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The Challenge (The Pack Book 2)

Page 21

by Kristin Coley

  “I’m glad you did. I doubt Liam would be alive if you hadn’t,” I replied gratefully. I wasn’t sure when it had begun to matter to me that Liam lived, but I knew he deserved a chance. An opportunity to live a life outside of the toxic Hanley pack.

  Leah snorted. “I wasn’t expecting that, that’s for sure.” She glanced at me as she continued, “I happened to have my Dad’s car today. He keeps his bag in there in case of emergencies.” She shrugged. “I guess all those years tagging along after him paid off.”

  I nodded, giving her a shrewd smile. “I bet you could get a job around here if you decide to become a veterinarian,” I told her and she gave me a startled stare.

  The door opened behind us before she could respond and when she saw Liam swaying between Dom and Trent, she barked, “Put him back! Right now.”

  “They need me,” Liam answered his voice shaky and Leah shook her head firmly.

  “Nope,” she replied, arms crossed as she faced the three shifters down. “I did not just stitch your guts up and perform a highly unorthodox blood transfusion so you could die in the woods. Back in the bed.” She made a shooing motion and Dom gave me a pleading glance. I shook my head, in complete agreement with Leah. There was no way Liam was going anywhere. His skin had a thin film of sweat over it and I was pretty sure ghosts had more color than he did at the moment.

  “We need him to guide us to the Hanley compound,” Dom said and I frowned. We did need the help but it was also clear Liam couldn’t provide it.

  “He can’t help through the link?” I asked carefully, watching as Trent and Dom traded a glance. They shook their heads simultaneously and I narrowed my eyes.

  “We need eyes on the ground,” Dom explained. “Or better yet, a nose on the ground.”

  I turned my head, thinking, and saw Dylan. I glanced back at Dom, tilting my head toward Dylan, and watched him tense as his gaze followed where I indicated. “He’s our best option,” I declared, and then gave Liam a sympathetic glance. “No offense.”

  Liam grimaced, waving off my apology and then almost collapsing from the effort. Dom adjusted his hold on him and with a glance at Trent; they started to haul him back to the bed. “I can do this,” Liam protested. “I just need a minute.”

  “More like a few days,” Leah chided, keeping a close eye as they lowered him back to the bed.

  “Liam, our other option is Dylan,” Dom stated, crouching next to the bed where Liam sprawled, his breathing ragged. “Do you think he can get us to the Hanley compound without issue?”

  Liam studied us for a second before nodding. “Yeah, I think he can. It took weeks for anyone to notice he was slipping away. When I followed him, I almost lost him a few times.”

  “Does anyone know the path he took?” Trent interjected, skating around the real question of whether Liam had told the Hanley pack what Dylan had been up to.

  Liam shook his head, “No. I lied and said I lost him.”

  “You lied to your Alpha?” Dom questioned, his voice hard, and Liam stared at him cautiously.

  “I told him a half-truth. He didn’t push very hard,” Liam replied defensively. “I didn’t want him to come at me.” He jerked his head toward Trent. “I also didn’t want to lead them back to him or the little she-wolf.”

  Trent nodded his head, accepting Liam’s claim at face value. Dom eyed them both before standing and saying, “Alright, I believe you. But no more lies,” he commanded and Liam bobbed his head. “Let’s go. We need to prepare and talk to Dylan. Liam, get some rest and tell no one about this conversation.” The words held a strange cadence and Liam bowed his head in reply.

  When we stepped outside the room, Dom waited until I’d drawn the door closed before speaking. “Do you think Wren is going to allow us to take her brother back to Hanley lands?”

  I opened my mouth to answer when the person in question growled, “What?”

  “No?” I answered, my mouth twisting, as Wren appeared from behind Dom.

  “You want to use Dylan?” She accused her lip curling into a sneer as she stared at Dom. “I thought you were better than the others.”

  “It was my idea,” I stated, stepping between her and Dom. “Dylan is our best hope of getting onto Hanley land unnoticed. He’s been sneaking back and forth for weeks.”

  She stared at me, betrayal written across her face, and I sighed.

