His Mate And His Mistress

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His Mate And His Mistress Page 17

by Irtania Adrien

  Chapter 42- "The Moon Goddess" -Part 1 *Third Person's pnt of view* "Okay, okay everyone, it's time to let the Luna rest, you will have a chance to see her later." Said Diana as she ushered everyone out of the room. As soon as the last person was out the door, Adelina's smile dropped, because although she felt happy to be alive, and happy to be surrounded by such as supportive pack, she hasn't seen Demitrey since the day she woke up, and that was about 4 days ago. She didn't know how to feel. Maybe relieved, because she had time and space to think? Or was it somber because she missed her mate? She constantly found herself going over that question in her mind. How does she feel? This had been the similar scenario since she awoke. Diana in her excitement announced that the Luna was awake, and just like that, member after the member, her room would crowd in with visitors, flowers, cards, and teddy bears. Then after hours of smiling and laughing in genuine joy, Diana would usher the last of the last visitors out, and she would be left alone. Aden hasn't heard from Trey, and neither has Demitrey come to see her, but based on what Kade and James has told him, the alpha is not doing so well. He is constantly beating himself up, he won't eat, he won't sleep, and at times he purposefully tortured himself. Adelina knows that what Demitrey did cross the lines, however, she's not sure who to blame because all he knows is violence and power. Ever since he was young, his father abused his power, and continuously tortured Demitrey through violence. The only time Demitrey got relief was through violence and by fighting back. The only way Demitrey gained power, was by violence, killing his father, and taking over the pack. Demitrey was never shown love, and once he found love, he was so afraid to lose it, that he retaliated to the only thing he knew best, violence, and show of power. He made mistakes. Nobody is perfect. If only Adelina could reach out to him, and tell him that he needed to stop beating himself up, but he blocked everyone out. Adelina had so much quiet time, yet her mind's thoughts seem to fill up the room, similar to that of a roaring crowd at the world cup games. She wasn't sure if she should stay, and be Luna. She wanted to talk things out with Demitrey, but what was she going to say? Sorry for seeing you as a monster? And not try to reach out to you? Adelina also found herself partially blaming this whole ordeal on herself. Maybe she should've kept an open mind about her mate, and his motives. Maybe she should've seen the front he put on whenever he became too vulnerable. Maybe she should've tried to talk with him, reach out to him, instead of ignoring and avoiding him, hurting him by playing the jealousy game, telling him proudly that she would leave him, and also pushing him away. Maybe she should've noticed the signs, the different emotions that flashed in his eyes, the change in actions, the one second he's hot, the next he's cold. She should've noticed the pattern. Maybe she should've tried to tap into the humane side of him, the one that kissed her softly, held her and caressed her. As his mate, maybe she should've tried to see past the mask. But he hurt her in ways she never imagined her mate would. But then can't she really see past his flaws and mistakes? Like she wanted her mate to do? Adelina realized that neither she nor Demitrey grew up with love. She yearned it as much as he did. And she was also as afraid as he was when she found him. She didn't want to mess it up. But then again he never allowed her room to reach out to him. Or maybe he did. When he explained that she made him lose control, when he told her that they couldn't keep kissing, when his emotions got the best of him, all of those were signs, she at least should've noticed something. Her heart was constantly battling with her mind. Her emotions were going haywire, and her inner thoughts were as loud as a booming amphitheater. "My, my, the quiet of a room may not be so quiet after all, especially not with the chatter of your thoughts." Came a voice from behind Adelina. "Who's there?" Exclaimed a startled Adelina, as she tried to see behind her, but then again, that was almost humanly impossible."Now, now, sweet child, no need to be startled." said the voice, kindly and tenderly. Then in her peripheral vision, Adelina caught a short elderly woman with hair as white as snow move next to her bedside. The lady wore a soft smile, and her eyes wrinkled at the corners, as her cheeks rose jovial. Adelina should've been afraid, or at least not as calm as she felt. "You... I know you... I think." Said Adelina."Yes dear you know me. Everyone knows me." Said the woman, her voice soft and motherly. Her eyes gleaming. Adelina looked over the kind woman's features. Although a senior, she was absolutely gorgeous. Her surrounding aura felt familiar, yet strange. It was powerful, yet it felt as though they were connected, and the air around her seem as though it was glowing. Then, as if something clicked, Adelina's eyes widened. "M-m- moon goddess." Breathed Adelina as she felt her heart quicken. The woman softly laughed as she waived her hand and said "oh sweet child, please, moon goddess makes me sound old, please call me Selene.""Selene." Nodded Adelina. Then, her eyebrows furrowed. "What are you doing here?" Blurted out Adelina.And Selene rose a curt eyebrow.Adelina looked down in shame, her cheeks reddening as she muttered "sorry. I mean