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Rise of Humanity

Page 205

by <unknown>

  The hooves of Tuo Qianren did, however, landed on Zhong Yue's chest. But his chest glowed, and a huge bell appeared. Tuo Qianren's kick fell on the bell, releasing a loud sound; the power of his kick was nullified by the bell before it shattered!

  If someone who entered the Ancestral Dragon Ritual were here, he or she would definitely recognize this technique that Zhong Yue used.

  Back then in the Ancestral Dragon Secret Realm, the golden draconic statue once used techniques similar to that but with more than just a bell. There were a total of five instruments: a bell, drum, flute, zither, and lute.

  When Zhong Yue saw it back then, he was in awe, and he kept trying to duplicate and refine these techniques that were used by the golden draconic statues. Among the techniques he had managed to replicate, he was most proficient in the【Soaring Dragon Hundred Forms】and he later on created other moves like the 【Thousand Dragon Walls】, 【Five Dragons Barrier】and other techniques derived from the【Soaring Dragon Hundred Forms】.

  However, Zhong Yue could not use the【Soaring Dragon Hundred Forms】as this was the signature technique of his other identity, Long Yue. The bell he created with his psyche just now was the【Xuan Wu Golden Spirit Shield】with the Xuan Wu and Teng Snake wrapped around the bell.

  As Tuo Qianren wanted to retreat, Sword Qi-like silk threads appeared and started coiling around his legs before proceeding up his entire body.

  The sword silk threads then strangled him tightly, slicing him into near infinite meat cubes that rained all over the ground.

  Meanwhile, the Qi Practitioners' attacks arrived, and Zhong Yue suddenly he leaped into the air, turning into a twenty feet long, Three Legged Golden Crow in on his ascent into the air.

  As soon as he plunged into the air, a fiery red sun emerged from the ground before it ascended along with the Three Legged Golden Crow and exploded!

  With the explosion of the fiery sun, scorching heat waves were created, and they struck the surroundings. The heat waves instantly clashed against the attacks of the other Qi Practitioners to create a reverberating shockwave that knocked everyone off balance.

  Zhong Yue then landed on the ground and grabbed onto a Qi Practitioner with his three legs, but that Qi Practitioner's reaction speed as quite fast as he managed to turn into a twenty feet long demon god.

  He then grabbed onto Zhong Yue's three feet and wanted to tear him apart.

  However, at this time, Zhong Yue started applying even more strength, and the Qi Practitioner exploded into pieces before he could do anything to Zhong Yue.

  The golden crow then swept its wings across the field, shooting feathers in all directions that then turned into fiery swords that flew towards the hostile Qi Practitioners. As the hostile Qi Practitioners all acted at once, preparing to fend off the flaming swords, these swords turned into sword silks that seeped through their defenses.

  “Sword Cocoon Sword Silk Array!”

  Panic spread among Zhong Yue enemies, and the hostile Qi Practitioners hurriedly did whatever they could to fend off the sword silks. Unfortunately, none of his enemies were hurt by the fiery swords as Zhong Yue had yet to thoroughly learn the entire technique, making it difficult for him to attack such a large number of enemies at once.

  “ 【Five Fingers Mountain】!”

  Zhong Yue then pressed his palms down, forming totem carvings that turned into five mountains, crushing a Qi Practitioner into a pile of meat. Meanwhile, others swarmed towards him, and one of them launched an attack that turned into a huge net that tried to immobilize Zhong Yue.

  To his dismay, Zhong Yue shrunk and quickly slipped through the net before he returned to his original size. Zhong Yue then flicked his fingers, launching a seemingly infinite barrage of Sword Qi that turned the Qi Practitioner that created the net into a sieve.

  Zhong Yue then turned small again, causing the Qi Practitioners to search for him frantically. He caught two of his enemies off guard and tore them apart as he suddenly returned to his original size again.

  When the others approached him again, Zhong Yue once again turned small and turned into the Three Legged Golden Crow before he attacked them from behind.

  With that, Zhong Yue displayed an extreme mastery of the Atman Body As One as he could easily enlarge and shrink his body at will, something that his opponents were unable to do.

