Chasing His Lynx’s Sass (Sass And Growl Book 4)

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Chasing His Lynx’s Sass (Sass And Growl Book 4) Page 7

by Dawn Sullivan

  “Shayna, stop. What the hell are you doing?” Cannon demanded, leaning over the side of the bed, glaring at her. “The doc said not to move.”

  Ignoring him, Shayna pushed herself over more in his direction, cursing under her breath when more pain hit her.


  Finally, when she was sure there was enough room on the bed, she turned on her side away from Cannon. Patting the mattress lightly, she smiled over at Camila. “How about we all get some sleep?”

  Camila smiled a wide, breath-taking smile that lit up her whole face before she pulled back the covers and climbed onto the bed, settling beside Shayna. Cora hesitated for a moment, and then followed, snuggling in next to her sister. She sent Shayna a grateful smile before her eyes closed as she sought sleep.

  “Goodnight,” Shayna whispered softly, her heart full as she stared at the two women who were destined to be tied to her through their brother for the rest of their lives. She’d never had any siblings before, and found she was looking forward to it. They were different as night and day. One shy and sweet, the other bold and brash, but both women she would be proud to call her sisters.

  “Night, Sis,” Camila murmured, already half asleep. Cora didn’t answer, but a soft snore filled the room.

  “You are fucking amazing, mate,” Cannon said gruffly, running a hand lightly over her hair. “I’ve never met anyone like you before.”

  “Good,” Shayna whispered, grasping his hand in hers and tugging on it, trying to bring him closer. “Come here. My cat wants you curled around us, and so do I.”

  She heard his quiet growl, and then the covers behind her were being pulled back and he slid into the bed, an arm wrapping gently around her hips, careful to stay away from her bruised ribs. “You are mine,” he muttered, placing a kiss on her temple. “You know you can’t run from this, Shayna.”

  “I could,” she whispered, pressing closer to him. She could run fast and hard, but it surprised her that no part of her seemed to want to anymore.

  “I would find you wherever you go,” he vowed. “Chase you down and bring you home.”

  “Where is home?” she asked, feeling herself beginning to drift off.

  “Wherever you are,” came his reply.

  “And Casen and your sisters,” she mumbled, snuggling closer to him, wincing when she felt the twinge of pain in her ribs.

  There was silence and then, “Fuck, kitten, I think I love you.”

  Chapter Ten

  “Where are they, Knox?”

  The woman’s voice was loud and demanding, and a low growl built in Cannon’s chest at the sound of it. He felt Shayna stiffen in his arms, an answering growl in her own chest. Slowly, he ran a hand down her arm to try and soothe her, even though all he wanted to do was jump up and protect what was his.

  “They’re resting, Mrs. Wolfe. They’ve been through a lot, and need…”

  “I know exactly what they need, Knox Channing. Now, are you going to take me to my bears, or am I going to find them myself?”

  Her bears? Who the hell was this Wolfe lady, and why was she claiming his family as hers? He and his siblings hadn’t belonged to anyone… ever. It had been just them and his parents until his parents’ death, and then it was just them.

  “Mom, let’s go. Jake or Nathan can bring you back later.”

  “Freya said it would be okay if I visited, Mason, and that’s what I’m doing.” Her voice lowered some, and she insisted, “They need us right now.”

  They did? Who was this woman, and what made her think they needed her?

  Cannon heard the rustle of covers, and then Cora slid from the bed. “I got this,” she said, her gaze meeting his as she ran a hand through her hair a few times to remove the tangles. “Take care of your mate.”

  “His mate is just fine,” Shayna said groggily, rolling over in his arms and tentatively stretching her arms above her head. There was a slight wince, but the dark agony he’d seen in her eyes the couple of times she’d woken before was gone. Now, it looked more like discomfort than anything else. “We go together.”

  “No,” Camila murmured, sighing before she slipped from the bed to stand next to her sister. “Cora’s right. You two stay here, and she and I will go meet Mrs. Wolfe.”

  “Not gonna happen,” Shayna snapped, her green eyes bleeding into a golden color. “We are a family, and family sticks together.”

