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Rise of Humanity

Page 194

by <unknown>

  The duo had not met for more than half a year, and now, as they were reunited, their hearts burned with flames. But they could do nothing but suppress it and maintain an appropriate distance of each other, only exchanging affectionate gazes through their eyes.

  "Wah, this place is so beautiful, why didn't I realize it before?" Behind Zhong Yue, ‘Shui Qingyan' joyfully exclaimed and looked at the scenery before her.

  Zhong Yue turned around and glared at her, but ‘Shui Qingyan' ignored it and continued following behind them.

  As such, Zhong Yue's mood was destroyed, and he returned to the Seal Suppression Hall with Qiu Jin'er. Taking out the jade seal, he said musingly, " Junior martial sister, the seals outside are all fake, those things sealed in them are only corpses. The real Seal Suppression Hall is here. How can you not see the true Seal Suppression Hall as its deputy hall master? I'll open the real Seal Suppression Hall and give you a tour around, at the same time, we can clear out a few of the dead palaces."

  “The real Seal Suppression Hall?”

  Qiu Jin’er was curious, she said, “Did the Seal Suppression Hall have a fake and real one? Senior martial brother, what is a dead palace?”

  "After the entities sealed in the palaces die, then it'll be a dead palace. They need to be cleared out so that the other entities can be sealed in it in the future when there is a need."

  Zhong Yue looked over to ‘Shui Qingyan' and gave an ambiguous expression that looked like a smile yet not quite like one. He said, "Junior Martial Brother Shui, you are also a deputy hall master, you have the rights to look at the true Seal Suppression Hall, do you want to come along?"

  I've disrupted his mood, and this brat is getting angry at me, he now wants to kill me in the Seal Suppression Hall already!'

  ‘Shui Qingyan' was getting anxious, only Zhong Yue could cast the jade seal, and this was her only chance to enter the Seal Suppression Hall. Even if she knew that he was trying to kill her in it, she could only grit her teeth and do as he said!

  As long as I can sense my mortal body and make it break the seals, I can easily crush ten of him!

  ‘Shui Qingyan' gritted her teeth and said, "Of course I do, please, may Brother Yue lead the way."

  Zhong Yue smiled and cast out the jade seal. The four beasts emerged and placed their claws on the mountain wall, the door creaked opened, and he invited the girls into the Seal Suppression Hall. He thought in his heart, "Even if I can't kill this demon god, I'll have to seal her away and stop her from coming out for the rest of her life! When we clear the dead palaces, I'll let this demon god go first, and once we are done, I'll seal her away in it!"

  His killing intent flared up, and in his Yuan Shen secret realm, the golden feathery Peng Sword quivered in anticipation of being unleashed at any time.

  The trio walked into the Seal Suppression Hall, Zhong Yue's smile brightened as he pushed the wooden chair while walking on the huge metal chain deeper into the Seal Suppression Hall as he introduced the entities sealed in the copper palaces.


  All of a sudden, one of the copper palaces shook violently as if there were a creature ramming at the door, trying to break off the seal!

  Zhong Yue quickly looked over and was stunned to see that the copper palace was the one that contained the headmaster’s son, Feng Xiaozhong!

  “You three little juniors, I can see you!”

  The copper palace quaked even harder as the palace was continued to get rammed. A demonic voice came from within, and there was a face contorted in pain that emerged on the palace wall. His eyes rolled back and stared at the trio, saying, "Let me out! Let me you! I'll teach you three the strongest art, the secret technique I've developed from all my research! As long as you release me from this godforsaken cage, I'll also teach you the mystery behind the undying spirits!"

  However, Zhong Yue turned away and said solemnly, “Ignore him, let’s go!”

  “Hahahaha! You don’t realize it, do you?”

  The face on the palace wall laughed hysterically like a madman. He said, "You don't see it yet, do you? The sixth wheel in our Yuan Shen ... Let me out, and I'll tell you the secrets of the six paths…."

  Chapter 258: The Sealed Sixth Wheel |

  “This is a secret even the gods have yet to discover!”

