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Cinderella Undercover

Page 3

by KyAnn Waters

  Tory had only hours to study the dossier of Mr. Evenson’s associates. Tonight the men in attendance weren’t common street thugs, but high-level government officials—senators and congressional representatives. It was even rumored she would entertain executive level CIA.

  “You look gorgeous. Go mingle.”

  “The deal.” Where would he be?

  He put his hand on her lower back. “Third floor. West wing.”

  They crossed the room. Tory’s knees trembled as they approached a tall thin man. Surrounded by beautiful women and powerful men, she recognized—and was about to meet—the revered Maxwell Evenson. He was rich, powerful, and suspected of building his empire by manipulating Wall Street, engaging in backdoor dealings that circumvented U.S. laws. Those connections eventually allowed him to funnel resources to Middle East sympathizers.

  ES skirted the spirit of the law without breaking it to gain information. Once allegations were confirmed, the government would take over the investigation. As long as entities such as Evenson Enterprises threatened American freedoms, Echelon Shield would continue to place operatives in dangerous situations.

  Tory had never felt a flash of adrenaline as acutely as standing next to Maxwell Evenson. He dined with presidents, yet operated beyond the pale.

  “Mr. Evenson,” Jaron said. “The lovely Miss Tory.”

  “Thank you for having me.” She extended her hand.

  “The pleasure is mine.” There was no mistaking the gleam in his eye. “I assure you.” He lifted her fingers to his lips. “Champagne?” He spoke the word, and a server was immediately at his side. He handed her a flute of sparkling amber liquid.

  She sipped, but didn’t intend to dull her instincts with alcohol. Shifting her gaze around the room, she realized Jaron had already made his departure. Perhaps he assumed he’d have less chance of interruption if he acted swiftly. He could be back before the guests sat down to dinner. It’s what she would have done.

  “You have a beautiful home. I’d love a personal tour.” If she could isolate Maxwell, she could ensure Jaron had the time to complete the mission.

  A deep baritone chuckle grated against her flesh. “I’m afraid not.” Obviously she had misread the twinkle in his eyes since he slipped his arm around a striking redhead on his left. “Rick will show you around.” She spotted Rick as he made his way across the room. Jaron hadn’t underestimated the surveillance. Seems his associates were well tuned to his needs. Maxwell gave a slight nod, and a hint of a smile bowed his lips.

  Damn it. With each passing moment, she felt more uncomfortable. Yet, she was unable to say exactly why. There was always a level of anxiety on a mission. All the same, she wanted Jaron to finish his work so they could get the hell out.

  Tory spun toward the orchestra. People milled about, and some danced. Everyone appeared to be engrossed in the decadence of the party. This was the opportunity, before everyone sat down to eat and noticed empty place settings. She had to make a move.

  “Rick,” she said on a breathy exhale as she latched onto his arm. She pressed close, letting him feel the plump fullness of her breast pressing into him. “Mr. Evenson has given you to me.”

  Rick grinned and put a beefy hand on her shoulder. She tamped the need to shudder and flirted instead.

  “First, I need to use the restroom.” Tory wrapped fingers around his forearm. Jaron had told her to stay at the party. Now, knowing the look in Maxwell’s eyes hadn’t expressed interest, she was at a disadvantage. Recognizing confidence, she realized his demeanor suggested more than a man dominating his surroundings. She might have an overactive imagination, but she trusted her instincts as an ES op. Just as she trusted Jaron to access the Intranet and complete his assignment.

  With swift decisiveness, she determined she’d be of better use to him if she were closer to his location and if she had Rick otherwise occupied. She had a vague understanding of the house layout, but she wanted a better feel for their surroundings. All she needed were a few minutes. Then she’d find away to occupy Rick.

  However, instead of allowing her to go by herself, Rick led her past the foyer and down another hall to a main floor restroom. “I’ll rejoin you in a moment,” she said.

  “I’ll wait.” He leaned against the wall, and Tory closed and locked the door.