  The door to the bedroom opened, and a woman breezed inside, her short blonde hair bounding against her neck and her blue eyes sparkling in delight as she looked at them.

  “Mother, you can’t just barge into someone’s bedroom like that. It’s not right.”

  “Oh, come on, Mason, stop being such a prude,” the woman said, placing her hands on her hips as she laughed at him. “First of all, Cannon’s sisters are here. Do you really think he and his lynx would be doing the horizontal mambo with them watching? Second of all, even if they were, it’s not like they have anything I haven’t seen before. How do you think you and your…”

  “Mom! Stop!” Mason said in exasperation, shaking his head as he looked over at them. When Cannon made a move to get out of bed, he held up a hand, “Please, don’t move. We won’t be here long. I’m Mason Wolfe, and this tornado is my mother, Barbara.”

  “It’s nice to meet you both,” Camila said shyly, crossing her arms over her chest in her nervousness.

  “You don’t need to be scared of us, little bear,” Barbara said, her gaze softening as it landed on the timid woman. “I’m sorry, my son’s right. I can be a bit of a… tornado… sometimes.”

  “A bit?” Mason muttered.

  “Shut it,” Barbara growled in warning, glaring at her son before turning back to them. “I don’t want to interrupt your resting.”

  “A bit late for that,” Mason quipped.

  Cannon slowly slid from the bed, watching the pair closely as he held out a hand. “Cannon Channing.”

  “Yes, I know!” Barbara said in excitement. “I’ve heard all about you from Freya.”

  When his eyes narrowed, Mason Wolfe interjected, “By that, she means she knows your names and that you are cousins to Knox and his family. That’s it. Freya doesn’t share more than what she thinks would be allowed.”

  “Well, and to be fair, she didn’t even tell me names,” Barbara chimed in, her face lighting up with mirth. “But it hasn’t been hard to piece things together since I walked through the door here just a few minutes ago.”

  Shayna pushed herself into a sitting position, and Cannon moved to place some pillows against the headboard, helping her back so she was resting against them. He situated the blankets around her, making sure she was comfortable before turning back to the others.

  “Good,” Barbara said, nodding in approval, a gleam in her eye. “Very good.”

  “What?” Shayna asked in confusion, her hand sliding across the cover toward him. Cannon didn’t think twice about capturing it in one of his and holding it tight.

  Barbara smiled in satisfaction before opening a large purse she was carrying and taking out a bright pink gift bag that said “Congratulations” across it in dark sparkling purple letters.

  “Jesus, Mom.”

  “What?” she asked, with a shrug. “I may have heard a rumor that one of you was already mated. So, I brought you a present just in case.”

  Cannon’s brow furrowing confusion, he accepted the bag from Barbara with a small smile. “Thank you, Mrs. Wolfe. That was very generous of you.”

  “I wouldn’t open it right now,” Knox warned, eyeing the bag closely. Cannon was surprised to see the man’s cheeks redden slightly. It was all the warning he needed. There was no way he was opening that bag.

  Cannon handed it to Shayna, his eyes never leaving the Wolfes in the room. Actual wolf shifters, by the smell of them. No matter what they were saying right now, he didn’t know them, and he didn’t like them being too close to his family. The only thing that stopped the growl that wanted to erupt was the fact t
hat Knox seemed to be comfortable around both of them. The alpha bear obviously trusted them, which meant they shouldn’t be a threat.

  Cannon glanced over at his mate just in time to see her glance inside the bag. Her eyes widened in shock, and she gasped as she seemed to recoil away from whatever was inside. “Shayna, you okay?” he asked. Her cheeks darkened to a pretty pink color, and she looked away, refusing to meet his gaze, or that of anyone else in the room. Now he was just plain curious. He’s never seen his lynx embarrassed over anything before.

  “Oh, you are going to love it!” Barbara promised excitedly. “I have three of that kind, all in different colors. It’s different than the one I bought Knox and Emery for their mating because it has this part on it that stimulates your clit and makes…”

  “Mom, that’s enough,” Mason growled, grabbing her by the elbow and all but pushing her toward the door. “They are obviously fine for now. It’s time to go. I have to get to work.”

