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Rise of Humanity

Page 87

by <unknown>

  Zhong Yue scrutinized the battle and the two combatants carefully. His heart stiffened up, these two monster Qi Practitioners were the ones who had clearly gone through countless battles, this was clearly exhibited in their exceptional combat abilities that were not inferior to Yan Lisan’s in the least. Even more so, the demon spirit Qi Practitioner was even slightly stronger than Yan Lisan!

  “Hehe, it’s Qing You and Yu Kun of the Qing Ming City. They are from the same city, the same young and formidable experts of the younger generations of Qing Ming City, who knew they would end up fighting among themselves already.”

  Yu Xuanji squinted his eyes and glanced furtively at Zhong Yue and Hu Qimei before saying, “The two of them are concentrating in their battle. If we were to suddenly emerge and ambush them, we will have two fewer formidable opponents to fight against! Qimei, Brother Long, I’m steering the skiff, I don’t have any extra hands, you two should kill them!”

  Hu Qimei was noncommittal while Zhong Yue smiled and said, “Brother Xuaji, Qimei, the two of you have seen my prowess in Gu Xia City, but I haven’t seen any of yours. Although we are joining hands, the alliance is contingent on the strength of the people who make up it.”

  Right now, he seemed to be absolutely normal on the surface, but he was actually on the crux period of coalescing the moon spirit. It would be fine if it was just a simple and shallow battle, but if he were to engage into such a blood-curdling fight, he would not be able to reserve any more strength in condensing his moon spirit.

  Hence, if he was the one to engage, he would have to reveal to Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei that he was at the critical period of cultivation. They would not hesitate in making short work of him, reaping the lives of himself, Qing You, and Yu Kun together.

  In addition, if he were to engage in a fight with those expert cultivators, all the effort he invested into coalescing the moon spirit would be thrown down the drain, and he would even suffer from an impairment of his cultivation base.

  “That said, Brother Long Yue is examining me?”

  Rays flashed in Yu Xuanji’s eyes, he gazed at Hu Qimei and asked, “What does Qimei think of it?”

  “I’m also very keen to warm myself up by tidying the remains of a few formidable opponents before reaching Xian Kong Saint City,” Hu Qimei flicked her ears while smiling.


  Yu Xuanji leaped out from the skiff, monstrous clouds billowed up behind him, shrouding and concealing him within. The waters beneath the skiff also disappeared.

  Seeing that the skiff was plummeting down the sky, a sudden surge of flame emerged out of nowhere and it was as if the skiff had grown a pair of fire wings. It fluttering in the air, lifting it up. And yet, the skiff was not set alight in flames, instead continued to move with Zhong Yue’s dextrous manipulation of the fire.

  Yu Xuanji’s heart stiffened up, The fire and water don’t come together as one, this Long Yue’s attainments in fire manipulation are not any weaker than my attainments in the water manipulation!

  Visualizing the Golden Crow wings would not affect Zhong Yue greatly, he gazed at Hu Qimei who was still on the skiff, smiled and said, “Qimei, please.”

  Hu Qimei chortled and walked out of the skiff with her lute, she licked her lips with her tongue and said, “Brother Xuanji, Qing You is also a woman, I’ll kill Qing You while you handle Yu Kun!”

  Zhong Yue looked over but nothing came into his eyes, Yu Xuanji had suddenly disappeared to be replaced with white and fluffy clouds. All of a sudden, the sky turned gloomy, lightning flashed and thunders roared, and the water started drizzling down into a light rain.

  Zhong Yue searched around, and his heart palpitated in shock, Yu Xuanji was nowhere to be found, it was as if he had turned invisible!

  Chapter 115: Exaggeration |

  “No wonder he is called Xuanji, even I can’t tell where he is hiding at!”

  He heaved out a long breath, and spread out his psyche to catch the slightest abnormalities in the air Only then would he be able to sense the Yu Xuanji’s aura. This monster Qi Practitioner had morphed into a little fish three inches long, hiding in the rainwaters and swimming towards Qing You and Yu Kun.

  And the rain was not natural either, it was actually Water Sword Qi, dripping down in a line like thread, following one another on the heels. Not only that, he could still feel the immense power hidden in the rainwater. Every drop of rainwater contained complicated totem carvings within them, which make them to be more than just simple Sword Qi!

