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The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Reloaded

Page 11

by Nikki Brown

  “Sssss shit!” She moaned out and I continued to work my fingers in and out of her pussy while I attacked the side of her neck with my tongue.

  Alternating from her clit to working her insides was enough to send her over the edge, because in no time she was shaking and cummin’ all over my fucking fingers.

  “Oh oh shit, oh my God.” She moaned and threw her ass around making sure she released everything she had.

  “Save me some.” I whispered in her ear and I could see the smirk form on her face. We washed off and got out of the shower. She beat me to the bedroom so when I walked in she asked me to come to where she was, and she took me into her mouth and I almost lost my breath. I bit down on my lip and looked down at her as she worked her magic on my rod. She was always good at pleasing me and that’s the one reason I stuck around after all the bullshit with her.

  “Do that shit, baby.” I moaned and she looked up at me. That was a beautiful ass sight watching my dick disappear down her throat. She took her small hands and massaged my balls as she sucked my shit. Even with all the shit that came with Krista, this made it all worth it. “Fuck you gonna make me nut.” I always came quick off of her head.

  “Hmmmmmmmmm,” she started that humming shit and that’s all it took for me to be shooting down her throat.

  “Fuck, shit, got damn Krista.” She slowly sucked until I was dry and then she popped me out of her mouth. I collapsed on the bed so that I could catch my breath. “I love yo’ ass man I swear I do.” I admitted to her for the first time ever.

  “Wow,” Was all she said.

  “That’s all I get is a wow?” I raised my head to look at her.

  “Yeah because I don’t know if that’s from the fact that I’m pregnant or if that’s what you really feel.”

  “If I didn’t mean it I wouldn’t say that shit. I’ve always loved you, but I just couldn’t allow you to use that against me because I knew how you operated.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean, Perry?” She put her hands on her hips and stood in front of where I was laying.

  “You know exactly what that means; you will find a nigga’s weakness and use it for your own good. I know that shit and I still stayed around but I just protected myself.”

  “So that’s why you were so mean to me?”

  “Yep! I couldn’t show yo’ ass weakness or I would have been done for.” I laughed.

  “I’m sorry I made you feel that way, but you are the only one that has been there for me through all my bullshit. You love me flaws and all and for that, I love you.” She said quoting Beyoncé but I let that shit slide.

  “Good, now I got some bad news.”

  “Ah shit what? You can’t find work here? Perry I like it here.” She whined and just that quick she was starting to get on my got damn nerves.

  “Chill man, actually I got a connect and I will be setting up shop first thing in the morning.” I smiled and she returned it. “BUT! I got a burner cell and called Milgram and he told me that the Barnes brothers are out of jail and for us to be careful.”

  “Oh no,” she covered her mouth. “You don’t think they will find us here.”

  “No I don’t, and if they do by that time I’ll have a crew together to handle their asses. Plus, I called some of my old crew to come holla at a nigga to see if they like what’s cracking down here.”

  She looked at me and I gave her a reassuring look and she relaxed some. I jumped up and threw her on the bed and took her clit into my mouth.

  “Sssss shit baby.”

  I ate her until she gave me two good ones before I wrapped her legs around her head and fucked the shit out of her. I wanted to reassure her that I had her no matter what. I needed her to believe that, even if I didn’t.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  It was right at midnight and the neighborhood was jumping, so if we moved right we would blend right in with the goings on of the place, and no one would think twice about seeing us there nor what we were about to do.

  “So how in the hell did you find them?” I asked the P.I. who was in the back of the truck with us. He didn’t plan to stay but he wanted to make sure they were in there before he dipped out.

  “Well, I tapped Agent Milgram’s phone line and he kept calling the same two numbers over and over with no answer, so I ran those numbers and every now and then those phones would turn on. The one number would be used but just to call the voicemail I was able to triangulate the location and here we are. I wasn’t sure if it was them or not so that’s what took me so long to let y’all know I wanted to do my research first. Once it was confirmed then here we are.”

