Arik a questioning look, and he blew out a breath before answering.

  “My wings are sensitive to the touch when I’m aroused, even more so where they are attached to my back. Your touch is magic, Skylar. I
can’t seem to control my body very well around you. You make my head spin.”

  “Are you sure it’s not the chocolate?” she whispered.

  He gave a low chuckle. “No, I think it’s all you. You intoxicate me.”

  “I think I like that.” Gently pulling the torn material from him, her breath sucked in harshly as she exposed the rest of his torso. Dropping the damaged shirt to the floor, she stroked her hands down the hard contour of his abs, loving the feel of his skin beneath her fingertips. She knew she could look at him for hours, but forced her gaze back up and leaned in, playfully using her tongue to stroke his lower lip, enjoying the taste of him.

  Arik couldn’t hold back any longer and crushed his mouth against hers, delighted when she immediately opened and accepted him. Arik’s mind was clouded at the pleasure of finally being able to touch his woman. And she was his, he knew it without a doubt.

  His hips shifted, rubbing his hard, throbbing cock against her pussy as he wished their clothing to hell and gone. His hands reached up to cup her breasts, his thumbs rubbing her nipples, making them hard peaks, and his cock jerked in his pants at she let out a low moan. He fought back the urge to strip her bare and take her right there on the kitchen counter, but he wouldn’t force the bond on her before she was ready. Instead, he tormented himself with the pleasure of simply kissing her while having her in his arms, stroking his tongue against hers over and over again.

  Skylar lost herself in the passion burning between them, but a flicker of alarm filtered in as she felt the energy building within her. Because they were touching, she could also feel the sexual energy surging through Arik, which only heightened her own. Breathing hard, she jerked away from him. After hearing what the regents had said about her abilities becoming more unstable, she was worried she might accidentally hurt Arik if she wasn’t careful.

  “We have to stop.”

  Arik studied her in confusion for a moment, then she saw his eyes clear as understanding settled in. He made a soft crooning noise as he stroked a hand over her hair and said, “Let me ease you.”

  “What? No, we have to stop, Arik. This could be dangerous for you.”

  “You need to release the energy inside you. You won’t hurt me. Let me ease you,” he repeated. Not giving her a chance to argue, he leaned down and kissed her again as he quickly untied her pants.

  “Arik...” Her words trailed off in a moan as he shoved a hand down her pants and she felt him brush a finger over her slit. “We can’t do this here. Someone might come in.”

  “No one will see us,” he promised. True to his word, his wings swept forward so they were curled around them, creating a private cocoon that shielded them both from view. Her body quivered as he slowly pushed a finger inside her. “Right now there is only you and me. Don’t think about anything else. Just focus on me...on this.”

  Skylar knew she should stop him, but it felt so damn good. Fuck it, she thought. She needed this...needed him to touch her. Spreading her legs wider, she made it easier for him to penetrate her with his finger.

  “So wet,” he murmured, humming in pleasure. “And it’s all for me, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” she breathed out, unable to deny it. He began stroking his finger in and out of her wet pussy, and she let out another moan as he added another finger to the first. She could feel the energy inside her building like a small sun within her core. Her body jerked as he flicked her clit with his thumb while he continued to stroke his fingers inside her pussy.

  “So tight. You’re so tight and hot, Skylar,” he whispered, his voice making her body clench with need as he drove her closer to the edge.

  “Stars, Arik!” she gasped. “I’m close. I’m so close.”

  “Good. I can’t wait until the day I can feel your body squeezing my cock just like this, but now I want to see you come. Come for me, keeper. Give me your pleasure,” he demanded as he shoved his fingers deep. His lips took hers again, giving her an anchor as his fingers curled inside of her to stroke over her G-spot until she was writhing in ecstasy so acute it bordered on pain. The next time his thumb flicked her clit, she came.

  Throwing back her head, she gasped for air. Back arching, the orgasm hitting her so hard her entire body stiffened. It was as if the ball of energy inside her exploded, and she was unable to do anything but let the light consume her until all she felt was pleasure.

  Her body continued to shake and shudder in the aftermath of her release, and she felt Arik’s fingers slowly stroking insider her still, not to arouse, but to soothe. He pulled his hand from her, and she opened her eyes in time to see him bring his finger to his mouth, sucking her juices with a look of pure rapture. “You are delicious, Skylar.”

