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His Mate And His Mistress

Page 10

by Irtania Adrien

  Chapter 25- " Secret Plan" -Part 3 *Third Person's pnt. Of view* "Have a good night Katharina, see you on Monday." Waved Adelina with a smile, as she exited the clinic. It has been over 2 years since she moved down to Italy, and she has managed to settle down pretty quickly. She found a family-owned clinic who welcomed her with open arms the minute she signed up to be a nurse, and since then she has been living her life in Italy. The reason why Adelina chose Italy over France was because it was where she landed first. When she stepped out of the airport and into the open air of Italy, she fell in love. The colors, the food, the textures, the food, the culture, and the food, all lived up to her expectation and more. Especially the food. When she started wandering in Italy with no definite destination in mind, she absentmindedly bumped into Katharina, who that day was rushing off to work. She remembers Katharina quickly apologizing and explaining that she was late for work, and that she would have to cover two shifts because they lost one of their nurses, and that was Adelina's opportunity. After mild complications with her identity, and what she was besides human, she was hired. There aren't many packs in Italy, so the family promised to keep Adelina's secret. They welcomed her as though she was their own daughter, and over the past two years, Adelina and Katharina formed a sisterhood bond that is unbreakable. So between her newfound family, her newfound job, and her newfound home, Adelina hardly had time to think of what she left back in America, and because the mating process wasn't complete, she didn't even feel anything when it came to her mate. I mean yeah she would always be attracted to her mate, but without the complete mating process, she couldn't feel whether he was in pain, or in danger, or anything for that matter. No other man caught her attention, and even though she was in Italy, where some of the most gorgeous men lived, she still couldn't find herself to be attracted to anyone, except of course Demitrey. She did miss home sometimes though. She missed James and Cilia, she missed Clarissa and Peter, she missed the pack Clinic and Diana, and she missed her wolf. She hardly transformed into her wolf, and whenever she and Aden communicated through their mind link, it would end in argument because Aden wanted to go back to America, confront Demitrey and demand an explanation for his actions, but Adelina wanted no part of it. She believed that everything Demitrey did was because he wanted to, that it had nothing to do with him protecting her or anything of the sort. In all honesty, any thought of Demitrey infuriated her, yet appeased her. She hated to think about the effect he had on her even before he marked her, yet she loves reminiscing the way his voice would caress her, the way he demanded her attention even if he didn't utter a word. She hated how she was always so desperate to see him, yet she loved the end results of their encounters. She loved the way he would hold her so possessively, and captivate her with his eyes. The way he could instantly make her lose control of her body, just to let her believe she had the upper hand, and she hated yet appreciated how he could read her like an open book. She despised the way he drew her in and teased her, yet she admired the way his actions made her heart leap, and make her feel appreciated. She absentmindedly touched her lips, while she reminisced about his lips on her. She despised the fact that he was hot and cold all at the same time, yet she adored that about him, because it kept her in her toes, and in suspense. She hates missing him, she hates the feelings that wash over her, and the feelings that make her want him that make her yearn for his touch. And she hated her heat and mating seasons. For two years in a row, she had to spend countless nights under a cold shower during the mating seasons just to appease her arousal, and no matter how aroused she felt, she couldn't even bring in another male to do the job. She couldn't help but admit, she missed her asshole of a mate, but would she go back to him...? HELL TO THE NO. Adelina hated the fact that he made her feel worthless, like she wasn't important. He even proved to her that he didn't care by having Serena around. Serena... just the thought of that she-wolf made Adelina clench her fist. She wanted to murder that bitch. She did worry sometimes though. Because she hasn't heard from anyone since she ran away. Not that she wanted