  Rain poured from the sky, but the young monster lady Qing You and the other Qi Practitioner Yu Kun were nonchalant about it. Right at this time, the sounds of a lute playing could be faintly heard. It was unknown when, but Hu Qimei had already alighted at a hill beside the battlefield, her long and delicate fingers flicked across and plucked on the strings; the sounds of the lute that effused an inexplicable bitterness arrived at the ears of Qing You who was still in the middle of an intense battle.

  Hu Qimei’s lute is quite similar to Senior Martial Sister Jun Sixie’s zither, but there is also a slight difference!

  Zhong Yue listened carefully, and his heart stiffened up, Jun Sixie’s zither sounds would be turned into Sword Qi, but Hu Qimei’s lute sounds were very bizarre and uncanny. The sounds of the lute playing would evoke tears in the eyes of the listeners, but masked behind the veneer of the sonorous melody was the killing intent that seemed to rend the soul.

  Qing You and Yu Kun felt uneasy and they stopped abruptly at the same time and shouted, “Who is playing the lute?”

  Before the words could finish exiting their mouths, the rain suddenly stopped pouring down. The raindrops turned stagnant in midair, Yu Kun glanced around and noticed that there were at least ten thousand tiny raindrops and rainwater threads!


  Yu Kun growled in anger, the demon god spirit behind lifted him up in its hand and lunged into the air; meanwhile, the rainwater droplets blasted towards him in all domains!

  Krong krong krong!

  Sounds of eruptions blasted out as the raindrops fell down onto Yu Kun and the demon god spirit. Immediately, there were dark black carvings emerging out around Yu Kun, weaving around him into a cocoon in the demon god’s hand.

  His defensive shield skill was different from the others, it was a shield skill of the demon race, while the demon god spirit agitated waves after waves of dark totems around its body, warding off the rainwaters. The dark mist around its body was blasted and holes were created, but they would then billow and reform together again, it was very magnificent.

  Countless raindrops fell onto the black cocoon, blasting countless holes on it. Then the next moment, the rainwater threads swarmed over —Chi chi chi— piercing through the demon god spirit and the ragged black cocoon.

  “Yu Xuanji, the enmity between you and me is now irreconcilable!”

  Yu Kun groaned in pain, the black cocoon burst out and a giant beast appearing like lustrous jade leaped out from the black coon, Its body was pierced with holes, and white colored jade liquids were flowing out endlessly!

  It was a jade cow, bellowing and growling as it was severely injured by the rainwater threads and raindrops, the demon god spirit behind it was also heavily impaired, it shouted, “Yu Xuanji, come out….”


  Before he could finish his sentence, a silver fish swam into his body through the wound openings.

  The jade cow was shocked, his body started to shrivel down. He was one that was blessed by the heavens, he was a being that was born from a piece of peerless jade. Over time, as the jade basked in under the light of the sun and moon, it gave birth to a spirit within, forming into the jade liquids. But its outer shape was a cow, and because it was born from by the earth, that was why he was called Kun.

  Meanwhile, Yu Xuanji was already in his body, sucking the jade liquids from inside him and gradually reaping his life away. In a trice, Jade Kun was only left with the outer shell, all of the jade liqu
id inside of him was sucked away by the little silver fish, and even his soul dissipated into thin air!

  While on the other side, the lady Qing You heard the melodic sound of the lute, she quickly manipulated the gourd with all her strength. The multi-armed celestial being stood up from the gourd, reached out its arms and wrapped her within. It then bolted away with great speed!

  Suddenly, the sounds of the lute grew more and more intense, every voice and sound could not only incite its unsuspecting audience to erupt in tears, but also reap their lives away like a melody of death. Qing You had only managed to run out of the valley before all of a sudden, blood gushed out like waterfalls from the multi-armed celestial being’s palms.

  The multi-armed celestial being growled loudly and its body started to crumble, it turned into thick and viscous monstrous clouds flowing back into the gourd, and completely disappeared in the gourd as it fell onto the ground.

