Her Hidden Pack (House of Wolves and Magic Book 4)

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Her Hidden Pack (House of Wolves and Magic Book 4) Page 7

by Helen Scott

  “I’m not the one with short little legs here,” he replied as he held his hand up and pinched his forefinger and thumb together. I stuck my tongue out at him in response, which only made him laugh.

  I pushed myself faster. Before long, the two of us were trying to outmatch one another. Every time I sped up, so did he, and when he tried to outpace me, I caught up. Admittedly, my legs were pumping at twice the rate his were, and I knew in the back of my mind that I’d be the one to tire out first, based on the way he was moving and the length of his gate.

  We kept at it though, until finally, I started to flag. Tate turned and looked at me as he overtook me and began running backwards, watching me with a raised eyebrow as he spread his arms to each side. “I thought you were going to beat me there for a moment, but I remain the champ. Can’t stop, won’t stop,” he called as he got farther ahead of me.

  “Come back here, asshole,” I said as I slowed to a normal jog.

  “What are you going to do about it, huh, tiny legs?” he called back.

  I tried to think of something, anything, that I could actually threaten him with, but I couldn’t, not even the faintest. It was like the idea of threatening my mate was so anathema to me that even the thoughts wouldn’t cross my mind. It was lame, but I replied with, “I’ll think of something.”

  “Sure you will, babe. Sure you will.” Tate grinned as he jogged in place while I caught up with him.

  “Beware a patient woman, wolf. We’re crafty and cunning, and our revenge comes when you least expect it,” I growled out, though I couldn’t keep a straight face while I did so, which probably made it much less threatening.

  Tate just smiled at me, and it was so dazzling, I almost pushed him against the wall and had my wicked way with him right there out in the open. His pupils were blown within a blink, and I knew that the only thing stopping us from taking what we needed from each other was the fact that we didn’t want to get arrested for public indecency.

  “We should probably head back before we get in trouble, or before Roman loses his mind because you’re not there when he wakes up,” Tate said, a lazy grin tugging at his mouth.

  I couldn’t help but return his smile as I nodded my agreement, and the two of us turned back to the motel. As we moved, he whipped his T-shirt off and tucked it into the back of his shorts so it waved like a flag behind him. I wanted to snatch it from him and run away with it, but I wasn’t that stupid. Running off on my own right now would basically be asking fate to kick me in the ass and have one of Jax’s wolves stumble across me, even though we hadn’t seen them before we escaped.

  Sure, they’d technically been heading to our location when we were with the oracle, but they never actually found us, never saw us. The most they could have done was scented us, and even that I doubted, given the oracle’s magic. Plus, the amount of vegetation and flowers she had growing around her cabin was enough to obscure almost anyone’s scent.

  The run back was notably quieter, and the fun we’d been having racing each other and just acting like normal people seemed to have evaporated in the morning sun. The world came crashing back in on us as we made our way back. Cars were honking, some blaring music so loud that it made the whole street vibrate with the base beat.

  Greasy diner food scented the air and made my belly rumble as my feet pounded against the sidewalk. It was only for a moment though before exhaust fumes and trash overwhelmed it. Still, it had awoken the beast that was my hunger, and after having a few regular meals, my stomach now expected that, which was ridiculous to me. But I knew if I didn’t feed myself soon, then I’d tire out and wouldn’t be much good for the rest of the day as we scouted around for more bars to search through.

  I’d never spent much time in public places like restaurants and bars, since there was always too much of a chance that someone would scent me. The only reason I’d even gone to that party with Kylie was because I’d been so achingly lonely and she’d made it sound like a small thing. Now, thinking back on it as I ran back to three of my mates with a fourth by my side, I had to think that fate was at work then as well.

  I should have asked Skuld about that. She said I’d see her again though, so I’d have to remember to ask next time. I just hoped when I saw her again that I had found all my mates and that Jax was nowhere to be seen. Even better if he was nowhere to be heard or even thought of. I wanted to say I was morally opposed to the idea of killing him, but I wasn’t. I didn’t want that weight on my mate’s shoulders though.

