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His Mate And His Mistress

Page 13

by Irtania Adrien

  Chapter 32- "Game time" *Adelina's pnt. Of view* We reached the pack's territory line just as the sun went down. Once we were close enough, we could even see some of the rogues hanging around the yard. I was just about to step out of our hidden spot when James pulled me back, and signaled for me to be quiet, then his eyes glazed over, and I realized that he was mind linking with someone, most likely Demitrey. At the thought of him, my heart fluttered, then it's as though I was hit with a ton of bricks as my back, my wrists, my arms, and my legs started to ache. My bones screamed in agony as my knees buckled. I sucked in a sharp breath but managed to stay on my feet, when all of the sudden James was back to normal. But I wasn't. I felt something in the back of my mind, like the whisper of a tickle, then I heard his voice. It was faint, soft, and if I tried to focus enough I could almost hear what he was saying. I shook my head then tapped James as I whispered "James, I think I just heard Demitrey in my head, and out of the blue, I feel pain all over." "I know," he said calmly "he's trying to communicate with you, and the pain, well now that you're close enough, you can feel the pain from his torture." "Why can't I hear him clearly, and why am I just feeling his pain?" I asked frantically in a harsh whisper, as the pain intensified. "Because, he marked you, but you didn't mark him, and the mating process wasn't completed." He explained patiently."Oh, okay, well then what are we waiting for? We have to go help him." Both my wolf and I said simultaneously, as I made a move to step out of the forest again. But once again, I was pulled back by James. My eyes snapped at him in a hard glare, and he bowed his head in respect, yet he whispered "I am sorry Luna, but with all due respect, the alpha already has a plan, and we must stick to it." I looked over at him for a bit, but when I realized he wouldn't budge, I grumbled and crossed my hands childishly as I said "fine, so what's the plan?" He smiled and said "we wait for the signal." So we crouched back into our hiding spot and waited. However, while we waited, I couldn't help the way my mind drifted off to its sole topic, Demitrey. *Demitrey's pnt. Of view* "Alpha, the Luna and I are in position. Whenever you're ready." Came James' voice as it rang in our mind link."Great, good job warrior, I knew you would bring her back. Alright, wait for my signal, I will alert everyone, and everything will go as planned." I said, then focused on the pack link, but before I could speak, I felt the urge to contact my mate. I was dying to hear her angelic voice. I have missed her so much that my heart was currently palpitating just at the thought that she was near. Before I realized, I was trying to communicate with her. I could feel her in the back of my mind, but that was as far as I could go. The disadvantages of not completing the mating process, but then again, that was all my fault. I sighed. It was worth a try. I eventually shook off my disappointment, and placed my longing to the side. I would see her soon, all I had to do was be patient. I opened the pack link "everyone, the Luna is here, she is just outside the pack bounds, and is waiting on the signal to move in, so let's get the ball rolling.” I declared, then added "Kade, you're up.""Yes alpha." Came his curt reply. It was game time. *Third person's pnt. Of view* Kade, after receiving the alpha's command, opened the door to the mated she-wolves' door and led them out, then he directed them down the hall making sure to keep the coast clear of rogues. When they reached the hall where the unmated she-wolves resided, there were two rogues guarding that door. He signaled for everyone to keep quiet, then with a calm stride, he strutted his way towards the two rogues. Once he was within eye reach, one of the rogues saw him and greeted "oh hey George." But just as he got closer, the rogue squinted his eyes then said "hey! You're not George. “But it was too late. Kade's first met with the first rogue's temple, and just like that, he plummeted to the ground with a thud. Just as the rogue's body made contact with the ground, the second rogue said "hey! The hell do you think you're do-" but his words were cut short as Kade grabbed him by the arm, slamming him face first into the nearest wall, causing the rogues body to sprawl out on the floor. Once Kade was sure they were out cold, he fished the keys from the rogue, and freed the captured she-wolves, then the ladies made their way to the kitchen and castle basement, where the alpha ordered them to set up the needed equipment, while Kade made his way out to the yard, still in rogue disguise. *Adelina's pnt. Of view* "How long do we have to wait for this signal?" I muttered impatiently."Just a few more seconds." James urged. And just as he said, a few seconds later, a figure made his way to the forest. He stood facing a tree, his back to us, when I noticed the movement of his hands. Soon I realize what was happening, and I quickly averted my eyes, a blush suddenly scaring my cheeks. "Really? The signal is a guy peeing?" I asked."No, he just plays a part in it." Said James as he paused, then he nudged my arm and urged me to look as he added "that is the signal." Then my eyes snapped back to the peeing man, as one of the warriors I recognized, sneaked up behind the rogue, and twist his neck in a very unnatural way, causing the rogue's body to fall limp on the ground. Then he looked directly at James and me and nodded. James nodded back then grabbed my hand, and we emerged from the tree line of the forest, and into the yard. The minute we crashed into the clearing, James let out a powerful growl, and just like that the rogues were alerted. One of them ran to a bell as he yelled “trespassers! We have trespassers!" But before even I could register what happened, James lunged me onto his back, and dashed forward, heading straight for the dungeons. Just as we reached the entrance, waves of warriors washed out of the dungeon and into the clearing, and soon the announcing rogue was singing a different song. He rang the bell louder and more urgently as he declared at the top of his lungs "the warriors have escaped! The warriors have escaped!" But before he could say it a third time, he was taken out by one of the warriors. Once the last warrior exited the dungeons, there was already a full grown war happening. Rogues and warriors clashed in the yard. Humans transforming to wolves. Howls and growls resonating in the open air. And blood carelessly painted the once dry and parched ground. I couldn't bear to look as one of the warriors pinned down a rogue and teared out its throat with his canine teeth. And that was just the beginning. The warriors were fluent and agile, just like their alpha. They had skill, and you could see their determination, you could tell that they had a reason worth fighting for. And at that moment, I couldn't be more proud to be their Luna, although the gruesome site was starting to make me feel queasy. James ducked as we finally entered the dungeons, and the smell hit me like a truck. It took all my willpower not to spill all my stomach contents onto James' back as he led me straight down the dungeon. I looked around me as I studied the place where my people and friends were being held in for two years, and I couldn't help but cringe at the harsh shackles, and just the unsanitary condition of the place. I didn't notice at first, but once I looked up straight ahead I saw it. Or more specifically, I saw him. There he was, on his knees, chained and bound to the floor in his cell. But what really caught my attention was the way his eyes instantly connected with mine. It’s as though he felt my spirit, as I felt his. My heart instantly picked up its pace. I thought I'd never see him again. My breath became quick and shallow, as I couldn't find it in myself to look away from his gaze. I felt a sensation drive from my head to the tip of my toes, as a jolt of excitement left goosebumps on my skin as evidence. I was back, and my mate was only a few feet away.

