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Incendiary (The Premonition Series (Volume 4))

Page 45

by Amy A. Bartol

  I approach the glassy film of the window; it resembles a perfect rendition of the night sky, but with planets in it that don’t belong to this solar system…and it’s orbiting like it’s real. Tentatively, I touch my finger to the glass and it sinks right through it, tuggin’ at me to follow it. I pull my hand back, feeling relief to see I still have my finger.

  “Now, I just need to blend in,” I mutter to no one in particular.

  I fly down to the ground near the Bentley. Closin’ my eyes I concentrate on my objective.

  Xavier lands next to me, askin’ in a derisive tone, “What are you doing?”

  “Shh,” I whisper, openin’ my eyes, “I’m gettin’ somethin’.”

  In a few seconds, a small smile creeps to my lips as I hear the sound like a couple of garbage can lids bein’ clapped together. Along the low, gray fieldstone wall, Brennus’ Faerie armor runs toward us. It doesn’t stop when it nears me, but runs right into me, meltin’ ‘round me and coverin’ me like a second skin.

  “Wicked,” I breathe, lookin’ at my arms and chest protected by shiny, lightweight armor. “Finally, somethin’ that fits.” I smile.

  “You look like a Faerie,” Buns says next to me. She taps the shiny, silver helmet on my head lightly, addin’, “I have to admit that Brennus has style.”

  “Buns,” I say, glancin’ at her and seein’ bruises and swellin’ ‘round her mouth. A low growl comes from Zee as he engulfs her in his arms.

  “I’m okay,” she murmurs to Zephyr. He presses her closer to him.

  Zephyr’s eyes pierce Xavier. “When this is over, I will find you.”

  “You would’ve done the same thing. I regret that it has come to this,” Xavier says with little expression.

  Zephyr’s eyebrows narrow dangerously. “Still…hand on my heart we will meet.”

  “You are not where you belong,” Xavier replies.

  “I think you are mistaken, Seraph,” Zephyr replies. “That is you. Evie has moved on.”

  “Then why does Evie need me more than ever?” Xavier counters Zephyr darkly, no longer unemotional.

  I interrupt them to ask, “Buns, where’s Brownie?”

  Buns’s bruised lips spread in a wide smile, “Oh, sweetie, Cole couldn’t catch her. She’s probably with Preben now.”

  “Good,” I breathe. “Then, I don’t have to worry ‘bout her.”

  I begin murmurin’ a spell and rhymin’ ‘the reekin’ smell of rotten candy’ with the phrase ‘it’d come in handy’. Then, a scent weaves ‘round me that’ll guarantee that I blend in among the Gancanagh. Xavier takes a step back from me with his nose wrinklin’.

  “Excellent,” I inhale, smellin’ the air ‘round me and thinkin’ that I got the odor just right.

  Zephyr doesn’t shy away from me. “You will need to pull your wings in immediately upon entering the kirk.” Zephyr advises.

  Lookin’ over my shoulder, I see the bright crimson of my wings. “You’re right,” I nod. “I will.”

  “Then I will see you when you remove the haze,” Zephyr says with no sign of doubt.

  “Remember, you owe me a new car when this is over…so make sure you make it,” I say gruffly.

  “I remember,” he replies stoically.

  “Then, there’s no sense in hangin’ here any longer,” I murmur. Buns gives me a quick hug before releasin’ me. I smile at her and then look toward the rosette window above.

  “I will reward you, should you save my daughter,” Tau says next to me.

  As I glance at Tau, I see somethin’ in his eyes that makes my gut clench. Regret, sorrow, confusion—he’s her dad. No doubt. “Don’t worry,” I assure him. “The Gancanagh can’t stop me now. Just be ready.”

  I take off, leapin’ into the air and flyin’ back up to the window. Glancin’ in, I see Reed kneelin’ in front of Red and Brennus. My heart thumps in relief that he’s alive. A grim smile touches my lips ‘cuz every eye in the place is riveted on the scene playin’ out on the flagstones below. I won’t get a better opportunity to enter than this. Lowerin’ the faceplate on my helmet, I whisper, “God, be with me.”

  Takin’ a deep breath, I draw all the energy that I can hold to me. Then, I push my head through the cold window, feelin’ it immediately pull me in. As I retract my wings, I lurch forward, shiftin’ laterally, like I’m goin’ sideways down an icy, flowin’ river. In seconds, I land on top of a couple of armor-clad, stinky fellas stationed along the balcony below the window.

