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His Mate And His Mistress

Page 2

by Irtania Adrien

  "Oh miss, please close your mouth, and pay attention." Then came Cilia's whispering tone.

  "Huh?" I asked, reviving from my revenue.

  "She acts like she's never seen something like this." Came the woman's voice again, but this time it sounded teasing. Was she talking about me? "Trust me baby, she hasn't been to a place like this." Came Demitrey's voice, but instead of the cold tone be has been using all this time, it was replaced with a warm tone, almost as if he was smiling. But I couldn't tell, because his back was to me. But did he just call that woman baby? I didn't have to wait long for an answer, because soon Demitrey turned around as he laced his hands around a woman's waist and stood behind her as he looked at me and said "baby I would like you to meet Adelina Veraso, she's the matter I spoke to you about."

  "Mmph!" Came her snotty reply.

  "Adelina this is Serena, she is my mistress."

  "Uh...” whaaaaat?! Did he just say mistress? Is he holding her like that in front of me? HIS MATE!

  "What are you stupid or something?" She spoke again, the bitchiness in her tone couldn't be any easier to decipher.

  Wait a minute!

  "EXCUSE ME?!" My voice came out booming "did you just call me stupid? Who are YOU to call ME stupid?"


  "Watch your tone with me you slut." She sneered, after her palm made harsh contact with my cheek.

  Oh hell no!


  "And you keep your hands to yourself bitch!" I exclaimed back, striking her back even harder.

  "Oh! Babe! You're going to let her get away with that?!" She gasped over-dramatically, turning towards Demitrey holding her cheek, as he glanced over at me with a dark and dangerous gaze and promised "Don't worry babe, she will be taken care of."

  Chapter 3- "Fate...?" part 2 *Adelina's pnt. Of view* "Cilia, please take her up to her room, I'll deal with her shortly."

  Was how Demitrey dismissed me.

  "Of course sir," came Cilia's weak reply, then she placed her hand in the small of my back as she said "come now miss, we must get going." And she tugged my arm, as I kept a deadly glare on Demitrey and his "mistress." When I was finally escorted to my room, Cilia closed the door in a hurry as she said "oh miss, what did you do? Didn't our Alpha give you the rules before your arrival?"

  "He did. So Serena is his mistress huh?" I asked ignoring the rules.

  "Well, yes, yes she is." Answered Cilia.

  "Until he finds his mate?" I asked, a little hope fluttering in my heart.

  "No miss, he doesn't want one, he-"

  "Cilia." Came Demitrey's domineering voice as he opened the door "You may go." Cilia gave me an apologetic frown, as she slightly bowed, and scurried out the door, and closed it on her way out, leaving me and the handsome asshole alone. "So, it seems as though you forgot the rules." Was how Demitrey greeted me.

  "No, I didn't forget, however it seems as though your dear Serena seemed to have forgotten to keep her hands to herself. So all I had to do was remind her." I replied smugly, although I was hurting deep inside, like his glare, his voice and his words were like multiple daggers that continuously stabbed my heart, placing me on the verge of tears. In a split second, however, I found myself slammed against the nearest wall, with Demitrey's hand tightly secured around my neck, as he spoke in a deadly manner "watch how you speak of Serena, I won't hesitate to break your flimsy neck the next time you disrespect her, or me. Now I'm going to let you off easy this once, but don't think for a second I'll let you get away next time. Tonight you were supposed to have a formal dinner with Serena, the family, my beta and I, but since you thought to break the rules, you will be left in isolation for the rest of the day. Your dinner will be brought up by Cilia. Don't think to get any ideas, because like I said before, I let you off easy." Then in a split second, his iron grip was removed from my neck, and I found myself in a haze. Although I feel as though I should be afraid due to his threats, I didn't, because I was distracted. While we were against the wall, wherever our skin connected, it was like multiple fires erupted. His deep threatening voice only made him more attractive, however, there was something else there eating me alive besides the pleasure of being close to my mate, it was his silent rejection. I mean he obviously didn't care, in fact he only seem to care about Serena, or should I say his mistress. But with a final glare, he sauntered out the room, and just as the door closed, I broke down. I couldn't believe what was taking place, it's as though all my dreams, fantasies, and wishes are just spiraling into nothingness, like human waste being flushed down the toilet. Funny that I use that imagery, but everything just made no sense at the moment. I mean, for one my mate doesn't want me, and even worse he has a mistress. A FREAKING MISTRESS! I just can't get over it, but then again I've been through so much, I shouldn't allow this to take toll on me. So I took a second, dried my tears, and that's when I remembered, the phone that Peter gave me. I quickly ran over to my bag, and I picked it up, then I dialed his number, and I secretly begged that he wasn't training, or getting involved with his mate... if you know what I mean. And my prayers were answered when I heard the familiar voice on the other end.

  "Aden? You okay? Are you safe? Are they treating you alright?" Was how he answered me.

  "Geez, hi to you too Peter. And well, I'm safe, but um I'm not okay." I succumbed to telling him.

  "Why? What happened?" He asked, a growl suddenly evident in his tone, proving his aggravation.