it’s not every day the moon goddess comes to see you." Rambled Adelina.And Selene smiled. "You're quite right. Well the answer is quite simple actually. You summoned me." Replied Selene."I did what now?" Questioned Adelina, raising a curious eyebrow."Well, both you and the Alpha. To be more specific, your wolves reached out to me, and it's funny because I destined you and the Alpha to be mates for a reason, and you guys are so alike, tell me child, what is troubling you?""I- well, I don't know what to do. There's this internal battle within me. My mind won’t shut up, my heart won't relent. My instincts are going haywire, and my gut is in total chaos." Sighed Adelina, as tears suddenly flooded her eyes. Before she knew it, she was full on crying. What was she going to do? "Now now girl, will you stop that. You're making this way harder than it is Adelina. Just follow your heart. Do what you know feels right. Stop trying to fight with yourself. Breathe, work it out, and go with what feels right." And just like that, Adelina leaned down to wipe her eyes, but when she looked up, Selene was gone without a trace. Meanwhile, Demitrey found himself standing on top of the cliff that outlined the tip of the forest, and marked his pack boundaries. He found the view peaceful, somehow bringing calm to his turmolied and battered heart, soul and mind. He hasn't seen his mate since that day that he walked out, and he wasn't sure if she hated him or not. He wasn't sure she even wanted to see him. And he wouldn't blame her. He marked her. Out of fear, anger, and jealousy, he tied her to him, and now, she hates him. She has to. And that stung. Like a knife plunging repeatedly in his heart. But he brought it on himself. He deserved the pain, and so much more. And maybe, just maybe, throwing himself down this cliff, this very rocky and jagged cliff, could be just the amount of pain he needs. He would break his bones and tear his skin in agony as his body plummets down the side of the cliff. Demitrey peeped over, and saw a broken tree that left a sharp edge rooted in the rocks. He imagines himself perched upon that tree. The speared edge piercing straight through his heart, and slowly, painfully, torturing, he would feel himself fade away from the world, away from existence, and away from Adelina, then maybe she would feel safe and happy. He would no longer be around, the mate bond would be broken, and she would be free to choose as she pleased. The thought of Adelina made him smile. So maybe, just maybe, all it took was a single step. Demitrey closed his eyes, tears welling up under his eyelids. A pain bubbled hot in his throat, and his heart was hurting. He felt a calming wind suddenly blow towards him, and he breathed it in and allowed the tears to fall. One last time he whispered "Adelina, I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry. I love you." Then he raised his leg. All it would take was a simple step, and a simple breath. "Now, we both know that this is not the best way to go." Said a voice, startling Demitrey, causing him to stumble backwards, and safe away from the cliff's edge. He looked up with a startling gaze and found an elderly woman looking down at him with a kind smile, and her hands clasped calmly in front of her. "Who are you?" Questioned Demitrey, "What are you doing here?" He added. And Selene rolled her eyes as she turned and looked over the cliff, "of course you and Adelina are mates. You have so much more in common t
hank you think." She chuckled and shook her head, then she said "my name is Selene. I was summoned by Trey and Aden." Explained Selene. Then she heard Demitrey gasp. She shook her head and chuckled. They always had that reaction. "M-m- moon goddess." Breathed Demitrey."Yes, yes, but I prefer Selene. Anyway, I don't have much time. You need to go to your mate. She needs you." Said Selene. Demitrey stood, and sighed defeated as he said "she hates me. What she needs is to be surrounded by her friends and her pack. The ones that support her. Not the one that caused her so much pain."Selene found herself rolling her eyes again, of course they were made perfect for each other."Now you listen to me young man, go to your mate, talk to her, and open up. Stop wearing that mask. Reveal yourself. Be yourself." Urged Selene.Demitrey shook his head, his eyes cast down "She will never forgive me." Said Demitrey as he turned his back on the kind elderly woman. She had a familiar aura to her, but with her being the moon goddess and all, it made sense. With his back turned to her, as Demitrey contemplated his errors, he felt an otherworldly warmth and presence enveloped his body, and he heard a young, rejuvenated, soft, yet mystical voice say "Go to her Demitrey, talk to her, I know how you feel, and what you are going through. I destined Adelina to be your mate for a reason you know." And just like that Demitrey turned to face the elderly woman, except she was no longer there, it's as though she vanished in thin air. He breathed and shook his head. What was he to do now? It was late in the evening when Adelina heard a knock on her door. She was sleepy, but when she felt her heart skip a beat, with a quiet "come in", she eagerly waited for the person to reveal themselves. The first thing that came through the door was a bouquet of flowers, followed by a familiar scent that wafted through the doors. She didn't have to see his face to know who it was. When Demitrey closed the door, he turned to face an expectant yet surprised looking Adelina, with a shy smile, and rosy cheeks, he scratched the back if his neck as he said "hi."

