Rescue of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #4)

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Rescue of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #4) Page 11

by Sharon Cummin

  “Bend,” he demanded. “Hands on the ledge.”

  She did exactly what he said. He held her hips as he thrust into her from behind. John used to enjoy watching her ass as he moved in and out of her. He was not disappointed as he moaned at the site. It was like all of his dreams were coming true, and he was going to take advantage of every second he had with her.

  “Fuck,” she cried out as he drove into her.

  John reached up and took a handful of her hair as he pulled. Sandy pushed back hard against his cock. She met each of his thrusts into her. His hands went to her shoulders as he pulled her back to him. John plunged into her as deep and hard as he could.

  “John, oh,” she cried. “John, please.”

  “What?” he snapped. “Tell me what you want, Sandy.”

  “I want you, John,” she moaned. “All of you. I need you so deep and hard. I need to feel you filling me completely. Oh, John. I need you so damn bad. I need to feel close to you. It feels so good.”

  With his hands on her shoulders, he thrust into her harder and deeper than he thought possible. He continued to fuck her as his name left her lips over and over and her pussy tightened around his cock. He continued his assault on her hard and deep, as he chased his own release and exploded inside of her with a roar that bounced from the walls.

  They both remained still as their panting slowed. When he finally pulled out from inside of her, she sighed. He held his arms around her, as he helped her stand and turned her around to face him. Her face was flush and he could see she was getting tired. John looked down to see what was left of him running down her thigh.

  “Time for another shower,” he said.

  She stood under the water, as he washed every inch of her body. He filled his hand with shampoo and massaged it through her hair before rinsing it from her. Quickly, he washed himself. John grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her perfect skin. Time had been so good to her. She was just as soft and sexy as the last time he had touched her body. He grabbed another towel to dry himself, as he walked her to his bed. John pulled the sheets back and pulled the towel from her body. She crawled into the bed, and he pulled the sheets over her.

  “I should go,” she said.

  “I'm not done with you yet. I want tonight with you. That's all I'm asking for.”

  John walked out of the room. When he walked back in, he crawled in behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, as he trailed little kisses across her neck. She moaned his name from her sleepy lips. He watched her sleep until he drifted off.

  When John woke up, she was gone. He couldn't remember the last time he'd slept that good. He jumped out of bed, threw on a pair of shorts, and took off down the stairs. Just as he hit the bottom step, he heard humming and smelled coffee. Quietly, he walked toward the kitchen. His feet froze as the sight of her.

  She stood in front of his stove with a spatula in one hand and a bowl in the other, as she danced and hummed along with a song in her head. Sandy was wearing one of his t-shirts that came just above her knees. Her sexy, long legs were so gorgeous. He wanted her even more than he had at his front door. What the hell was he going to do, he thought?

  John walked up slowly behind her and wrapped his arms around her as she jumped. His mouth went to the back of her neck. Little kisses across her shoulder sent shivers through her body. He felt her shake in his arms.

  “Hungry?” she asked. “I hope it's okay that I'm making breakfast. I'll leave as soon as I know you're fed.”

  “I'm very hungry,” he growled. “You aren't leaving until I'm fed in more ways than one.”

  He felt her shake with laughter. John couldn't remember the last morning that good.

  “Stay with me today,” he said. “We can go out if you want. It's your choice. I'm not ready to give you up for the day.”

  She put the bowl and spatula down and turned in his arms.

  “I shouldn't have come here. I'm not sorry that I did. I've dreamt of being with you for so long. It was better than I remember it being. When I saw you next to her yesterday, my heart broke all over again. I don't know how I'm going to walk away from you. I know I have to do it, but I don't know how I will.”

  She put her hands on his cheeks and leaned her forehead forward against his.

  “You're here in front of me. I was so afraid to open my eyes this morning. I was sure that it was all a dream. You have no idea how good it felt to wake up in your arms again. I don't blame you if you hate me. I deserve it. I deserve to want you forever, to have to see you, and to not be able to have you.”

  “I would have taken care of her,” he said.

  “What?” she asked, as he pulled back from her.

  “I would have raised her as my own. I loved you. If you would have come to me and told me what happened, I would have been there. I know I was only nineteen, but I knew you were my forever. I would have been her father. I have a feeling I would have been better than he was.”

  “Really?” she asked.

  He nodded. She turned back to the stove and got back to cooking. John could see her shoulder shake and knew she was crying. He turned and began to get their coffee.

  They ate in silence. He couldn't help but watch her every move. She was just as amazing so many years later. How could that be, he wondered?

  “Time has been good to you,” she said.

  “What?” he asked.

  “You look amazing. I can't believe how sexy your muscles are now. I have to admit something to you. I thought you were so handsome when we were together, but you are ten times more sexy and handsome now.”

  “I'm glad you approve,” he laughed out. “I have a gym in the house. I have a lot of time on my hands. I workout every day that I can. It helps to clear my mind.”

  “What happened with your dad?” she asked.

  She must have noticed him tense up.

  “I'm sorry,” she said. “I shouldn't have asked. I just thought when you came back you were going to work with him.”