  "Well, for one, the ruthless Alpha is my mate, and guess what? The asshole has a mate. Even worse that no good for nothing bastard wants me to respect the spoilt bitch he claims as his mistress." My anger was blazing, I should know because I hardly used profanity, yet all I received from Pete was a drawled "wow." And the only thing I could do was reply with a small "yep." We soon shook off the sad air, and we changed the topic of our conversation to something more lightweight, to the point where I was crying my eyes out laughing at the current story that Peter was telling me, but that moment was cut short, when my door burst open, and for the second time that day, a seething Demitrey made his way towards me. With a quick "got to go!" I ended the call, and placed the phone behind me as my feet carried me backwards, away from the approaching predator. This pattern continued, until my back was firmly pressed against a wall, and Demitrey became too close for comfort, not that I mind, I mean he's my mate, however the close proximity wasn't helping my situation.

  My body started doing funny things, but before my mind became hazy with any vile thoughts, Demitrey held out his palm as he said "hand it over." my eyes tried to focus on anything but him as I said "Hand what over?"

  "Don't play dumb with me, I'm not in the fucking mood, so give It."

  "No." I said, refusing to give up my phone.

  "Excuse me?" he said taking another step forward, his domineering height and stance making it very hard for me to breathe.

  "You're excused” I managed to spell out, while I lifted my head in defiance to meet his gaze, although my heart was palpitating.

  He suddenly smiled, like he just smiled, then he leaned down as he said "I know how you feel about me. Your heart is going in a craze." And just as he said it, his warm palm landed firmly against my chest, and the sparks didn't waste a second before becoming alive, and spreading throughout my body. His glare caused my lungs to lose rhythm, and my breathing started coming out in uneven puffs. He slowly started leaning down, his lips feathering above mine, and I absentmindedly opened my lips in sign of welcome, my heart beat skyrocketing.

  His eyes suddenly darkened at my actions and then just like that he was off. He took his hand off my chest, as if I burned him, then with one last menacing glare he walked away, and slammed the door shut behind him, and I found myself slipping down the wall, with tears streaming down my face, and for another time that day, I found myself crying. I couldn't believe it, my mate made me cry more than once in one day. He hated me, yet he teased me, just to leave me in tears. Was this truly my
fate? Crying because of a mate? Rejection? Hurt and pain? Was this truly my fate?

  Chapter 4- "Say what?" *Adelina's pnt. Of view* That afternoon, I laid in bed until Cilia came to serve my dinner. At first it was quiet but soon enough Cilia and I started chatting, and we quickly formed a friendship. I found out that Cilia is also 20 years old, and she has yet to find her mate. She was taken in by Demitrey after her pack was attacked by rogues, and the only way she can repay her gratitude is by serving in his household. I also found out that she is very shy, well when she's not familiar with you, but once you get to know her, she's a bundle of surprise. To be honest, I'm actually surprised that she doesn't have a mate, I mean the girl is gorgeous. She has wild bouncy blonde curls that stop at the base of her neck, and bright baby blue eyes to match it. She's a few feet taller than me, and she is a sight to see. Anyway, after spending a good amount time speaking with Cilia, unfortunately she had to go, so I once again found myself alone, and it didn't take long for my thoughts to drift towards the handsome asshole who seem to occupy a good amount of my brain cells. Like he is just so... hotitating, hot yet irritating. Yes people, I made up a new word for the beautiful bastard that is my destined mate, yet doesn't want me as his. Soon enough though, I found myself drifting off to sleep, however in the middle of the night, I could've sworn I felt something wrap around my waist, were tingles instantly came alive. But I blame it on my dreams, for the next morning when I woke up, my body was the only thing occupying the bed. It didn't take long for me to get accommodated with the pack. Cilia was ordered to show me around, and over the days I've spent here, I've already made so many friends. Everyone seemed to have warmed up to me except for two people, Serena and of course yours truly, Demitrey. With Serena, I believe her jealousy is the main thing that causes her to hate me. I mean I've only been here's for about a week, and I've already made so much more friends than her. Not only so, no one speaks to her, they avoid her like the plague, and I know why. She's a total bitch. Simple explanation. As far as Demitrey goes, I haven't seen him since the day I've arrived, and I couldn't help but feel sad. I mean yeah he silently rejected me, but shoot, he's my mate, and I cannot not miss him. I had a feeling he was avoiding me, because during breakfast, he's not present, during dinner he's not present. Whenever I ask Cilia, she says he's either in his office, or training with the pack's army. I wanted to see him so bad, and call me an idiot but shoot, I still missed him, it just bothered me to be so far away from him, and it just felt wrong, so I made up an excuse to see him. Cilia led me to his office, and there I knocked on the door, and patiently waited, as my heart beat sped up, by the seconds. After a few seconds with no reply, I knocked again, and this time my ears registered a gruff "come in." From the other side of the door. I placed my hand on the door knob, and breathed out a shaky breath, then I made my entrance. When I walked in, I quickly turned to close the door in order to avoid eye contact with him, which spared me a second to get my wits together. When I managed to turn around, our eyes instantly connected, and I quickly found myself double guessing my decision to come here. "May I help you?" Came his deep voice, and I would've instantly been turned on, if it wasn't for the irritating tone that was laced in his voice.

