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His Weekend Wife (The KNIGHT Brothers Book 2)

Page 9

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  A tortured growl slipped from his tight lips as he reached out and touched her, one finger smoothing down her chest, between her aching breasts, following the sensual map of her curves until he came to the elastic of her panties. “These too.” His ragged voice beat through her bloodstream.

  Her breath caught and she forced air in and out, squeezing her inner thighs in attempt to control the throbbing. A shiver raced over her.

  Slipping her fingers inside the waist of her panties, she deliberately, and slowly, eased the lace down her trembling thighs and legs until they too rested with her discarded clothing. She stepped out of the puddle.

  His jaw was tight, a ghost of a smile appeared at one corner of his mouth. Did he fight a full smile? The swell of her breast lifted and fell as she watched him, his gaze wandering over her, admiration turning his eyes cerulean.

  “Pretty, luscious curves. Just as I had imagined. Time has been graceful. Your pussy is groomed, just how I always loved it.”

  She drew in a quaking breath, her core scorched in need. How could she want him so much when knowing that he was only using her? Why didn’t she have more control over her body? And why wasn’t she more self-conscious standing before him, naked and vulnerable? It felt natural. Right.

  “You can’t imagine how much I want to touch you. Lay you on the bed and fuck you until you scream my name.” He tore a hand through his hair. “Oh and how you’d scream my name, bella.”

  She blinked. He didn’t plan on touching her? Then why was she doing this, undressing for him? Didn’t he want her? She should be pleased.

  A soft knock came on the door and Ash instantly dragged her arms over her nudity. She looked at Declan in confusion, her mouth going dry.

  “There’s a robe on the back of the bathroom door,” he told her, his gruff voice full of emotion.

  Without any hesitation, she quickly scooped the robe from the hook and dragged it on, scarcely noticing that it barely covered her ass as she stepped back into the bedroom just in time to watch Declan open the door.

  A beautiful, tall blonde entered, kissing Declan on the cheek, lingering long enough to cause Ash to speculate their relationship. When the woman stepped back and gave Ash a quick perusal, then said, “Delicious, indeed.” She was ready to stomp out of the room and out of his life for good!


  Anger flashed through Ash. How dare he! She stepped into the middle of the room. Pulling the belt of the robe tighter around her waist. “Who the hell is she?” Did he honestly believe she’d have a threesome with him? She controlled the urge not to trudge toward him and slap the smirk right off his grinning face. “If you think for one second that I’m the kind of girl to play your games, you’re mistaken.”

  Declan’s grin grew to revolting lengths. “Oh, bella. Your jealousy humors me.”

  “Hello, you must be Ash?” The leggy blonde swayed across the room, her perfectly manicured hand thrust out toward Ash.

  Looking past the woman, Ash nailed Declan with her sharp stare. “Declan?”

  “Relax, sweetheart. It isn’t what you think. Meet Analisa, the owner of the beauty salon here in the building.”

  “So you don’t just date models!” Ash was growing angrier by the second. She couldn’t believe she’d come here.

  Analisa smiled coyly and her cheeks turned pink. “I’m afraid there’s been a mistake—”

  “You bet there’s been a mistake, lady! Declan is my husband. Did he tell you that little detail?”

  “Yes, he did.” Her cheeks turned darker red.

  “You’re a piece of work, Declan!” Ash couldn’t believe he stood there, with a smug grin and his hands pushed into his front pockets. She darted toward the door, but he was on her, gently wrapping his fingers around her elbow and pulling her back.

  “Not so fast, sweetheart.” He nuzzled his nose in her hair. “Although I’ve been known to entertain myself with two, sometimes three, women at a time, when it comes to you, I’m perfectly selfish. I wouldn’t share you with anyone because I want you for myself,” he whispered.

  Analisa’s laugh was shaky.

  Ash swung around, meeting Declan’s humored gaze. “Then what is she doing here?” She wished her voice didn’t tremble. “I-I…I don’t quite understand.”

  “I’m here to do your hair, love.” Analisa shrugged as if to wipe away the misunderstanding. “You did tell me to come on up when I got here.” She was looking at Declan.

