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Rise of Humanity

Page 207

by <unknown>

  “I still think that Sword Demon is better.”

  “Slaughterer Demon is better!”

  “Are you really arguing with me? Come, come, show me what you’ve got!”

  Zhong Yue gazed curiously at Xiao Shengchu and admired Xiao Shengchu's attainments in martial arts. He controlled the life force and life energy in the Shen Cai Secret Realm, surging them into a single strand of hair and turned it into a white sword that was capable of killing his enemy. This Xiao Shengchu is indeed worthy of the runner up in the Warrior Board; however, he is now ranked third as Zhong Yue surpassed him.

  "Brother Xia, who do you seek?" Zhong Yue said placidly. There weren't any signs of emotions against Xiao Shengchu's sneak attack.

  Xiao Shengchu's white hair swayed in the air, his hair grew and shrunk with his every breath. It was as if his hair was alive; he clasped his hands behind him and said, "You've overtaken my position, I couldn't say much if you managed to do so after defeating me. But now, you've seized my spot away from me by slaughtering these useless Qi Practitioners. This makes me quite discontent. The famous Zhong Shan Clan member who had reverse opened the five realms, are you a coward who only knows how to bully the weak?"

  “Hahaha, Brother Xia, you are right!”

  All of a sudden, a figure bolted over from afar like a nocked arrow let loose, Chi—— piercing onto the city wall while standing up straight like an indomitable spear. The newcomer was a lady donned in a huge red cloak, her eyes were sharp like a warrior's, and she carried herself like a heroine whose clothes fluttered in the wind.

  She had four arms, unlike the others.

  Zhu Jushan's brows raised in shock, he whispered, "Senior Martial Brother Zhong, that is Zhu Jiangyue of the Zhu Yan Celestial Race, didn't I tell you that I was ranked third in the Rebirth level in West Barren? It's this evil lady that is ranked second…."

  Zhong Yue then remembered, during their first encounter on the snow mountain in the Lian Yun Mountain Ridge, Zhu Jushan did say before, that only two celestials stood on par with him in the level of Rebirth. However, he only said that one of them was from the Zhu Yan Celestial Race and nothing else more.

  Zhu Jushan’s face turned solemn and said, “Don’t get deceived by her pretty looks, her true form can scare the shit out of you. This evil lady is just slightly higher than me in the Warrior Board.”

  Zhong Yue was surprised, Zhu Jushan wasn't weak at all, and he also had a thick face. It was rare for him to admit that Zhu Jiangyue was stronger than himself. Zhong Yue couldn't help but have his interest piqued. Back then, Zhu Jushan said that he doesn't fight with girls, that's why he didn't fight with Zhu Jiangyue; but now, he just said that Zhu Jiangyue was only slightly stronger than him, which meant that he had actually fought against Zhu Jiangyue to suffer a convincing loss in the end.

  Qiu Jin’er then asked curiously, “Senior Martial Brother Zhu, what’s your ranking in the Warrior Board?”

  Zhu Jushan's face stiffened up, and he stammered to answer her question, just when Qiu Jin'er was about to ask again, Ao Shanshan conducted her voice directly to her and said, "Junior martial sister, shhh, don’t ask anymore. Zhu Jushan is ranked at over eight hundred thousand while Zhu Jiangyue is at over seven hundred.”

  Qiu Jin'er was stunned, what a huge gap that was and yet Zhu Jushan dared to refer it as ‘just slightly higher.' She couldn't help but be curious about the thickness of this celestial senior martial brother's face.

  They all said that the Zhu Jian Celestial Race's face is the thickest, even thicker than pig and cow skin. So this is what they actually meant…., Qiu Jin’er thought to herself.

  Rays flashed in Zhu Jiangyue's eyes as if there was moonlight shining from within them. They were cold and frigid, and yet, were burning with a pugilistic desire. She looked over at Zhong Yue and said smilingly, "You've surpassed me without actually defeating me, your ranking as first place doesn't look very convincing at all."

  “That’s right!”

