Chasing His Lynx’s Sass (Sass And Growl Book 4)

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Chasing His Lynx’s Sass (Sass And Growl Book 4) Page 6

by Dawn Sullivan

  “We’re family,” Cora said, opening the car door so Cannon could place her inside. “We protect each other.”

  A family who protected each other. She could get behind that, Shayna thought, as Cannon slid into the back seat with her. “You aren’t driving?”

  “I got us here,” he said, holding her close. “Someone else can drive. My mate needs me now.”

  “Yes, she does,” Shayna agreed, leaning into him and letting her eyes close. She needed him more than he knew, more than she could hope to understand.

  Chapter Eight

  Cannon scanned the ranch closely as Cora drove Shayna’s car down the lane toward the house. It was larger than he thought it would be, and in good condition. A place you could take pride in, unlike the houses they’d been forced to live in over the years. It was dark, but there were several outside lights on that transformed the place, making it as easy to see as if it were daytime. Not that it would have been difficult for them as shifters, but he still appreciated the idea. They’d done the same with their farm.

  The front door opened when Cora came to a stop, and a tall man with short brown hair stepped out, followed by much shorter blonde-haired woman. He slid an arm around her waist, pulling her close as another couple came out, and then another. Soon, there were too many people standing in front of the house to count, but thanks to Shayna, Cannon recognized every single one of them.

  “Kitten, we’re here,” he said quietly, cupping her cheek and tilting her head up until he met her eyes. “You ready?”

  Shayna smiled weakly, lines of utter exhaustion etched deeply into her face. “Always.”

  He chuckled, leaning down to give her a quick kiss. “Remember, trust us, Shayna. No matter what, we will protect you.”

  “I normally like to be the one doing the protecting,” she said, her words slurring slightly together.

  “Yeah, well, now you got us,” Cora stated from the front seat. “Let’s get this show on the road. I hate sitting here while all those damn shifters are watching us. Makes me feel like prey, and I’ve never been fucking prey in my life. I’m a grizzly bear, dammit.”

  His mate stiffened, her eyes going to the window as if just realizing the whole Channing bunch was standing there watching them. “Well, shit. I really don’t want to go through this again.”

  “I swear, that fox lays a claw on you, I will eat her,” Camila promised.

  Shayna burst into laughter, quickly clutching at her ribs after she did, a soft whimper escaping.

  “Oh, Shayna, I’m so sorry!”

  “Don’t be,” Shayna said, reaching over to open her door. “I needed that laugh.”

  “Hold on a second,” Cannon ordered gruffly, sliding over and getting out the other side before walking around to open his mate’s door. He ignored the gasps he heard from the women in front of the house, focusing only on Shayna. “You need help out?” He voiced the question so low that only she could hear, knowing how she felt about looking weak in front of others. Her clear green eyes met his for a moment, and then she slowly held out a hand and let him draw her from the car. His heart knocked against his ribs at the trust he saw in those eyes, and for the first time, he felt it begin to open to her. Not just because she was his mate, but because of who she was as a person. She was his, but he was beginning to understand that there was so much more to being a mate than just feeling attraction and the mate bond. She was a woman, too. One he was looking forward to getting to know more.

  Cannon expected her to pull away from him when they turned to face the others, but she didn’t. She actually stepped closer. At first, he thought it was because he made her feel safer, but he quickly realized that wasn’t the truth. She was, once again, putting herself in a position to protect him if need be.

  “Shayna! You’re back!” a voice called as a woman ran from the house, quickly skirting around the pack of Channings, and racing toward them. She skidded to a stop just a few feet away, her shocked gaze going from him to his sisters, then behind them before her face fell and her eyes swam with tears. “You didn’t find him? You didn’t find my Casen?”

  “Not yet, Nadine,” Shayna said, breaking away from them to go to her. “But I promise you, I haven’t stopped looking.” Sliding an arm through the distraught woman’s, she gently guided her over to Cannon. “This is Casen’s brother, Cannon. And his sisters, Cora and Camila. They wanted to meet you and little Athena.”