to though, especially not from Peter. Not after what he did. She couldn't believe what was revealed the night she ran away. She was so sure that Peter was going to say that she belonged to him, which wouldn't make any sense because, well yeah, her and Peter dated in the past, but as soon as his mate came in the picture everything romantic ceased between them. Whenever Clarissa was around it was as though she hardly exist to Peter, but that's the point, whenever Clarissa was around she wasn't in the picture, but as soon as Clarissa stepped away from them, or left them in a room or secluded area, even for a minute, Peter somehow always became too close for comfort. Not only so, Adelina thought over that fact that even during the wedding, when Peter said "I Love you" he wasn't actually staring at Clarissa, but Adelina had tears in her eyes, and she wasn't sure who he was staring it when he said it. Even though Adelina wasn't present consciously, she soon found that her legs absentmindedly brought her in front of her apartment. With a shake of her head to clear her thoughts she fished for her keys, and made her way into her vintage-style apartment. When she got in however, she felt a change in the atmosphere, and she knew for a fact she wasn't alone. She closed the door softly, and fished out the baseball bat behind the potted plant right by her door, then she took slow and measured steps as she furthered into the apartment. She reached her living room, and as far as her enhanced sight could tell, there wasn't anything out of the ordinary, then she heard a rummaging sound echoing from the kitchen. She slipped off her shoes, and patted her way across the floor, trying to be as quite as a mouse. When she reached the kitchen, there she saw a figure rummaging through her fridge. She took a deep breath and charged her way towards the person, with her weapon raised. The bat was seconds away from making contact with its victim, when the person turned around and screamed "whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! Stop! Adelina it's me!" *Adelina's pnt. Of view* "JAMES? Oh my God what are you doing here? In my fridge if anything?"He looked back at the fridge then back at me and smirked as he said "I was hungry." I shook my head, and brought the bat down as I looked him over. He had bags under his eyes, he seem to have lost weight, and the bright fire and his eyes seemed to have dimmed, and I didn't miss the red skin that surrounded his wrists. "Is everything okay?" I managed to ask after my observation.He looked over at me, a sad air suddenly masking his face as he replied softly "No." Then he shook his head looking down. "Okay... well, let me cook us something and you can rest on the couch for now, I'll wake you when dinner is ready." I spoke, trying to appease the sad atmosphere. He looked at me as though I didn't have to tell him twice. He trudged his way to the living room, where his body just slumped on the couch, and soon enough the walls started shaking with James' snores. I shook my head once again and made my way to the kitchen to whip up some dinner. Meanwhile, I couldn't help the way my mind started to wander and buzz with questions. Is everyone okay? What happened? How did James find me? Did Demitrey send him? How is Cilia? These questions amongst others circulated my mind as my hands worked around the kitchen, collecting needed ingredients for pizza made from scratch. When the pizza was ready, I cut 5 slices and placed them on a plate, along with some salad, and juice. I then made my way to James, and placed the pizza on the coffee table. Then I tapped his shoulder as I said "James, James wake up." "Mmmh, just five more minutes." He murmured as he turned away from me, the couch struggling under his size."James, wake up!" I tried again, shaking his shoulder, yet he just shrugged my hand off."James... I have pizza." And just like that he was fully awake, he turned around and sat down as he devoured his meal. He was done and seconds, and yet he still looked famished, so I gave him the rest, then I traded his juice for water, since he seem dehydrated. Once his hunger seem sated, he leaned back against the couch and breathed with his eyes closed. He sighed again as though he was finally relieved from years of oppression. "James, what happened?" I asked again carefully, worry slowly taking over my entire being. He didn't answer for quite a while, and I figured to give him space so he coul
d gather his thoughts, but as soon as I stood to leave, in a low, almost pleading tone he said "You have to come back to save the pack Luna." And I froze.