  “【Five Sound Rhythm】!”

  Behind Zhong Yue's head, the five wheels rotated. They formed a drum, bell, flute, lute, and zither – a total of five instruments. Zhong Yue then played the instruments with his psyche, creating sound waves that made the Qi Practitioners surrounding him to lose their balance severely.

  He then stimulated the Sword Cocoon Sword Silk Array, launching sinister threads that sliced the Qi Practitioners' bodies, turning them into pieces before he flew into the air and dived towards the Qi Practitioners under him. He grabbed them and proceeded to rip them apart methodically.

  “Don’t be so cocky, Zhong Yue!”

  Suddenly, a man could be seen running in the air as fast as lightning towards Zhong Yue. When Zhong Yue extended his claws towards the man, the man reached out his palms, nullifying Zhong Yue's strength before he slammed towards Zhong Yue to send him flying away!

  This was out of Zhong Yue’s expectation as the Qi Practitioner’s physical strength was so strong as he managed to fling Zhong Yue away in close quarter combat.

  “Martial Master?”

  In the air, Zhong Yue flapped his wings and stopped his movements before he turned into a Three-Legged Celestial Being and said, "Are you from the Xia Family or the Zhurong family?"

  The Martial Master remained silent while he charged towards Zhong Yue with a body even stronger than the Zhuqi Celestial Race, shrouded by countless fists and palms carvings and he smirked, “I am Xia Fengchu, a Martial Master from the Xia Family!”

  Zhong Yue's eyes lit up, and he charged towards Xia Fengchu instantly. In an instant, two twenty-feet tall figures could be seen rushing back and forth through the air, hurling fists and kicks at each other at an incredible speed.

  The speed of Xia Fengchu's attacks was so fast that Zhong Yue always kept on getting hit despite his best efforts to evade. Zhong Yue only managed to barely fend off Xia Fengchu's whirlwind-like attack after he used the Monster God Ming King True Body. This only went to show just how abominably fast Xia Fengchu's speed was.

  Peng peng peng——-

  In an instant, Zhong Yue lost count of the number of times Xia Fengchu hit him, but fortunately for him, Zhong Yue had reached the level where his body would automatically sense imminent threats and autonomously take defensive measures against these threats. This greatly helped Zhong Yue in making up his deficiencies in close-quarter combat.

  The two then continued fighting in the air at their ghostly speed, exchanging countless blows each time they clashed with each other while creating deafening noises that rumbled the eardrums of those around them.

  With Xia Fengchu keeping Zhong Yue busy, the other immobilized Qi Practitioners quickly recovered their balance, and they immediately flew up into the air.

  "I am still experiencing the awe of the techniques from the Xia Family, you imbeciles, get lost from my sight!"

  Zhong Yue suddenly turned around, launching two Sword Qi that depleted all of his Yin and Yang energy before the Sword Qi cut across the surroundings, slicing all the Qi Practitioners into halves. Before the corpses of the sliced Qi Practitioner could even touch the ground, Zhong Yue turned around and swung his Sword Qi towards the lucky prawns that previously escaped his attack, preventing them from escaping death by slicing them into half again!

  "This is what happens if you disturb the fight between Brother Xia and me!"

  "Something big happened!" The entire Fiery Capital was shaken, and countless Qi Practitioners rushed towards the lesser void world and got to the Lang Ya Board. Before they arrived at the board, there was already a Qi Practitioner there, and he looked at the board with an empty mind as a name
shone brightly and started climbing up in rank crazily. The name was getting past one after another name ahead of it in crazy speed.

  Chapter 274: Tackling The Godlike Board |

  The name's ranking increased at a jaw-dropping speed. There were millions and millions of names on the Warrior Board and there were even more in the Qiu Xiu Board but that particular name just kept on ascending to the top. In almost just an instant, the name had already started squeezing into the top hundred of the Greenhorn Board!

  Then, the Greenhorn Board shook vigorously, and one after another Qi Practitioners were sent out from the Lesser Void World. These Qi Practitioners were all on the level of Atman Body, and they looked like they were all ravaged and tired. These guys were all those Qi Practitioners that were "killed" by Zhong Yue in the Lesser Void World.