  The sound of our armor clatterin’ together would be deafenin’, if I hadn’t released some of the energy I’m holdin’ to draw the sound back to me before anyone else can hear it. As I straighten, the two Gancanagh that I'm stompin’ on move to attack me with soundless growls. I wave my hand in their direction, petrifying them where they stand. Rigid from my magic, only their eyes move.

  Now, to collapse their infrastructure, I think as a bead of sweat slips down my face. Lookin’ toward the choir-like loft, I find the undines who are concentratin’ on the action below.

  Following the blond fish-woman’s gaze downward, I see Brennus standin’ next to Anya. Reachin’ his hand up to her, he touches her cheek. A torturous stab slicin’ my heart makes it feel like somethin’ in my chest is burnin’. I stop, unable to move as I clutch the railin’ overlookin’ the scene below. Brennus holds Anya’s hand while he leads her to his throne, makin’ her sit at his feet. Rage explodes inside of me.

  Breathin’ heavy, I hear Brennus say, “Ye may begin.”

  With those words, I’m released from my stupor. Clenchin’ my jaw tight, I grasp the sword from the hand of the petrified Gancanagh next to me. Pulling it out of its sheath, it makes the most satisfyin’ sound as it begins to sing for me. The sound of the Gancanagh’s fangs engagin’ speeds rapidly down the aisle of fellas linin’ the upper gallery. They’re reactin’ to the smell of blood from Red as Reed cuts her. A growl escapes from me. In the next instant, every pale-white face in the upper balcony turns toward me in domino-like succession.

  Softly, I hear my own voice say, “Here we go.”

  The gleam of brilliant-white fangs from the scores of fellas comin’ at me makes my muscles tighten. The first fella to reach me raises his sword, hackin’ at my chest while his mouth lunges for my exposed neck. I wince at the force of his sword’s blade as it bounces off my armor breastplate, dentin’ it. Filled with adrenaline, I bring my sword down on his neck, hackin’ his head clean off his body. The next fella’s cold stare bores into me as he winds his hand back, throwin’ magic that’s manifestin’ into a shower of dagger-sharp, iron nails. Their ebony points crush the silver veneer as they spatter against my armor, soundin’ like rain on a tin roof. Again, the magical armor holds solid.

  I taste sweat and the acrid tang of fear when sprays of colorful light and fire come shootin’ at me from all directions. Deafenin’ explosions and sparks crackle, ignitin’ the air in blindin’ flashes. Usin’ the energy I came in with, I manage to deflect other frightenin’ lights that morph into the terrifyin’ creatures resemblin’ gray, lichen-covered gargoyles. Pushin’ energy at the fire-spewin’, stony reptiles, I turn them back on the fellas who created them. Horrifyin’ shrieks tear from the mouth of one as it pounces on a fella’s chest, rippin’ through his armor and gorgin’ on the dead flesh within it.

  As I shift to face another Gancanagh soldier in the line, a sound like a choir of angels begins rainin’ down on me. The harmonious chantin’ makes my fingers tighten on my sword’s hilt with calm and purpose. Lungin’ at the fellas nearest me, the spray of coal-black blood drips from the edge of the sword. And as I hack at the undead in front of me, the soft, soothin’ melody continues chantin’, motivatin’ me to keep movin’ forward. Heads fallin’ to the floor and rollin’ away like wobbly, misshapen spheres, are as nothin’ to me. Screamin’, the crackin’ of bone, the plastic smell of musty-sweet blood, isn’t touchin’ me in a visceral way. These are all just things in the way of my goal: Brennus—dead.

  Before I know how I got here, I reach the choir loft. The sapphire eyes of the blond undine shift to me; her drugged stare shows little emotion as she jumps at me with her mouth wide, showin’ all her sharp, barracuda teeth. Extendin’ my hand to her, I lay it over her face. My hand glows with light and like a parishioner on a Sunday mornin’ TV evangelist show, she falls over twitchin’. When her sisters run at me, they get the same shock. Then, everythin’ ‘round me begins meltin’ away.

  Lookin’ over my shoulder at the scene below, Reed is holdin’ Red in his arms as the room grows still. The air is stained with the shapes of the other kirk and standin’ like waverin’ watermarks ‘round the space are the familiar faces of the angels I know. The two realities are beginning to blend into a single dimension.

  “DA OTHER,” Brennus calls to me in a satisfied tone.

  His voice causes the hairs on my arms to rise. Seein’ him still seated upon his throne, I gnash my teeth together as he deliberately reaches down to stroke Anya’s hair. Graspin’ the stone railin’ of the choir loft, it’s turnin’ to nothin’ in my hands ‘cuz the magic that created it is slowly fadin’. My red wings unfurl from my back to spread out ‘round me as I leap over the banister and glide effortlessly to the flagstone floor below.

