His Mate And His Mistress

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His Mate And His Mistress Page 18

by Irtania Adrien

  Chapter 44- "Talk of the past" Part- 2 *Demitrey's pnt. Of view* My eyes scanned over Adelina as she sat quietly with her eyes cast down. She seemed so enhanced in her thoughts that I was actually afraid to know what she was thinking. I am such an idiot. Drowning in my own stupid thoughts, closing myself from others, and hurting the one person I should've care for. I placed my hands on her. I crossed the line. Maybe this was a bad idea. I shouldn't have come here. She hates me. She has to. Maybe I should tell her to reject me, if she makes up her mind to do so, the bond would be automatically broken. I would accept her rejection, and pass the pack on to Kade. He is a loyal beta, and he would be an honorable alpha. Yeah, maybe I should tell her to reject me, she wouldn't have to bear with me, and she would be able to love. She would be happy. She would be able to forget about me, and all the shit I put her through. She would be an amazing wife and mother to a family that deserves her. And me, well, I believe everything would be better off if I was gone. "There you go with that look again." She finally spoke up breaking her silence. My eyebrows rose quizzically, and she frowned as she said "you're beating yourself up again. I can tell because I notice how troubled your eyes became, but you're still holding back. What are you feeling?" She questioned in the end. But I remained silent. What if she despises me? Especially if she hears my turmoil thoughts? "Demitrey what are you thinking?" She asked me again, a bit more urgent. But I couldn't bring myself to say it. She will hate me. She just has to. "Demitrey talk to me!" She demanded curious and worried."Do you hate me?" The words fluently left my lips, my eyes finally connecting with her own."I-" she started but then closed her mouth. She opened her lips as if to say something, but they soon became sealed. *Adelina's pnt. Of you* Did I hate him? Well, did I? Should I? But most importantly shouldn't I? *Demitrey's pnt. Of view* I looked over at her. My eyes observed her facial features as she contemplated her response. I'm pretty sure I know what the response would be. And I would learn to accept it. She has to hate me, because I hate myself. And I know, hate is a strong word. But how could I be so blind? Hurting the one person I should've loved, thinking I was protecting her, just so she could end up on a hospital bed and all because me. I bet she was happy in Italy. I shook my head, and tears welled up in my eyes, but I wouldn't allow them out. I was taught to never allow them out. I wanted to run, transform into Trey and just run my fury out. I wanted growl and howl. I wanted to roar until my voice was gone, and I wanted to free myself of all this regret bubbling inside until I had no strength left. But no. I wasn't going to allow it. I was taught to never make my emotions known, I was taught to leave it all inside. And plus, I want these emotions to build up, and slowly suffocate me. The pain, I deserve it. The aching heart, I deserve it. The regret, I deserve it. I deserve for my monstrous past to rise up, take control, and torture me endlessly. I deserve to suffer. I deserve it all. I shook my head once again, and finally spoke up, "you don't have to answer the question until you're ready, but until then, I will continue on with the story. As mentioned before, at the age of 16 I started training on my own, and at 17, on the eve of my birthday, I met Kade. He was found at our pack's boundary line. He was beat up pretty bad. His pack had been attacked by rogues, and he was the only one to survive. He was taken to the clinic, and after his recovery, my father wasn't sure what to do with him. So I volunteered to take him under my wings, I even remember telling my dad that "every alpha needs a beta right? Well, let Kade train with me, and if he earns my trust, the spot would be filled." That day, the entire room, my father's beta, the head pack warriors, and the other elites of the pack all laughed their heads off. But my father didn't seem too amused, instead with a sarcastic yet strict reply he said "fine, he stays, but he is your responsibility. He messes up, I end his life." And His warning didn't go unheard. By day, Kade and I were under strict surveillance, but by night we trained. We bonded, and we became each other's keeper. I learned that he was just a few days younger than me, and that during the war, he lost his father, mother, and older brother. Rogues ravaged his pack, and his parents urged him to run and not look back. He taught me some strategies and skills when it came to combat, and together we learned, and trained. We gained each other's trust, and we became best