  Chapter 33- "Cozy Picture" *Adelina's pnt. Of view* James' march finally came to an end when we were just outside Demitrey's open cell, and throughout the entire walk to his cell, his eyes never left mine. Demitrey's eyes scanned my face, but then his gaze became confused, as his eyebrows furrowed. It's as though he couldn't believe that I was here. His eyes travelled from my eyes, to my lips, where he paused for a second, then his gaze started back on its travel. But there wasn't much to see, since I was still perched on James' back, and when he noticed how my legs were wrapped around James' waist from the back, while his hands gripped under my legs, a low and menacing growl was enough warning for James to instantly drop me, bow respectfully, and make his way out of the silent dungeon, leaving on
ly Demitrey and I. I looked back at him, and rolled my eyes. The arrogant asshole still didn't lose his possessiveness, nor his jealousy. I stepped into his cell shaking my head at him, then stood right in front of him, with my arms crossed, and one of my eyebrows raised. Funny thing was, while I looked calm and collected on the outside, my insides where a total opposite. My heart was racing, and I was struggling to keep my breathing calm. As his eyes hungrily took in my stance and my form, goosebumps rose high above my skin, and my insides felt as though a tsunami of butterflies and a tornado of flurries were dancing the polka. When I think he's had enough, he finally stood to his feet, the chains rattling, while his bones cracked from movement as a result of being stuck in the same position for a bit. He skillfully removed his shackles, his eyes never leaving my sight, then he bent back, cracking his spine, followed by squatting to crack his knees, and finally, finally he flexed and stretched his arms, causing his arms to cracks, and his biceps to bulge, and my mouth watered. James's mentioned that, no matter what they were out through over the past few years, Demitrey made sure that they kept up their strength. Hot damn! They did. Mama was liking the picture in front of her, as much as her wolf was. No. Wait! No. I shouldn't be thinking like this! "Mmh, I don't mind" pureed my wolf. Get a grip! I shook my head, now wasn't the time for this. Demitrey smirked, as though he could hear my sinful thoughts, and my eternal struggle. He then took a few steps towards me, and to my surprise I stood my ground. When he was close enough, he opened his arms, then gave me a charming smile as he said joyously "Babe!" And just like that I found my hand flying, and coming in perfect contact with his cheek, causing the sound of a sharp slap to resonate around the halls of the mute dungeon. "You asshole!" I yelled, then turned from him, anger suddenly overtaking my veins. I noticed in my peripheral vision that he slowly turned his face, then touched his cheek, that was already going red, he shrugged but smiled as he said "Okay, I deserve that." And my anger intensified. My hand once again flew, but this time, it wasn't a slap it was a punch. His neck turned harshly on impact, as he staggered over. "Damn baby! What have you been eating since you been gone?" He said, then spit out some blood. "Why didn't you tell me about the letters?" I demanded my hands on my hips, my face masked in anger. He straightened himself up, then wiped the blood on his lip. He looked over at me and smiled as he said "damn I missed you." For some reason his words caused my heart to skip a beat, but then I realized that he didn't answer my question, so I punched him again, straight on the nose. "ANSWER ME!" I demanded, my voice booming, bringing the quiet dungeon to life. "Because," he said, then spit out some more blood “I didn't want you placed in any danger. If anything, any more danger. My reputation alone already placed your life in jeopardy, and as your mate I would do anything to keep you safe." He said, then he touched his nose and pouted as he said "oww, that hurt." I couldn't help but chuckle at his childish behavior, but then I shook it off. I was supposed to be mad at this man, not feeling more and more attracted to him. My anger was slowly diminishing, but I felt like hitting him one more time, just for old time sake. Before he could register what happened, my hand landed against his cheek, and this time he said "hey! What was that for?" I looked over at him and said "that's for everything you put me through idiot, when all you could've done was tell me what was going on." At my words I felt my anger ride again, and this time, with a mind of its own, my hand attempted to get another shot at him. Key word: attempted. My hand was inches away from his cheek when he suddenly grabbed it, but that was just motivation, as my other hand went into attack. Too bad he knows me so well. His other hand captured my own in no time, he used one hand to hold both of my hands behind my back, then he snaked his free arm around my waist, and hoisted me close him, causing my chest to collide with his own in a very erotic manner. My breath came out of me in a whoosh, and my eyes were suddenly captured by his own. "Now that's better." He muttered in a low tone. His eyes travelled from my eyes to my lips, and he started to lean in. His actions and our current position had my heart going haywire. Where our hands made contact tingles erupted, and my cheeks flushed. He held me possessively, then continued to lean down, until his lips reached their desires target, my mark. Before I could stop myself, a soft moan escaped my lips, and I found myself leaning my neck on the opposite side, to give him more access. No. No. No! Stop it right now! Screamed my mind, but my heart had developed a mind of its own. I closed my eyes, and I felt myself being engulfed in flames. My breathing became short, and once in a while, when he kissed my mark, or slid his tongue over it, a gasped would escape me, and I wasn't even trying to fight it. Well, at least, I don't think I wanted to fight it. I suddenly felt a sensation starting to build in my lower region, and the friction caused when my chest heaved against his own caused my twin buds to stand at attention. I wiggled my hand from his hold, and tangled my fingers on his hair, pulling him closer. When his canine teeth nipped at my mark, an alien sound escaped me, and I found myself wrapping my legs around his waist. He turned us around, and pinned me against the concrete wall of his cell, as the bulge in his pants came in instant contact with my core. Before I could control my urges, I managed to grind myself against him, and he growled. It was dark, possessive, scary, and erotic, but I wasn't scared because it was mine. He, was mine. All mine.

