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Return of the Ascendant (The Ascendant Series)

Page 19

by Raine Thomas

  Even as that thought crossed his mind, Ty knew it for a lie.

  Their society was touted as a form of utopia…a world centered on happiness and contentment. They were sent away to learn life lessons that were deemed too difficult to experience on Alametria, too upsetting to the positive balance. Upon returning home, the Ruvex Rite purged them of negativity and allowed them to retain the positive and find more pleasure in their lives.

  Yet he remembered the thoughts he’d heard all evening related to Kyr...the dark desire, the seething jealousy. He knew that no matter how hard the Vawn tried, they could never truly purge all negative energy from Alametria.

  His gaze settled on ShayaVawn as that thought entered his mind. The Guardian was smiling as she introduced Kyr to a male named LeoVawn, but she was silently wishing Leo would look at her the way he looked at her daughter. He wondered if Kyr had picked up on the fact that her mother was jealous of her, and that was why she treated her so distantly.

  He’d known for years, of course. He’d known from the moment he could connect with the Guardian’s thoughts. He had never let her know that he knew, though.

  Kyr had a difficult road ahead. There was no getting around that. But he would be by her side and would help her through it.

  Several hours later, he was helping her out of her shoes after the last Alametrian finally left the ballroom. The Guardians were bidding farewell to the V’larians, who were retiring for the night. Kyr’s thoughts had centered around her aching feet for the better part of two hours, so the moment no one was looking, Ty bent down, lifted her skirt so he could grab first one shoe and then the other, and handed them to the first passing Wrym he saw. The female barely batted an eye, merely changing directions and heading towards Kyr’s chambers with the discarded shoes.

  My hero, Kyr thought. I’d kiss you if I could.

  Hold that thought.

  A soft gasp told him that she understood he intended to kiss her later. He enjoyed the pleasure and anticipation that coursed through her, but closed off their connection before he enjoyed it too much.

  “Come, Ma’jah,” Shaya said, waving at Kyr. “You must be exhausted.”

  “Yes, Guardian. I’m definitely ready to call it a night.”

  Shaya gave Kyr one of her disapproving looks as they all started walking. “You continue to use some of the informal vernacular from Earth. Once you have undergone the Ruvex Rite, that will no longer be a problem.”

  Kyr tensed, but said nothing. Ty remained intent on where they were walking, scanning the hallways as several other Mynders joined them as escorts.

  “You seem to have lost several inches of height, Ma’jah,” Shaya said, tilting her head and looking down at Kyr.

  “I took my shoes off,” Kyr admitted. “They were killing me.”

  Shaya’s chin lifted. Ty intercepted her thoughts about Kyr’s slight height. At five-foot-five, Kyr was among the shortest females on Alametria. Shaya and her husband worried that others would think Kyr weak because she was so small.

  The Guardians believed many foolish things about appearances.

  Shaya didn’t make any comments about Kyr’s shoes, which relieved Ty. There had been enough friction in the course of this day.

  Before long, they reached the split in the hallway where Ty led Kyr to her chambers and her parents went the other way to theirs. They exchanged a formal and uncomfortable goodnight, and a couple of minutes later, Ty entered Kyr’s chambers to conduct his search.

  Once that was done, he permitted the Wrym to enter the chambers and prepare Kyr for bed. He wasn’t about to leave the room, so he turned his gaze anywhere but on Kyr as she was disrobed and washed, then dressed in her nightgown and robe. At long, long last, the Wrym departed and Ty dismissed the second Mynder in the room with him. Two Mynders would remain outside each entrance into Kyr’s room all night.

  He closed and locked the main chamber doors. Just as he turned to move further into her entrance parlor, Kyr ran towards him. Jumping, she grabbed him around the neck, encircled his waist with her legs, and kissed him with no holds barred.

  He was powerless to resist her.