  “Damn good work!” Unc said. “Your bonus has already been added.”

  “Thanks boss, if you don’t need anything else from me…”

  “Nope you’re all good.” Unc said.

  “See you fellas later.” He hopped out and just like that, he was gone.

  “We need to keep him around.” I said looking at Unc.

  “Chris ain’t going nowhere.” Unc said with certainty. “Y’all ready to do this shit?”

  “Born ready.”

  We all piled out of the car and headed in the direction of the building that Perry and Krista lived in. We swaggered our way into the building, half went around back and the rest of us came around the front. Kayson and I went in first. Thank goodness they stayed in the back of the building because all of the traffic was happening in the front.

  “You got it nigga?” I asked Kayson who was taking all day opening the got damn door.

  “Shut the fuck up, I had to get the dead bolt too.” He smirked at me over his shoulder and then turned the door knob; we both entered the house with our guns drawn.

  The apartment was quiet with the exception of moaning coming from the back. That shit was perfect they were gonna get the nut of their lives and that last one too. A few minutes later Unc and Omari joined us, Tate stayed in the car so we could get the hell out of dodge after we were done.

  “I know they ain’t in there fucking.” Omari asked with a frown on his face.

  “Hell yeah, but they about to get a rude awakening.” I said headed to the back of the room.

  I walked in and Krista was doing her signature pretzel move, the move that she uses to get her hooks into you. There was a chair on the other side of the bed I walked over and sat down in it. They were so into what the fuck they were doing that they didn’t even realize they had company. I let them do what the fuck they were doing until I got bored and cleared my throat.

  “Oh shit!” Perry yelled and reached over to the dresser where I’m guessing his gun was. Pew pew, was all you could hear, because our guns had silencers on them, and then Perry moaning out in pain.

  “Ahhhhhh!” Krista screamed and I pointed my gun at her head.

  “Shut the fuck up bitch before I blow you got damn head off your shoulders.” I threatened her with my gun pointed at her head and she shut up immediately. “Now let’s have a conversation.” I said as I crossed my legs and sat back in the chair beside the bed.

  “Who this nigga think he is? A fucking Don or somebody?” Kayson laughed and we all joined in.

  “I am a fucking Don nigga.” I flipped him off.

  “What the fuck yo’ ass want.” Perry yelled out as he sat up in the bed.

  “You already know what happens to snitches, but first I wanna know what the fuck happened to my got damn brother.” Omari said. Unc had yet to come into the light so they still didn’t know he was alive.

  “We didn’t have nothing to do with that, maybe the same people who killed your uncle killed Denari.” Krista cried. “Please don’t kill me, I’m pregnant.”

  We all chuckled, “Not that shit again.”

  “How can you say that shit Jaako? That was your baby.”

  “No the fuck it wasn’t, that was either ol’ boy baby or Denari’s baby.”

  “Say what?” Perry asked still holding his shoulder where Omari had shot
him and shooting daggers at Krista. She turned her head, so I take it she never told him that he wasn’t the only possibility.

  “So you thought that baby was yours, partna?” I asked him and he ignored me waiting on an answer from Krista, I laughed because I knew he would never get one. “Oh, she ain’t gonna tell you the truth.”

  “Krista, I thought that was my baby.”

  “Perry baby, you knew that I was with Jaako when we started.”

  “Yeah but I knew nothing about Denari.” His voice raised a little.

  “She was fucking me, you, and my brother, homie. Don’t feel bad, the bitch was living with me and doing all this shit behind my back, so it is what it is. Hell, it don’t matter anyway.” I waved my gun in the air. “Y’all can make up in hell.”

  “Who killed my brother?” Omari asked in an aggravated tone.

  “I told you maybe it was the same people that killed your uncle.” Krista screamed and a shot went above her head and she ducked.

