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His Mate And His Mistress

Page 15

by Irtania Adrien

  Chapter 37- "Dirty secrets" Part- 1 *Third person's pnt. Of view* Adelina took in a deep breather, the action somehow mirroring her brain's reaction to all the new details being given to it. It was surprising that she was able to breathe at all, because with everything that was just said, it felt as though all this unveiled information was slowly suffocating her. The words, details, and pictures that flashed in her mind, felt like a cold hand slowly creeping up her chest, while its dainty fingers wrapped themselves around her throat, and slowly, torturing, tightening around her air pipes. She started seeing stars, and then it really became hard to breathe. She found herself gasping for air, her lungs greedily grasping and absorbing the sweet oxygen. Demitrey noticed her discomfort, and stood at her side as he held her hand, the tingles of the mate bond instantly coming to life, and calming her nerves, while she leaned against the wall, in order to compose herself. When she managed to calm her breathing, and regain control, she built up the courage, and thought over what Valinick said about Peter's attraction to her, and she must admit that he hit the spot right on. She always did feel as though Peter was too close for comfort whenever Clarissa wasn't around, but seeing as though he was always protective of her she never made a big deal out of it. She shook her head and sighed, maybe she really was naive. "Anyway, the next day when you left with your mate, our dear Peter got to work. He already planned out various ways he would get you to hate your mate. He knew how much you longed for a mate, and knew what you've always wanted in a mate, so all he had to do was play the right cards, and your mate would screw over, and I guess in the end, you would come running willingly into his open arms.And you know what? The irony of it all is the fact that you played right into his game.Tell me, remember the day you arrived? You had a run in with your mate's mistress, and then later on a run in with your mate that left you in tears." Questioned Val. And I didn't have to think much about it, that day was engraved on my memory, so with a silent nod, I answered. He chuckled and shook his head as he looked over at Demitrey and said "Alpha, would you mind telling Aden what happened a few minutes after she was escorted to her room? Before you went up to see her?" And Demitrey pondered over his answer for a few seconds before shaking his head as he looked at Adelina and said "Yeah, after Cilia escorted you up, I made my way to my office, and there on my desk, there was a second letter, but this time it wasn't just a letter, there were pictures of you and I when we were leaving your pack. The letter explained that the pictures were to serve as proof that whoever was threatening me meant business, hence the reason why, when I went up to your room I was angry. I was never actually mad at you because of Serena, like I said, the minute I knew you were my mate, she was nothing in my eyes, but I had to keep my act up. Especially when the pictures became living proof that we were being watched." "Exactly." Voiced Valinick, then he addressed me as he said "and Luna tell me, what exactly did you do, after your mate paid you a visit?" I thought over that day, and it all clicked into play "I called Peter and told him exactly what happened." "And that ladies and gentlemen brings me back to my point," exclaimed Valinick as a sudden victorious smile settled on his lips, then he pointed at me and added "you, my dear Aden, played right into his game." Was it sad to admit that this all, somehow made sense? It was all connected. "Now you're beginning to see where this is going aren't you." Stated Valinick, as though in a question, but in the form of a fact. I was about to agree when something snapped in my mind. "Wait!" I suddenly exclaimed, "So what does Clarissa's death have to do with me?" I questioned."Wait, wait, and slow down. You can never be more anxious than the narrator." Claimed Val, then he pointed to himself smugly, "I'm telling the story here." He then cleared his throat, being the drama king that he was, and once again started to speak. "So, once you called Peter and spilled out all the dirty secrets, he received his confirmation, and since he was the mastermind behind the entire thing, his game could go however the cards were played. 1- Play with the Alpha's mind, get him to push you away, and eventually into his arms. 2-get the Alpha to do something so rash that you would reject him, and go back home, where he could have you close. 