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Rise of Humanity

Page 114

by <unknown>

  Zhong Yue was of two minds when it came to characters like the Qing Long Keep in the monsters. He admired his personality, but also worried about the calamity someone like him would bring to the human race!

  Shi Buyi is a formidable lord in this generation and he can ensure the prosperity of his race for the time being but after his death, there will be no one to continue his legacy and what he had achieved. His death would only cause the monster race to spiral into chaos due to the massive power vacuum that would be left in the wake of his conquest for power. But a hero will cultivate a new bright generation that could bring light his entire race. Without the likes of the Qing Long Keep Lord, the monsters will welcome a deteriorating scene after the death of Shi Buyi!

  He then looked and checked on his injuries, causing him to laugh bitterly. This was because the two waves of soundwaves inflicted even heavier injuries than the injuries he suffered in the battle with the supporters of Heavenly Monster Li Jun back then.

  But what decides the fate of a race is not on the people, but the strong individuals who stand on top of the world. No matter how many low-leveled Qi Practitioners there are in a race, they are all ultimately trivial ants when placed in front of the true paragons of a race. Humanity needs someone that could be the pillar of the race in order to ensure our survival! And this man has to be a hero, not a formidable lord!

  Again, a pair of golden wings formed behind the back of Zhong Yue, lifting him up flying him out of this place. This time, instead of heading towards the Burning Sparrow Keep, he headed back towards the Savanna Wasteland. He thought, Countless enemies await me on the path to the Burning Sparrow Keep, and Lang Qingyun holding my soul lantern that allows him to precisely detect my location, Hmph … then I shall take you guys for a walk!

  His pattern of movement then became very irregular, erratically heading towards the east and west, front and back without rhyme or reason. After a night of fleeing, he had already breached through the encirclement of his enemies, which was why he was acting much more leisurely.

  Although there were still countless monsters tailing him, eager for his life, a situation like the battle that happened that night where he was besieged by enemies would not happen again.

  What worried him the most was the likes of Ha Ming’er among his pursuers that followed him tightly behind his back!

  In the whole process of running away, his speed was even faster than during the night, but the same could be said for his fatigue. The entire East Barren is incredibly big and was littered with jungles and mountains. While the Gu Xia City is located at the border of the Wilderness, making it impossible to reach there in a short period of time.

  Despite trying his best to return to the Gu Xia City, he only managed to push forward for ten thousand miles during the day and he was even ambushed by some Qi Practitioners, forcing him to retreat two thousand miles away to avoid them.

  It was easy for an average person to run quickly for a hundred miles but the person’s speed would decrease if it was a thousand miles. In order to be able to sustain a long period of running, one must slow down his footsteps and adjust their breathing accordingly to accommodate for the distance.

  The same applied to Qi Practitioners. Although being stronger than most of the normal people, Qi Practitioners could not maintain an explosive rate of running for a long time.

  Zhong Yue had been running at full speed from day to night, in which time he managed to advance eighteen thousand miles But this took a toll on his body and mentality. As much as he wanted to rest, he was forced to keep on running as once he stopped, he will be surrounded by the monster Qi Practitioners brought by Lang Qingyun.

  He then dispersed the golden wings and landed on the ground as he quickly visualized the 【 Sun Moon Prodigious Emanation Art】to recover the strains on his body and soul as well as his injuries. After a long time, he had already recovered from the injuries he suffered as a result of being dragged into the battle of Shi Buyi and the lord of Qing Long Keep.

  Although his body and mentality were still tired, his combat proficiency was maintained at the peak state and the prolonged hours of running also increased his cultivation base.

  But when fatigue struck him, he felt very sleepy and he wanted to lie down on the ground and sleep immediately, throwing his problems and stress behind!


  A sword qi shot out from Zhong Yue’s finger and he cut himself lightly on the chest. With that, he managed to use the pain he inflicted on himself to temporarily curb his fatigue and continue his escape on the Jiao dragons under his feet.