  It seemed like if anyone was going to do it, it should be me to take him out. That or one of the people from his pack that he abused and scared the shit out of on a regular basis.

  Tate slowed down to a walk as the motel became visible, even though it was still a few blocks away. “Before we get back, I just want to say that I’m with you, no matter what happens. If you ever need to talk, to fight, to fuck, anything, I’m here for you. You’re my mate. We might not know each other all that well just yet, but I know that down to the core of my soul. I’m yours and you’re mine, and no one will ever be able to break that apart. Not Jax, not the packs, not even the gods will tear me away from you. The only person who could send me away is you.” His dark eyes watched me as he spoke, and I could feel emotion welling up in my chest.

  I stopped so I could look at him properly as I said, “I would never send you away, Tate. You mean so much to me. I know we’re still kind of figuring this out, but the same holds true for you with me. If you need anything that I’m not giving you, if I’m not splitting my time well between the four of you, if you feel left out, if you want me to suck your cock, anything at all, just talk to me about it.”

  Tate cupped my face with his hands and leaned in, placing a tender kiss on my lips. When he pulled away, I wanted to follow and deepen the kiss, but he said, “We’ll figure it out. We’ve got the rest of our lives to do so.”

  I nodded, and we turned back to the motel. My gaze was drawn to the door that led to our room, and I saw Roman standing there watching. He didn’t look upset, and a quick check of the mate bond told me that he was more anxious than anything. I’d been gone when he woke up, and when I saw Micah’s head pop out of the doorway as well, I knew he hadn’t been the only one.

  They were well within their rights to feel that way, since there was a chance we could have been caught. I knew that. After all, we had no idea where Jax’s wolves were. I knew Tate would have put up the fight of his life, as would I, and as much as I would’ve liked to think we’d come out on top, there was nothing to guarantee that we would win. A chill went down my spine at the thought of us being captured, or worse, Tate being injured and me taken. I sighed. I wanted to be safe all the time, but I also needed freedom. Staying cooped up in a motel room wasn’t good for my soul, and I knew out of any of my mates, Roman would understand that.



  When we got back to the room, Roman wrapped me in a big hug and kissed the top of my head. That was it. No lecture, no scolding, just acceptance and maybe a touch of relief that Tate and I hadn’t run into any issues.

  I was thankful that he understood without me having to explain, but that was how all of my mates were most of the time. We all understood each other on a deeper level than I’d ever expected. They knew when I needed them without me having to ask, which was good because I was terrible at asking for help.

  After a quick, lonely shower, I’d come back out to find all of our stuff packed up and ready to go. “Where are we off to this time?” I asked as I dried off, perched on the edge of the bed. I could feel the hungry eyes on me, devouring each inch that showed as I rubbed the towel over my damp skin. I tried to stop the prickle of desire that was trying to form within me, but I knew it was too late.

  A low growl sounded from one of them, and I said, “Don’t get any ideas. I’m getting dressed and we’re moving on. I’m not letting Tate’s credit card be charged an extra day just because we didn’t check out on time.”

Without looking at any of them, I stood, towel firmly in place, and rummaged through the bags until I found something I could wear. I pulled the jeans on under my towel and had the T-shirt over my head before I let the go of the scratchy cloth completely.

  When I turned around, they were all facing away from me anyway, so I went into the bathroom and hung the towel up before throwing my hair into a ponytail. I tried to remember the last time I’d worn it down, but I couldn’t. We’d been on the go for what felt like forever, and that meant that my hair had to be out of my face. I wasn’t about to let anyone get hurt just because I couldn’t see for a split second.

  I tired the thick mass of hair back away from my face and headed back out into the main room where I found them busying themselves by loading up the car. I slid into the backseat as they finished up. When they all piled in as well, I said, “None of you answered my question.”