friends. We had each other's backs no matter what, to the point that one day Saul accused Kade of stealing from the pack's treasury, and my father was quick to issue an execution. I remember they had him tied to a post, and they had one of the archers ready to aim straight for his heart, with a silver arrow and a tip bathed in wolfs bane. Instant kill. But I wasn't going to have it. I stood in front of him, the arrow aimed for my own heart. My father and I debated for hours, until finally he decided "fine, I will let your pathetic excuse of a friend go. However, you will be tied to this post, and Saul will give you 50 lashes of the torture whip, if you plead to stop, your friend dies, if you let out even a peep, your friend dies, if you fall to the ground, your legs no longer holding you up, your friend dies. And if you pass out during the fifty lashes, when you wake up, you will find his body perched on the branch under the cliff." And just like that, I was stripped of my shirt and pants, left only in my boxers. I was tied to the post by my hands angled up, and everyone, I mean everyone young and old was to witness it. If I'll be honest, the first few lashes were the worst. The first one came unexpectedly, I'm not sure if I was even mentally, physically, or emotionally prepared for it. The whip fell down on my back, and it felt as though it just ripped through my skin. It burned as though a fire was frying my every cell, and the blood, the sweat, and the heat of the sun only made it worse. I lost count at some point, but somewhere in the middle, I started seeing stars. My back arched upon reflex after every strike, and blood oozed and bathed the floor. I had to close my eyes once I saw the pain in my pack's eyes. They were all so afraid, the women, and the children were tearing up, and even the strongest of the pack's warriors would flinch, cringe and look away. I couldn't dare to look at Kade because if I did, the strength in me would leave. I closed my eyes, and gritted my teeth, and I tried to breathe. My back was scorching, my lungs heaving and all I wanted to do was disappear. The last few hits from Saul started feeling weak, and I could tell he was tired. When I heard him breathe out the word fifty, a whoosh of air escaped my lips, and I withheld the last strike. I made it through. I didn't peep a word, I didn't fall, nor did I plead to stop. Saul backed away from me and breathed. Two warriors started to make their way to take off my restraints, and the crowd started to cheer, until "ENOUGH!" Boomed from my father, and silenced the crowd. In my peripheral vision, I noticed he grabbed the whip from an unexpected Saul, and he let out his fury. While Saul only aimed for my back, my dad aimed everywhere, my head, my neck, my sides, my back, and my legs. The whip cruelly licked and bit at my skin, and my body trembled in protest. I started going numb, but I held on. My knees started to give way, but I held on to the post with my arms dear life. At a point I wanted to scream, cry and beg to stop, but no, instead I gritted my teeth. I wouldn't give in. My skin ripped and shredded, blood mixing with sweat and the heat of the sun just added salt to wound. Around me women were screaming, helpless, and warriors at time even grunted, but I couldn't. When my knees buckled, my face and chest rubbed against the hard wooden post. I fell to my knees once my father ripped at then with his whip, at that moment I felt defeated, and even if I wanted to grunt, hiss, or scream, my strength was gone. I started dazing out on my knees, my vision disoriented. And then, I felt it. Kade ran and wrapped his arms around, causing my father’s blinding anger to land on his own back. He held me tight, and breathed with each assault, but he whispered to me "hold on brother, we will make out." With every lash, he just kept on whispering "hold on brother." I breathed defeated. And finally, a peaceful wind washed over me, and for a second, I thought it was over. That my life was over, and you know, I actually felt at peace. It became dark, my father's angry whips, and Kade's painful grunts just faded, and soon, I was finally at peace. But then weeks later I woke up with sore legs and back, a very annoying beeping,
and a smiling woman, who later I learned to be Aunty Diana. She nursed me back to life, helped me back on my feet with some therapy, and took care of my wounds. My first visitor was of course Kade. I learned that seconds after I passed out, Saul finally stopped my father, some of the warriors carried me to the clinic, and I've been here ever since. Kade's wounds were not as bad as mine, and so he healed faster, but day by day, I regained my strength. The pack, group by group came for visits, and then one day my father showed up with a young lady, who later, I would come to know as Serena."