3- If the Alpha did fall for you, he would threaten to kill you, and get the Alpha to do anything to protect his Luna, no matter the cost. So you see, either way he was going to win. Except of course he underestimated the key fact that your naïve nature was also your biggest strength. See all his plans came to play, Demitrey did push you away but you were so naive and kind at heart that you always came back. He hurt you to the point where you rejected him, but then you formed a bond with individuals in the pack and so you didn't plan to go back home. And well the Alpha did fall for you, I mean he no longer cared for his mistress, and he electrocuted a guy just because he touched you at the club, so the alpha falling for you was Peter's last resort. And everything would probably have worked out, if Clarissa didn't have a run in with Serena." "What?" Both Demitrey and I questioned simultaneously."Oh yes, didn't you know?" Questioned Val, feigning shock."Well this is interesting." He added with a smile. Adelina found her eyes trailing down to where Serena's deceased body lay, and she wondered "what did she have to do with this?" "I'll gladly explain. You see Serena started seeing a change in Demitrey the minute you came into the picture, and though it wasn't really up to her, as his mistress, she had to make sure that Demitrey didn't fall for you." Explained Valinick."What do you mean it wasn't really up to her?" Questioned Demitrey.And Val scoffed. He rolled his eyes and shrugged as he said "come on Demitrey, did you forget who introduced you to Serena?"Demitrey stood for a second then said "no, I remember quite well actually.""Okay, so now, take a trip down the memory lane, what was the first thing you learned about being an alpha?" Urged Valinick."That alpha's don't have mates." Replied Demitrey. "And why don't Alphas have mates?" "Because mates make you weak." "Bingo!" Clapped Val, as though he hit the jackpot."So, if I say that Serena had to make sure you didn't fall for your mate, although it wasn't entirely up to her, who does all that point to?" Questioned Valinick. And Demitrey tensed as he said coldly "my father."

  Chapter 38- "Dirty Secrets" Part- 2 *Third Person's pnt. Of view* "There you go." Supported Valinick."So wait? What does his father have to do with this?" Questioned Adelina, her curiosity suddenly piqued."My father," started Demitrey, just as Val made a move to answer, "Was the one who introduced me to Serena. See ever since I was little, my dad always taught me that mates were your weakness, that Alphas shouldn't have mates. He taught me that Alphas were ruthless, strong leaders, with no weaknesses. He made sure to drill the idea that mates for Alphas were nonexistent. So, when I turned 18, he introduced me to Serena, saying that she would make an incredible mistress to help me when I need a little distraction. At first I brushed off the idea, but then he told me the story of what he did to my mother, and he also made sure to leave a warning, that if I did ever find my mate, he would make sure to destroy her. Luckily for us, he met his death before I could meet you, but it seems as though he left his legacy behind." Demitrey concluded, his eyes flashing over to Serena's corpse."Yes, well, that was a lovely story, but can we please get back on track? I kind of had this scenario all planned out in my mind, and it doesn't involve you becoming the story teller." Said Valinick, with the most self-centered tone I've ever heard. When none of us replied, but only stared at him, he shook his head and said oh so gratefully "thank you. Anyway, when Serena got in contact with Clarissa it was because of Peter's letters. She tracked one of the letters all the way back to Peter and your pack, except when she got there, instead of Peter, she met Clarissa, and the two instantly made a connection over one common thing, their hate for you. Clarissa told me how both she and Serena worked out this plan to get rid of you, all she had to do was play the part of being Peter's eyes and ears in the pack. Hence the reason why he knew when you didn't pay attention to Serena Demitrey. Plus, have you ever thought how she found you guys when you travelled back to Adelina's pack? Anyway, as far as Serena and Peter, it was a win win situation no matter how the game played out, if Demitrey pushed