  My voice is little more than a snarl. “Your magic is gettin’ thin, Brennus.” I point out, stridin’ toward him purposefully.

  “’Tis na me magic,” Brennus replies coolly. “’Tis the undines and I no longer need dem, since ye’re here.”

  “Aren’t you gonna run away now? Isn’t that what you do when things fall apart?” I ask, spreadin’ my arms out, indicatin’ that the angels are comin’ into sharper focus the closer I’m gettin’ to him.

  “We’ve jus been waiting for ye,” he replies with a smug smile.

  “You knew I was comin’?” I ask.

  “I knew ye’d be here. I have whah ye can na exist wi’out,” he replies.

  “Russell,” Evie gasps my name as I come within feet of her wrapped in Reed’s arms. “Wait,” she begs weakly. Bite marks cover nearly every inch of her exposed flesh. She’s pulled tight against Reed’s body as he’s guardin’ her from the fellas inchin’ closer to them.

  “Can’t,” I murmur. “He’s got my girl.”

  “Yer girl…” Brennus smiles humorlessly. “’Tis na even da right species,” he says condescendingly. “’Tis fortunate for ye dat I claimed ye,” he whispers conspiratorially to Anya. “Dis boy-aingeal tinks ye’re a girl.”

  Anya giggles, amused by his comment. “He’s trying to shape me to fit his innocence,” she says with a smile that can melt any heart.

  “Whah did ye see in him?” Brennus asks Anya while he shakes his head in pity.

  Anya’s smile grows as she says, “He is made for love.”

  “Is he now?” Brennus asks in a thoughtful tone that makes my flesh crawl, ‘cuz he’s unafraid even with his world crumblin’ ‘round him.

  “Russell, please stop!” Red pleads, makin’ me hesitate as I glance at her again.

  “Why?” I frown at her. “He couldn’t touch me before—in the garden—”

  “He was drunk on my blood then,” Red replies, her eyes shiftin’ to Brennus over Reed’s shoulder. He’s watchin’ her like he’d like to bite her. “He’s not now.”

  Glancin’ past her, there are scores of fellas creepin’ nearer to them. Reed growls low and menacingly at the cold freaks, causin’ several to stop and take a step back. Feelin’ pulled in two different directions at once, I glance from Red to Anya.

  “I’ll solve yer problem for ye, da other,” Brennus says with a sneer. “Genevieve is moin. If ye still want dis one, den ye had best come and join me before I snap her neck.” Brennus’ fingers shift from Anya’s hair to her throat, restin’ idle on it. It would only take seconds for him to kill her. I feel frozen, not knowin’ what to do as Anya smiles dopily at me.

  Without my seein’ him move, Reed is next to me, holdin’ Evie in his arms. His back is to Brennus, watchin’ our back. Reed whispers, “Can you heal Evie?”

  I gaze at Red quickly, cringin’ inwardly at the sight of her. Deep, bruisin’ rings have formed under her eyes, makin’ them appear sunken-in and her lips are blue from blood loss. Her black dress is wet with seepin’ blood as it trails down her white arms to drip from her fingertips. The aroma of her is drivin’ the Gancanagh nearest us almost mad. Feral whimpers are comin’ from some of them as they’re shakin’, tryin’ to keep themselves in check and not attack her.

  “Yes,” I breathe. “But then—”

  “I’ll get Anya for you. His magic is useless against me,” Reed says so low and so fast that I barely understand him.

  “No!” Red groans weakly, clutchin’ him tighter. “Stay with me,” she pleads in desperation.

  “Always,” Reed replies, squeezin’ her tighter, too. “When he’s gone. Here, Russell,” Reed says, thrustin’ Red into my arms. “He’ll try to take her from you—don’t let him.” Reed plucks the letter opener out of Red’s fist before spinnin’ away in a blurry, charcoal-colored streak. The Gancanagh between Brennus and us start fallin’ to the flagstone with arms hacked off, tendons sliced, and with bones left juttin’ out of bloody flesh as Reed tears them to pieces.

  Brennus’ voice shatters the air as he roars, “KILL DA AINGEAL!”

  I begin to understand in the next instant that Brennus has been waitin’ for Reed to let Red go ‘cuz he couldn’t make Reed magically give Red to him. That, however, is not the case with me. Wrappin’ my arms ‘round Red, I see Brennus shoot to his feet, pullin’ Anya up with him to press against his body like a shield as his hand extends in my direction. Immediately, Red and I are hit with a burst of energy that makes me almost deaf upon impact. Feelin’ like my insides just got crushed, my feet leave the ground as I levitate twenty feet in the air with Red still clutched to me.