  A huge sob racked Nadine’s body as she took a step toward Cannon, then another. He froze, unsure what to do.

  “You look and smell like him,” Nadine whispered, lifting a hand as if to touch him, before slowly letting it fall again. “I miss him so much. I don’t know how much longer I can do this.”

  The woman sobbed again, and the sound nearly tore him apart. Her love for his brother was shining in her eyes, her agony at his disappearance shining bright for all to see. Not thinking, he opened his arms, pulling the woman to him. She grabbed hold of his shirt tightly, a loud keening cry leaving her, before she dropped her head to his chest and wept.

  “Oh, Nadine!” A woman said on a ragged breath, rushing toward them, only to be brought up short by a low growl from Shayna.

  Suddenly, a man was beside her, glowering over at Cannon’s mate. “Dammit, Shayna, it’s her sister. She just wants to console her.”

  “If she wanted her consoling, it would be her arms she was in right now and not Cannon’s.” Shayna snapped.

  Cannon frowned as he looked closer at his mate, seeing the beads of perspiration on her forehead and the paleness of her cheeks. She was fighting for them, just like he knew she would, but she was struggling to stay on her feet.

  “Shayna, come over here to me,” he said, his eyes on the couple in front of him. He knew who they were. Nolan and Teine. He didn’t give a damn. All he cared about was his mate’s safety, and right now, he was questioning that. He saw her hesitate, her gaze going from him back to the couple.

  “Look, Shayna,” Nolan said, taking a step in her direction.

  A low growl slipped from Teine, and at once Camila was in front of Shayna. “Don’t you growl at her! All she’s doing is looking out for what’s best for your sister.”

  “I know what’s best for my sister!”

  “Obviously not,” Cora said, coming up to stand beside Camila, her hands resting lightly on her hips as she glared at Teine. “Look at her. I’d bet money that she hasn’t felt that safe since you rescued her.”

  Teine’s stunned gaze went to where Cannon was holding Nadine close. He met her gaze, felt a wave of sympathy for the woman, but she wasn’t the one he was really worried about. He had made a promise to his mate, and he was damn well going to keep it. He was going to prove to her that she came first, over any of these people, and that she could trust him. “Shayna, come here.” His voice was low, but he knew she heard him. She looked over in his direction, and he saw her sway slightly on her feet. She wasn’t walking anywhere. There was no way she was able to. “I’m sorry, Nadine,” he said softly in her ear, “but I need to get to my mate. She’s injured and she needs me.”

  His words must have reached her through her grief, because she raised her head slowly in confusion, and then looked at him in shock. “Shayna’s your mate?” When he nodded, she frowned. “She’s hurt?”

  “Yes, but she doesn’t want anyone to know.”

  Nadine looked over at where his sisters were standing protectively in front of Shayna, glaring at Teine who was now scowling at them again.

  “That’s enough!” A voice boomed, loud enough to make even Cannon jump. “Teine, it’s obvious Cannon smells like his brother, and that it’s comforting to Nadine, which is what she needs right now. And both of you need to leave Shayna the hell alone. You hired her to do a job, let her do it. You’re going to run her off the way you’re acting.”

  The man stepped forward, his mate by his side, and held out a hand to Cannon. “I’m Knox Channing, and this idiot is my brother Nolan. That’s his mate,

  Cannon nodded to the man, ignoring his hand. “I know who you are. You’ll have to excuse me, but this is going to have to wait. I don’t think my mate is going to last much longer.”

  “What?” Knox asked in confusion.

  Cannon stalked past the standoff that was going on between his sisters, Nolan, and Teine, and scooped Shayna up in his arms. “Sorry, kitten, but this isn’t going to work the way you wanted it to.”

  Shayna looked up at him through unfocused eyes, murmuring, “I could’ve taken her.”

  Cannon burst into laughter, shaking his head as he turned to face Knox, the man he knew as the alpha of the group. “I know you could, sweetheart. There’s not a doubt in my mind.”

  He heard a growl come from Teine’s direction, but Camila was there in an instant. “You hurt her once, lady, I wouldn’t try it again. If she doesn’t tear you to shreds over it, Cora and I will. You don’t touch our family.”