you away, you would be out of the picture, she would get Demitrey, and Peter would get Aden, if Peter got Demitrey to do something drastic enough, she would get Demitrey, and Peter would try to seduce you while comforting you, that would also get you out of the picture, but, as we can all see, that really didn't work out well for neither her or Peter. Especially when you, Demitrey, almost ripped out her throat yourself. Isn't that right?" Questioned Val."Wait, you did that to her?" Asked Adelina in pure shock. And Demitrey's eyes scanned the lifeless vessel that occupied the floor. "Yeah, she came into my cell talking a lot of shit, and showing off how she was Peter's second in command, meanwhile I was already angry, moody, and absolutely irritated, my wolf was also restless, so I ended up attacking her, almost killed her, which explains the teeth marks that were on her throat when you first saw her earlier. But that also earned me a beat down by Peter." Explained Demitrey, as memories of Peter beating down on him flashed in his eyes."I thought I made myself clear!" Boomed Valinick as he pointed to himself, all the while clearing Demitrey's thoughts "I am telling the story." Both Demitrey and I locked gazed simultaneously, then we both looked over at Val and raised our hands up in sign of surrender, "the stage is yours." Declared Demitrey. And Valinick smiled a tight-lipped sarcastic smile and gave one nod of his head as he said curtly "thank you." He made a move to speak but paused as he gazed over at us, when he realized that we were quietly waiting on him, he smiled and said "now, if we are done with switching the roles of narrator, I'll continue the story. See, it wasn't hard for Serena to gain Peter's trust, and everything came to pass, the wedding was Peter's excuse to see you, but that backfired, especially when the Alpha placed his mark on you, so now it would become twice as hard to get you to love him. Peter overtaken by anger almost declared his love to you. Not that he didn't try when he was saying his vows, I mean seriously Aden, how could you not notice the way his eyes would shift over to you every time he said "I Love you"?" Questioned Valinick, almost as though the thought bothered him."See? I knew I wasn't the only one who noticed the way he looked at you!" Exclaimed Demitrey, but when he noticed Val's hard gaze, he quickly muttered "my bad." Then he made a show of zipping his lips and throwing the key away. Valinick kept a hooded gaze on Demitrey as he cleared his throat and said "Well yes. Moving on, Peter caught his mistake right before he could make a fool of himself, but I guess it was a little late, because we all witnessed you running out of the reception hall, into the woods, and eventually away. Never to be seen again. Until two years later of course. Anyway, after you ran away, Peter blamed Demitrey for putting Aden through such hardships, and decided on taking over the pack to serve as punishment. But then again taking over the pack, and placing you in a horrifically filthy dungeon wouldn't be the right punishment for the man who stole his first love, so how exactly was he going to make you suffer enough? You see, no matter how idiotic I think Peter was, he was still clever enough to know exactly how to punish an Alpha. Tell me Demitrey, why did you wait 2 whole years to get in contact with Adelina?""Because I knew she wouldn't want anything to do with me, and I wasn't going to be one to blame her. I did unforgivable things to her, and I'm still so ashamed, so I didn't want to get in contact with her. I was willing to pay the price of my wrongdoings." Admitted Demitrey, as he scratched the back of his head in shame, his cheeks tainted pink."Exactly! See, Peter hitting you, beating on you, and hurting you physically did nothing to torture you, I mean Alphas are strong, but he knew your only weakness would be the solitude of your mind, with your wolf constantly lashing out at you for hurting your mate, your conscious taking a bite at you for pushing Aden away, and your heart hurting because your mind was worrying about your mate's well-being, along with your pack constantly complaining, and you feeling helpless because as the alpha, you couldn't do anything. But he knew eventually, you would get over that guilt, and reach out to your Luna. Especially with a little push. Tell me, what exactly pushed you to reach out to her?" Asked Valinick."My pack, they needed the strength of their leaders to protect them, and get them out of trouble, I had to put them first, and worry about the consequences of my actions later." Replied Demitrey, his eyes never meeting mine."And that's where he got what he wanted. See, he knew the minute James escaped that Adelina was coming back, I mean she was their destined Luna, and there was no way she was going to refuse. I must say, I'll give Peter kudos for developing such a masterful plan, but then again, there were way too many flaws and loopholes, and sadly Clarissa was one of those loopholes. You see after James' escape, Clarissa came to confront Peter about everything, she texted me that she was on her way to see him, and I waited patiently for her to give me an update, but nothing came. I felt a sad air take over the atmosphere, but I tried to not let the negative thoughts get the best of me. But alas, it was all in vain. When I confronted Peter, he admitted to killing her, and so, we've come to the conclusion of our story, and now, " added Valinick as he calmly pulled out a gun from his back, and pointed it at me "I'm going to kill you."