  How she could help Jaron if she couldn’t complete even the simplest tasks he asked of her? She was supposed to stay at the party. She flushed the toilet and turned on the sink tap. Glancing into the mirror, a plan formulated in her mind. She knew the consequences when she accepted the assignment. She’d posed as an escort. There was no misconception about what that particular occupation might require from her.

  She twisted off the faucet, flicked the light switch, and opened the door. She expected to see Rick, but the corridor was empty. She walked toward the foyer, careful to keep her heels from clicking on the marble tile.

  Rick stood in the foyer, speaking in hushed tones. She strained to hear the muffled conversation. She quieted her breathing, focused, and listened.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Not yet,” Rick said. “But I’ll know soon enough if she’s working with Quinn. And if she is, I’ll make sure she suffers with him.”

  “And how are the plans coming with Quinn?”

  “After tonight, he’ll wish he were dead.”

  Tory’s tummy plummeted to her feet then ricocheted into her throat. She tried to swallow over the lump. Jaron’s cover was blown, and they already suspected her involvement.

  She backtracked a few feet, and this time when she approached, her heels clicked loudly down the hall. The assignment no longer called for caution. She needed to glean as much information as she could—fast.

  Tory pasted on a smile. “I’d like to dance.” She took Rick’s hand, crossed the foyer, entered the grand room, and led him to the dance floor. She stepped into his arms. His hands held her tight, but she didn’t object. She was there for his and the other men’s pleasures. She reached her arms around his neck and stared into his eyes. “So have you worked for Mr. Evenson long?”


  Hmm, she’d forgotten he wasn’t one for many words. “What do you do? I mean, besides pick up women like me from the airstrip.” She gently kneaded the sweaty flesh at the base of his thick neck.

  “I do a little of everything.” His hands caressed the bare skin of her back. “I’m loyal to Mr. Evenson. You could say I protect his interests.”

  She aligned her body with his. “Would I qualify as one of his interests?”

  “I can assure you, Miss Tory, he’s most definitely interested in you.”

  A shiver raced up her spine. “I have a confession,” she whispered.

  Rick slowed their steps. They nearly stood still in the middle of dancers.

  “I’d prefer to be of interest to you. Mr. Evenson thought that perhaps you could show me around. I’ve heard there are private rooms on the second and third floors. Would you be interested in showing me one?”

  Rick’s stare traveled over her breasts, focusing on the diamond pendant nestled in her cleavage. “We shouldn’t. It’s nearly time for dinner.”

  “I’m not hungry for food.”

  He glanced left then right. “Let’s go.”

  Rick led her up the staircase, passed the second floor. “My room is on the third floor.”

  Without drawing attention to her actions, she noted details. Security cameras monitored all areas, but several focused on the second door on the left.

  “Will we be disturbed?” She squeezed his arm.

  “I can ensure we won’t be.”

  Rick led her passed the security cameras to the middle of the hall and opened one of the doors. His suite. A large bed was positioned against one wall, and a cluster of chairs and a table made a small social area. The bathroom was just to the left of the main door. She was in Rick’s bedroom, under the guise of sex. She might just have to fuck Rick to save Jaron.

  Rick stood
near the bed and slipped his tuxedo jacket from his massive shoulders.

  “I like a man with a big weapon.”

  Rick grinned, slipping off his harness. “Believe me, I know how best to use my weapon.” He grabbed his crotch. “The only weapon we’ll need.”

  “I expect you to give it to me.”

  He laughed and slipped opened the button at his neck, then another and another. Once undone, he tossed his starched white shirt over the back of one of the chairs. He yanked open the fly of his trousers. She followed the line of the zipper, noting the enormous bulge of Rick’s cock. She lifted her eyes and licked her lips. Time to work.

  Tory walked to the wall and turned off the lights. Then she crossed to the windows, revealing her silhouette in the glow from the outdoor lighting. She slipped the dress from her shoulders, letting the material fall to the floor. Caressing her tummy, she danced her fingers higher until she cupped her breasts, lifting and massaging them. She pinched and rolled her nipples until they tightened. However, the sensations overwhelming her body were not wanton or aroused. She was terrified she wouldn’t find Jaron before it was too late.