  “Well that can’t be true because I ain’t dead.” Unc said coming around the corner. Krista’s eyes got big as saucers and Unc laughed. “Yeah I’ve been having that effect on people.” He shrugged.

  “He was found in your house so who killed him.” Omari’s mind was on one thing and one thing only and he was not going to be satisfied until he got the answer that he wanted. He raised his gun and gave Krista a matching bullet hole as her man.

  “OOOOOHHHHH OWWWWWW,” she screamed, and I pointed my gun at her and she cried silently.


  “It was an accident, he went to reach for his gun and out of reflex I pulled out and shot. I wasn’t trying to kill him I just wanted to get out of there as fast as I could, and he was in the way.” Omari pointed his gun and shot him in the nuts. Perry couldn’t even scream it was like his voice was caught in his throat. Hell, I was sitting there holding my shit like he had shot me.

  “Got damn O, why the fuck you had to go and do that shit.” Kayson fussed, “Yo’ twisted ass could have shot him anywhere else, but you had to shoot the nigga’s nuts off.”

  “’Cause he a pussy and he don’t deserve them bitches.”

  “Oh my God, Perry baby.”

  Omari walked over to Perry and emptied his clip into him, he wasn’t in the mood to play around, and I didn’t blame him. I did want to have a little fun, but his ass was like fuck that. I wasn’t in the mood to argue with his unhinged ass.

  “Rest in peace, baby brother.”

  “Denari got exactly what he deserved; he killed my baby,” Krista said with a tear-drenched face. “And which one of you had my mother killed?”

  “Bitch—” Omari was making his way over to where she was but Unc grabbed him with a smile on his face.

  “Actually that was your father, well the man that thought he was your father.” Unc laughed. “I went there to kill her ass but when your dad saw that he asked for the gun, did that shit himself, and excused himself so that he could go and live happily ever after with his other family.”

  “He wouldn’t.” she glared.

  “Oh he would, and his ass did, nigga was a pretty good shot too.” We all joined in on that laugh.

  “Fuck all of you, I hope you all burn in hell.”

  “But not before you, bitch.” I said as I sent a hot one through her gut. For some reason I didn’t want to kill her with my gun so I stood up and put my gun in the seat, I stood over her and looked her right in the eyes as I put my hands around her throat and squeezed until she could no longer breathe. I swear I almost nutted on myself seeing that shit. It was like a happy moment for me knowing that this bitch wouldn’t be walking this earth anymore.

  “I swear me and Ann went wrong somewhere down the line with y’all.” Unc shook his head and walked toward the door. “Clean-up is in the living room, so we good.”

  I didn’t even hear them niggas come in. I took one more look in the room and turned around to leave. I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. My brother’s death was avenged now I could live my life with my woman and my seed. Only thing left to do was tie up the loose strings of this drug shit and I was gonna be a free man.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Omari said that he was gonna be out of town for business, they left last night and aren’t due to come back ‘til later tonight. This was the perfect time to pay little Ms. Shay a visit. I needed her to know that shit wasn’t all what she thought it was and whatever she thought she shared with my man wasn’t it. The hoe was evidently delusional, but I was here to cut all that shit out.

  I probably should just trust my man to deal with this shit, but I felt that I needed to make my presence known. Sometimes you gotta show a bitch yo’ position. I know it sounded childish, but he brought me to this point, so I was damn sure gonna do something about it.

  “Girl I’m telling you I don’t think this is a good idea.” Jenacia said from the passenger side.

  “You with me or not?”

  “I’m here ain’t I?” She smacked her lips. “Kayson gonna kick my ass for this shit.”

  “Kayson ain’t gonna know because we gone be back by the time they come home.”

  “We better be or I’m kicking yo’ ass.” She pointed at me and I laughed. Hell I wasn’t trying to hear Omari’s mouth either, so we were on the same page.