  Cannon froze, his eyes going from the bag Shayna was now clutching tightly in her hands, to the horror in her eyes when the smell of her arousal permeated the room. He fought back a groan as his dick twitched in his jeans and began to harden.

  “But… I haven’t told them the best thing about their present yet,” Barbara protested as her son led her out of the room, glancing back and shrugging apologetically, although Cannon could clearly see the man was fighting back laughter.

  “Sorry, man,” Knox said, raking a hand through his hair, a small grin on his lips. “Same thing happened to me when Emery and I got together.”

  Cannon didn’t know what to say. He was standing there with a hard on from hell, the damn thing being strangled by his jeans. He couldn’t think about anything except the lust rolling off his mate. The growl he’d held back since Barbara walked into the room slipped out, although it was for a totally different reason now.

  “On that note,” Knox said, glancing over at Cora and Camila, he asked, “I think they need some time alone. Anyone up for a horseback ride? Emery and I were going to head out for a picnic by a lake on our land not too far away.”

  A small whimper sounded in the room that had nothing to do with pain, and Cannon muttered, “Sounds like fun.” He needed them all to leave. Now. He wanted to be balls deep in his mate, and he wasn’t waiting any longer. When his sisters still hesitated, he growled, “Go!”

  Knox let out a gruff laugh, walking out of the room. “Come on, cousins. Let’s give them some time alone.”

  His sisters followed the man reluctantly, Camila glancing back one last time before closing the door behind her. Cannon crossed the room, reaching out and locking it, before looking back at his mate.

  Shayna’s face was flushed, her chest rising and falling quickly as she stared at him. Her tongue slipped out to moisten her lips, and a growl ripped from him. Grabbing his shirt with one hand, he yanked it up over his head, dropping it to the floor. “If you don’t want this, now is the time to say so.”

  She moaned, sliding the blanket off of her, slipping her hands up inside her shirt to palm her breasts. “Cannon, please.”

  “Fuck!” Cannon’s hands went to the button on his jeans, and he undid it, slowly sliding the zipper down, careful not to catch the sensitive skin of his cock in it. He groaned, pushing his jeans down to his thighs and palming his thick shaft. “Shayna, kitten, tell me what you want. I need to hear the words.” He knew what he wanted, but he refused to push her if she wasn’t ready. He would wait until the end of time for this woman.


  Shayna was nearly out of her mind with need for her mate. He was standing there, stroking his hard cock while waiting for her to tell him what she wanted, as if he needed permission to cross the room and love her. She froze. Was that what she wanted from him? His love? She had been coherent enough to hear what he said when she’d fallen asleep the last time. That he just might love her. The thought scared her, but also filled her with hope. Hope for a future she never thought she would have.

  “Shayna.” Her name was a low, guttural sound full of need that seemed as if it was torn from Cannon’s throat. Those fascinating amber eyes of his glowing a darker brown, showing her how turned on he really was. “Choose.” The words were forced through his lips, his grip slowing to a stop and tightening on his cock as he stared at her, waiting for her response.

  She could tell the effort it took him to stop. He wanted to make absolutely sure she was ready, because once he took her, he was going to sink those huge fangs he was sporting into her shoulder and claim her. The thought of it nearly made her come right then and there. She cried out, slipping her shirt off, and removing her pants just as fast. “You,” she gasped, shaking with need. “I choose you, my mate.”

  Cannon froze, a huge shudder racking his body, before he let go of his dick and swiftly removed his jeans. “You’re sure?” he demanded.

  Shayna slid down in the bed, opening her legs wide. She licked her fingers, and then slowly ran the palm of her hand down her body, from neck to pelvis, before stopping just above her wet pussy and placing those fingers on her clit. A moan escaped as she began to move them in a circular motion, her hips bucking at the pleasure that filled her. “Cannon, get your ass over here,” she snarled, her other hand going to cup a breast. “If I wanted to do this by myself, I’d use the damn toy Barbara brought.”