  This kiss wasn’t gentle or teasing. Her tongue demanded immediate entrance, which he was only too happy to give her. She ran her fingers through his hair and stroked his chest and neck with her hand, making him burn for her. Knowing they weren’t going to be quiet, he walked with her into her sleeping chamber, shoving the door closed with his foot. The Wrym had covered the windows and left the wall sconces burning, so he headed right for the bed.

  Their mouths didn’t separate as he lowered them both onto the soft mattress. As the initial urgency eased, he took his time with her, exploring her with his tongue, relishing her passionate response. He allowed his hands to move, lowering to the belt of her robe and yanking the tie free so he could slip his fingers inside. His hands cupped her breasts through the thin fabric of her nightgown. Moans and sensual growls issued from her throat…from his, too.


  He felt her longing like a stroke against his groin. Pain and utter rapture shot through him. His control teetered.

  Breaking away from her mouth, he leaned up so he could remove her robe. She helped him. When she reached for the fastenings on his doublet, he shook his head, his breathing uneven.

  No, Kyr. That would prove one temptation too many.

  What? But I thought we were going to—

  We can’t. The repercussions would be…

  His thought trailed off as disappointment rolled through her and into him. It almost had him going against his own convictions. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he battled his desire for her.

  “I want you, Kyr,” he whispered. “More than anything.”

  She reached up and stroked the side of his face. “I want you, too, Ty.”

  But your virginity is reserved for the Faire-Amanti, the male you’ll be matched with when the time is right. His heart clenched at the thought, but he had to make sure she understood his hesitation. I’ve overstepped all kinds of boundaries with you already. I can’t overstep this one.

  Her emotion struck him like a blow. Tears filled her eyes. I don’t want anyone but you, Ty.

  I know. He touched his forehead to hers. Unfortunately, the choice isn’t ours to make. For now, we’ll have to settle for what we can get.

  He pressed her back against the mattress and kissed her again. She didn’t resist him. In no time at all, they were right back where they’d left off.

  Her body arched against him. He lowered the straps of her nightgown and kissed a path down the side of her neck, along the curve of her shoulder, across to her breasts. She gasped in wonder and pleasure as he took a nipple into his mouth.

  This was so much better than it had been in the dream, he realized. No dream could capture how good she’d taste, how incredible her bare skin would smell and feel. No dream could predict how desperately she would cling to him, begging for him to end the sweet torture.

  She was almost incoherent when he reached beneath her nightgown and pulled her panties off. Her every thought centered on the ache he’d generated within her, an ache he knew all too well. There wasn’t anything he could do about his pain, but he fully intended to end hers.

  Always watching out for Ma’jah, he thought, making her gasp out a laugh.

  Then his mouth was on her, and she wasn’t laughing at all.

  A loud moan escaped her. He silently cautioned her to be quiet, so she grabbed a decorative pillow and held it over her face. Her muffled moans were just as much of a turn-on as the unmuffled ones had been, but at least this way, the Mynders outside the chamber doors wouldn’t come charging in.

  She was better than any treat he’d ever had. If he never tasted anything ever again, he would remember this moment. His lips and tongue indulged in Kyr, bringing her to the edge and keeping her there for a long, indescribable moment before sending her over. He wrought every last tremor of pleasure from her, tuning into her thoughts and feel
ings as he did.

  Oh, Ty, she thought when her head had cleared enough. That was amazing. More than amazing.

  One corner of his mouth rose as he lowered her nightgown and looked up at her. She hadn’t bothered to lift the straps of her nightgown back onto her shoulders. His gaze moved instinctively to her lovely breasts. He swallowed hard as his arms flared in sync with his desire.

  Can I do that for you?

  His eyes whipped up to meet hers. Had she really just thought that?

  Please? She shifted and pushed at his shoulder, trying to get him to roll onto his back.

  No, his mind said.

  Hell fucking yes! his body screamed.

  Giving up on trying to move him, she reached down and started unfastening his belt, holding his gaze as she did. A small part of his mind kept telling him to stop her, but even that part shut up when she reached inside his waistband and gripped his arousal.

  Oh, God, he thought, unable to stop himself from thrusting against her hand.