  Chapter 45- "Heat" Part- 1 *Adelina's pnt. Of view* I was struck dumb, and quiet. How could a father be so cruel? I mean my father is a complete asshole and a pervert and he was also cruel, but his father took cruel to a whole other level. Shoot, although he's already dead, I wish I could've killed him myself. "Say something." Demitrey sighed, almost pleading. I thought about his story, and I asked the one thing that came to mind "can I see them?" I said looking up at him, and it's as though he read my mind. For a moment he said nothing, but then he stood up, and his fingers went to work on unbuttoning his shirt, one by one. As his fingers worked the buttons skillfully, his eyes never left mine. I felt a heat suddenly rise to my cheeks, and I bit my lip shyly and looked away. In my peripheral vision, once he was beautifully shirtless, he made his way to me, his stance almost teasing, then he turned his back on me, and crouched to my level. My eyes slowly peeled from the floor, and unto his back. There, scars webbed and ran all across his back. Some paler then the other, some longer than the other, and some looked as though they went deeper. Subconsciously, I found my fingers reaching out and slowly, almost carefully, I touched one of the scars. The minute our skin came in contact with one another, he slightly jumped, and gasped, but he didn't move away, and the mate bond tingles came alive. I traced his scars, and I just felt the urge, so I leaned down and kissed one, then I whispered "I'm sorry." He was frozen for a minute, then with a blush, I moved away from him. He was still crouching by my bed when I shook my head and said "but wait, that day when you were in my room, shirtless, when you were walking out the door, I didn't see your scars. Why?""Because, look." He said, and I looked down at his back, and his skin was completely clear."At times, I am ashamed of them, and I double my skin, and so the scars are near invisible. When I train with my men, I don't show my scars, but," he said, then the scars once again appeared on his back "the minute we go into battle, I take off my shirt, and proudly show them my scars. I hid my from you because I already gave you thousands of reasons to hate me, so I hid my true self from you, and I didn't want you to be afraid of me, but now," he breathed and turned to face, as he looked me straight in the eye "I no longer want to hide from you. I don't want to hide anything from you. I mean it when I say I love you." I didn't reply. I had no words to reply. He stood up, and with an almost relieved smiled, he leaned down and kissed me on my forehead. I closed my eyes and savored this moment. Then he removed his lips and placed his own forehead on my own, and his eyes connected with mine. There in that moment was a connection. Did I forgive him? I don't know. Do I hate him? Not sure. Will I forget what we have been through? Definitely not. Can I learn to like him and maybe even love him? Only time will tell. After a few shared silent seconds, he moved away, but as he turned, there on his right side, I noticed a jagged scar, not straight and clean like that of the whip, but it was distinctly shaped. I was about to ask him what the scar was when a quick knock came from the door. Before I could say wait, the door open and in came Diana with a tray of lunch, but she froze with eyes wide as saucers, as her eyes landed on a shirtless Demitrey. Demitrey also frozen stared wide eyed at the intruder, and in all honesty it was quite the comical picture. "Eh hem." I cleared my throat and Diana's eyes travelled between me and Demitrey in quick motions, and a blush was slowly taking over her cheeks. "Uh- um... I'm sorry." She quickly blurted out, placed the tray on the table next to my door, and she scurried out a deep blush on her face. Demitrey finally awake from his trance shook his head and chuckled, his eyes travelling to me. I shook my head and blushed as I said "why do you always put me in these awkward situations? First with Cilia, and now Aunty D."He shrugged and said with a sly smirk "well, I'm sorry if our chemistry always attracts attention. I mean it’s not like she caught me on top of you or anything. Maybe next time." He winked with a full on smile and I gasped and said "you jerk!" Then I threw a pillow at his head. He caught it in instant reflex and said almost scolding "no, no more assaulting of mates. And thanks for the pillow.""Give it back so I can whack you some more!" I demanded."No." He simply said."I said Give it back!" I once again said."And I said no." He said childish."Fight me then." I pouted."Are you sure we will be fighting or will we be doing something else?" He said, his eyes darkened and his voice lowered teasingly, and just like that, I felt another wave of heat travel over me. My cheeks flushed, and I felt a bit of friction between my legs. I tightened them shyly, and I found my eyes travelling down his sculpted, very well built chest. Before I realized it, I licked my bottom lip, and his eyes caught the movement, causing his own tongue to dart out and wet his own. I felt a jolt in my stomach, and my legs tightened even more as a tingle travelled to my treasured place, and I felt my nipples harden against my hospital gown. I felt a pull towards him, and his body swayed as if he wanted to come to me. I wanted to say "come here." But instead I shook my head, cleared my thoughts and sighed as I said "please put on your shirt." And with a "gladly." He slipped his shirt back on. I almost whimpered as the beautiful image was covered from my eyes, but instead I sighed a breath of relief. What was that?


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