  Red is slippin’ through my arms, while I’m tryin’ desperately to hold on to her. Releasin’ energy that I’ve been drawin’ to me, I’m just managin’ to create a barrier between the Gancanagh and us. I use this energy to push Brennus back, but his magic is still gettin’ through, tearin’ at Red. Pain is twistin’ her features as the agony of bein’ stretched taut is showin’ on her face. I can’t throw any of my magic back at Brennus, ‘cuz he’s hidin’ behind Anya. Strainin’ and tryin’ to keep Red in my arms, my wings beat frantically to hold us back from Brennus. Beads of sweat are runnin’ down the sides of my face

  All ‘round us, angels are comin’ into sharper focus. Reed is nearin’ Brennus as he’s fightin’ off swarms of Gancanagh. He’s pilin’ them up in mounds of discarded bodies while he’s movin’ almost soundlessly forward. Next to me, Zephyr’s shape is comin’ into focus—his sword is drawn and he’s swingin’ it at the Gancanagh I’ve been managin’ to keep from Red and me with my magical wall of energy. His sword is just waftin’ through ‘em like vapor. I have to hold on a little longer, I think, pantin’ desperately for air.

  Then, I glance at Brennus. He smiles, showin’ me his knife-sharp fangs. In the next moment, he lifts his wrist to his mouth, tearin’ a brutal chunk out of his own flesh. Dark, wet blood seeps from his mouth and his smile grows. Liftin’ his wrist to Anya’s mouth, he presses it against her lips. As I watch horrified, Anya begins to drink Brennus’ blood.

  A sound of pure agony rips from me as my heart burns in my chest.

  “Russell,” Evie’s voice penetrates the ragin’ chaos swirlin’ in my brain. I glance at her face so near to my own. “You have to let me go.”

  My eyes shift back to Anya, seein’ her fingernails diggin’ into Brennus’ wrist while all the color is drainin’ from her face. She looks like she’s dyin’—her dull, dopey stare is rapidly bein’ replaced by a feverish, tortured-look. “No!” I growl between my teeth.

  “You can save her, Russell!” Evie says urgently. “Let me go!”

  “I CAN’T!” I shout desperately.

LL!” Evie shouts back just as desperately. “YOU CAN STILL SAVE HER AND I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF!” Shakin’ my head, I close my eyes. When I open them in the next breath, Red’s beautiful gray eyes stare into mine as she pleads, “She needs you Russell, please, you have to set me free!”

  I stop strugglin’ against Brennus’ magic. Together, Evie and I hurdle towards Brennus and when we are in arm’s-length of him, I let her go. Brennus drops Anya to catch Evie up in his arms. Instantly, he hugs Evie to him as a satisfied smile touches his bloody lips.

  “Mo chroí,” Brennus breathes with an enraptured smile. Then, in a blur of speed, Brennus pulls a compact from the pocket of his suit coat. As he flips open the lid, Evie and Brennus disappear from sight into the open portal. It drops to the ground by Anya as she falls.

  Catchin’ Anya before she hits the floor, I hold her cold body against mine. Shoutin’ and screamin’ echoes all ‘round me while angels and Gancanagh are clashin’ together in battle. We’re back in the Knights Bar in Ireland. The undine magic that has kept us separated from it has dissolved away. Anya chokes and sputters as the poisoned blood she ingested is slowly workin’ its way through her veins. I bring her cheek to mine, pressin’ it against me and feelin’ how cold she is already.

  A whimper of pain is forced from between her icy-blue lips. “Russell,” she whispers, her teeth chatterin’ from the cold. “I’mm sssorry.”

  My throat constricts so I can’t even speak. I brush her hair back from her face before I pull her closer to me as my jaw tightens. Then, bendin’ down, I gently lay her on the cold, flagstone floor. Standin’ and reachin’ out, I grasp the first Gancanagh I can find. Rippin’ him off his feet by his neck, I hold the front of his armor and tear it away from his chest. As he struggles to try to knock my hand from his throat, I slam him down on the floor next to Anya, petrifyin’ him with magic so he can’t move.

  Breathin’ heavily, more from emotion than from exertion, I place my hand on Anya as I hold the Gancanagh soldier down with the other one. When my eyes meet hers, I can’t look away. My hand on Anya begins to heat up and glow, and then I whisper, “Hush now, darlin’. You never have to be sorry.”


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