  Chapter 39- "Winner & Loser"

  *Third Person's pnt. Of view* "Woah." Said both Demitrey and Adelina."Calm down," said Demitrey, as he slowly took a step towards Valinick, "you don't have to do this.""One more step, and the trigger gets pulled." Threatened Valinick."Alright, alright. Relax." Prompted Demitrey."Oh I am relaxed, if I wasn't, your mate here would be been dead the second I walked in." Explained Valinick, as Adelina stood frozen, her mind in a frenzy. Peter was in love with her.And he's dead.Clarissa actually hated her.And she's dead.Serena was obligated to be Demitrey's mistress.And she's dead.And now, Valinick was going to kill her, because everything happened, because of her. "Hey Alpha! The war is ove- WOAH!" Exclaimed James as he walked into the cell, and straight at gun point, when Valinick turned on him, causing him to raise his hands up."Well, isn't that good news, too bad your Luna won't be around to celebrate with you." Said Valinick. James made eye contact with Demitrey, he had Val's attention, and he already saw the plan playing out in Demitrey's mind. "Wh-what do you mean?" Said James, his hands still up."Well, I'm going to kill her." Said Valinick, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world."Why?" Asked James, as Demitrey slowly and silently creeped up to Valinick."Well, long story short, I'm avenging a family's death." Explained Valinick."Right, and what does the Luna have to do with this?" Asked James, distracting Valinick, as Demitrey edged closer to them."Long story, I'm sure it will make a great eulogy at her funeral." Replied Val, then in the blink of an eye, he turned facing his approaching enemy, with the gun barrel pressed against Demitrey's forehead. Valinick smirked, then arrogantly asked Demitrey "do you take me for a fool?" "Actually," smirked Demitrey, "Yes, I do." And before Val could register what happened, James' fist went flying towards his temple. He ducked last second, but hardly had anyway to escape, being that he was caged in between Demitrey and James. Demitrey back up just in time before James' fist came in contact with his face, allowing Val enough room to maneuver. Val knew he wasn't going to make it out in time, so he turned and aimed the gun, two shots rang out, just before he was slammed to the ground, by Demitrey. With one punch to the head Valinick was out cold, just as Adelina's body plummeted to the ground. Demitrey heard the noise and turned to find James holding Adelina. She had two wounds. One on her right shoulder, and the other seem to have penetrated inches below her ribcage, and blood was quickly drenching her shirt. Demitrey wasn't thinking straight when he ripped James from Adelina, and held her to his body. She was having trouble breathing, and blood was trickling from the side of her mouth. Demitrey's eyes suddenly blurred, and it wasn't out of anger. Tears of fear and worry drowned his vision and he cradled Adelina's body in his arms as he whispered "no, no, no, no, baby, hold on, stay with me. Please, please, I can't lose you."Adelina, smiled, then coughed as she mustered to whisper "now you want me to stay with you? So it takes me getting shot for you to be romantic?" Demitrey chuckled as he caressed his hand against her face, then leaned down to kiss the tip of her nose, even when she was fatally injured, she still smile
d. He truly didn't deserve her as a mate. "I'm sorry." He said, then he started sobbing, "I am so sorry. Please, forgive me. I thought I was doing the right thing by pushing you away, you are my mate, and you were destined to be mine. I had to protect you. I love you Adelina. I know I had a crazy way of protecting you, and the word love coming from me is probably bizarre. But I didn't know what else to do. I love you baby, please, please forgive me." He sniffled and sobbed, his tears pouring on Adelina.She looked up in his eyes sincerely and she said with a smile "stop apologizing. If I make it through this alive, you will have a lot of making up to do. Well, that's if I don't leave again." Then as if something clicked, he gasped as his eyes widened and said "Aden, you have to mark me. The mate bond, it'll be complete, and your healing will be accelerated. I don't care if after this you reject me, but please, I don't want to let you go, at least if anything not now. I want that, if and when you leave me, I want it to be because you walk away, not because you are fatally wounded. Please." He begged. Adelina smiled again, the pack was safe, and why would it matter if she died now? She has been good all her life, she became a Luna, and she made the biggest sacrifice anyone could've ever made. She accomplished so much, it wouldn't be a regret if her time was now. In fact, she was starting to feel very sleepy, and her eyes could hardly stay open. "Baby please, please don't give up on me now. I'm begging you. If you let go, I will end my life