  “Family?” Teine asked, and he could hear the frustration and confusion in her voice.

  “She is Cannon’s mate, and that makes her our sister,” Camila said haughtily. “So, you better stay away from her.”

  “Isn’t she supposed to be the sweet one?” Cannon heard someone whisper.

  “Oh, I am really damn sweet,” Camila spat, “as long as you treat my family with the respect they deserve. Can’t any of your see that Shayna is hurt? She went rounds with a boa shifter yesterday and was almost squeezed to death, after killing another one, along with a human to save us. She’s sick and in a lot of pain, and just plain exhausted, and you are all being horribly rude to her. I, for one, wish we’d never come here. We should have taken her somewhere else to heal. Somewhere she feels safe, instead of here where she has to watch her back just because she slept with one of you. She’s my brother’s mate, and you don’t see him being a dick, do you?”

  There was complete silence when Camila was done with her rant, and Cannon was at a loss for words for a moment. He’d never heard his sister speak that way.

  “Cami,” Shayna whispered, her voice barely audible. “Cami,” she called again, reaching for her.

  “I’m here,” Cami said, taking Shayna’s hand and pressing it to her cheek.

  “Love you, sister,” Shayna breathed before she lost consciousness.

  Chapter Nine

  Shayna woke to a voice that was soft and low, but full of confidence. “She’s been through a lot, but she’s going to be fine.” Shayna stiffened when she felt someone draw a blanket over her, wondering where she was. Inhaling slightly, she scented Cannon in the room with them, along with his sisters and Teine, but no one else. Just the woman who had originally spoken. A shifter, with an unusual scent that she couldn’t place.

  “But she was in so much pain. That thing nearly crushed her!” Camila’s sweet tone filled the room, and Shayna frowned at the worry and fear in it. She didn’t like the idea of the kind, caring bear being upset over her.

  “Maybe, but she has no broken bones, just a couple of cracked ribs.”

  “Feels broken,” Shayna muttered, a low moan escaping when she tried to turn over in the bed she was on. She struggled to open her eyes, so tired her lids just fluttered for a moment, then stopped. “Where am I?”

  A cool hand rested on her forehead, and that soft, soothing voice said, “It’s okay. You’re safe in one of the Channing’s spare bedrooms at their ranch. Try not to move around too much for awhile, Shayna. That snake did a number on you, but none of your bones are actually broken. Just cracked, and there is a lot of bruising.”

  “Hurts like a bitch,” Shayna breathed, then groaned as pain shot up through her chest.

  “Yes, it will for another day or two.”

  “Why isn’t she healing faster, Doc Freya?” Cannon asked in concern. Cannon, her mate. The man who had claimed her in front of everyone. Who had come to her when she needed him, saved her from the boa constrictor, and protected her from everyone else.

  The doctor was quiet for a moment, and then said, “Honestly, I believe she is just exhausted. Her body is rundown and not capable of fighting off the injury like it should be.”

  “She’s been looking for my sister’s mate,” Teine said from somewhere on the other side of the room. Shayna couldn’t see her, but she could smell the fox shifter. The scent of the other woman’s worry and guilt was heavy in the room. “She’s done so much for Nadine. Trying to track down Casen, and then finding his family and bringing them here when she couldn’t. Working day and night to bring him home to his family.” There was a catch in her throat when she whispered, “I was horrible to her.”

  “Doesn’t matter,” Shayna mumbled, once again trying to get her eyelids to open. This time she managed a small slit, but the light from above seemed to burn into her eyes and she shut them quickly.

  “It does,” Teine whispered. “I am so sorry, Shayna. I promise, I will stop being such a raving bitch. I owe you so much. Because of you, my sister has actually spoken with Athena the past couple of days, telling her stories about her father and how she can’t wait for him to meet his daughter. It’s because of you, and the hope that you give Nadine, that she is starting to interact with the rest of our family here. Instead of being a jealous twatwaffle, I’m going to do everything I can to help you.”