  “Look, we both know he can. The question is do you trust us to keep him safe?”

  “He’s my brother,” she replied.

  “And they have my brother,” I reminded her harshly. “Trust me, I don’t want to see Dylan hurt, but I will also do whatever it takes to get my brother back. I’m sure you can understand that feeling?”

  She crossed her arms protectively over her stomach, finally nodding, as she looked toward Dylan. “He’s all I have,” she whispered, her eyes pleading when she looked at me. “Protect him for me.”

  I nodded, holding her gaze as I said, “I promise.” I ignored the low groan that came from Trent and the heavy exhale I heard from Dom. I would do everything in my power to bring Dylan back safely. I owed her that much.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “Are we sure about this?” Trent questioned, eyeing us. “Because I have reservations.” I blew out the breath I’d been holding, not wanting to admit my own reservations but as we stood at the edge of the Hanley border, I couldn’t deny my concern. Dom was about to shift and Dylan stood near us, trembling as we prepared to cross the line. He kept glancing over his shoulder back the way we’d come and I kept waiting for him to bolt back to his sister.

  “Dylan, we need your help,” I said for the umpteenth time. “Remember, they have Monster and you can help us get him back.”

  Dylan’s gaze came back to me and he bobbed his head nervously. I smiled at him encouragingly as Anna told Dom, “I should shift. I’m faster than both of you.”

  “You’re also a hell of a lot more noticeable,” Trent answered before Dom could. “You have light fur. We’re trying to sneak in, remember?”

  She glared at him and when Dom replied, “He’s right,” she turned her glare to him. He held up his hands. “You know it’s true, Anna.” She frowned but didn’t argue. We were dressed in black, my dark hair pulled back, while Anna’s lighter hair was hidden underneath a black beanie Trent had provided. Dylan stood still, waiting for us as he remained in human form. Wren had warned us that he was unpredictable and uncommunicative when he shifted, so it was my job to make sure he didn’t shift.

  Trent peeled his shirt off without hesitation and I glanced away, still not accustomed to the easy nudity the shifters displayed. I caught Anna checking him out and when Trent winked, she flushed, ducking her head.

  “Dylan will take the lead. Trent and I will flank you. Payne, you bring up the rear,” Dom ordered, his eyes sweeping over us to make sure we obeyed. I nodded easily, Anna grimaced but nodded, and Payne moved to the rear.

  I brushed my hand over Dylan’s arm and asked him in a low voice, “Are you ready?” He nodded jerkily, his hands knotted together and I smiled softly. “You’re brave to do this. I know Monster will be happy to see you.” The mention of Monster cheered him and his hands relaxed. When I turned back, both men had shifted and stood ready. “Let’s go get Monster,” I told Dylan and he started forward. Within seconds, the two wolves had disappeared into the shadows, leaving me, Anna, and Payne to follow Dylan.

  We remained silent as we entered Hanley lands, none of us wanting to alert any potential patrols of our presence. Liam had revealed that the Hanley Alpha had been planning this attack since before his son’s death. He’d wanted his grandson back and used the challenge as a way to assess the situation. He hadn’t expected his son to lose though and that fact had made him even more volatile. He’d increased patrols but the Hanley pack’s reduced numbers meant most of them were doing double duty patrolling and they had become careless.

  We used that fact to our advantage as we approached their compound from th
e rear. We skirted a sleeping guard and I felt Dylan tremble. I assumed it was fear until one of the security lights revealed his expression. Anger contorted his face, the sight startling me enough that I hesitated to touch him. I wiggled my fingers, catching his attention, and when he glanced at me, I mouthed, “Monster,” to him. Slowly, his expression eased back into a more relaxed one and I heaved a sigh of relief.

  Dom brushed against me, his enormous size bringing him even with my chest. He’d assured me that he could track Monster and Nicky’s scents once we were close enough, and once he had my attention, he trotted off. This way, he pushed through the bond and as Anna followed him, I figured he must have sent it to through the Pack bond as well.