  The atmosphere suddenly turned freezingly cold, and it started snowing, a man donned in a winter white fur coat walked over. The cold breeze and snow slightly covered his outline and caused the fur coat to sway in the wind. A jade green luster would often be flashed across the man's pale face. He coughed and said, "Bai family of the North Barren Bai Ze Celestial Race, Bai Canghai, greets Senior Martial Brother Zhong of the Great Wilderness."

  Zhong Yue returned the formality and said, “Senior Martial Brother Bai also think that I’m not fit to be the first?”

  Bai Canghai smiled gently and replied, "Senior Martial Brother Zhong as a human could slaughter a whole city. This is a notable achievement; but, I think I might be able to do the same as well."

  Sure enough, the deeper meaning behind his words was that he wasn’t convinced that Zhong Yue was qualified to be the first.

  Qiu Jin’er asked curiously, “What ranking is this Senior Martial Brother Bai at in the Warrior Board?”

  Zhu Jushan's face turned solemn. He answered gravely, "A hundred and twenty-seven, even higher than Zhu Jiangyue."

  Ao Shanshan's face also turned solemn, "Hundred and twenty-seven? He is strong!"

  But the young human girl was puzzled, she asked, "Hundred and twenty-seven, how strong is that?"

  Ao Shanshan knew that Qiu Jin'er hasn't come out much and only had limited knowledge about the outside world. She then explained and said, "The Warrior Board is the board that records all of the Qi Practitioners for the past fifty thousand years, it included all of the Qi Practitioners from all levels, this includes the Spirit Nurturing level to the Imminent Deity stage! It is a huge achievement already for Bai Canghai to be listed as hundred and twenty-seven in rankings, excluding those that have entered the Godlike and Legendary Board!”

  Zhu Jushan nodded, he said, "To be fair, the first and thousandth in the Warrior Board don't really have much difference in prowess, the disparity wouldn't be huge and could even be called negligible. Bai Canghai's prowess wouldn't be much weaker than Xia Shengchu!"

  Qiu Jin’er then asked curiously, “Then wouldn’t my senior martial brother be stronger?”

  Ao Shanshan and Zhu Jushan exchanged looks and thought, It's reasonable for Xiao Shengchu and the others to be unconvinced. After all, the prowess of the first thousand Qi Practitioners in the Warrior Board wouldn't vary much from one another, if the Zhong Shan Clan member could've done it, then they naturally could also.

  “What a strong man, you’ve surpassed me in ranking!”

  All of a sudden, there were flowers raining down from the sky, the sweet aroma of flowers filled the air, and a goddess-like girl walked down from the sky with the flowers beneath her feet. Lotuses were blooming in the sky, swaying gently in the breeze, adding an alluring air to the pretty girl.

  The Qi Practitioners were stunned, their eyes locked on the approaching girl even though they didn’t know who she was.

  "Heaven Demon Consort!" Xiao Shengchu sneered coldly as his face turned gloomy.

  Zhong Yue was shocked, he looked at the girl and said, “You are a demon?”

  The young girl chuckled coquettishly and replied, "I'm Heaven Demon Consort, from the demon race across the sea, and I've been ordained by the Demon Saint as his imperial concubine once he is reincarnated from the dead. But as he is still a dead man now, so I'm just reserved at the moment. If little brother of the Zhong Shan Clan can kill the Demon Saint, I can be your Zhong Shan consort."

  Zhong Yue nodded, he said, “There might be a chance.”

  "How can the Eastern Sea dragon race have missed out on such a lively event!"

  Suddenly, a familiar voice rang in Zhong Yue’s ears, he looked over and met with a billowing wave of draconic Qi, a humongous dragon soared in the clouds, ferocious and yet saintly, while beneath the dragon, a slim and slender Jiao Dragon disciple with sharp eyes and vertically slit pupils walked over.

  Jiao Qingtu.

  Zhong Yue was surprised. He didn't expect to see Jiao Qingtu here, and judging fro
m the intense air he carried, he had clearly entered the level of Atman Body!

  In the Ancestral Dragon Ritual, he had acquired the heritage of the Ancestral Dragon. After cultivating according to the heritage, his prowess must have significantly increased, which was why he is most probably here to test his newfound strength! Zhong Yue thought this in his heart.