  A short burst of laughter left Shayna, and ignoring the pain it caused, she rasped, “Twatwaffle?” She managed to open her eyelids to mere slits and keep them open as she whispered, “Never heard that one before. I think I’m going to steal it.”

  “Go for it. I have several more where that came from.”

  “I have some I could add to it,” Cora said dryly.

  When Shayna laughed again, a small whimper of pain slipping out, Teine crossed the room to stand beside her, placing a hand gently on one of Shayna’s. “I really am sorry, Shayna. I hope you can forgive me.”

  Shayna’s eyes fluttered close, then she finally managed to get them to open all of the way. Turning her hand over and clasping Teine’s lightly, she rasped, “Nothing to forgive.”

  Teine’s light blue eyes filled with tears, and she whispered, “Thank you.”

  “I think it’s time we let Shayna get some rest,” the doctor broke in. Shayna turned her head slowly and looked over at the woman. Large, brown eyes filled a pretty face, a cloud of beautiful, glossy dark hair surrounding it. She had a peacefulness about her that instantly put Shayna at ease and made her want to return her smile. What kind of shifter was she? Something different, that was for sure.

  Deciding now wasn’t the time to try and figure it out, no matter how much her inquisitive nature wanted to, Shayna let go of Teine’s hand and allowed her eyes to close. “I am tired,” she admitted quietly.

  “Everyone out except Cannon,” Freya ordered curtly.

  “But I don’t want to leave her,” Camila protested. “What if she needs me?”

  “She has her mate. She’ll be fine.”


  “Cami,” Shayna whispered, without opening her eyes. “I promise, little sister, I’m going to be fine. You and Cora need to get some rest, too. You haven’t slept in over twenty-four hours.”

  “I don’t care,” Camila said, a small pout in her voice. “I don’t want to leave you.”

  “Neither do I,” Cora surprised Shayna by saying. When she turned her head toward them and opened her eyes, Cora shrugged. “I would never forgive myself if something happened to you while we were gone.”

  The doctor sighed, shaking her head as she gathered a dark brown bag from the end table by the bed. “I know how stubborn you Channings can be, and I really don’t have time for this right now. I have to get back to town. Do what you want, but just make sure she gets the rest she needs for at least two days.”

  “One day,” Shayna cut in, thinking about how she needed to get back to work. “I have to find Casen.”

  “Two days,” Freya growled, her brown eyes turning a dark reddish color before going back to the s
oft brown they normally were. Taking a deep breath, she said, “No less. It won’t do you any good if you end up right back in bed, Shayna. You need to heal before you hunt. Understand?”

  Those eyes gave the woman away, at least in one area, but Shayna kept quiet. She’d run into demons in the past and was shocked to find one here at the Channing ranch, but she knew they wouldn’t have allowed Freya into their home if they thought she was a threat. Shayna also knew there were both good and evil demons, as there were good and evil humans and shifters. She didn’t discriminate. What she still couldn’t figure out, though, was what else the doctor was, because she wasn’t full demon. There was a distinct shifter scent to her, one she’d come into contact with before. She would have to work it out later, though. Right now, she was very quickly losing the battle to stay awake.

  “Two days,” she consented, “but I’m not going to spend those days in this bed the entire time.”

  Freya nodded slowly, smiling at her. “You can go downstairs or outside on the patio, but you are not to leave the ranch.”


  The doc’s smile widened, and she whispered, “Thank you,” as she turned to leave. Shayna knew she wasn’t just thanking her for agreeing to rest. No, she was also thanking her for keeping her secret, because no one else had seemed to notice the demon eyes she’d flashed earlier.

  “I’m going to go check on my sister,” Teine said, reaching over to pat Shayna’s leg before walking out the door, shutting it quietly behind her.

  “Please, don’t make me leave,” Camila whispered, her eyes glistening with tears. “I know it isn’t rational, but after losing Casen, there’s no way I could handle losing you, too. I’m having trouble dealing with the thought that the snake could have taken you from us.”

  Shayna couldn’t stand the sight of those tears. Taking a deep breath, knowing it was going to hurt like a bitch, she slowly began to move over to one side of the large king-sized bed. She let out a hiss as the pain hit her, but kept moving.


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