  “I did and it’s okay. I just didn’t have an opportunity to explain. I was…” He swept his gaze over Ash. “Sidetracked.”

  Analisa delicately cleared her throat. “Will you be a sweetheart, Declan, and bring up my cases from the hallway? My assistant had an emergency and she’ll be running late. These heels might be gorgeous, but I’m afraid they aren’t made for climbing stairs.” She laughed.

  Declan didn’t take his eyes off Ash, staring until she shifted uncomfortably. He stepped around her. No sooner had he left the room when Analisa started sliding her fingers through Ash’s hair, examining the ends closer.

  “How long has it been since you’ve had a trim, hun?” The woman’s nose wrinkled slightly.

  Did Ash have to admit that it had been a good year, maybe two? “A while, I’m afraid.”

  “Yes, I can tell. No problem though. I have magical hands. That’s why Declan called me in. It’s in pretty good health though and you’ll see, after we put in a few highlights, it’ll be thick and luscious.” Excitement spread over her pretty face.

  Ash didn’t mind the trim, but she did mind that Declan felt that she needed ‘fixed’ up.

  “You go on into the bathroom and once Declan brings up my things, I’ll be right in and we’ll get started.” She waved Ash toward the bathroom.

  Ash reluctantly did as she was ordered, wishing instead she could give Declan a piece of her mind.

  Inside of the bathroom, she admired the gorgeous features of the extravagant space. In the center was a ridiculously large whirlpool, deep enough that she could wash away all her troubles. She had a strong urge to climb in now, forget the hair, but not with Analisa waiting to get her hands on Ash. She had a feeling Declan would demand that the beautician wait until Ash was finished. There was just no way around this.

  “Just as Declan had promised, a vanity with a chair,” Analisa said as she floated into the room, carrying a large purple bag with her. She set it next to the vanity and scanned the room with wide eyes. “Holy crap this is nice.”

  “Yes, it is,” Ash agreed and took a seat in front of the mirror. On top sat a large basket brimming with elegant bottles and containers. Ash took out a bottle of shampoo, uncapped it and sniffed the coconut lavender scent. She could have bathed in it as it smelled so good. Replacing the cap, she started to reach for another bottle, but Analisa was wrapping a plastic cape around her shoulders.

  The beautician went right to work, running her fingers through Ash’s hair and massaging her scalp. “You will have such pretty hair when I’m done. We’re starting with a great, clean slate.”

  “Thank you.” Ash guessed. For not having her hair done in so long, she should be happy Analisa had any kind words to say. Looking at herself in the mirror, the bright lights shone the truth upon her. Declan had been right when he said she had dark circles under her eyes. Her nails were broken and she hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in so long she couldn’t remember.

  Analisa did have magical fingers. She worked on Ash’s head with a gentleness that made some of the tension in her muscles drain. She relaxed back, closed her eyes, and allowed the woman to work her enchantment. It wasn’t every day she was pampered, and it was only hair.

  “Forgive my manners. I owe you congratulations.”

  Ash opened one eye to a slit. “Congratulations?”

  “On your marriage to Declan.”

  “Oh, yeah, thank you.” Oops.

  “If you have any secret tips on how to land a man like him, please share.” She had lowered
her voice. “The last man I dated turned out to be a toad.”

  Ash almost chuckled. If she told the other woman the true story, she’d probably laugh. Would she believe that Ash had been a waitress at a greasy diner when Declan walked in. Most people wouldn’t think it possible that a man like him would find interest in a mousy girl who had given him the cold shoulder…at first. “Sorry, it was just fate.”

  “I bet it was a romantic story. I must admit, none of us at the shop ever thought the Declan Knight would settle down. I’m glad he has though. Time to stop flowering every woman’s garden.” Realizing what she’d said, her eyes widened and her smile fizzled. “I’m sorry. That was out of line.”

  Ash would be offended if she’d heard anything she didn’t already know, or guess. “No worries. All men are waiting to be caught, they just need the right woman to do the catching.”