  Along with the gourd was Qing You’s dead body, the young monster lady’s eyes were filled with terror, she was not in her true form. Uncountable wounds were scattered across her body. As in the time that the lute melody was on the rising crescendo towards it deathly peak, she was already dead due to excessive bleeding, she could not even make it in time to morph back into her true form!

  Invisible Sword Qi!

  In the skiff, Zhong Yue squinted his eyes, he gazed at Hu Qimei who was on the hill as she kept the lute and walked over to Qing You’s remains. She reached out her hands, gently and tenderly, she tidied the remains before her.

  “Junior Martial Sister Qing You, even after your death, elder sister will still let you depart in peace.” the monster lady laughed and said.

  Her sonic waves have sounds but not form, it must be some kind of sonic wave technique, where totem carvings would form at the places the sounds can reach. It was nigh indefensible by any shield.!

  Zhong Yue pressed down the shock in his heart and he thought to himself, Breaking this sonic wave technique can only be done by fighting sound with sound, in the moon spirit totem pattern, there is the Mangu Roar, it can fight off her sonic waves! Or, with lightning speed, going all out to strike her dead before giving her any chance to play her lute!

  Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei had their own arts and skills, strong and uncanny ones— Yu Xuanji’s rainwater threads were quite similar to the sword silk; but the raindrops were completely different. They would be akin to water bombs, blasting through the opponent’s defense to give the opportunity for the rainwater threads to enter.

  And Hu Qimei’s lute was the most bizarre and uncanny of all, one that could not be guarded against at all.

  Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei boarded the skiff, Hu Qimei even held Qing You’s gourd together with her. As Zhong Yue was still in the critical period of coalescing his moon spirit, he had immediately dispersed the Golden Crow’s wings and relinquished control of the skiff over to Yu Xuanji.

  “What an enjoyable meal, Yu Kun’s essence was the best nourishment, devouring him allowed my cultivation base to slightly increase. It’s a waste that Brother Long Yue didn’t participate in the battle.”

  Flowing waters appeared in midair —Hua-la hua-la— carrying the little skiff forward. Yu Xuanji glanced at Zhong Yue, he suddenly smiled and said, “Brother Long Yue has seen our prowess, what do you think?”

  Zhong Yue smiled in reply, “Brother Xuanji is bizarre and unforeseeable, while Qimei is uncanny and unsolvable, I admired you two a lot.”

  “And?” rays flashed in Hu Qimei’s eyes as she probed.

  “And that’s it.”

  Zhong Yue laughed and said, “The two of you, your prowess are indeed strong, but that’s it. That is, if the two of you hadn’t hidden your true prowess, hehe….”

  Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei glanced at each other, their hearts turned vigilant, and said, “I myself and Qimei would like to see the hidden prowess of Brother Long Yue’s.”

  Zhong Yue’s countenance held the same expression, he answered nonchalantly, “There will be a chance, there will be….”

  But in actual fact, his heart was experiencing tumultuous undulations. The moon spirit had yet to finish coalescing, and he needed more time. Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei were two strong experts, if Zhong Yue did not have any strong and powerful measures to suppress them, they would have killed him before they even reach in Xian Kong Saint City!

  They’ve hidden their prowess, and to such unfathomable degrees.

  Zhong Yue thought to himself, Although they had the element of surprise ambush, they didn’t go all out either. The battles between monsters, their full power can only be revealed in their true forms, and their prowess will take a step higher again if they cast their atmans Yuan Shens! But none of them revealed their true forms nor their Yuan Shens. If I don’t have any measures to counter them, then I’m afraid that I’ll be killed by them!

  The monster race revered the strong, and the weak were relegated to nothing more than prey. There was no such concept as gratitude and loyalty. If they were to ever happen across the chance to make short work of Zhong Yue, Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei would definitely not hesitate!

  Zhong Yue feigned strength and a profundity in his character, but the subterfuge could only be maintained for so long. In order to truly earn their respect, he would have to reveal strength stronger than the time he killed Yan Lishan!

  But as long as he coalesced the moon spirit, and achieved the Spirit Soul as One, acquiring the Moon Sun Twin Spirit, his prowess would be able to undergo an immense qualitative leap. And in time to come, even if Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei were to turn against him at the same time, he would not fear at all either!