  Feng Xiaozhong’s voice echoed around the chamber, sounding extremely tempting. Then, he said while he gave off a feeling that he had his face stick close to the walls, “A secret that not even gods know, only me! If you let me out, I will tell you the secret of immortality!”

  “The Six Paths of Reincarnation? Every soul has a Six Path Reincarnation….”

  Zhong Yue’s face changed as he suddenly stopped his footstep because he thought of the conversation between the Ancestral Dragon and Xin Huo, which mentioned something about the Six Path Reincarnation. In his psyche ocean, Xin Huo also urged him, “Brat Yue, let him out! This brat in the prison knows what the Sixth Path Reincarnation is, let him out and ask him questions about this and what happened!”

  Qiu Jin’er felt confused and she asked, “A sixth wheel in the body of a Yuan Shen? I thought there were only five?”

  “Shui Qingyan”, who obviously had not heard about this, shook her head as she smirked and said, “Inside this prison is probably a mad man, we should leave him alone and continue what we need to do!”

  In front was the place where her true body was sealed, and the closer she was to her body, the easier for her to stimulate her body so that she could lift the seal from within.

  Zhong Yue hesitated, while Xin Huo was so desperate that if he had a body, he would have jumped out and released Feng Xiaozhong himself. He said, “Brat Yue, what are you hesitating for! That little Ancestral Dragon mentioned the Six Paths and said that I had not witnessed the birth of Six Paths, obviously there’s something off here! It could even be related to the secret behind the downfall of the Fu Xi Celestial Race!”

  Upon hearing this, Zhong Yue flinched. He shook his head after that, as it is not a small matter anymore if he released Feng Xiaozhong. That man was a mad man, but he was called a mad man not because his mind was messed up. but the way he acted was incredibly crazy. He would do anything in order to continue researching the secrets of immortality without any rational thoughts!

  If Zhong Yue released this mad man out from his prison, he would definitely bring irreversible great damage to the other races! The first race that would fall victim to him would definitely be the humans and Swords Gate!

  However, only mad men like him would go crazy researching the secrets behind immortality, and only people like him could discover secrets that no one else had discovered!

  For example, Zhong Yue had experienced a considerable amount of battles. There were hundreds or even thousands of Qi Practitioners that had died at his hands, but he never thought of dissecting them to study their souls and spirits.

  Even the likes of Shi Buyi wouldn't do something immoral like that!

  Only crazy people like Feng Xiaozhong would risk being despised by the entire world and do such insane things!

  Zhong Yue thought for a moment and he returned to the copper palace before he looked straight into the crazy face on the wall as he said, “I’ve heard people talking about the Six Paths, how are you going to convince me to believe you that you know what this Six Paths is?”

  The crazy face suddenly calmed down. To Zhong Yue’s surprise, Feng Xiaozhong appeared to be quite handsome when he calmed down.

  “You’ve heard of the Six Paths as well?”

  The huge face of Feng Xiaozhong was about three to four feet tall, making his eyes bigger than Zhong Yue’s head. He stared at Zhong Yue, showing great interest in trying to see what was in Zhong Yue’s mind.

  “The secret of the Six Paths was discovered by me only after I ripped apart thousands of souls, so how could you possibly know about it?”

  Feng Xiaozhong’s eyeballs then rolled around as if they were going to fly out from the copper wal
ls, he was now very intrigued by Zhong Yue. He then said, “You can’t possibly know that! Weaklings like you will never know this! I’ve gone through thousands of souls, only to find that their sixth wheel was destroyed, thus becoming a lock that bound the soul, cutting off the connection of the soul with the power of the bloodline in our bodies! This sixth wheel is the Bloodline Wheel! Then, I ripped apart thousands more Qi Practitioners before I discovered the reason why our sixth wheel became a broken wheel!”

  He then tempted Zhong Yue and said, “Wanna know why? Let me out and I’ll tell you! This is a secret I discovered after dissecting thousands of Qi Practitioners, digging through the corpses of gods and demons in their ancient tombs!”

  Zhong Yue shook his head and said, “What’s the point of knowing? Do you even know how to open the sixth wheel?”