  Somewhere in front of the path Zhong Yue was running on, there was a jade-green colored lake. The lake’s waves surged in all directions and at the center of the lake, there was a lonely boat on the water. On top of the boat, was a lotus picking girl paddling while singing with a clear and beautiful voice that resonating to every corner of the landscape. She was singing a traditional monster song that storied a girl who and a monster hero sitting on a tree under the light of the moon, voicing out their love for each other.

  The boat, the girl, the lake and the green leaves formed a picturesque scene as the sunset shone upon them.

  As Zhong Yue heard the melodious singing, he was uncontrollably sent into a deep sleep while standing beside the lake but the dragons under his legs were still carrying him towards the center of the lake!

  So tired… No! This is a voice art that is messing up my mind!

  Zhong Yue had a shock and as he almost recovered from the charm, the singing sounded again, enticing him back to sleep!

  At the same time, two powerful auras closed in rapidly, and the two pursuers must have been notified by Lang Qingyun and they continued to pursue up to this point!

  Zhong Yue forcefully opened up his eyes and he faintly saw the lotus picking girl getting closer to him on her lotus boat. He knew that he cannot sleep anymore deep inside him but each time the succumbing voice sounded, he felt that his psyche, soul and body became very heavy and he felt so comfortable to the point that he could not bring himself to wake up at all!


  Sword qi flew out and he cut himself again in desperation to stymie his descent into unconsciousness, but despite his efforts, his will began to succumb to the enthralling voice!

  He struggled to open his eyes and along with the two pursuers, the lotus boat inched ever so closer. Zhong Yue then cast another sword qi and he stabbed fiercely into his stomach and twisted it, inflicting immense pain to himself which kept him slightly more awake.

  The Heavenly Emperor on his throne that repel all sorts of evil!

  Zhong Yue shouted and psyche gushed out from his psyche ocean while his soul turned into the Sui Sovereign that sat on his throne in the Flame Orderly Palace. With that, he was able to banish the seductive charm of the voice and his soul, psyche and body were roused from their stupor!

  Yuan Shen out, Monster God Ming King!


  On his back, his soul leaped out and turned into the eighteen feet tall Ming King with eight hands. Zhong Yue then looked behind and he saw two Awakening level QI Practitioners closing in quickly on their monster cloud and as the cloud dispersed, two weird looking Qi Practitioners appeared.

  Zhong Yue turned back again and he looked towards the lotus boat and the lotus picking girl on top of the boat as he smirked and said, “Disciple of Shu Qianqiu and the senior martial sister of King Teng. Am I right? Senior Martial Sister Qing He?

  Chapter 151: 【Voice of Succubus】 |

  The lotus boat shook and stopped while the lotus picking girl laughed and said, “To be able to regain conscious from my 【Voice of Succubus】, Brother Yue, you are indeed very strong. No wonder Junior Martial Brother King Teng died by your hands. But then, Brother Yue, my teacher loves King Teng the most and if I do not bring your head to my master after you killed King Teng, how would I explain it to my master? How about you do me a favor and cut off your head for me?

  Behind Zhong
Yue, the two monster Qi Practitioners closed in even more and suddenly, one of them became emotionless and he raised his sword and beheaded himself. That person then threw his sword away and he held his head on his hands while he walked towards the lotus boat on the river.

  Pu chi——

  Following after his footsteps, the other Awakening level Qi Practitioner also raised his sword and cut towards his head!

  However, he immediately regained consciousness just before his blade touched his neck, letting out a shout at the realization of what he was about to do before running away!

  “【Voice of Succubus】, 【Voice of Succubus】!”

  The monster Qi Practitioner shouted in fear and he pierced his ears with his sword to destroy his sense of hearing so as to escape from the prison of her voice. After he ran for a few tens of miles, the Qi Practitioner suddenly stopped running and decapitated himself. The headless body then obediently returned to the lotus boat on the lake with his head on his hands!

  The scene was extremely eerie and macabre as the two headless bodies carried their heads on their hands as they walked towards the lotus picking girl on the boat to present them to her in deference!

  Zhong Yue’s hand trembled and unknowingly, a sword qi shot out from his finger and he his hands raised themselves to slice towards his neck!