  “I couldn't,” he said. “He left his son. He was going to let him go into foster care. I don't know why he cared about me and not Ethan. It makes no sense. He gave me money. I was already an officer and had an apartment. I bought this house so Ethan could have room for his computer stuff. It was rough for a long time. He had a hard time. I had no idea how bad his life had been. I was determined to make up for every shitty thing that had happened to him. When our dad passed away, I got money. Ethan wouldn't take any. We donated his half to charity, and I invested mine. We hadn't really talked much since I had gotten custody of Ethan. I was surprised that he left me anything. Who knows what happened to the rest. I didn't care to know.”

  “I don't understand how a parent can treat their kids different. I treat Kelly and Kyle the same. Luke treats Kelly really bad, and he always treats Kyle so much better. It makes no sense to me. He got me pregnant on purpose with Kyle. Maybe that's why he's so good to him. He'll give Kyle money and try to spend time with him, but he can't be bothered with Kelly.”

  “I only have Ethan. I don't think I would have been different with my own kids. People do crazy things,” he said.

  John showed Sandy around his house after breakfast was finished. She was surprised by how big it was inside.

  “Ethan was lucky to have a brother willing to give up everything for him. You've done very well for him.”

  “Now it's time to do for myself,” he said. “I'm thinking about traveling and possibly getting a house in Hawaii. Just a small one on the beach. I'm very careful with my money. Chris has one there. Ethan and Julie are thinking about getting one as well. I think Gavin and Becky might look for one. Maybe Josh and Lisa will too. She's trying to talk him into it. The only one it would leave out is Heath. He could stay with any of us.”

  “It's nice that you have such good friends. You all sound so close.”

  “Don't you have friends?” he asked.

  “No,” she said. “I wasn't allowed to have friends. He never said I c
ouldn't have them. He just made it very hard for them and me. Once I moved, I needed to concentrate on getting my own place. I spend a lot of time with Kelly and the kids. Twins are so much fun. Kelly talked all through dinner about Kyle meeting Ethan. I'm sorry about that. She looks out for her little brother. I hope she doesn't bother Ethan.”

  “He wouldn't have offered it he didn't mean it. Ethan loves finding people passionate about the same things he feels so strongly about. The guy is a total nerd sometimes. He started that company out of a bedroom. Chris helped him so much. He wouldn't be where he is without him.”

  “Or without you,” she said.

  He shrugged off the comment.

  “Kelly has my card. I'll set it up for her. Julie loves having people over. It would be great if your son started working for Ethan. He could be closer to you. Gavin does the same thing as Ethan. He has his own company as well. He doesn't do the game development though. I could see if Gavin would come to dinner as well. He would love to snatch someone away from Ethan. They have fun with the competitive side of the business. They are both great to work for. Now that they have women, their staff doesn't have to work as much.”

  “I'm not sure Kyle should meet them. I don't want to take advantage of your brother's generosity. I'm not so sure Luke would let him leave anyway.”

  “I already told you, Ethan wouldn't offer if he wasn't interested. He would be great with Kyle. If your son is really passionate, Ethan is a great person to help him grow as a developer. Luke can't stop him. He's a grown man. That fucker can kiss my ass anyway. It's in Luke's best interest to stay away from here.”

  Conversation flowed between them all day. They watched movies, worked out together, made dinner, and spent lots of time tangled together in a pile of limbs and sheets. Sandy couldn't keep her eyes open after her sixth orgasm of the day. She hadn't been with anyone in two years. The years of her marriage were filled with sex only when required. John knew he was the only man she had ever made love with. He was the only one to ever make her feel special and cared for.

  Chapter 19

  Sandy woke to the feel of tiny kisses moving down her belly. John was hovering over her as he played with her nipple. She shivered every time he touched her. She didn't even realize her body arched against his fingers. He played her like an instrument. He always had. It was so strange how so much time had gone by, but her body reacted to him exactly the same. She kept her eyes closed and tried to remain still. His knee pushed her legs apart, as his cock sat at her entrance. He leaned down and kissed her neck as he rubbed himself up and down her pussy. She couldn't take it anymore. Her legs wrapped around his waist as her arms went around his neck. She pulled him into her with one fast jerk of her legs. He let out a laugh as he entered her.

  “I knew you couldn't stay still for long,” he whispered.

  “Not with you on top of me,” she said, as she opened her eyes. “Not a bad way to wake up in the morning.”

  With an arm on each side of her head, he held his body above hers. She could see his chest flex as he moved in and out of her. It was the hottest thing she had ever seen. Sandy couldn't help but lift up and run her tongue across his chest. He shivered against her mouth. She loved the feel of him filling her. He wasn't moving fast like he had before. His movements were slow and loving. Her hips met his thrusts as she came off the bed against him. Her moans mixed together as his name left her lips. She dug her fingers into his shoulders as he moved deep inside of her. She sucked his bottom lip into her mouth and pulled it through her teeth. Sandy needed more of him. She wrapped her arms around him and took him by surprise as she flipped him onto his back. His eyes widened as she straddled him.

  “Damn,” he whispered.