  Ao Shanshan's eyes brightened up. She said joyfully, "He is the most talented dragon in the Jiao Clan, his name is Qingtu! This is the first time he entered the Lesser Void World, which is why his name isn't listed anywhere, but I'm sure he will be able to enter the first hundred in the Warrior Board. He might even claim first place!"

  Jiao Qingtu was a nobody to the Qi Practitioners, his name was not listed anywhere in the Lang Ya Board, but no Qi Practitioners dared to look down on him because his aura and air were too strong, too intense!

  Afterall, the power of the heritage of the Ancestral Dragon was beyond imagination!

  Jiao Qingtu stood in mid-air, he glanced around, shifting his sights from Zhong Yue, Xiao Shengchu, Zhu Jiangyu, Bai Canghai, Heaven Demon Consort, and the others. He sighed and said, "Such a glorious event, the West Barren, North Barren, South Barren, Great Wilderness, Eastern Sea and even the overseas factions ... there are talents from every region gathered here today. What a pity my friend Long Yue is not here, or otherwise, this would be even more interesting, how regrettable."

  Bai Canghai’s face shifted slightly, “Long Yue, East Barren Shi Buyi’s closed-door disciple Long Yue? It’s true that he is qualified to stand alongside with us to contend for the first place of the Warrior Board.”

  Jiao Qingtu gave a long sigh, he said softly, "I've heightened my prowess to a whole new level, but Brother Long Yue is not here, how am I going to avenge my defeat? It seems like, all I can do now is to claim the first place of the Warrior Board and wait for your challenge."

  It seems like the battle between us had given him quite an impact.

  Zhong Yue was dumbfounded, he then coughed and said sonorously, "Dear martial siblings, what's the need to be so hurried? I'll give up this first place of the Warrior Board sooner or later. When I entered the Godlike Board, it'll be yours to claim! In front of me, you'll be like eggs, and I'm like a stone, so why do you all want to challenge me?"

  Ao Shanshan turned to Qiu Jin'er and said in a severe tone, "Junior martial sister, your senior martial brother is really asking for a fight, even I feel like battering him now!"

  Qiu Jin'er continued to defend him and said, "My senior martial brother is just showing his consideration. Senior martial sister, when the eggs clash with the stone, the stone will be left unscathed while the eggs will be crushed into bits. What if they damaged themselves when they clashed with my senior martial brother?"

  Chapter 277: The Place Where The Heavenly Monarch Lives |

  Ao Shanshan was speechless and after a few moments, she sighed and said, "Junior martial sister Qiu, the way you talk will bring you trouble, you know? Whatever… I can't beat you anyway, do whatever you want."

  Qiu Jin'er stuck her tongue out and said shyly, "I don't really know how to speak appropriately in certain situations because I lack the experience since I stay at home most of the time. If I offended you in any way, then I am sorry, senior martial sister. By the way, I have some delicious food here, do you want some, senior martial sister?"

  The two girls then sat together and started to enjoy the delicacies Qiu Jin’er bought from the Fiery Capital.

  Meanwhile, in the Lesser Void City, Jiao Qingtu, and the others unleashed their power in a standoff. Xia Shengchu's white hairs floated in the sky, each about the length of around ten feet plus and they were so powerful that when they moved.

  The Azure Dragon behind Jiao Qingtu became more solid and realistic, as it slithered in the sky, the draconic aura condensed to the point that thunder sparks were created as the draconic aura collided with the air!

  Tianmo Concubine became even more alluring with flower petals raining all over her, and colored ribbons appeared around her arms. At times, it indeed seemed like it was colored ribbons that were strapping onto her arms, but these colored ribbons would soon turn into venomous Jiao Serpents.

  And Zhu Jiangyue, the girl from Zhuyan Celestial race stood in the air, but she gave off a feeling that she was standing in the middle of a blood ocean!

  Snow was falling from the skies above

  Bai Canghai, and in an instant, a snowstorm formed around him and obscured his silhouette from others. Glacier mountains could then be seen appearing faintly in the snowstorm, and there was even a huge fiery red eye hidden among the glacier mountains.

  These people were all the talented and proud individuals from their respective clans and races. They occupied high places in the Warrior Board and viewed others as petty ants of no consequence. Thus, with Zhong Yue budging in with brute force just like that, they were all naturally unhappy with him.