  Rick growled, sat on the bed and rubbed his cock through the fabric of his briefs. “Come here,” he gruffly demanded.

  “Not yet.” Tory swiveled her hips, running her hands over her breasts, down her tummy and thighs.


  “I could use some help.” She crossed to the bed and lifted one leg to the mattress. Tory swiped a condom from the elastic top of her thigh-high stockings, then spread her thighs for him and slowly began to roll her stocking down.

  Rick grasped her at the hips and yanked her hard into his lap. She straddled his wide thighs, positioning the heat between her legs against his rod. She arched her back, steeling her nerves. The job. All she had to do was give Jaron time.

  Rick opened his mouth, skimming kisses along her neck. His hand firmly gripped her breast, and he ground his cock against her pussy. She wasn’t turned on. She felt only revulsion, but she would do this… to protect Jaron. To finish the damn assignment and get the hell out.

  “Enough foreplay.” Rick flipped her to her back and spread her thighs wide.

  Tory closed her eyes, moaned as if she enjoyed his touch, and begged for more. “Yes, Rick. Give it to me.”

  Only a moment longer. Let him relax his guard. She could do this. His hands were on her flesh, his calloused touch slipping lower, until his fingers brushed the edge of her panties. “Baby, you’re so hot.”

  Wham! Oomph! With lightning swiftness, she struck a blow to his neck. Her knee slammed into his groin. Rick’s dead weight fell against her, knocking the breath from her lungs. He was out cold, but she didn’t know how long he’d stay that way. She pushed him over and scrambled off the bed. She had to hurry. Training told her the door with the security cameras was her best choice.

  “Oh my god!” She started as a male form materialized in the bathroom. “What are you doing?” She recognized Jaron, even when cast in shadow.

  “Shh.” He was on her in a flash, covering her mouth with his hand. They didn’t need to worry about a camera in the darkened room, but audio was still a problem.

  “What—” Then she couldn’t speak. His lips were on hers. His mouth opened, and he curled his tongue around hers. Velvet heat slid together, tasting, savoring, causing a tingle in her nipples. She gripped him tight, fisting her hands in his clothing.

  Regardless of what might happen with the mission, she wanted him. Timing was never right with them, but then it never would be. This was careless, dangerous. Nothing mattered. She wanted his lips on hers, his tongue meeting, tasting, and demanding. She wanted his hard body hovering above her.

  He slanted his mouth and pressed harder against her lips. The rough fabric of his trousers rasped against the bare skin of her legs. His kisses claimed her, gave her strength yet left her weak. She widened her stance, bringing her dampened panties against his swelling erection. A silver thread between her nipple and clit tightened. He made love to her mouth…she needed him between her legs.

  Hot cream soaked her folds, making him wet where she rubbed against his groin.

  “Where’s Rick?”

  She moaned. “He’s on the bed.” She smiled against his lips. “Sorry.” She gently bit his earlobe. Flicking her tongue against his neck, she tasted salt and male. Intoxicating scents of his cologne and natural pheromones weaved through her senses. She wanted him—now—just as she always had. “They know, and not just about you. They suspect me.”

  “I know. I wasn’t the only one who noticed our absence.” He pressed his lips to her ear. “Tory, this room is about to get crowded.”

  She didn’t understand what he meant. Passion clouded her mind. Then he ripped open his shirt. Buttons pinged off the wall and clattered onto the nearby bathroom floor.

  “I don’t—”

  He briefly kissed her again. Then he shook his head and put a finger to his lips. Jaron rushed to the bed. He rolled Rick over. “Help me.” Together, they stripped the unconscious man.

  Jaron jerked the covers, pulling the bedspread out from under Rick.

  “I’m sorry, Tory, but you’re going to have to share. Take off your thong.”

  Oh, hell, he wanted her to give the appearance that she was doing both of them.

  Voices sounded in the hall. “We’re out of time.” In the back of her mind, she recognized the sound of the tearing condom wrapper.

  Tory didn’t think. She slipped her panties past her hips and stepped out of them. Then she crawled onto the bed, positioned on her hands and knees and leaned over Rick’s abdomen. “Oh, yes,” she moaned, kissing Rick’s stomach.