  "Um, well yes, you see here's the thing, um I- I was th- th- thinking th- that maybe, I could um, I could-"

  "Okay, first and foremost, when you are addressing me, you will look at me, second, stop with the stuttering and speak clearly." He cut off my rambling, as he reprimanded my actions. I took a deep breath then, wriggled thumbs with one another, as my palms became sweaty, then I released it as I said " okay, so I have been here for the past few days, and I was wondering if it was okay for me to train with the females in the army, since I have nothing to do."

  "No." Was his curt reply.

  "What? Why not?" I asked actually surprised, not that I wanted to be with the female warriors though, since I was just using it as an excuse to see him, but his refusal caught me off guard.

  "Because I said so. Now if that was the matter you wanted to address, it's been taken care of. Please see yourself out." He dismissed me with a cold glare.

  "Okay, can I at least get a job?" I asked, hurt that he wanted to get rid of me so quick.

  "Where?" He asked, suddenly interested.

  "Um, the pack clinic, I've had experience as a nurse in my old pack... So I could take care of paperwork, and tend to the patients and stuff."

  "Patients huh? Does this mean taking care of my men if they get hurt during a battle, or even training?" He asked me, his eyes suddenly becoming dark as night.

  "Uh, sure. I can also help take care of the women and children." I added, not sure why he questioned me in the first place.

  " oh so, you're willing to get close and personal with the patients, to tend to their needs right? Including my men?" He questioned again, a sudden anger taking toll on his voice.

  "I mean yes, I could, if it’s necessary. I-" In the next split second, using his super speed, I found Demitrey slamming me against the door, as his hand clasped around my throat, cutting me off. He soft lips brushed against my cheeks as he gruffly whispered "you think I'm going to allow you to be around my men? Especially as a care taker?"

  "I- I D- don't I- "

  "You nothing! You want a job? Fine, you're going to have a job, a job as my personal maid." He declared, his grip tightening around my throat as he added "understood?"

  "Yes..." I whispered, although my mind was screaming out say whaaaat?

  "Yes what?"

  "Yes sir." I submitted, and I could've sworn I felt something poke my thigh at that exact moment. But I didn't have time to ponder on what it could be, for Demitrey in a flash removed his hand, just for him to fully turn my back on the door, and hold my hands captive above my head with one of his own. And can't lie, it was getting hot, or maybe it was just me. Then he leaned his face down, until his lips were at the crook of my neck, and I became aware of the billions of tingles that traveled my entire being. He puckered his lips into a soft kiss, and my breath got caught in my throat. My heart started running, ready to leap out of my chest, and he landed another soft kiss on the same spot, causing me to shiver under his powerful form, and like Deja vu, he moved back, then with one deadly glare he said "get out." And I couldn't agree with him more, as my feet quickly escorted me out of the office, yet my heart didn't calm down until I was safely stowed in my room.

  Chapter 5- "Changing his mind" *Adelina's pnt. Of view* I stood with my back glued to the door as I tried to calm my breathing, my nerves, and my racing heart. I couldn't be his personal maid, there was no way I wanted to be that. I don’t even know what a personal maid does, but I sure don't want to find out either. I had to change his mind. I couldn't handle the whole "being close to him" thing. So I once again found myself walking to his office. Once I stood at the door, I took in a deep breath and told myself that I could do this. So I did, I knocked on the door, and I waited. Soon enough came his dominant "come in." And I instantly found my extremities obeying as I made my entrance once again. He looked up at me, smirked then said "need something else?" Although his eyes had the teasing glint dancing in his pupils.

  "No, I just came back to ask you once again if I can work at the clinic, instead of as your personal maid." I explained, and the teasing fire in his eyes died, and was instantly replaced with a raging anger.

  "And why is that? Mate?" He addressed me for the first time as his mate, yet his tone seem disgusted, as though he was ashamed that I was his mate.

  "Because, well yes I'm your mate, and I can obviously see that you don't want anything do with me, so why not get me out of your way?" I explained, although my heart broke with every word that spilled from my mouth.

  "Oh trust me, there are many things I want to do with you, but you're right I don't want a mate, I don't want you, so what're you suggesting?" He demanded. And my heart shattered, he was just so blunt about it. He didn't want me. "Well..." I took a moment to swallow back the
lump in my throat, as I silently prayed that my tears stay at bay, at least until I get to my room, "I can work any shift you want, I can nurse any patient, kids, women, men, seniors, whichever. And I don't mind working over time, however I do want to get paid." I bargained out my choices. He looked over at me, as he seem to ponder my words, and soon his eyes started traveling down my body, and I suddenly became aware of my outfit. Off shoulder blue top, with high waisted shorts that ended a few inches above my knees. He rubbed his hands on his lips, then he looked me up once again, causing my cheeks to warm up as he said "okay, fine. But I have a few rules. I get to drop in any time, and whenever I come in, if I need you or call you, you drop what you're doing and you come straight away. Whatever I say goes. Understood?"


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