  Dylan lumbered after him and I moved quickly to keep up. I hadn’t spotted Trent since he’d shifted but knew he had to be around somewhere. Our goal was to get Monster and Nicky and get out before our presence was noted. It would be hard enough getting the boys back home without having to add running for our lives to the equation.

  Loud voices had me glancing around for a place to hide. Payne jerked me toward a building, gesturing for me to crouch down next to some garbage cans. My nose wrinkled at the stench but I remained still as they passed us. Clearly, they didn’t expect us to sneak on to their land because the two men didn’t even glance around.

  Once we left the protection of the garbage, Dom chuffed, shaking his head as he attempted to get the scent of garbage out of his nose. He started moving, his head swinging back to check I was still with them as he guided us further into the Hanley compound.

  Only a few security lights lit up the area making it difficult for me to see. Payne didn’t seem to have the same problem as he glided silently along while I stumbled after them. Finally, we came to a stop as Dom sniffed one of the buildings. This one, he told us and Payne checked the windows, nodding in confirmation when he came to one in the back.

  My heart leapt at the knowledge the boys were actually there and safe and I moved forward to see for myself. When I went to glance through the window though, I saw the door open inside. I ducked my head, my heart thumping as I prayed they hadn’t seen me. If they raised the alarm now, we were screwed.

  A door slammed, and we heard someone say, “They’re fine. Don’t know why we have to babysit them though. No one is going to risk coming on to our land.”

  “Better than night patrol,” another voice answered. “Wouldn’t want to be Blaine tonight.”

  Payne squatted next to me but when he heard them, he slowly stood, making sure he was out of sight of the window. Dylan growled next to me, a low continuous rumble that made me nervous. I laid my hand on his arm, trying to smile soothingly, as I patted his arm. His growling finally ceased, but he remained tense.

  A TV turned on, drowning out any noise and giving Payne an opportunity to ease the window open. Anna came over then and used Payne’s thigh to boost herself up and through the window. I pushed aside a spurt of envy at how easy she made it look as she ducked inside. She treaded lightly over to a bed where the boys huddled together sleeping. She woke Monster first, a gentle shake as she held her fingers to her lips. He immediately glanced around, searching, and I waved at him from the window. A huge smile creased his face when he saw me, and I had to swallow the lump that formed in my throat.

  She gestured for him to remain and then carefully picked up a still sleeping Nicky. She carried him to the window and handed him off to Payne, who cradled him to his chest. When she turned to go back for Monster though, she found him standing behind her, his own movements so stealthily she hadn’t heard him approach. She shot me a wary glance and I shrugged. He wasn’t exactly known for obeying.

  He clambered over the windowsill and before I could decide if I was strong enough to catch him, Dylan plucked him from the window and hugged him like a doll.

  Anna swung her leg over the window and lithely jumped down, her landing a barely noticeable thump. Dom’s head swung over us, his yellow eyes gleaming in the darkness. He padded past, leading us back the way we had come. Anna followed him, Payne next with Nicky, then me with Dylan taking the rear, Monster clinging to his back like a monkey.

  The continued silence grated on my nerves as I kept glancing over my shoulder to make sure Dylan and Monster were there. We only had to hide once as a Hanley crossed our path and then we were back under the cover of the forest.

  I took my first deep breath since we’d started and reached for Monster. He came to me, wrapping spindly legs around my hips as I hugged him tightly. Dom came around, bumping me as he indicated we should continue moving. I nodded, squeezing Monster again before setting him down.

  Dom took the lead as Monster held my hand, guiding me through the underbrush. A flicker of movement caught my eye and my heart jolted until I recognized Trent’s multihued fur. He kept pace beside us for a minute before disappearing again. Dylan trailed behind us, his steps surprisingly silent considering his size and I had to check often to make sure he kept pace.

  We’d spread out, moving slower with the addition of the boys, and I couldn’t see Dom at all, his black fur blending into the shadows completely. A sharp rustle in the underbrush was the only warning we had as a lean wolf darted out, his entire focus on Anna and her defenseless back. I opened my mouth to cry out a warning when another wolf leapt into view, snarling as he crashed into the wolf targeting Anna. I recognized Trent as Nicky woke up at the sudden noise and started to cry. Payne quickly shushed him but it was too late.