  “What question?” Blake asked over his shoulder as he turned in the passenger seat so he could face me.

  “We were a little distracted, angel,” Roman added from the driver’s seat as he pulled out of the parking space and directed us toward the road. Part of me was surprised that Tate was okay with him driving, since it was his car. Then he wrapped his hand around my knee, and I knew that his desire to be next to me had won out against his need to be in control, whereas Roman’s desire to be in control was equal to his desire for me.

  “Where are we going now?” I asked again, trying to keep the amusement from my voice.

  Roman’s gaze met mine in the rearview mirror for a brief moment, his own amusement showing in the crinkled skin around the edges of his eyes before he said, “There’s a bar on the other side of town that I know shifters go to sometimes. It’ll be a risk going in, since some of Jax’s wolves may be there, but it’s my best guess as to where we’ll find your fifth.”

  I nodded. “We should try anywhere and everywhere. I’m not opposed to anything at this point. The sooner we find him, the sooner this can all be put to rest.”

  “You’re assuming Jax will stand down?” Micah asked from next to me, and I could feel the disbelief radiating off him.

  “I have to hope so, or this all starts to get exhausting.” That was my verbal reply, but I couldn’t help worrying internally that the longer I went without finding my fifth mate, the longer our mate bonds were vulnerable. If something happened, if my wolf suddenly decided that Jax was actually the superior wolf, then it could destroy everything, and I did mean everything, if what the oracle said was right.

  The drive was fairly quiet, other than the barrage of thoughts I was having. The guys chatted amongst themselves but I couldn’t seem to concentrate on the conversation. The idea that I was going to mess this up somehow just kept circling around my brain like a soap suds that wouldn’t go down the drain. I needed to keep my mates and I needed to keep a clear head, but if something happened, if Jax took them again, then I knew I would do anything to save them just like I did before.

  He knew that if he was going to try the same tactic again, he’d have to take all of them. I was sure the fact that they’d come for me and for each other, and that they would continue to do so, had finally sunk in. I’d seen it in his eyes.

  If he suspected I knew what the oracle had told him, then he’d know I was looking for my fifth mate, and that I was close to finding him. Theoretically. All of that could make Jax more desperate than ever to get me away from my mates and make me submit to him.

  I didn’t think I’d do that willingly but if he tried to kill my mates? I couldn’t say that I’d be able to hold out when it came to protecting them. Could I sacrifice the lives of my mates to stay out of Jax’s clutches? I didn’t think so.

  Did that make me a terrible person, since I’d be letting the world lose more magic, taking us a step closer toward Ragnarok?


  I knew myself well enough to know that my reaction wouldn’t change though. The fates had taken away my family once before, and I’d be damned if they did it again. Especially when I knew how much was riding on this. If they wanted to take my mates away, then they would have to accept being a step closer to Ragnarok, because there was no way in hell I’d do anything to help them after that. Somehow, I didn’t think the gods would like being closer to their permanent death very much.

  When the car finally started to slow and we turned into a bar’s parking lot, dread crept over me. Was this where Jax’s wolves would find us? Where my mates and I would have to fight for our lives? After all the negative thoughts I’d been having on the way over here, I couldn’t let us do this. Not yet.

  “Can we find a hotel first?” I asked.

  Roman glanced at me in the rearview mirror and nodded, circling out of the bar’s parking lot and back onto the main road. I knew that look, and I knew I’d have to explain myself at some point, but I couldn’t, not yet. Verbalizing my fears would make them that much more real and leave me paralyzed against them. No, I needed some sleep or something to make my brain shut up and put things back into perspective.

  A few minutes later, we were pulling into a motel parking lot. Tate jumped out of the backseat and went to get us a room, while Roman pulled around the side away from the curious eyes of the receptionist. Most of the places we’d tried at first didn’t want to sleep more than four people to a room, and we weren’t about to split up. We tried to hide the fact that there were five of us by not letting any of the staff see us. I was fairly sure the motel staff suspected, but I wasn’t about to fight the guys on this, so I went along with it.

