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His Mate And His Mistress

Page 22

by Irtania Adrien

  Chapter 53- "Tease and please challenge" *Adelina's pnt. Of view* After Demitrey left my room, it took a second for me clear my head. I sighed, closed my eyes, and dragged my hands down my face. What the heck was that? He came out of nowhere, and his actions were so unexpected. So much for needing to clear my head. I was just getting off the dresser when Katharina knocked and said "is it safe to come in now?""Yes, it is." I sighed, then made my way to the bed. Just as I was sitting down, Kat came in instantly apologizing. "Adelina I am so sorry. I didn't know that Demitrey was here. I promise, I didn't see anything." She said, sitting next to me."Its okay don't worry about it. Anyways, what brings you to see little old me?" I asked bumping my shoulder with hers."I heard the news, Demitrey asked you on a date!" She said excited."Yeah he did." I said."Omg this is so cute, where is he taking you?" She asked, a little too eager to know."What do you mean?" I asked slightly confused."He did tell you where he was taking you right?" She asked, her voice a bit suspicious."No, he didn't." I replied carefully. Something wasn't right."Aww, it must be a surprise then." She said, almost disappointed."No, it's nothing. I said no to him." I cleared out."You did what?!" She boomed, then she cleared her throat and said "why did you say no?""Because I wanted to say no dammit. And don't you dare tell me that I shouldn't have done that." I warned."No, of course not, I'm just surprised is all." She said raising her hands up in surrender, she then briefly got up and said "well, I have to go, I'll talk to you later." And just like that she was out the door. Well okay then. I shook my head in effort to get rid of all the thoughts and voices in my head, but it was all too much. My run helped cleared my head a little as far as my situation with Demitrey, however, now there's a new suspicion that just arose, because Kat is acting very strange, and I just have this feeling that something is just not right. No, not the time to think of things like that. I need to relax, think of something else... Oh! I just came from a run, I'm going to take a shower. Yeah, a hot shower is all I need. With a made up mind, I picked up my towel, and made my way to the shower. *Demitrey's pnt. Of view* I made it to my room with that victorious grin still plastered on my face. I walked into my room, and went straight to my bed. The guys went running, but I really wasn't feeling up to the physical challenge, and I know, as an alpha I should be on top of my physical game, but hey, a break or two is not that big of a deal. I spent a good amount of time just laying around, my mind focusing on random things, when Kade knocked on the door. With a bored come in, he peeped his head in and said "Hey, the group and I are going to our spot, want to join?""Yeah sure, when are you leaving?" I asked, a smile on my face."Thirty minutes." He said, then closed the door. I smiled a devilish smile, then made my way to the shower. It took me about 15 minutes in total to get ready, then I made my way to Adelina's room. With a calm composure, I knocked on the door. "Who is it?" I heard her ask, but I just smiled without answering. *Adelina's pnt. Of view* "Who is it?" I asked a second time, yet there came no reply, instead, all I received was another set of knocks. Just coming out of the shower, after my last encounter with the Alpha and my towel, I got into the routine of wearing bathrobes, so after tightening the bands around my waist, I opened the door, to a smiling Demitrey. "What are you doing here?" I questioned, as his eyes started to travel down my figure."Hey! Eyes are up here buddy." I snapped my fingers, and his eyes met mine, except, they were already dark with lust. He took a step towards me, and I took one back, he took another few steps until he was in my room, he closed the door, and locked it, his eyes never leaving mine. "What are you doing here? What do you want?" I questioned again, however, my voice wavered. "Oh you know exactly what I want." He said, his voice low, causing a strange yet pleasing shiver to travel across my skin."Um..." I said then bit my lip, not even sure how to continue. His tongue darted out, licking his bottom lip, his eyes focused on my own, making me feel very hot. My chest heaved with much needed air, but it didn't help the want that travelled through me. My hands suddenly felt moist, along with other places in my body, places that I'd rather not mention. I swiped my hands over the robe, in effort to dry my palms, but in the process, the band on the robe loosened, and my stomach, and a bit of my breast became exposed. I heard Demitrey hiss in a deep breath, his eyes focused on the exposed skin, and