  “You’re right.” She fluffed up Ash’s hair. “Okay, how do you feel about golden highlights to bring out your coloring? We could throw in a few blonde strands too, give it some depth.”

  Analisa’s words were a foreign language. Ash had never cared about things like highlights and bringing out her coloring. “Whatever you think will work, I’m up for it.”

  The woman’s eyes lit up. “Best client ever.” She went to work mixing and measuring, but Ash’s mind traveled back to her major issue at hand.

  How would she fight her emotions for Declan?

  Unfortunately, she still found him irresistible. Still wanted him. Her cheeks warmed remembering how she’d undressed in front of him with no questions asked. No hesitation. She’d fallen into his trap as easily as a hungry mouse wanting a bite of cheese.

  “I’m going to give you long bangs too. You have amazing eyes and we want them to pop.”

  Okay. If you say so

  “Hello?” A female’s voice came from the bedroom.

  “Ahh, there’s my assistant now. In here,” Analisa practically squealed. “Ash, meet Tamryn. She will be helping me today.”

  I’m so bad it’s going to take two women? “Okay.” She greeted the pretty Asian woman who didn’t say a word as she rummaged through a small bag.

  “She’s our best manicurist,” Analisa said as she started applying a thick cream to Ash’s hair with a small brush.

  Ash wanted to deny the manicure, after all, once her vacation was over, she’d be back to waiting tables and breaking every nail. What would it hurt, though? Yet, when Tamryn lined up bright colored bottles along the sink and asked Ash to pick one, she was overwhelmed. Understanding her silence, or maybe the wrinkling of her nose, Tamryn winked, dipped back into her bag, and pulled out a pale pink. “Now we’re talking,” Ash said.

  Both women worked on her relentlessly and Ash wanted to enjoy the gentle tug of her hair, the soft touch of the manicurist, but she couldn’t stop fretting over her sister. Worrying if she’d gotten the money to the right hands. Abby had promised she wouldn’t give the money to Phillipe, but could Ash trust her? These days it seemed Abby couldn’t think of anything, or anyone, but the one man who was bringing her down.

  Although Ash and Abby had always been different, they were best friends, but it seemed they’d drifted apart in the last six months. Ash wanted to place all the blame on Phillipe, but fairly, Abby had started to change way before he came into the picture. She’d gotten involved with a group of friends that were into heavy drinking and drugs, and Abby had slipped right into peer pressure. Losing several jobs hadn’t helped. Ash wanted nothing more than to see her sister get stable on her own two feet, go back to college, or even find a job that made her happy.

  In the meantime, Ash had to stay strong and deny herself the desires lingering in her body for Declan.

  An hour later, after she’d been rinsed, dried and brushed, Analisa pulled off the cape. “Done.”

  Ash stared at herself in the mirror. The finished product was magnificent. Her hair was soft and shiny. The color was just as Analisa had promised. It brought out Ash’s features, especially her eyes. She was only filled with disappointment realizing that she could never afford to keep the look up, and that most of the time as a waitress, she had to keep it in a bun or ponytail.

  “I have something else for you too.”


  “Oh, trust me, honey. We’ve only just begun.” She set a large, colorful square box on the sink and motioned for Ash to lift the lid. She did and peeked inside, her mouth falling open. There was a huge selection of makeup products. Not over the counter products she could pick up at the drugstore while she was grabbing other necessities, but products with names that she knew were expensive and had seen in ads in beauty magazines.

  “You’re doing my makeup, too?” Ash asked.

  Analisa smiled. “I will help show you a few techniques, but you don’t need much. You’re naturally beautiful. Declan asked me to bring you the best products for your coloring. These are yours to keep.”

  Ash sat back, sighing. “I have no clue what half of these things are for.”

  “Trust me, even I get overwhelmed with all of the new colors, beauty items, and tricks. I learned long ago that we should pick only five items for daily use.”

  After her manicure and makeup was finished, Ash emerged from the bathroom finding the bed covered in piles of clothing. “Are these things mine?”