  “Fuck that,” he growled, his eyes locked on the fingers that were making sparks of desire shoot from her clit up through her entire body. He crawled onto the bed, hovering just over where the thin strip of hair covered the glistening lips of her pussy. “Mine.” It was a snarl, a claiming; one she couldn’t deny.

  “Yours,” she agreed on a ragged breath, crying out when he lowered his head and replaced her fingers with his tongue. He licked and sucked on her clit, his fingers stroking through the wet folds before entering her slowly. First one, then two.

  “Mine,” he growled again, lapping at her, pulling small whimpers and moans from her throat.

  “Oh, God, Cannon,” Shayna cried, the desire building inside of her, making her body shake.

  “Come for me, kitten,” he demanded, his tongue going back to her clit, flicking back and forth quickly. His fingers pushed in and out, the tempo going faster and faster. It all continued to build until she couldn’t handle it anymore, a scream tearing from her as she shattered, coating his mouth with her juices.

  “Cannon,” she gasped, clutching his shoulders and trying to pull him up. “I need you.”

  He looked up at her, his eyes glowing, fangs bared as he fought for control. She had never seen anything so fucking hot.

  “Don’t want to hurt you,” he growled, his arms trembling slightly as he moved up her body. Placing his forearms on either side of her head, he held himself over her, breathing heavily. “Your ribs.”

  “My ribs are fine,” Shayna said, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down until their mouths met. She moaned when she tasted herself on his lips, licking at them and then sliding her tongue into his mouth, stroking his huge fangs with it. She wanted to smile when his chest rumbled in a growl, knowing the touch of her tongue on those fangs turned him on.

  “Want you so bad,” he rasped, pulling his mouth from hers to lick and suck his way down her neck, and lower until he found her full breast. “Need you, mate.”

  Shayna felt his cock at her entrance and lifted her hips, trying to guide him inside. His lips covered one of her nipples, his tongue swirling around it before he sucked it deep inside his mouth. When he bumped the tip of his dick against her but didn’t go any further, she snarled, nipping at his neck.

  “Don’t want to hurt you, kitten,” he rasped again, lifting his head from her breast and burying it in her shoulder.

  “If you don’t get the fuck inside me now, I’m going to hurt you,” she snarled, raking her nails down the skin on his back. She may have felt a slight twinge of discomfort here and there, but the pain was pretty much gone. And even if it hadn’t been, s
he still would have wanted this. There was no way he was denying her of what belonged to her. Him, his body, the other half of his soul. She wanted it all.


  “Now!” she growled, reaching down to find his cock, grasping it in her hand. He was so hard and thick. She trailed her fingers down the length of him, and then back up to the tip that was covered with beads of cum, weeping for her. Not willing to wait any longer, she placed his cock where she wanted it, cupped his ass, and dug her nails into his flesh as she pushed up into him.

  Cannon groaned as he gave in, pushing deep inside of her, breathing her name against her ear. She moaned, loving the way he stretched her, filling her up. “Shayna. My Shayna. My kitten.”

  He began to move slowly, his breath hot and heavy on her neck. He held himself over her on his forearms, keeping his chest away from hers, as if afraid to hurt her. She didn’t care, as long as he was moving. The pleasure inside her was building once again, her body hot, on fire. “Shayna, baby,” Cannon ground out as he raised his head, his eyes locking on hers. “I don’t know how much longer I can hold back.”

  Shayna cupped his cheek, letting him see the truth in her eyes as she promised, “You don’t have to, Cannon.”

  His eyes darkened even more, his hands grasping her hair tightly as he began to thrust harder into her. His mouth opened, his harsh breath fanning her face, he rasped, “You feel so fucking good.”

  Shayna met him thrust for thrust, her nails digging into his back. She felt her fangs drop, knew the moment her eyes went cat. She was close to coming, and she wasn’t waiting any longer to claim what was hers. It didn’t matter that just a couple of days ago she’d been so against having a mate. He was hers, and she wanted him. Needed him. Lunging up, she sank her teeth deep into Cannon’s shoulder, claiming him, leaving her mark for all to see. He shouted her name, his hips snapping even faster as drove into her. He gave in and lowered his head, finding that soft skin of hers and biting down, sealing the bond between them.


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