  “Hahahaha, I dug open the ancient tombs to look for the secret realms of ancient beings, only to find out that they did not have the sixth wheel and it only appeared one hundred thousand years ago.”

  Feng Xiaozhong then put up a mysterious yet eerie smile and continued, “However, it quickly became deformed, but there was a period of time where the sixth wheel was still in perfect condition. I searched through the secret realms in the tombs crazily before I finally found a god’s corpse, which possessed a sixth wheel in perfect condition, thus allowing me to open my sixth wheel successfully. The only reason why I was so strong was because I opened the sixth wheel and the sixth Yuan Shen secret realm! Other than that, I also discovered a shocking secret, hahaha, an incredibly huge secret…”

  As he spoke of this, even Qiu Jin’er and “Shui Qingyan” became curious, yet were extremely stunned at the same time.

  This man was indeed a madman, for he was crazy enough to enter the ancient tombs and secret realms, not for the treasures in them, but to discover the secrets behind the sixth wheel!

  “Xin Huo, is there really such thing?” asked Zhong Yue.

  “Never heard of it, at least not before I fell into slumber, it probably happened after my slumber.”

  Xin Huo looked nervous as he replied, “This sixth wheel must be related to many secrets, it might even be related to the downfall of Fu Xi Celestial Race and the reason why they devolved into humans!”

  “The sixth wheel is just like a lock. Once you unlock it, you will awaken your slumbering strength!”

  Feng Xiaozhong then said crazily, “When I was opening this lock, I sensed a horrifying power that locking the sixth wheel! What did I see… I saw a huge metempsychosis, the reincarnation of the sixth wheel, the sealed part… Don’t come here, go away! Go away!”

  Then, fear took over Feng Xiaozhong. He shrieked before everything returned to silence, as if there was someone else that was screaming instead of him.

  He then looked at Zhong Yue and said with great interest, “So, you’ve heard of the Six Paths as well? The Sixth Wheel is a secret I discovered after dissecting thousands of Qi Practitioners, how could you possibly know….”

  Zhong Yue was then shocked as he listened to Feng Xiaozhong talking non-stop, repeating the words he said previously as if his memories about what had happened just now were wiped clean.

  Zhong Yue interrupted Feng Xiaozhong and tested his theory out. “Senior martial brother Feng, did you see a huge metempsychosis, the Six Path reincarnation, and the sealed section?”

  “You saw that, too?”

  Fear overwhelmed Feng Xiaozhong again as he said with a trembling voice, “Don’t come near me! No… You heard of the Six Paths as well? The Sixth Wheel was discovered after I dissected thousands of souls, how could you….”

  Zhong Yue’s face turned dark and he said to Xin Huo, “He really has gone crazy, scared to death by what he saw. He probably couldn't answer your questions anymore even if you let him out now.”

  Xin Huo too, saw that something was really wrong with Feng Xiaozhong’s situation. Whenever someone spoke of the huge metempsychosis, Feng Xiaozhong’s memory would be wiped out and return to the state he was in before.

  It was one clear signal that he really had gone mad.

  What did he see that it scared him to this extent?

  Zhong Yue was confused and he said to Qiu Jin’er and “Shui Qingyan”, “He must have been locked up for too long and went nuts because of that. Let’s go, we should head towards the Death Palace to clean that palace up.”

  “I’m crazy?” Feng Xiaozhong laughed and said, “I am not crazy, you are the crazy ones! I’m the only one wide awake in this entire world, while you are all crazy! You crazy people must die and I will kill you all, hahahaha…”

  Zhong Yue shook his head. It was a shame that the son of Swords Gate’s headmaster snapped just like that, or he would have become a pillar for the human race, or even the next headmaster.

  But being in this state, Feng Xiaozhong would be locked here forever and he would live out his remaining life here.

  The things he saw and knew will be buried here forever, I guess…

  Zhong Yue then thought, He is too dangerous and he must not be released… I really want to peel his head open and see what’s inside…

  He then shivered as he was shocked by his own thoughts, and murmured, “Seems like speaking with a madman will result in being infected by his madness, too.”

  On the other hand, “Shui Qingyan”’s heart thumped when they got closer to the copper palace where her body was sealed. As they got even closer, she became even happier, as she could almost stir up chaos from the inside of the palace to break her body free!