  The Lang Ya Board and the Lesser Void World were very mysterious and unique; they were the space and soul weapons cultivated by Xia Hou. Thus, dying in the Lesser Void World did not mean that one would die, those that died in the Lesser Void World would still be able to walk out alive from the Lang Ya Board.

  Some suspected that Qi Practitioners that entered the Lesser Void World through the Lang Ya Board did not truly enter the Lesser Void World. They would leave behind their body and Yuan Shen in the board. The one that entered the Lesser Void World were replica the Yuan Shen and body of the Qi Practitioners duplicated by the board.

  Although this speculation did make some sense, it had not been justified with any evidence, and there was no explanation as to why the "slain" Qi Practitioners in the Lesser Void World would always walk out from the board appearing like portions of their essence were drained away.

  There had been guesses and hypotheses made about the Lesser Void World and the Lang Ya Board ever since they were created but none of these were able to explain the mystery behind them.

  Meanwhile, more and more Qi Practitioners walked out from the Greenhorn Board, and in only a very short moment, two to three hundred of them walked out from the board!

  All of these suggested an intense battle happened in the Atman Body level Lesser Void World that took the lives of these Qi Practitioners in just a short time frame!

  And that was not the scariest part; the most frightening aspect was that there were still countless Qi Practitioners that walked out from the board and more and more of them were revived!

  And the one who did this was the owner of the name that was still ascending in rank on the Greenhorn Board!

  This man slaughtered these Atman Body level Qi Practitioners, and his ranking was continually rising after a series of calculation on his results, potential, and combat prowess made by the Lang Ya Board!

  “That name’s rank is still increasing!”

  A Qi Practitioner that was standing under the Greenhorn Board shouted. The name was increasing its rank incredibly fast, and as a result, it garnered the attention of many.

  However, the name was moving up too fast that no one was actually able to read the that person's name.

  In just a short time, the name flipped all the way to the top from the bottom, but what was extremely shocking was that it did not stop there as it showed no sign of slowing down!

  And in this period of time, more than five hundred Atman Body level Qi Practitioners have been "slain."

  "Could it be that an Inner Core Qi Practitioner had entered the Atman Body level Lesser Void World and started slaughtering everyone inside?" ambivalently murmured a Qi Practitioner.

  The scene was very horrifying as who on earth on the same level could slaughter so many Qi Practitioners on the same level without any effort like that? This person in the board was slaughtering the Atman Body level Qi Practitioners as if he were culling chickens. This scene caused people to guess that it was an Inner Core level Qi Practitioner who did this.

  However, they all knew very well that the Lesser Void World and the Lang Ya Board were created by Xia Hou so it was impossible that there could be such a mistake.

  "Must be a descendant of the rich and noble family that bribed these Qi Practitioners to queue up there for him to kill," someone else ventured a guess.

  This was also impossible as the Qi Practitioners that entered the board had come from different places and races; none of these families were powerful enough for their influence to even slightly affect the actions of these Qi Practitioners, not to mention bribing them.

  Under everyone's attention, the name ascended to the top of the Greenhorn Board, and it vanished suddenly from the board!

  “The Warrior Board!”

  “That name has entered the Warrior Board!”

  "Quick, quick! To the Lesser Void World!"

  Countless Qi Practitioners swarmed to the cities in their respective level Lesser Void World. In the Lesser Void World, every level had their own separate Lesser Void World and in every world was a corresponding Lesser Void City. They were all independent of one another, and no one from the higher level worlds was able to enter the lower levels, and vice versa. However, these Lesser Void Worlds had one thing in common – the names and rankings on the Warrior and Godlike Boards were all the same!

  Now, these cities were filled with Qi Practitioners, and they all focused their attention on the Warrior Board, only to see the name ascending at a crazy speed without showing any signs of slowing down! This caused a considerable panic among the Qi Practitioners who held a higher ranking in the Warrior Board!