  Yu Xuanji suddenly noticed the pupils in Zhong Yue’s left eye, his heart stiffened up, This Long Yue, he is indeed hiding his prowess, the secret behind his dual pupils must have immense power! I wonder what kind of technique this is?

  Zhong Yue kept calm on the surface, but in his psyche ocean, he was expediting to coalescence of the moon spirit with his soul. At this point in time, nearly most of his cultivation base was concentrated on the coalescence of his atman. This was his most vulnerable moment; if Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei decided to act on him, they would be able to take his life away in one strike!

  Luckily Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei were ambivalent towards the true depths of his prowess and so they refrained from acting recklessly.

  The skiff continued rowing forwards and they continued to draw closer to the Xian Kong Saint City. Along the way, the numbers of the monster Qi Practitioners was gradually increasing. And there were quite a number of them battling each other, clearly, they were having the same thoughts, intending to eliminate a few more opponents before the disciple selection battles.

  Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei glanced around, they could not find any worthy opponents.

  Their prowess was incredibly strong and formidable, they were already on the summit of the level of Rebirth, those worthy enough to enter their eyes would naturally be other Rebirth Qi Practitioners of the monster race.

  All of a sudden, the monstrous clouds wobbled and two monster Qi Practitioners flashed from above down towards the skiff.

  Yu Xuanji gazed at Zhong Yue with a smile and said, “Brother Long Yue, can you show us the strength that you’ve been hiding?”

  Zhong Yue glanced at the skills that the two monster Qi Practitioners were casting. He laughed out in absurdity, said, “Those kinds of weaklings, do you think they are worthy of my full strength?”

  Hu Qimei brushed her fingers across the strings of her lute and the two monster Qi Practitioners’ skills were crushed away before they fell down from the sky. Even before their remains touch the ground, their heads were already removed from their bodies by the lute’s sonic waves!

  “They really are weak.”

  Hu Qimei shook her head and said, “They couldn’t even give rise to my impulse of tidying their remains … Ey-ey, there is a strong guy over there, Brother Long Yue, it’s time for you to show your strength!”

  Zhong Yue looked
down, there was a river of about a few thousand feet wide, while a young Qi Practitioner stood above the river and was battling with five other Qi Practitioners.

  The young Qi Practitioner was dressed in purple robes, white cloths curled around the head with peacock feathers adorning it. All of a sudden, one of the peacock feathers was plucked and thrust out like a sword. Multicolored rays wreathed around the assaults and sliced one of the opposing Qi Practitioners into bits!

  The five Qi Practitioners had the same look, they were probably born from the same parents. Each and every one of them was strong and formidable, they could be considered as one of the experts of the Rebirth level. The five of them together formed an array formation that was fierce and dreadful. But they had not foreseen that the young Qi Practitioner could have slain one of them so easily.

  Yu Xuanji’s countenance turned solemn before saying, “Kong Ban of Shen Yi City, an expert no weaker than you and me! This brat, I’ve fought with him before, and he nearly destroyed my Yuan Shen. His opponents are the five brothers of the Li family, overlords of this Si Shui River … Brother Long Yue, why don’t you step in and kill all six of them, and show us your true prowess?”

  Chapter 116: Encounter with Awakening Experts |

  “Good, good!”

  Hu Qimei clapped her hands in excitement, “Kong Ban and the five brothers of Li family are all experts. Moreover, Kong Ban is one of the stronger obstacles we will surely encounter in the Xian Kong Saint City! If Brother Long Yue kills them, I can then tidy up some remains again, and if Brother Long Yue is killed by Kong Ban, I can also tidy up Brother Long Yue’s remain.”

  “Kong Ban? He is still not worthy enough!”

  Rays flashed in Zhong Yue’s eyes, and he squinted narrowly as he glanced over at Yu Xuanji, asking softly, “Kong Ban almost destroyed your Yuan Shen? Brother Xuanji are you that weak?”

  Yu Xuanji’s eyelids jumped, he responded coldly, “He didn’t end up well either, severely wounded by me, his blood ended up splattered across the ground. The both of us suffered heavy injuries, and so we both left on our own ways and ended the battle.”


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