  I connected my phone to the Bluetooth in my car and searched for my “I hate men” play list, put it on shuffle and eased down the road singing our hearts out. My mind was on what I was gonna say when I got there, and this play list wasn’t helping my mode at all.

  When we hit Raleigh, I put the address in my phone and prayed that she was off today. I had called the prison before we left and they said she wasn’t there, so I took it that she was at home.

  “You ready?”

  “Hell yeah I am, I got some shit to say to that bitch.”

  We pulled up to the house that the address led us to, and we sat there to see if anyone would come in or out. Some hoodrat looking chick showed up, and I noticed the Shay bitch open the door, and that’s just what I needed to see. I looked at Jenacia, and we both hopped out. I grabbed the fake sonogram and headed for the door. I noticed a black truck pull up and park, but I couldn’t see anything because the windows were tinted. Hell I ignored it and headed on my mission.

  I walked up to the door and knocked. I could hear the bitch laughing and joking on the other side of the door. I was about to shut all that shit down. I knocked a little harder and she swung the door open.

  “Who the fuck knocking on my door like that?” She answered with a mug on her face.

  I looked at the bitch and I wanted to laugh because she was ratchet as fuck, she looked like she had some business about herself the last time I saw her at the jail, but right now she looked like she came straight out the gutter. Made me want to cuss Omari’s ass the fuck out.

  “Ow shit now, check it out Takira, this bitch here on some woman to woman type shit.” She laughed, and her friend joined her at the door.

  “I ain’t here for all that, I just came to let you know you need to fall the fuck back before you piss me the fuck off. I ain’t got time for the shits so you can take yo’ fake ass sonogram and go on somewhere. Omari is taken and he don’t want your ass.” I tried to reason with the hoe.

  “And yo’ dumb ass drove all the way to Raleigh to tell me that?”

  “Nah I came to whoop yo’ ass, but I’m trying to save you one.” I cocked my head to the side.

  “Bitch get ya ass whooped fucking with me.” she giggled. “How you gonna be mad with me cause yo’ man was fucking with me?”

  “Yous an ignorant one, he used you to bring him weed and as payment he gave you sloppy ass dick for your sloppy ass pussy. Get real, the nigga told me everything. He talked pure shit to you and told me how he hated having to fuck you, but he did what he had to do. You wasn’t shit to him but an opportunity.” I lied, Omari would never
tell me no shit like that out of respect for me but from the look on her face I struck a chord, so I kept going. “He said how you fucking all the niggas in his pod in exchange for you bringing them shit. Like damn bitch, you that desperate? You can’t get a man outside the walls?”

  “You don’t know shit about me, don’t believe everything you hear. Ya man ain’t telling you everything.” She smirked. That got to me for a minute, but I never let it show I just returned the smirk.

  “What like how you begged him to be with you and leave me, how you would give up everything just to be with him? How he told you to kill ya self. You mean that shit?” I raised a brow and I swear I could see smoke coming out of her ears.

  “But he still fucked me.”

  “For a cell phone and some weed, damn bitch is that all you worth?”

  I didn’t have any intentions on coming here and being petty with her ass, but she ain’t giving me a choice. She throwing shit out there and I’m giving that shit back and it’s pissing her off.

  “Fuck you, you rotten womb bitch can’t even give that man a baby.”

  I blacked the hell out; I didn’t know how she knew that because I knew that Omari would never tell her anything like that. I knew him better than that. I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her out of the house and the minute she was close enough to me I took my free hand and punched her dead in the fucking face. I didn’t know who the fuck she thought I was, but I was about to show her. I had her hair with one hand and my fist constantly connected with her face while she wind milled me. I won’t lie, she was getting a few licks into my body.

  “Get off me, bitch!” She yelled but I slung her by her hair on to the ground and punched her all in her head. I was mad as hell. I was still hurting by that miscarriage and she thought it was okay to make a joke about it. “Help me get this crazy bitch!”


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