  As soon as the Sword Qi touched his skin, Zhong Yue’s palm stopped moving any further.

  Qing He then said sadly, “Brother Yue, can you bring yourself to allow me to be punished by my master? Come on, do it, sister is just asking a small favor from you. Simply slice off your head down and everything will be gone. All your stress, problems, grievances and conflicts … all will disperse like fleeting clouds. I would even think of you every time and think of the good deeds you’ve done for me….”

  Her【 Voice of Succubus】 did not act on the ears of its victims, rather, it directly penetrated to the psyche ocean and soul to force the victim’s will to succumb to the seduction of her voice. If the person’s will is weak, then they would become a slave to her every will and wile!

  That is why the Awakening level Qi Practitioner just now had succumbed to her voice and beheaded himself even after destroying his own eardrums!

  Cold sweat dripped down from Zhong Yue’s forehead and his hands shivered vigorously. Suddenly, he laughed in relief and the cold sweat was stemmed and he put his sword down, “The【 Voice of Succubus】is indeed very strong. I was worried that I would die if I was surrounded by three Awakening level Qi Practitioners. But since Sister Qing had killed the two of them, I felt relieved and couldn't help it but joke with you. Sister Qing, was my acting good just now?”

  Qing He’s pupil tightened as the two headless bodies threw their head into the lake and their bodies sunk into the lake with their heads.

  “So you managed to break my【 Voice of Succubus】?” Qing He exhaled deeply, heaving her well-endowed chest in and out. The girl’s curvaceously alluring body belied the innocence of her face. The juxtaposition posed an indescribable charm to all who beheld her visage.

  However, Zhong Yue ignored all of these and shook as he said, “The 【 Voice of Succubus】 of sister Qing is indeed very strong and I was lucky to be able to get away just like that. Since you purposely said that you could not seduce me with your voice yet continued to do it regardless, I decided to play along, pretending to have succumbed to your voice. Otherwise, I would not stand have stood a chance against three Awakening Qi Practitioners together. Fortunately, your【Voice of Succubus】was so strong that it could even seduce the Awakening level Qi Practitioners to kill themselves, helping me to escape death. Sister, I have no other ways but to kill you to repay my debt to you for the aid you provided.”

  Zhong Yue then unsheathed the Fang Blade, releasing a flurry of Sword Qi around the hilt as he walked towards Qing He with a smile hanging on his face as if his previous utterance of murdering her was just a joke.

  Qing He’s pupil tightened again and she suddenly laughed and said. “What a wise dragon, using me to get out of this bad situation. So King Teng really did not die in the hands of an amateur. Since you are not willing to cut your head down yourself, I guess I have to do it myself then.”

  The two Jiao Dragons under Zhong Yue’s leg moved and they walked on the water as they carried Zhong Yue towards the lotus boat. He then said, “I once fought with King Teng ... I admire the arts of master Shu Qianqiu very much, especially the techniques that gave strong plant monsters such glaring weaknesses. I guess sister Qing He is also like that, eh? So could you please be so kind as to tell me your weaknesses?”

  “There’s no point telling you cause you will not be able to kill me.”

  Behind Qing He, a Yuan Shen appeared and unlike the other Yuan Shens which came in the form of Gods and Demons, hers was a lotus flower with stems and roots.

  Zhong Yue had seen the Yuan Shen of King Teng, which came in the form of strange vines, and he guessed that maybe that was the similarity between all kinds of plant monsters.

  As the lotus flower Yuan Shen appeared, the Wu Xing Wheel emerged from the surface of the lotus flower.

  Qing He then laughed and said, “There’s a huge gap between our strength and it would not be easy to pass through me! You may have defeated quite a few of the Wu Xing Wheel Qi Practitioners but they have yet to show you the amazing power of the Wu Xing Wheel. However, worry not as today you will have the privilege of beholding the true might of the Wu Xing Wheel!”

  As the Wu Xing Wheel appeared, the waves froze, the air stopped blowing and the birds and insects fell silent. Everything soon became steeped in an eerie and disquieting tranquility, just like the calm before the storm.