  Arik’s cock was painfully hard, but he refused to lose control of himself when she had trusted him to ease her with his touch. He felt a deep sense of pride from giving Skylar pleasure that helped lessened the pain of being unable to find his own release. Leaning down, he pressed a light kiss to her forehead, then another on her lips. He held back his smile as he saw the dazed look on her flushed face. It was a rare thing for Skylar to be at a loss for words, but this seemed to be one of those times.

  He wasn’t in much better shape, and noticed his hands were shaking as he retied the drawstring of her pants. He took a few extra moments to smooth her clothes back in place before meeting her gaze again. He wanted to lift her into his arms and carry her back to his room where they could continue their love play, but he knew that was a bad idea.

  No, he had to leave her while he still was able.

  Arik forced himself to look away from her and glanced around the room to make sure they were still alone before pulling his wings back. He noticed the way she shivered now that he wasn’t wrapped around her, and slowly rubbed his hands up and down her arms to ease the chill from her skin. When she frowned, he said, “Please don’t regret our time together.”

  “I don’t,” she promised. “But what about you? I could—”

  “No. If you touched me right now I don’t know if I would have the control to keep my promise to you, and it’s important to me to give you the time that you need.”

  Skylar nodded and blew out a long, slow breath. Being with Arik had overwhelmed her. She had never come so fast or so hard in her life, and it had left her feeling lightheaded and a little off balance. If this was a sign of what they could have between them, then she was in for one wild ride. “I’d say thank you, but that seems sort of trite.”

  He flashed her a grin. “It was my honor and privilege to touch you. I will always give you whatever you need, and someday, I know you will do the same. Now, shall I see you back to your quarters?”

  “I think I’m just going to sit here for a few minutes.”

  Seeming to understand that she needed a few minutes to get herself together, he nodded. She wondered if he realized that she wasn’t quite sure if her legs would hold her if she tried to stand at the moment, and figured he probably did. She nibbled on her lower lip and nodded toward the prominent bulge tenting the front of his pants. “Maybe you should wait a few minutes before you go back to your room.”

  With barely a rustle of sound, he brought the tips of his wings forward, effectively shielding the front of his body from view. He winked at her and said, “One of their many uses.”

  She laughed. “They do come in handy.”

  Arik looked down at the soupy mess inside the bowl on the counter. “Since your ice cream has now melted, why don’t you get some more from the freezer since you still need to eat something.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “I thought you said this was the last of it?”

  His grin was nothing short of mischievous. “I said it was the last of the triple chocolate fudge brownie ice cream, but there are other chocolate flavors available.”

  Skylar tried to scowl at him, but ended up laughing. She enjoyed this playful side of Arik. He was always so serious around her, and hadn’t expected this lighthearted moment after what had just happened
between them. It made her appreciate it even more. She pushed him gently on the arm. “Go to bed, you chocolate pusher, you.”

  He chuckled as he leaned in to kiss her once more. “Good night, my keeper. Dream of me, as I will dream of you.”

  She sat where she was, not moving after he’d gone. Arik had surprised her tonight, first with what he’d told her and then with the way his touch had affected her. She knew without a doubt she would have had sex with him if he’d kept touching her, and was glad for his control. So much had changed in such a short matter of time that it left her feeling unsure of everything. Sighing, she got off the counter and made her way to the freezer for more ice cream. Whoever said that chocolate was as good as sex was a big fat liar...but it was a damn close second.


  Chapter Five

  “Take your seats.”

  High Commander Jax Spartan stood at the head of the conference room table the following morning for the briefing and waited for everyone in the room to follow his command. He scowled as Serra took a seat between Sullivan Archer and Skylar, then turned to level a glare at the latter that simply made her groan softly.

  “Serra, you’re going to earn me an ass kicking and I haven’t even had any coffee yet,” Skylar whispered in protest to her friend. Serra shot Jax a glare of her own before smiling back at Skylar.

  “Jax would never do that or else he might suffer another night of sleeping on the couch.” With a soft laugh at Skylar's shocked expression, Serra leaned over and murmured, “I wasn’t pleased when I found out what your meeting with Jax was about yesterday. Let’s just say I gave him some time to rethink his position on your situation with the regents.”

  Skylar’s eyes widened comically. “Shit, Serra.”

  Her friend gripped her hand and gave it a squeeze as she whispered, “We’ll talk more after the meeting.”

  Clearing her throat nervously, Skylar did her best to avoid meeting Jax’s gaze and found herself the recipient of another glare from across the table. Dom looked...well, the best description would be to say that he looked rough. She knew he wasn’t a morning person, and clearly he wasn’t in the best of moods either.


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