  Another wolf stalked into view and I put myself in front of Monster, missing the man coming up behind us. Monster’s hand slipped from mine and I reached for it frantically, my gaze glued to the approaching wolf. Snapping jaws forced me to spin around and I stumbled back as Dom lunged on the man who’d snuck up behind us. My distraction was all the other wolf needed as he prepared to attack.

  Payne had dragged Anna out of the way, as Trent continued to fight the wolf who’d initially scented her. Some of her hair had spilled from the beanie and I saw the air shimmer around her right before a howl drew my attention back to the wolf targeting me. Fear coursed through me, both at the fact that he was about to come in for the kill and because he’d warned the rest of the Hanley pack of our presence. Dom was busy with the human who’d tried to attack me, dodging a knife as he went for the man’s legs.

  I scrambled backwards, away from the wolf who watched me with hungry eyes, as I tried to grab the gun I’d brought with me. I couldn’t feel it though as I checked the waistband of my jeans where I’d tucked it when we’d left the motel. I patted the ground frantically, wondering if it had fallen out when I’d hit the ground. My fingertips brushed cold metal right as Monster shouted, “Dylan!”

  I froze as a wolf rivaling the size of Dom appeared. It took my mind a minute to catch up as the wolf’s rounded eyes focused on Monster a second before he attacked. I rocked back as he lunged, my arm hitting Monster and bringing him to the ground as we fell on top of the gun I’d been searching for.

  The giant wolf wasn’t after us though as he locked his heavy jaws on the Hanley wolf about to attack me. I stared in awe as he shook the smaller wolf, slinging him into a tree and then darting after him.

  “Is that?” I gasped, glancing at Monster for confirmation. He nodded, looking impressed as Dylan ripped into the Hanley wolf. “Whoa, okay, I see why Wren didn’t want him to shift.” I dropped back onto the ground, the gun securely in my hand now, as wolves continued to fight around us. I dragged Monster next to me, protecting him with my body as we crawled to Payne and Nicky.

  A wet nose nudged me and I barely kept myself from shrieking as Dom mentally pushed, It’s me.

  “Next time, mention that before you sneak up,” I told him, my voice shaky.

  We have to move, he continued, ignoring my words as he pushed his heavy head against my back.

  Dylan, I protested as I got to my feet. Anna and Trent.

  They can take care of themselves, Dom answered harshly. The Hanleys know we’re here
. We have to cross back over to Navarre land.

  I urged Monster to move but he fought me, his eyes locked on Dylan. “Dylan,” he cried and the massive wolf with the unusually rounded eyes swung his head toward him. The other wolf used the opening to attack Dylan and Monster gave a sharp cry. “Follow us,” he shouted desperately as I lifted him in my arms, almost running to keep up with Dom and Payne as they jogged through the tangled undergrowth of forest.

  My lungs burned as I pushed my body past its limits, Monster’s tears soaking my shirt as we left Dylan and the others behind to fend for themselves. I spared a single glance over my shoulder but couldn’t see anything in the dark woods. I stumbled over tree roots, almost hitting the ground once but Payne’s quick reflexes saved me. Dom was a shadow next to us, constantly urging us forward, and I trusted him to get us home.

  Finally, he stopped, placing himself behind us as I collapsed against a tree, my stomach rolling as I tried to get air into my burning lungs. Monster dropped to the ground, his fingers curling into Dom’s dense fur as he stared back the way we’d come. I could only assume we were back on Navarre land and that was why Dom had risked stopping.

  The others? I questioned, taking advantage of the mental bond Dom kept open.

  They’re coming, he replied tersely and relief shot through me. But Hanleys are chasing them, he continued and terror replaced my relief. They won’t come onto our land, he promised.

  How can you be sure? I asked desperately, my fingers clutching the back of Monster’s shirt as if I held him tightly enough then no one could ever take him again.

  The others are coming, he answered right as several long howls pierced the air from all around us, the sound almost bringing me to my knees as tears leaked from my eyes. Trent and Anna just need to cross the border.


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