  Suddenly, the lake undulated vigorously and the lake water burst up into the sky before turning into colourful Wu Xing Wheel; a wheel in red, like a fiery flame; another in white, like it was made of platinum; another in green, like a jade dragon; another in black, like dark steel; and the last one in yellow, like the earth element!

  The Wu Xing Wheel spun and formed a huge array formation on the lake!

  Although Zhong Yue fought with a few Rebirth level Qi Practitioners, he has never seen such a scene before, which made it clear that Qing He was much more stronger than the other Wu Xing Wheel Qi Practitioners he encountered!

  Weng weng weng——

  The lotus flowers floating all over the lake started waving and on tiny Wu Xing Wheel appeared on the lotus leaves and they started rotating slowly!

  At that moment, Wu Xing Wheel appeared all over the green lotus leaves on the lake, forming an eerie scene!

  Zhong Yue let out a groan as he suffered immense pressure from the countless Wu Xing Wheels unleashed by Qing He. He felt that his body and soul was being torn apart and they showed signs of disintegrating from the power of the Wu Xing Wheel!

  He knew the advantage of the Shu Qianqiu’s heritage was the seemingly immortal body that refuses to die under all forms of attack!

  Other than that, King Teng’s body was also able to spawn even more King Tengs to assist him in battles!

  Zhong Yue never thought that this girl that went by the name of Qing He could not only cast the same skill, but in an even more unstoppable and powerful manner!

  There were countless lotus flowers on the lake and each and single lotus leaves on these flowers were equivalent to a part of her body and there was one tiny Wu Xing Wheel on each of these leaves!

  With that many Wu Xing Wheel combined together, a complicated Wu Xing array formation was formed. The lake that Zhong Yue landed on was the center of the array formation and he just landed himself in deep water!

  Anyone that could become a pillar for the monsters must not be underestimated and this Shu Qianqiu is an incredibly strong existence in this world!

  Zhong Yue thought as he initiated the Ba Ji Slaughtering Array with his Yuan Shen and shrouded himself in his array in order to resist the smothering of the Wu Xing Wheel Array.

  “The【Dragon Binding Techniq
ue】 taught by my master finally has some use now!”

  The lotus boat under Qing He moved and paddled towards Zhong Yue. She lifted her finger and the lake water raised up and shot towards Zhong Yue. A little curve blade then appeared in her hand and she dashed out towards Zhong Yue, trying to cut his head off as she said in fake apology, “I’m sorry, brother Yue, I have already ordered a coffin for you and if I don’t have you lie down in that coffin, then I really would have no way to explain all of this to my master….”

  Zhong Yue, however, could not do anything as he was suppressed by the Wu Xing Array and his Jiao Dragons were pressed deep into the water and they could not move at all. Zhong Yue was even immobilized by the array and all he could do was try his best to resist the power of Qing He’s array.

  The situation became even worse when the water streams launched by Qing He bound him.

  Qing He slashed her curved blade towards Zhong Yue’s neck as if she were cutting lotuses and her other hand grabbed Zhong Yue’s hair and raised it up.

  Whenever the lotus picking girl harvested lotuses, she would always grab onto the stem and swing her sickle to cut the lotus from that part smoothly. An experienced lotus picking girl could execute all of this smoothly and efficiently while emitting a unique aura.

  This applied to Qing He as well. Her delicate hands grabbed onto Zhong Yue’s hair and she swung her curved blade with a smooth and practiced motion towards Zhong Yue’s neck.

  However, before her curve blade landed on Zhong Yue’s neck, her heart received a sudden inexplicable and eerie feeling. Just before she could react in time, Zhong Yue’s hair bristled and silk-like Sword Qi flew out from his hair and shot towards Qing He’s arm!

  Seven Sword Qi immediately bound her feminine arms and as the Sword Qi twisted together, the bones in her arms became mangled and crushed to pieces!

  Then, the Sword Qi shook and entered into her chest and ventricular through the wound on her arm!

  The seven Sword Qi entered into the heart and scattered out in all directions through the seven different veins, tunneling indomitably towards her four limbs!


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