  Chapter 26- "Secret Plan" -Part 4 *Adelina's pnt. Of view* I stood frozen in my spot for a few seconds before I turned and faced James as I asked "What did you say?""Please..." He breathed again as he said "come back with me Luna. You have to save the pack." He said, his eyes silently begging me, along with the pleading tone coating his voice. He never addressed me as Luna before, in fact, no one has. "Save the pack from what?" I asked carefully. "We were ambushed, the day you ran away, everyone was drugged, and when we woke up, we were being held captive. The pack warriors along with the alpha are being held down in the dungeons. And everyone else is being held somewhere else. I managed to escape, sent by the alpha, but the alpha and the pack are weak without you, which is why you have to come back with me Luna." He explained."Wait, so Demitrey sent you here, just for you to tell me that I should come back to save the pack? Unbelievable!" I exclaimed at the absurd situation."Well, he also said that he needed you, personally." Explained James, a sudden blush fixating on his cheeks. Wait, was James blushing? "What do you mean by "personally"?" I asked carefully. "Um... You know..." he said shaking his hand in sign as though I'm supposed to figure out what he was talking about."Um... no, I don't know." I said, completely confused. "Really Adelina?" He said exasperated. "Well, I'm being honest, what do you mean?" I asked, suddenly becoming irritated. "Well, when an Alpha and A Luna know that they are mates, they have to seal their connection through both marking and sexual intercourse, so when the Alpha says he needs you personally, it means that he needs you on a level that no one else can fulfill." He said, trying to avoid my eyes. Then, it clicked. "Oooooh," I said as it finally came clear "I see, well I'm not sure what to tell you. I mean why should I help him? He has been nothing but an asshole since the day he walked into my life. He's teased me, hurt me, made me cry, and make me feel things that I never felt before, then he marked me without consent when his ego got the best of him and he was afraid that I would find another man, and now he has the AUDACITY to ask ME to help HIM?!" I snapped, my breathing heavy and angry."Well... yes." Said James simply, "You should help him, because once you do, it's not only him that you are helping, but you're also helping the pack, me, Cilia, Kade, And-""And Serena." I growled angry cutting him off, my hands curling into fists."No, actually, you get to kill her if you want, we suspect that she plays part in the opposing team." Explained James anxiously as he witnessed my angered state. "Wait, what?" I asked, my fury currently forgotten."Oh yeah, Demitrey suspected her since the first few letters arrived." Explained James."What letters?" I asked surprised and confused."Uh... did I say letter? I meant um... I think I've said too much." Said James."What. Letter." I said again, my tone suddenly becoming authoritative."Oh come on, don't use that tone with me." He said, almost pleading."James, I really hate to do this, but, I am your future Luna, and if you want my help to save the pack, you will tell me everything. Is that clear?" I said calmly, knowing he wouldn't resist my command."Yes Luna." He bowed respectively.Then with a bright and childish I said "okay!" And just like that he rolled his eyes, and I sat down waiting for him to talk. *Third Person's pnt. Of view* While James managed to track down Adelina, the pack back home had a bit of celebration. Demitrey received the signal from James that he found Adelina, as a wave of relief washed over him, and he gave James permission to do anything it takes to get Adelina to come back to the pack, even if it meant telling her everything that took place since the moment he knew she was his mate. His heart skipped a beat at the sound of her name, and he couldn't wait to see her, well, if she decides to come back and help that is. And as said before, if she didn't come back, he would cope with it. Demitrey then announced to the pack that James found their Luna, and the pack link became alive with thoughts of rejoice. But that moment was short-lived because the Alpha warned them to keep quiet so "The Alpha" and his rogues wouldn't find out the plan. Now, all they had to do was sit tight until the Luna was back on pack grounds, then it would be time to execute part C of the plan. Since part A and B are based on Adelina's decision. *Demitrey's pnt. Of view* After the pack link managed to quiet down, I finally went back into my mind, where I found my relief, Adelina. She was engraved in my memory, and she was my strength that kept me going. Her beauty was unique, both inside and out, she was a fireball when the situation called for it, as well as she was submissive. I hated that I let my fear of putting her in danger, and partially my ego get the best of me. I hated how I pushed her away, even if I was trying to protect her. But I have to be honest, I was afraid. I was afraid of losing her, but I was also afraid of her. The minute she walked in my life she had total control over me, and my wolf. There wasn't a minute when I was with her that