  “That’s it, baby. Suck his cock.”

  She snapped her head around and glared. Jaron knelt behind her.

  He furrowed his brows. “Pretend,” he mouthed. “Do it!” The slap of his hand on her ass echoed in the room.

  Rapid beats of her heart made her chest ache. Jaron knelt behind her, stroking her flesh, running his rough hand into the arch of her back. She was hot. Too hot for the situation. She had to pretend to give another man a blowjob. All she wanted was Jaron. He was tempting beyond reason with his lean muscled torso and raging erection. The line between assignment and need blurred.

  Knock. Knock.

  Tory’s head snapped up. The handle turned. Light from the hall spilled into the room, and Jaron thrust forward, filling her with his cock. Holy shit!

  Tory screamed. Her body, tight with fear and adrenaline, gloved to his shaft.

  “Get the fuck out!” Jaron gripped her and pistoned his hips.

  “We’re looking for Miss Tory and Rick.”

  “As you can see she’s busy. I’m fucking her.”

  Tory bobbed her head as if she were going after Rick like the paid escort she pretended to be. Her mind screamed, and her body melted from such exquisite rapture—of feeling him deep inside of her again.

  “Mr. Evenson is looking for her.”

  She lifted her head. “As soon as I’m done here, I’ll come find him.”


  Tory squeezed and twisted Rick’s balls—hard—waking him just enough from his forced slumber. He moaned, lifting his head.

  “That means get the fuck out,” Jaron said.

  The two men stood in the doorway, unwilling to leave.

  “We’ll let you know when we’re done,” Jaron said. “You can have her next.”

  “We’ll be outside the door.”

  Tory closed her eyes. Fear and desire warred within. Surviving the assignment should’ve been the only thing driving her actions. Instead, she arched her back, giving Jaron deeper penetration. A moan of need rent the air.

  “Go,” she said on a breathy exhale, “Or get in line.” She flipped her hair, glancing over her shoulder. “Fuck me,” she said huskily.

  Jaron chuckled, pulled back, and drove deep again. She cried out with each plunge of his cock into her slick channel. Pre
ssure built in her clit. She reached between her legs and gently touched the swollen bundle of nerves.

  She closed her eyes, tuned out everything but the man behind her, ignored that there was an unconscious man in front of her, and savored the sensation of Jaron stretching her, sliding hotly into her core. She whimpered when he retracted, but the loss was fleeting as he plunged hard again.

  And then, when she wouldn’t have thought it possible under the circumstances, her body began to quake. “Oh, god! Oh, yes. More!” Her heart raced, and her head swam in a frenzied delirium. She breathed fast and shallow. Almost there. And then she came. White light sparked behind her eyelids. Quivers started in her core, fluttering out until her entire body trembled. She gripped the sheets in her fists. Sweat trickled along her hairline.

  Jaron’s fingers dug into her hips. Harder. Faster. And with a shout, he erupted. Pulsing deep in her channel brought on another wave of vibrations. Tory creamed around his shaft, and her juices trickled down her thighs. The wet sounds of their sweat-slicked bodies eased, and their mingled breaths slowed, returning to normal.

  For the first time in long minutes, she opened her eyes. The room was dark. Whoever had come to the door had left them alone. She doubted they’d gone far.

  Jaron slipped from her body. He placed gentle kisses to the divots above her buttocks. He sat back and scooted from the bed. Clothing rustled, and then he returned to her side.

  He handed her a thin, sticky strip. He pointed to Rick and indicated she should place the strip beneath his nose.

  Tory slid from the bed and snatched Rick’s gun from the dresser. “I told you that you’d give your weapon to me,” she whispered, feeling safer with the heavy weight of the Beretta in her hand. She followed Jaron into the bathroom. Flushing the toilet, he covered their lowered voices. “I need to finish the computer programming,” he whispered. “The nasal strip will keep Rick asleep and make him snore. I need you to come with me.” She nodded. “I’ll get your dress. Wait here.”


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