  She sat up and leaned back so her hands were on his thighs as she lifted off and then back on him. He groaned as he watched her ride him. His arm went forward and pulled her toward him. He took her breasts in his hands and rolled her nipples before pinching them. She cried out at the pleasure that shot through her body. It was amazing. The deeper she took him, the more she wanted. His hands grabbed hard on her hips. He lifted her up and slammed her down over him.

  “Look at me,” he snapped when her eyes closed.

  She opened them and looked at him. He was so sexy. The dark color in his eyes drew her in.

  “I want to watch you come while you ride my cock. I want to hear my name slide from your lips. Then, I'm going to fuck you so hard. Harder than I ever have before. You are going to feel me between your legs when you wake up tomorrow. You're going to want me there again. You're going to need me. I want you to remember who makes you come so hard and loud. Do you hear me?”

  She moaned as she nodded.

  “Who makes you feel this good?” he asked sternly.

  “You do,” she cried out, as he slammed her onto his cock.

  “Who?” he asked again.

  “John, fuck,” she yelled. “You make me feel so damn good.”

  He continued to lift her and thrust back into her. Her breathing was hard, and she felt herself just on the edge. She held onto him and thrust her hips against him as he pumped into her. Her breathing was ragged. She slammed onto him one more time and screamed his name.

  “John, oh yes,” she cried out.

  She came hard around him. Her body was spent. He flipped them back over and continued to pump into her hard and deep. Their bodies slid up the sheets with each thrust. He held onto the headboard and fucked her hard. She yelled his name. He growled hers as he found his own release.

  His body collapsed onto hers. She liked the way she felt with his weight on top of her. They remained still until their breathing returned to normal. He rolled off of her, breaking the connection.

  “I definitely like waking up like that,” she said. “I'll have to do that more often.”

  She heard a growl vibrate through his chest as he stood up. When he came back, he cleaned her off.

  “What are your plans this week?” he asked.

  “I have to work all week. I'm supposed to meet with my lawyer on Wednesday,” she said. “What about you?”

  “I have to work most of the week. I'm going to court for Julie on Tuesday. I'm thinking of having something Saturday for my friends. It's really for Julie. I want all of us around her to support her. After Tuesday, I want her to know how loved she is. Will you help me with it? I've never had anything here before.”

  “Of course,” she said. “I'll plan it all and cook with you. We can have it done early. I'll leave just before they get here.”

  “I want you to stay,” he said.

  “I'm not sure that's a good idea,” she said. “I don't want to get to close to your friends.”

  “I want you to be my date for the day. You'll love them all. I know they'll love you. They don't need to know anything about what happened before if you don't want them to. Julie knows. I've talked to her about us. Ethan recognized you at dinner. He saw pictures of us in high school and college. He doesn't know much though. Julie is the only one that really knows. Will you come over Friday night? That way we can get started early Saturday.”

  She lifted her eyebrow at him.

  “Okay, fine,” he said. “I want you here Friday night.”

  “Really?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he said, as he wrapped his arms around her and took her mouth softly with his.

  Chapter 20

  Tuesday morning came faster than John expected it to. Work had flown by on Monday. He had text back and forth with Sandy throughout the day. She sent a good luck text early Tuesday. John hadn't told her everything about Julie, but he did tell her a few things. Julie asked if he would come to the house and ride to court with Ethan and her. He didn't want to invade their space. It was time she needed alone with her husband. She disagreed with him. It was important to her to have them both there. Ethan called him separately and let him know that it would make her feel safer to have them both there. She was scared, and she wasn't doing a good job hiding it like
she thought.

  He pulled into their driveway and turned off the car. It was going to be an emotional day for everyone. She was like a little sister to all of them. Ethan had made sure to ask everyone to arrive at court before them. That was a good thing about having such good friends. They were there at the drop of a hat when you called them.

  Julie's problem was that she hadn't called any of them when she needed someone. Ethan realized something was wrong and took care of it. He was the only one that had been paying close enough attention. That was a bit of a wakeup call for John. They were all so busy, and they weren't taking the time to pay attention to each other. Her own brother had no idea. She had hidden a huge deal from him when she was in college. He was devastated when he found out and promised to be there for everything. They were stronger than ever, and Gavin made sure to check on her often.

  John thought about the look on Sandy's face when he asked her to be there with his friends on the weekend. She almost looked afraid. He knew she had it rough with her husband, but he didn't understand how the man prevented her from having friends. How could someone try and dictate someone else's life, he wondered? She had also mentioned that she hadn't made any friends since moving back. He couldn't imagine not having his friends, and he only had them because of his brother. Ethan was his connection to all of them. Once he started hanging out with them, he became one of the group quickly. They weren't getting together as much as they used to, but they were there when one of them needed something. John hadn't really taken the time to see how nice that was before.

  He knew it was important to keep them all close to each other. With no kids or pregnant wife, he had decided to have a get together the following weekend. When he asked for Sandy's help, it was the first time he had thought of doing it at all. He found a way to see his friends and spend time with her. Julie needed to know how much they all cared about her. After court, who knew where her mind would be. She told Ethan she would wait until court to go back to work. He didn't want her to go. That was surely going to be a battle. They were both stubborn and strong people. John couldn't imagine what was going to come from that.


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