  “Yes.” Analisa smiled and clapped her hands.

  Ash blinked. “But how did you know what size I wear?” No way did she think Declan would remember.

  “I’m a pretty good judge of size, honey. When I saw you, I guessed you’re a size two, bust thirty-four, and of course, a small in panties. I passed the details on to the renowned fashion designer, Lulu, and she took care of the rest.”

  “She did this all herself? In two hours?”

  “She and her assistants, of course. We all have assistants, honey. And when a client tells you the sky is the limit, we make it happen. If anything doesn’t fit or needs tailored, we’ll have it sent and altered or exchanged.”

  Ash had never ever thought to have her clothes altered to fit perfectly. Then again, when you buy off the rack, tailoring would cost more than the clothing. “This is too much.”

  “Not for the wife of Mr. Knight. He said you needed the best. So, the best is what you have, darling.” She pressed her hands together, maybe praying for a Knight of her own. “Now, shall we find something for you to wear for dinner?”

  Dinner? Yes. She’d almost forgotten Declan had told her they’d have dinner together tonight. “I guess we should.”

  “If I may, I have something in mind. Would you like for me to show you?”

  “Yes.” Ash had no clue what she should wear.

  “I asked Lulu for a specific color. The moment I saw your fair skin and eyes, I knew what you needed.” She sifted through the pile of clothing and pulled out a dress wrapped in plastic, then thrust it toward Ash. “Go try it on.”

  Accepting the offering, Ash was surprised that a sliver of excitement rolled through her. Why? This wasn’t her lifestyle and it most certainly wouldn’t last long. She could be treated like Cinderella, but eventually she’d be back to the maid.

  Stop being a downer.

  Inside of the bathroom, she hooked the hangar on the back of the door and stared at the plastic a good long minute before she unwrapped it. Her mouth fell open about the same time pleasure trickled down her spine. One thing was for certain, these ladies had great taste.


  Declan placed the Chinese takeout boxes on the counter. The pepper steak was fragrant and he realized how hungry he was—how hungry he was to see Ash. Chinese used to be their thing, besides pizza of course. When they’d order, she’d eat the broccoli and he’d eat the steak. They always balanced each other.

  Get a grip, man This is business.

  Hell, there wasn’t anything business-like when it came to Ash. When he wasn’t touching her he was imagining all the ways he could undress her and make her his again.r />
  The beauty crew had left almost twenty minutes ago and he was waiting anxiously for Ash to find her way downstairs. He was starting to wonder if she’d blown dinner off. After how angry she’d gotten with him earlier when she thought he’d planned an interlude with her and Analisa, he wouldn’t be surprised if Ash left him alone just to teach him a lesson. He guessed he should have warned her that the beautician was coming, but once he was alone with her in the bedroom, he’d been overworked with wanting her. He’d forgotten everything except the fact that he was on fire.

  Truth was, his dick was already swollen and achy just imagining Ash getting her hair done. It should be impossible that she could wrap him in knots, but no, she still had that certain way about her, a mystical control over him that he’d like to debunk and fast. He wanted the control—needed to keep things in a safe zone.

  He looked at the clock and sighed. It was getting late and he hated to be kept waiting. He scrubbed his forehead and dropped his hand to the counter, causing a fork to pop up and fall back with a loud ding.

  He still couldn’t believe Ash was here, in his home, under one roof with him. Honestly, he’d never thought this would be possible. And now, well, the impossible had happened. Only because she needed the money. An invisible knife sliced through his chest. Hell, he would have given her the money even if she didn’t agree to this situation. He couldn’t allow her to be in any trouble. Eventually she’d tell him why she needed the money, he hoped. Once upon a time he knew all her secrets.

  They wouldn’t be sharing.

  After thirty days was up, he’d give her a divorce, just as he’d promised.

  So, had she done this more for the money or for the divorce? Either way, it drove the knife deeper.

  His cell buzzed and he glanced at the screen. Lucy. What the hell could she want. He ignored it, but on the third ring, he thought he should answer considering there was always the risk that she would show up unexpected and make things worse.


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