  Only through a fight will we be able to see whether I'm hitting rocks with eggs or the other way around! Thought Zhong Yue with a smile on his face while he looked at this hands without moving an inch.

  Their auras clashed together like two meteors colliding with each other. The collision created a massive tornado in the Lesser Void City that continued rampaging all over the city. This tornado was an abnormal phenomenal caused by the violent clashing of their auras!

  The tornado became larger and larger, creating strong wind currents that felt as if it would turn the Lesser Void City into a deathly vacuum!

  It then became taller and began to drag the clouds into it, inciting violent sparks of thunder from the massive friction!

  The sky then turned darker and darker before it became a pitch black that was intermittently illuminated by sparks of lightning. This backdrop made the few of them standing in the air to appear more outstanding.

  Zhu Jushan looked at this scene nervously and said, "If that guy is here, things would be even more exciting."

  He then recalled the man who had a higher ranking in him back in the West Barren. In the West Barren, Zhu Jushan was the third in place on the level of Rebirth with Zhu Jiangyue was second. But that man was undisputedly ranked first.

  And in the Awakening level, the same thing happened again – that man was the first, and he was the third yet again. Zhu Jushan rechallenged the man time and time again, but that man only prevaricated with various excuses accompanied with a smiling face.

  That man was always smiling in any situation, be it good or bad but the older generations of the West Barren said that this man possessed fearsome strength and was indeed the strongest in his level. Rumors in some of the ancient celestial temples even claimed that this man would still be the strongest if he broke through to the Heavenly Dharma and True Spirit level!

  The only reason you avoided me was because you think I am not worthy of your time because I was too weak, right?

  Zhu Jushan looked at Zhong Yue and the others, and he thought, Bixie, if you were here, you would believe that these guys are worthy of your time, right?

  Suddenly, the heaven and earth in the Lesser Void World shook vigorously. The clouds dispersed in the sky and the tornado that was created by the collision of the six people's aura was shattered to nothing.

  Then, a majestic divine aura descended from the sky and cleared away the darkness. When Zhong Yue looked up into the air, he was shell-shocked.

  And the same applied to Jiao Qingtu, Xia Shengchu and the others.

  “What is that….”

  Fear could be seen in the eyes of the Qi Practitioners outside the Lesser Void City as they looked in the sky where a building descended from the sky with the top of the building facing downwards, flying across the Lesser Void World like a meteor.

  The sky was just like fragile paper as it seemed to be torn apart by the huge tower. With the tower's continued descent, it created an extremely long tear in the sky to reveal a dark and empty rift into another dimension.

  Then, buildings appeared gr
adually. This time, it was a temple and a majestic palace. Both of these buildings were inverted downwards like the colossal tower so that their tops pointed towards the ground.

  The palace was releasing a golden luster, appearing holy yet majestic together with the huge temple that appeared alongside it. The feeling these structures gave was otherworldly.

  Loud chanting sound could then be heard; the sound was the god's language, a language filled with the abnormal power of the gods. It contained an ethereal energy that was hidden from heaven and earth. Then, one after another, majestic ancient gods appeared among the giant buildings, all of whom were facing towards the buildings while they prayed.

  These gods had different looks, but they had one thing in common – all of them were wearing golden armors that reflected a luster that lit up the Lesser Void World, making them seem divine and imposing.

  Pu tong——

  Outside of the Lesser Void City, people knelt down, and the chanting sound rose in a crescendo before it reached a deafening level. These gods were kneeling down and praying to something as they chanted as if they were worshipping an even more majestic existence.

  The sky continued to shatter and disintegrate, exposing the hidden godly palace in the Lesser Void World, where dragons and phoenixes danced about and covered the sky in the shadows of their vast bodies.

  “This… this is the place where the Heavenly Monarch lives!”

  Ao Shanshan murmured, “The legend is real. The legend is actually real….”

  In the sky, the place where the Heavenly Monarch stayed continued to move, causing the entire Lesser Void World to tremble as if the world were going to be shattered into pieces. The ancient godly palace continued to float across the sky as if the Heavenly Monarch was taking a stroll to check on his territory.


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