  No one has ever touched you like this, have they?

  He shook his head. A shudder went through him as she stroked him again. This was wrong. He shouldn’t—

  No, Dem-Shyr, she thought. This is right, and it’s what I want. Now I order you to roll onto your back.

  This time, when she pushed against his chest with her free hand, he didn’t resist. He followed her silent instructions and lifted his hips enough that she could lower his pants to his thighs. There was a moment where she looked down at him in awe. Her thoughts would have been humorous if they hadn’t aroused him so much.

  Finally, she settled herself alongside his thighs. I’m not entirely sure what I’m doing, she admitted, but I’ve read a lot of advice in books and magazines.

  He might have returned a thought letting her know that was okay. He wasn’t sure. Her tongue was on him as she shared her thoughts, so all he might have sent out was garbled pleading.

  By the time she took him into her mouth, he was beyond all rational thought. He had the vague notion of asking her if she wanted him to warn her when he was about to orgasm.

  Then his body exploded.

  Stars burst behind his eyelids as his lower body spasmed over and over. He kept just enough of his sanity to keep from shouting his blissful release to the heavens.

  It took him several minutes to realize that his fingers were fisted in Kyr’s hair. She was resting her cheek on his thigh, smiling up at him.

  Holy shit, was all he could think.

  That made her laugh. He couldn’t help himself. He pulled her up and kissed her again.

  Thank you, Kyr, he thought.

  Thank you, Ty.

  Knowing he had been irresponsible enough for one evening, he reluctantly parted from her and climbed off the bed. He handed Kyr her panties so they could both right their appearances. She grinned at him as she slipped them back on.

  No matter how gorgeous she had looked that evening, he would always prefer her as she looked now…fresh-faced and flushed with pleasure that he’d caused.

  You think the sweetest things.

  He lifted an eyebrow. He hadn’t realized he had sent that thought out to her. It’s true, he returned simply. Now go to bed, Ma’jah. I’ll be out in the parlor on the couch.

  Don’t you have your own chambers?

  Yes. But the Guardians suggested I stay with you tonight since it’s your first night back. Leaning down, he kissed the frown from her lush mouth. Go to sleep.

  All right, all right. Goodnight, Ty. I…I’ll see you in the morning.

  He nodded and turned to walk out of the parlor, heading directly to the couch. He knew he wouldn’t be sleeping anytime soon, though. He’d be too busy thinking about what they’d just done…and what Kyr had really been about to say before she said she’d see him in the morning.

  Chapter 28

  A knock on her bedroom door woke Kyr the following morning. She blinked blearily, trying to remember where she was. What day was it? Did she have class?


  Oh, yeah. Different planet. Ruler of worlds. Got it.

  “Just a minute,” she called out, fumbling for the light.

  She pressed a small lever that released the chemical reaction to light the closest sconce. Stumbling from the bed, she tugged on her robe and raked her fingers through her hair. Once she was more presentable, she opened the door to her mother.

  God, she looked perfect. She was wearing a beautiful light blue gown and not a dark red hair was out of place. Did the woman even go to sleep?

  “Good morning, Guardian,” Kyr said, trying to rub some of the sleep from her eyes.

  “We need to get you prepared, Ma’jah,” her mother said in lieu of a greeting. “You are to meet with the Prima Divyner this morning.”

  Kyr stilled. “The Prima Divyner?”

  “Yes. She sent word this morning—actually shortly after the welcome ceremony concluded—that she must meet with you as soon as possible.”


  Kyr brought a hand to the lapels of her robe, not sure what to think or feel. She remembered the renowned mystical woman, an older female from the same megai as Avana, the Luja megai. Her name was CaelysLuja, and she was the most respected prognosticator on all of Alametria. Getting called before her meant only one thing: Caelys had divined something important about Kyr’s future.

  Why was she asking to see her now? And why did she ask right after—?