too." And that was enough motivation to wake Adelina's brain up. She would never be at peace knowing someone else would take their life because of her. If Demitrey was gone, and she was gone, who would lead the pack? Over the time spent with the pack, Adelina learned about what Demitrey and his warriors truly do. So if he offed himself, the pack would be in danger, with no leader to guide them. She couldn't allow that to happen, so she weakly lifted her arm, as she faintly whispered "Come here." Demitrey leaned down, and Adelina made it seem as though she was going to kiss him, but instead, her canine teeth extended, and she plunged it into his skin on his marking spot, and everything changed. Adelina felt a surge rush throughout her entire being, and her body went rigid against Demitrey's. She felt their bond connect and grow, the strength knocking the breath out of her. She then felt her connection reach through Demitrey, and out to every member of the pack. She could feel them, she could hear them. But most importantly she felt him. She felt Demitrey, and his wolf. She felt her wolf spiritually intertwine with Demitrey's, and she felt herself grow stronger. She was now connected to the pack, and their Alpha. They were all now one. Adelina retracted her teeth, and she felt herself spiraling down into darkness. The last thing she felt was Demitrey's soft lips lingering on hers, then she felt her body being lifted, and by the eruption of tingles, she knew exactly who it was. Demitrey felt the moment he and Adelina connected. They clicked together like a puzzle, and when their wolves connected, it all felt so right, like they were meant to be. He knew the impact would knock her out because she was physically weak, but he also knew that it would save her life. Now when she woke up, it would be a whole different ball game. She could always reject him, and move on, but for now, at least she was going to be okay. James led them out of the dungeons, and into the yard, where everyone, young and old, big and small, stood waiting for their arrival. The minute the pack spotted their Alpha and Luna, Kade, the beta bowed, followed by every other member of the pack, James included. They all bowed respectfully in show of respect, then one by one, the crowd split up, and left a central path for their king and queen. With a proud sigh, Demitrey carried his Luna down that path, all the way to the clinic, followed by Diana. Their Luna was home, the pack was free, and everything was going to be okay. Or so they thought. During the entire ruckus, and the Luna being injured, no one really thought to hunt down Valinick as he escaped out the dungeons and into the woods. Val ran as fast as his legs could take him. The trees and branches whooshed by his peripheral vision, while some carefree branches took a slice at his face. He could hear the thumping of his heart, and could feel the blood rush through his body. He could also feel the ground shake under each pounding footstep. Valinick didn't relent on his run until he reached the cabin, where when he crashed through the door, came face to face with an anxious Clarissa. She rushed to her feet the minute Val appeared. He took a second to catch his breath then looked up into the hopeful eyes of his cousin, then with a smile he said "It’s Done. She's hit, and the wounds appeared fatal." Clarissa jumped with joy then hugged her cousin, she helped him settle on the couch as she said "Part 1 is done." "Part 1?" Questioned Val."Yes, see with the death of their Luna, the pack will be devastated, but most importantly, the Alpha will be weak and vulnerable. Adelina stole my mate, now I'm going to seduce hers.""But wasn't getting rid of her revenge enough?" Asked Val shocked."No! She took everything I had.""She's dead!" Pressed Val, trying to make his cousin see some reason."Well, payback's a bitch." Shrugged Clarissa."Well, you're on your own for this one. They already know my face, there's no way I can help you." Explained Val. "Oh I know, but there is one thing you can do for me. See you already know way more than you should. So I have to tie up the loose ends." Said Clarissa as she walked behind the couch. And just like that, Valinick felt the barrel of a gun press at the back of his head, and before he could even blink, a shot rang out of the secluded cabin and into the forest. Clarissa made a show of blowing off the smoke from the barrel of the gun, then she got to work. Demitrey knew her face from the wedding, so she would have to change her appearance. It was time for a makeover. She looked over herself in the mirror as she felt a victorious smile take over her features. Peter, the mate who didn't want her was dead.Adelina, the bitch who stole her mate was dead.Serena, one of her loose ends met her end.And Valinick, her faithful, but too nosey cousin was also dead. She won.


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