my walls didn't crumble, even if she did nothing. Just her presence was enough for me to succumb to her will. I hated how I would try to put up a front, just so that prying eyes could see that I didn't want to claim her, yet, that mission always failed. The moment the hurt flickered in her eyes, I was defeated. Her eyes, the portal to her soul, so captivating, hypnotizing. She captured me with the fact that she didn't mind being vulnerable. She didn't try to put a mask on, nor did she try to hide who she was. Her eyes, her facial features, and her body language said everything. She left herself open to me, and Lord knows I loved it when she opened herself to me. I love how no matter how mad or hurt I get her, the moment I showed her affection, she was willing to forgive me. But would she be willing to forgive me now? I mean I most definitely overstepped my boundaries. My regret, my main torment is the fact that I marked her. I took away her will to ever fall in love with another but me, and now, now, I was willing to beg and grovel for her forgiveness, not just for the pack, but for me. I fully declare it, I am in love with Adelina Veraso, my mate, my queen. And I just hope, I pray, that she would be willing to forgive me. I know I shouldn't have pushed her away, but can you blame me? I mean, what would you do? How far would you go to protect someone you love and truly care for? *Unknown’s pnt. Of view* I held the pathetic rogue by the throat as I throttled him, and he tried his best to explain what happened with minimal air to breathe. "He-he-he managed to get out of his chains, and he ambushed me. He dressed like Luke, and almost knocked me out. We tried our best to get to him, but he was fast." Said the rogue. And I saw red. I threw him to the ground as I said "You Idiot!" Then I relentlessly kicked him, until he was too battered to move. "Get him out of my sight." I spat on his bloodied form, and made my way back to the dungeon. I couldn't pinpoint the reason why he would escape, but I would leave any loose ends. I mean the Luna probably was a reason, but why would they waste their breath knowing that she most likely wouldn't help him? Either that, or they had something up their sleeves, and if there was a plan amiss the pack, I was going to find out what it was. I made my way straight to the main cell in the dungeon. When I opened it, I found Demitrey chained up, but healed since our last encounter. He looked at me, then rolled his eyes looking away, as though my presence alone bored him. "What do you want?" He asked, his tone matching the bored expression settled upon his face."I'm supposed to be asking the questions here." I muttered menacingly.But all Demitrey did was smirk and say smugly "yet, I am asking the questions. What. Do. You. Want?" "You already know why I'm here. One of your pack warriors escaped." I said, as I started pacing his cell."Okay, and?" Was his reply. In the blink of an eye, using my super speed, I had my hand wrapped firmly around Demitrey's throat, yet he didn't even flinch. With gritted teeth I declared "I want to know exactly what your plan is or else I will destroy your pack member by member until I get to you." Then he breathed, blinked, and out of nowhere burst into laughter. He laughed as though he just witnessed a comic act, tears started forming in his eyes, and I backed away from him, my anger surfacing. Without a second thought my hand connected with his jaw, and his laughter stopped, well for a few seconds. Then he just doubled back laughing. "C-come on man, is that all you got?" He said, his laugh
ter taking a whole new level, then to his right, his Beta started laughing, and soon the entire dungeon was booming with laughter. I couldn't handle it, they were all in the face of danger, yet they were laughing. With a growl, I marched out of his cell and towards the entrance of the dungeons, when I reached it, I stripped one of the guards from their bow and arrow, and made my way back to Demitrey. When I was halfway there, I aimed and shot the arrow at his shoulder, to show who is in power as the arrow penetrated his skin. The laughter seized immediately, and I smirked in victory. Demitrey gazed at his wounded shoulder, as though it was alien, then out of nowhere, his laughter returned, followed by hundreds of other laughter, and I stood there aghast. When he managed to stop laughing, his eyes met mine in a fierce glare as he said to me "your days are numbered, keep trying your best to bring me down, but just know in the end there will be only ONE true alpha, and I AM THE ALPHA!" And the laughter of the dungeons switched out into howls of agreement and praise for their alpha, and that's when I felt it again. A cold snake of fear slithered down my spine, causing shivers of doubt and uncertainty to rattle my entire being. With a sharp turn, I made my way out of the dungeons, but as I walked away, their laughter returned, and I couldn't help but think that I was screwed. However, would I let anyone know of my fear, of course not. It was time to get down and dirty, and if I was going to be victorious, I would have to play dirty.


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