suddenly, I got the most devious idea. It was time for revenge. I fully untied the bands, and slowly, more of my skin became visible. I noticed Demitrey gulp in my peripheral vision, as his Adam Apple bobbed. I slowly peeled the fabric off my shoulders, down until I was showing a decent amount of cleavage, but before I revealed anymore, I turned my back on him, and smirked in victory when I heard him groan. I heard his movements as he made his way towards me, I felt his warmth on my back, and slowly, his right hand snaked around my waist and pulled me firmly against his chest, causing a whoosh of air to exit my lungs. I felt his soothing breath on the exposed skin of my neck and right shoulder, and the minute his soft lips came in contact with my warm flesh, there a jolt of excitement, rode through my body, and straight to my already sensitive and soaking core. He kissed my skin, and I tightened my legs. My breathing starting coming out short, yet urgent, then when I thought it couldn't get any better, his left hand came around, and slowly, teasingly, rode up my left thigh. His fingers searched for the opening of my robe, followed by his palm, and slowly, he dragged it up my outer thigh, and into my inner thigh. His simple touch and kisses caused a moan to erupt from me, and my eyes widened, wait a second I'm supposed to be the one doing the teasing here. I suddenly pulled away from him, turned around and pushed him against the door. My actions caught him by surprise, and while he was still dazed, I found the exposed skin above his collar bone, where I started to nip and kiss. His hands started to wrap around my waist and pull me closer, but I removed them, and held them against the door on his side of his head, then I got my fingers to work on the button of his shirt. Once successful, I opened his shirt and my greedy hands got to work on touching and memorizing every muscle, every inch of skin, and once in a while I'd tease his V-line. I bit his skin, and a low growl erupted from his chest causing me to feel another jolt to my core. His hands suddenly grabbed on to my legs, and I jumped and wrapped my lags around his waist. He turned us around and pinned my back against the door. I went to touch him, but he captured my hands and whispered in my ear "I know what you're trying to do, and you're not going to win babe." Then he thrust his hips against mine causing a pleasing yet torturing friction to erupt between my legs.I moaned, but quickly cleared my head and asked in a voice coated with lust "is that a challenge?" Then I pulled his hip even closer with mine using my legs."Well that's up to you, just know that I'll win." He said, then took my bottom lip in his teeth, and tugged it."We'll see about that." I declared the minute he released my lip. At my declaration, his lips connected with mine, and we dived into a kiss, both of us fighting for dominance, but then Demitrey stopped and pulled away as he said "Oh yeah I forgot, um the group and I are going to the spot tonight. Want to come?" He questioned oh so casually, as if he didn't have me pinned against the door, with my legs around his waist."Demitrey, I already told you that I-""I know, this is not a date, just a few friends hanging out, that’s all." He stated."Okay, when do we leave?" I questioned, the position suddenly quite comfortable."Well, when I first came you had 15 minutes, but now because of your little tease and please, you only have 5 minutes." He said shrugging with a smirk."What?! Demitrey are you serious? Let me down!" I said struggling against him."See now, struggling will definitely not get you down from there." Then he moved in and whispered "especially since I'm still in the mood." Then just like that he kissed my mark, and picked me off him, and placed me on the ground on jelly legs. He picked up his shirt off the floor, and said "I'll be waiting for you outside." And with that he left. Uuugh, that jerk! That tease! That jerk! I hate him! "Do you really? Because from this side, that wasn't the vibe that I was getting." Muttered Aden in my head. "Shut up." I said, but then she started singing the chorus for it won't stop in my head, and I couldn't help the blush tha
t settled on my cheeks."Well, if I must say," she added after her little solo, "this time around, you were the tease, until of course Demitrey took over, so if I were to keep score I'd say: Adelina 1, Demitrey 2.""Well good thing I didn't ask for your opinion." I shot back. She was about to reply, but Demitrey said "babe, hurry up!" "I'm coming!" I replied, then hurried to find an outfit, and get ready, in less than 5 minutes. However, even while I was running around my room, getting ready, I couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, as if there was something coming. Something negative, evil even. But what could it be?