  “What is happening? Why is that name’s ranking still ascending?”

  "Is the Lang Ya Board left behind by Xia Hou malfunctioning?"

  "What happened in the Atman Body Lesser Void World?"

  “What kind of monster appeared in the lesser void world?”

  "From the newest update of those revived Qi Practitioners, the person of interest is Zhong Yue from Swords Gate!"

  "Those guys revived back there told me that Zhong Yue has, eight heads, arms, and legs. They fought all they could for some time before he killed them!"

  On the other side, the Fiery Capital was very lively as well. News about what happened quickly spread among everyone with the revival of the second batch Qi Practitioners from the Warrior Board, causing a second wave of mass disruption. As such, even the large factions from the Fiery Capital knew about what happened, and men were quickly sent to investigate this matter.

  “Brother Fenglou, Brother Fenglou!”

  In the Dragon Palace, a dragon Qi Practitioner walked quickly into a room and shouted, "Brother Fenglou, something shocking has happened! Something big happened in the Lesser Void World!"

  Ao Fenglou quickly walked out and asked with a frown, “What happened? What’s with the rush?”

  The dragon Qi Practitioner did not even have the chance to catch his breath, and he said, "The Zhong Yue you asked Senior Martial Sister Shanshan to attend has caused a huge ruckus in the Fiery capital. This ruthless guy mercilessly slaughtered more than six hundred Atman Body Qi Practitioners in one shot, including some of the dragon Qi Practitioners! Now, he is already on the Warrior Board, and when I came here, I heard that he already got into the top thousand of the Warrior Board!"

  Ao Fenglou was slightly moved, and he immediately laughed and said, "Isn't normal for someone like Zhong Yue who had reversed opened the five wheels to possess such power? What's so surprising about him displaying his usual performance?"

  He then thought to himself, If the other huge factions knew that Zhong Yue and Long Yue are the same person, they would probably not be surprised.

  The others knew that Zhong Yue was a Qi Practitioner that reverse opened the five wheels, but they have no idea about Zhong Yue's other identity as Long Yue. Unlike these people, Ao Fenglou knew clearly of this matter; therefore, he was only slightly flustered by the news and showed little surprise.

  Suddenly, another dragon Qi Practitioner rushed and reported to him, “Brother Fenglou, Zhong Yue has reached the top hundred!”

  Ao Fenglou replied, "Perfectly normal! The Zhong Yue I know who
reverse opened the five wheels will not stop his advancement at merely the top hundred. He, after all, is someone like the first headmaster of Swords Gate who reverse-opened the five wheels. In my opinion, Zhong Yue will be able to get into the Godlike Board and leave his name there. Let's go, let us go and take a look."

  With the reports about Zhong Yue achievements, they managed to pique Ao Fenglou's interest and so together with the two dragon Qi Practitioners, Ao Fenglou headed towards the Lesser Void World.

  It was only until when he arrived at the scene did he know how big of a ruckus Zhong Yue incited. Everyone from the Fiery Capital was rushing towards the Lesser Void World, and among them were Inner Core, Heavenly Dharma Qi Practitioners, and even people like magnate Qi Practitioners and martial art heaven masters.

  Although they were not able to enter the Atman Body level Lesser Void World, they could still head towards their respective level Lesser Void World's to try to get a hold on what was happening in the Atman Body level Lesser Void World through observing Zhong Yue ranking on the Warrior Board.

  And when Ao Fenglou and the others arrived, Zhong Yue's ranking ascending speed had decreased, but he had also managed to charge into the top ten!

  "Right now, Zhong Yue is battling against twenty-three martial art grandmasters from the Xia Family and Zhurong Family!"

  Shocking news came to the ears of many around the Lesser Void World, "A martial art grandmaster is on par with an average Qi Practitioner and their odds of victory should be the same. But two martial art grandmasters can definitely beat a strong Qi Practitioner. With three martial grandmasters, they could already slay dragons, and if there are four of them, they are basically undefeatable at the same level! And now, you're telling me Zhong Yue is fighting against twenty-three of them at once!?"

  “What about the other Qi Practitioners?”


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