  Tate came jogging over a moment later and directed us toward a room, which we all piled into a few minutes later. I collapsed onto one of the beds and groaned with satisfaction. After so many nights sleeping on the ground with nothing but a sleeping bag and a sliver of tent protecting us, if that, every time I lay in a bed felt like a gift, even if it did smell a bit musty and sweaty.

  The whole place was so generic, it was almost painful. The cream walls were complemented by some slightly off tone beige carpet that looked like it needed a good cleaning to be the color it was supposed to be. As I looked at the walls, I realized that there was a pattern in the gloss that only showed up in the right light. The majority of the wall that would have shown the pattern was covered though. A large wishy-washy landscape that couldn’t seem to decide what it wanted to be decorated the wall next to the beds, opposite the window. Opposite the beds was a dresser with a TV perched on top, and above the beds were another two equally boring landscapes. Then of course there was the door and the large window, which was draped with three different levels of curtains, all of which looked and smelled like they’d been in a smoking room prior to this one.

  “So do you want to head to the bar now?” Blake asked, seeming to voice the question that they all had as they tossed various bags to the ground and a couple on the other bed.

  “I think I want to take a nap,” I said as I snuggled up to the pillow and pulled the comforter over myself. “Can we go later? Maybe you guys can scout the area for now?” I asked in my best sleepy voice.

  They were quiet behind me, and I knew they were probably having some secret conversation. Eventually, after what felt like forever of me pretending to be oh, so sleepy, Micah said, “That’s a good idea, beautiful. We’ll go take a look around, see if we can scent any shifters.”

  “We’ll be back soon,” Tate added.

  Finally, I heard the door open and close a moment later, and I let out a deep sigh. For a second, I actually thought I was alone.

  I was wrong.



  The soft pad of feet across the carpet wasn’t the only thing that alerted me to the fact that I wasn’t alone. There was Roman’s dark and spicy scent as well, so I wasn’t surprised when the bed dipped on the other side, rocking me backward slightly toward my mate.

  His hard body pressed against my own as he lay close to me. We weren’t snuggling exactly, but I was very aware of every inch o
f my body and where it connected with his. It was an awareness that only grew with time, and the longer neither of us spoke, the more the tension felt like it increased. Each faint tick of the clock on the wall was like a strap being ratcheted tighter, and at some point, it would break, and I had a feeling it would be glorious when it did.

  “Do you want to talk to me about what’s bothering you?” Roman’s smooth deep voice washed over me. Hearing him speak so quietly and so close was like sipping on coffee that was freshly made just for me—there was the rich flavor and then the heat that pooled in my belly.

  “Not really,” I replied before rolling so I could face him.

  “You shouldn’t keep your thoughts and feelings bottled up like this, angel. It’s not good for you.” He rolled to his side so we were facing each other and reached out, running his knuckles gently down my cheek.

  “I know, but talking about it makes it more tangible, more real, and I don’t want it to be any more real than it is in my head.” His fingers tucked some strands of hair that had come loose from my ponytail behind my ear as his gaze devoured me. He was watching me like he could see my thoughts roaming around in my head, like if he stared long and hard enough, he’d figure me out down to the atom.

  Part of me wished he could. I wanted them all to know me like that and for me to know them on the same level. We hadn’t had the opportunity to work on that yet, not since Micah and I mated and everything had gone to hell. Roman was the only mate I’d had a decent amount of alone time with, and even then, we’d spent most of it fucking. Just the thought of it sent a wave of desire pulsing through me.

  I saw the moment that Roman became aware of it and watched as his own pupils dilated and his lips parted slightly. His gaze drifted down over my face, lingering on my lips, and when my tongue darted out to wet them, I knew it was all over.

  The fingers that had been in my hair slipped behind my neck and pulled me closer to him as he leaned in and kissed me. There was nothing hesitant about it, nothing questioning, just my mate claiming what was his—me.


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