  He suddenly bucked his hips against my own and I gasped. He did it again this time a whimper was all I could muster. I felt hot. I felt needy. I needed something. Actually no. I wanted something. Something only he could provide. His actions sent various jolts rushing and heating up my entire being. I wanted more. So much more. Yet, for some reason, deep within all that layer of arousal, there was still a sane part of me, saying that this shouldn't be happening right now, that I shouldn't be allowing myself to get seduced by my mate. But his actions, the constant nipping of my mark, his grinding against my core, and his possessive hold on me were sending me spiraling down a tunnel of lust, want, need, and something else. But, that sane part of me was right. This shouldn't be happening. I snapped back to reality, and struggled as I said "Demitrey, we need to stop. We can't keep going. You know, in fact I'm still mad at you." Though my attempts weren't quite as convincing, since my voice sounded breathy. He paused, then pecked my mark one more time before he pulled away, as he gently placed me down, but he didn't let go, which I was thankful for, because my mind was somehow still in a haze, and my knees buckled under the pressure of the heated environment. He smirked at my flushed cheeks, and my weak attempt to calm my breathing, then he sighed and said "I know you're still mad, but I missed you so much.""Well, if you told me about the letters in the first place, we wouldn't be here now would we." I muttered sarcastically. His eyes suddenly became dark, and I can promise that it was not from lust. "I already told you, I didn't want you in danger." He said, his voice low. "But I'm you're mate, we're supposed to deal with things together." I argued back. "You're right, we are mates, " he said as he took a step towards me, his eyes dark, and I found myself taking a step back, but there wasn't enough distance between the wall and I, and soon he was on me, and had me caged in by placing his arms on either side of my head. He looked deeply in my eyes, and there I saw sincere emotions. There was hurt, pain, anger, sorrow, remorse, and something else. Something special. Unique. He then said "I also know that as your mate, I'm supposed to care and protect you, and if it means going through all that we went through then fine! But look, I admit, I should've approached the situation in a different manner. And for that I apologize." Then out of nowhere, he dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around my legs, as he placed his chin on my belly, his eyes locked with mine. "Adelina, baby, I'm so sorry. And I know that my words probably mean nothing, but I will stop at nothing until I earn your forgiveness, I will go through hell and back, I will grovel, and I will beg until you forgive me. You probably couldn't determine this, but from the moment we met, I fell in love with you, and while I tried to cover up my feelings, I made excuses to see you, to touch you, and to kiss you. I love you Adelina Veraso. I
love you so much. I meant what I said, you make me lose control, you demand my attention every second of the day, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Not a day goes by that I don’t reminisce on your voice, your smile, your actions, your sweet perfume, your kind ways, and just who you are. I love you." He declared, as tears welled up in his eyes. I opened my mouth to say something but was cut off, as someone else spoke up and said "well well well, what a fucking cozy picture."


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