  “Junior martial sister Shui, let us not head over there.”

  Zhong Yue walked and stood on a chain, which locked the copper palaces all around it while he said with a laugh, “Junior martial sister Shui, please come here and Jin’er, do me a favor and cut off junior martial sister Shui’s path.”

  Qiu Jin’er flew up with her wheelchair and she immediately cut off the path of “Shui Qingyan” as requested by Zhong Yue before she asked, “Why does senior martial brother want to block junior martial sister Shui?”

  Although she raised a question about Zhong Yue’s decision, she obediently blocked off “Shui Qingyan”’s path firmly. “Shui Qingyan” on the other hand, grit her teeth as she walked towards Zhong Yue, saying, “I’ll go wherever big brother Yue wants me to go, because I will always listen to you….”

  At their back, Feng Xiaozhong could be heard laughing out loud as he said, “ He wants to kill you, I can feel it, hahahaha…”

  “That man is a crazy man, you wouldn't believe a madman, would you?” Zhong Yue said with a smile, “Let us go to this copper palace, as the thing sealed in it is ancient enough. From what I know, there is this celestial race magnate figure that was imprisoned here two thousand years ago. Judging at the age of this person, he must have died from old age.”

  He then took out the jade seal and opened up the copper palace. As the doors opened up, a rotten smell gushed out from the palace and without light, the interior of the palace was pitch black, preventing one from seeing what was inside.

  Suddenly, rows of bronze lamps on the walls lit up. These lamps would automatically light up whenever they came in contact with fresh air.

  “That little girl over there, he changed his mind, he wants to seal you in this palace now!” shouted Feng Xiaozhong from behind again.

  “Shui Qingyan” laughed and said, “Are you really going to seal me inside here, senior martial brother Zhong?”

  Zhong Yue laughed and said, “How is that possible, because I will follow you into the palace. After you, junior martial sister.”

  The two then walked into the palace together, while a confused Qiu Jin’er defended Zhong Yue seriously. “Junior martial sister Shui, my senior martial brother is not a bad person.”

  Yeah, right!, thought “Shui Qingyan”.

  As they progressed further into the palace, rows of bronze lamps continued to light up all around them..

  Zhong Yue felt a strong godly aura gushing out fr
om the deepest part of the palace. He thought, Such a powerful celestial race! Too bad after two thousand years, you have already died! It was written on the goat hide that this celestial race elder died seven hundred years ago, but the previous Seal Suppression Hall hallmasters dared not open this copper palace…

  Chapter 259: Immortal Body |

  The copper palace’s interior was very eerie, and the temperature in it was very low. Other than that, the celestial aura gushing out from the palace was not the aura of a godly spirit, but the Qi of a celestial race. The two auras might feel alike, but the aura of a celestial race only had the elegance of the gods, but nothing close to the majestic aura possessed by a real god.

  Zhong Yue have seen many godly spirits and godly weapons, and through his encounters with them, he more or less knew the similarities and distinctions between the auras of the celestial races and the godly spirits. If he was replaced by the other hall masters or someone else, they would have chickened out as soon as they sensed this celestial aura, as they would think that the being sealed here was a god or demon, but this celestial aura had nothing on him.

  Zhong Yue and the other two girls continued walking deeper into the palace while the celestial aura became stronger and stronger, pressuring the minds of those inferior to the aura, inflicting fear, chaos, and despair.

  However, the celestial aura failed to intimidate Zhong Yue, as he had once seen the godly spirits of the first headmaster of Swords Gate and one of the dragon races. Besides, he possessed godly weapons like the Fang Bade and Golden Feathery Peng Sword, which allowed him to ignore the power of this celestial aura.

  Qiu Jin’er was a Wood Innate Spirit Body, and the luminous wood spirit in her body was just like a godly spirit, which warded away the celestial aura.

  On the other hand, “Shui Qingyan” was a demon god, and naturally not afraid of the celestial aura.

  The three then barged into the palace. By now, the temperature was so cold that whenever they breathed, their breath turned into ice before dropping and shattering on the ground.


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