  Her eyes widening, she glanced over her mother’s shoulder to see Ty standing there. Somehow, he’d changed clothes and already looked ready to face the day. His expression revealed nothing, but she sensed a similar turmoil in him.

  Do you think she knows about…?

  I don’t know, he returned.

  “Come, come,” her mother said, clapping her hands like Kyr was a puppy in need of redirecting. “The Wrym are waiting.”

  It was too early for this, Kyr silently grumbled as she was led into the bathing chamber. She wasn’t mentally prepared to meet with Caelys. She’d only just begun to grasp the magnitude of the responsibility being thrust upon her as the Ascendant. Now she had to hear something about her future? What the hell?

  At least this puts off the Ruvex Rite a little longer, Ty mused.

  There was that, she supposed. Still, since Ty was conducting the Rite for her, she wasn’t too worried about it. This was definitely more alarming.

  She fretted about it over the next hour as the Wrym readied her. The lengthy prep time was highly irritating. Why couldn’t she just throw on a dress, stick her hair in a ponytail, and be done with it? No. Her mother said she had to be “properly prepared” for an audience with the Prima Divyner.

  Insert eye roll.

  There was a time when getting you ready every morning took twice this long, Ty thought. You argued with everything the Wrym did, insisting it wasn’t good enough.

  Mortified, she dared a quick glance at him in the mirror as the finishing touches were applied to her makeup. Seriously?

  Yes. It was fun to watch. You were usually in your undergarments, arguing about your wardrobe.

  A smile pulled at the corners of her mouth. You’re incorrigible.

  But he’d succeeded in distracting her, even temporarily, from the dread of what lie ahead. Soon enough, she was dressed in a formal black gown that met with her mother’s approval. Over the bottom sheath layer was a long-sleeved, floor-length fitted jacket decorated with detailed beading. Her hair had been pulled back at the temples in a series of braids interwoven with silver threads that matched the silver jewelry she wore. The rest of her hair hung down her back and over her shoulders in soft waves. Much to Kyr’s relief, she was given slippers with low heels to wear. She wasn’t sure she could have handled anything else after last night.

  Ty took her arm when her mother finally declared her ready. His touch sent shivers of awareness through her. Although she tried to think about other things, her mind inevitably went to what they’d experienced t
he night before.

  Not now, he warned her.

  Knowing he would have trouble hiding it if the memories got out of hand, Kyr blurted, “I slept well.”

  Her mother glanced at her with a raised brow as they left her chambers. “I am glad, Ma’jah.”

  Flushing, Kyr cleared her throat and tried for another, less idiotic subject change. “Is the Prima Divyner here in the palace, Guardian?”

  “Yes. We have offered her our most luxurious guest accommodations. She was invited to the welcome ceremony, but took ill before the event started.”

  “Oh. I hope she’s all right.”

  “Of course she is, Ma’jah. She asked for your company, did she not?”

  Kyr frowned. What was up her mother’s butt today? “I guess so,” she allowed.

  “You will spend as much time with CaelysLuja as needed,” her mother explained as they walked. “Dem-Shyr TaeDane will remain just outside the chamber.”

  Kyr felt Ty’s grip tighten at that, but he didn’t comment.

  “You will be perfectly safe, Ma’jah.” Her mother gave her a small smile before looking away. “I will take my leave now. We can visit more later.”

  As uncomfortable as she was in her mother’s presence, Kyr was suddenly reluctant to part ways. She tried to think of something to say to keep her mother with her, but the Guardian was already down the hall with a pair of Mynders on either side of her.

  You’ll be fine, Ty thought calmly. Come on.

  He led her the rest of the way to the guest accommodations with several Mynders serving as their escorts. She spotted Gren and realized that Ty must really trust the other Mynder to have him serving as her guard so often. The other male sensed her look and gave her one of his small winks. Some of her tension eased.

  They stopped in front of another pair of ornate doors. She could only assume Ty had gotten the correct location from her mother earlier. Either that, or he already knew which of the palace’s guest suites was considered the “most luxurious” by her mother.

  Or I read her mind, he added.


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