  Chapter 54- "Buffet Surprise" *Adelina's pnt. Of view* We were all currently in the car, heading towards "the spot". After Demitrey's little stunt, I had to rush and place a random outfit on, which consisted of my grey jeans, and black top, with my black sneakers. Demitrey was driving the GMC Yukon XL, I was in the passenger seat. In the second row, Kade and Cilia sat comfortably, and in the third row, James and Kat were cuddling with each other. I kept asking what "the spot" was, but all Cilia, Kade, James, and Demitrey would do is laugh and say to wait. By the time we got there, curiosity had won me over. Once we found a parking spot, we all exit and the car and headed straight for "the spot". And you wouldn't believe my surprise. It was a buffet! I couldn't help the grin that settled on my face, Cilia chuckled and said "see, told you it would be worth your while." The smile didn't fade when we walked in, and of course, having the Alpha with us, we instantly got a table. We ordered our drinks, and then decided on how we would leave the table. "I say we go in pairs." Said James."I'm down." Replied Kade. They looked over at each other and smirked, then they said "let's go." They hurried to get up, and Demitrey spoke up and said "I'm coming too." They were pushing their chairs back, when cilia rolled her eyes and said "gees, what happened to ladies first?""Well Cilia, the ladies are going first." I said and then smirked. It took a second for the guys to catch on, and Kade said "heyy, don't do that. See I would argue, but, I'm hungry, so I'll take that insult, and still go first." Then, childishly, he stuck his tongue out at me, and being the big kid that I am, I stuck my tongue out also. We all erupted into laughter, then the guys left to get their food. Few minutes later, give or take, our girl talk was disrupted by the clatter of various plates being set on the table. Kade had two, James had two, and Demitrey also had two. Kat looked over at James in shock and said "James, seriously? Two plates?" "No babe, the first two plates, I'm eating for two here. Me and Jay my wolf." Explained James."But how can you eat all that?" She asked, almost disgusted."Well, it is called an all you can eat buffet for a reason." Replied James"Ugh, you really are a dog." She said rolling her eyes."No babe, I'm a wolf, there's a difference." Smirked James as he dug into his food."Whatever." Was Kat's final reply. And a tension settled into the air. Cilia and I made eye contact, and I could tell she was thinking exactly what I was thinking. Kat was acting very strange, and I could feel it in my gut that something was up. "Okay, well, we're going to go get some food now. Kat you're coming?" I asked, breaking the awkward silence."Yeah, sure, I just have to go use the restroom." She said in a hurry, then left the table in a haste."Okay." Said Cilia. Then Cilia and I made our way to the buffet tables. I grabbed one plate, and decided to pace myself, I was going to enjoy this. I caught up with one of the waiters, and asked for their special hot tea, that once you drink it, allows you more room to eat, then I caught up with Cilia who had two plates. I went to ask, but she beat me to it as she said "I am a pregnant woman, and I am eating for two.""But you're not even showing a bump yet." I exclaimed."So?" She challenged."No comment." I smiled, then we went back to the table. Kat still wasn't back. When we reached the table, we walked in on Kade asking James "hey, so is everything alright with you and Kat, I mean, she never acts like this.""I know, it's weird, she just flipped pages. When we first came, after we picked her up from the hotel, she was acting a bit strange, but then I assumed that it was because she was now going to be surrounded by werewolves and that she was nervous, but then she started acting weird again." Explained James."But weren't you going to mark her? She did give you consent right?" Asked Demitrey."Yeah she did, and I was, but then she said the time wasn't right, and that she wasn't ready. I don't know. Plus a lot of weird stuff's been happening, she's constantly running off, and she's always on the phone." Sighed James. He actually looked sort of depressed. "Do you think she could be cheating on you?" Blurted out Cilia. "Babe." Scolded Kade."Nah it's cool. You know I've had my doubts, I mean the bond between two werewolves is powerful, a human and a werewolf can be as powerful, if both parties are fully committed, and since I didn't mark my claim on her, the bond is not as strong." Replied James."So you think she could resist the bond enough to cheat among other things?" I questioned out of curiosity."I think so," answered Kade, then he continued, "in my old pack, we did have a case where one of the males had a human mate, but she never committed to him, and she ended up fooling around and even betrayed her mate.""Wow." Was all I could muster. We sat in an awkward silence, and I found my eyes looking over at James. It was alien to see him in such a down mood, the light in his eyes wasn't as bright, and he just seemed so forlorn and downcast. I felt sympathetic towards him, he was like a brother to me. I suddenly felt a warm hand slip in mime, and I didn't have to guess who it was. His thumb softly caressed the back of my hand, and it was somehow comforting. He held my hand under the table, and with his other hand continued to eat, as if everything was normal. James finally shrugged and looked up, then smiled as he said "alright guys, enough of the pitiful silence, your sympathy is killing me. Let's dig in!" We all chuckled, and started eating, the sad air slowly dissipating. At some point, I really began to worry because Kat still wasn't back. I was done with my plate, and as much as I wanted to get up to go on another trip, I just had this gut feeling that something wasn't right, so I spoke up and said "guys, something's not right, I'm going to go check in the bathroom to see if Kat is okay.""I'm coming with you." Agreed Cilia, and we got up. I reluctantly slipped my hand out of Demitrey's, instantly missing his warmth. No, not the time to think about that. I shook of my silly thoughts, and Cilia and I made our way to the bathroom. Once we opened the door, there was no one in sight, and the lights were very dim. "Kat?" I called out, my voice echoing in the dark stalls of the bathroom."Are you there? Are you okay?" I questioned, but I received no reply."Kat?" I said, bending over to see under the stalls, but there was nothing, not a soul. I started opening every stall, checking to make sure that they were all empty. I was nearing the last stall when, I heard Cilia call behind me, "Adelina.""Yeah?" I said, preoccupied with checking out the stalls."Adelina." Said Cilia a bit more urgent."What?" I said turning around, and instantly froze. I couldn't believe my eyes. I couldn't breathe, nor could I move. "No." I finally mustered to breathe out, paralyzed by the sight in front of me."Hello Adelina." Said Clarissa with a smile, as she stood behind Cilia, holding a knife on her throat.


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