  Chapter 43- "Talk of the past" Part- 1 *Third person's pnt. Of view* "Hi." Replied Adelina almost shyly. Demitrey's blush deepened as he carefully walked towards her and handed her the flowers as he said "um, these are for you."Adelina gladly accepted the flowers and replied "thank you. They're lovely." And Demitrey smiled. He pulled up a chair then sat a few feet away from Adelina as he asked "how have you been? How do you feel?""I've been okay, getting numerous visits from pack members, and Diana says I'm healing pretty well, especially the bullet that pierced inches below my heart." Replied Adelina."Oh that's good." Was all Demitrey could muster."What about you, how have you been?" Asked Adelina."Oh you know, I'm alright." Replied Demitrey, avoiding Adelina's eyes. Adelina noticed his actions and she raised an eyebrow as she said "when was the last time you slept? And don't even think to lie, the bags under your eyes will serve as evidence.""Uh, I'm not sure." Replied Demitrey honestly."Well you need to sleep." Stated Adelina."I'll sleep." Agreed Demitrey, but Adelina chuckled as she said "sorry bud, but I don't believe you. Now, when Martha came over with her triplets for a visit, they were able to turn that," pointed Adelina to the couch in her room "into a bed. So that's exactly what you are going to do." Declared Adelina. Demitrey gazed over at the couch, then turned to Adelina as he asked with a raised eyebrow "seriously?""I'm not laughing." Simply stated Adelina."But-""No buts. You and I have a lot of talking to do, along with many things to smooth out, so I suggest you get some rest while the offer still stands." Voiced Adelina."But I-""Uh uh." "Aden-""Nope, not a word. Go get some rest, I mean you really do need it. You look a mess anyway." Added Adelina, then she turned off the lights. Demitrey's eyes glowed in the darkness, but then he sighed defeated when he realized that she wasn't going to change her mind, and he made his way to the couch. He opened up the bottom half, and took some blankets and extra pillow from the closet, and the minute his head hit the pillow, he was out like a light. *Adelina's pnt. Of view* The next morning, the sun shining through the window woke me, and a few minutes later, so did Demitrey. He seemed confused for a second, but then looked over at me, and smiled. He looked as though he was going to say something, but the door opened, and Diana made her way into my room, with my breakfast tray. "Good morning Luna. Here is your- oh my! Alpha? What are you doing here?" Exclaimed Diana, after having a mini heart attack. "He came to see me last night, and it was too late for him to go back to the castle, so I told him to stay here." I explained."You "told" the alpha to stay here?" Asked Diana, as she emphasized the word "told" to show her surprise, "yes, I did." I replied with as proud smile."Okay, well, I'll get you some breakfast Alpha. Excuse me." Said Diana, then she was out the door, and soon came back with a tray for Demitrey, and afterwards, she checked my vitals, then left Demitrey and I alone. I didn't even eat half of my plate, and Demitrey was already done devouring his food. After we finished breakfast, for a while, Demitrey and I just sat in silence. Each of us dazed, trapped in our minds. None of us willing to speak. Then, I finally mustered the courage to ask him again. "Why didn't you tell me? And don't lie to me this time. I want the truth." I said with a tone of finality. Demitrey sighed, and closed his eyes, then be said “well, I did do it for your protection, and well I didn't know what else to do." "You could've just told me, we would've worked it out. Together." I said exasperated."Well, me telling last time didn't actually help now did it?!" He suddenly snapped. Then he closed his eyes in remorse as he added "Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." I took a second to breathe before I spoke again, and carefully, I asked "last time? You've lost someone in this situation before?" He didn't answer right away, but when his eyes opened, they were guarded, as though he was preparing himself for something painful, then he drew in a breath, and quickly released it, as he rubbed his hands together. After another silent second, he started "her name was Leia," and my ears perked up to hear the story. "She used to work as a maid at the castle when my dad was in charge. One day, when I was about 15, she overheard me asking my father about my mom, again, which he usually answered with "she gave you up the minute she pushed you out. She didn't even want to look at you. She didn't want you." Then followed by a serious beating, because he hated when I mentioned my mom. Anyway, that day Leia was the one to tend to my wounds, and as she worked on cleaning and bandaging them, she said "he's lying you know. Your mother was the sweetest, and she cared for all, young and old. She was kind, a great Luna, and a great teacher. When she found out that she was pregnant, she was jubilant. But not your father. He threatened that if the child was a daughter he would kill the both of them, but your mother was blessed, and she had you. She fell in love with you the minute she held you, and nothing could ever replace the happiness that washed over her, and we could all feel it. Your birth was a milestone in our pack's history. But that happiness didn't last. When you were about 6 months old, your father rejected your mother, and he kept you away from her. The Luna became overwhelmed with sadness and grief, and soon, we felt it, when she headed down to the cliff, and threw herself over. That, your mother's death, was another milestone in our pack's history. The pack became shady, dark, and sad. No one could really smile the way they used to, and your father became ruthless and cruel. Until little toddler you started running all over. Your joyous and effective smile made us all feel as though your mother was still here, like she was living through you. And your eyes, exactly identical to hers. I watched you grow around these halls, you use to always smile, you were always helpful, and nothing could dampen your mood. But then one day, you went to school, and if I remember correctly, I believe that your teacher assigned the family tree project, and you came home, and started asking questions about your mom, but alas, you asked the wrong person. That day, when your father told you that your mom didn't want you, it was the first time we saw you cry. But then you got past that, and as a four year old you jumped back to being your joyful self, until you became of age to really understand, and you asked your father again, and just like he snuffed out the light in her spirit, and ended her existence, he snuffed out your happiness. You no longer helped, you no longer smiled, nor did you go runn
ing around the pack grounds making people smile." Ended Leia, and we stayed silent for a while. When she was finished tending to my wounds, she cleaned up and got ready to leave, and that's when I grabbed her arm, and asked her if she could tell me more about my mom, and she agreed. It became like a ritual for us, we would meet up at her little cottage near the forest, and she would offer me tea, cookies, milk, or anything she had available, then we would sit on her patio and gaze out into the forest, and she would tell me tons and tons of stories about my mom. I started to smile again, I started to help out the pack, and started to spread smiles like old times, just because it was what my mom did. I felt closer to her that way. Leia and I formed a bond, and she became like my second mom. I truly cared for her as though she was my own mother, and over that year, our bond only grew stronger. But my father noticed the change, and soon, I noticed, he had some people watching me. Leia and I hardly met, but that didn't change anything, I still kept on smiling. One day, she didn't show up to the castle for her usual shift, but I brushed it off, however, after a week I became worried, and I went to visit her. I made sure to double check and assure that I wasn't being followed, and to my surprise the usual guards that worked for my father weren't following me. So I went by the store, got her some cookies, and made my way to see her. She explained to me that she quit at the castle because she supposedly wasn't "as young as when she started" so that day, we took a while to catch up, and she even treated me to another story about my mom. When it was about late in the evening, I kissed her goodnight on the forehead, then made my way back to the castle. Once I reached there, it was quiet, and I guessed that everyone went to sleep. Mind you by that time I was 16. So, while on my way to my room, I was passing by my dad's office, and that's when I heard my father's second in command say "I took the boys off your son today, and instead followed him myself. He went to visit one of the ladies that recently retired from here, her name is Leia, and she's the one that has been telling him about Merila." Merila is my mom's name, anyway, I then heard the words that would haunt me forever, my father simply said "find her, and kill her." Without thinking twice I ran to Leia's cottage, and told her about the threat. I told her to run, and find a place to hide, but no, instead she said she would stay and fight, that she wasn't afraid of my father. I admired her courage, but I knew the danger she was in, and being the stubborn woman that she was, she already made up her mind, so I made her a promise. I promised that I would fight to the death to protect her. I remember she cupped my cheek, then kissed me on the forehead as she simply said "it'll be okay." Just as she finished, the door of her cottage crashed open, and guards trampled in. I placed her behind my back between me, and the wall, and I declared "if you want her you're going to have to go through me first." But the guards laughed, and Saul, my dad's beta said "move aside kid, we only came for the lady." And I didn't think twice when I said "fuck off." Then it all happened in a blur. The first few guards came, and I fended them off. Being that my father put me in strict training since ten. But then that's when the game switched up. I trained with Saul and the guards, most of them knew the tactics that I used, and just like that they got the upper hand. They all attacked at once, and I was soon just a bleeding corpse on the floor. My vision became hazy, until it was fully gone. There, in my own pool of blood I laid for days. In pain, in agony, but most of all grieving. I failed to protect her and keep my promise. I lost someone important, someone that I cared for, someone that helped me feel connected to my mother, and I also lost a mother." Demitrey sighed, and I noticed tears slowly streaming down his face. He cleared his throat then continued "anyway, when I was finally able to get on my feet. Leia was already gone. But I didn't let her sacrifice go to waste. Instead, I smiled ten times more and harder. I helped the pack as much as I could, and at night, I went to the clearing by the cliff, and I trained on my own. I made my own practice dummies, and I taught myself new skills and tricks, and that's when I met Kade."


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