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Rise of Humanity

Page 231

by <unknown>

In mid-air, the melodious sounds took the form of swords and formed into all kind of them. There was a sword mountain, some sword pillars, a sea of swords and other shapes, all coming from Jun Sixie’s zither notes!

  Grand Elder Yu’s hand continued pushing forward, his fingers quivered rapidly and the all of the Sword Qi were shattered into dust, while his hand continued pressing forward without the slightest reduction in speed.

  The zither was played faster and faster; the notes were so dense that they were compressed together. The snake-headed celestial being’s hands were blurs of wind, all of the different notes were mixing together. All of a sudden, another five arms were extruded from the celestial being’s body, a total of six arms thirty-six fingers moved like winds picking the zither strings to their limits!

  “Sixie is really strong, indeed you have the prowess of a magnate cultivator.” Grand Elder Yu praised, and then continued leisurely, “But, this is still not enough.”

  His hand rammed through all of Jun Sixie’s attacks, crushing the Sword Qi with his fingers and pressing toward Jun Sixie. His arcane energy was simply way too strong; he was, after all, an Imminent Deity cultivator, while Jun Sixie was still at the True Spirit level. She was no match for him in terms of arcane energy.

  In the blink of an eye, his hand had reached the miniature sea, his palm was nearly as big as the celestial zither player.

  Jun Sixie yelled a war cry, she flew to the top of the zither and swung her sleeves, the volume of the zither’s notes suddenly rose to their maximum, and a skyful of Sword Qi plummeted down at the incoming hand!

  Pang pang pang pang pang…!

  The zither strings were snapped away one by one, and all fifty strands of zither strings were split in two. They turned into a hundred zither string sword silks, lashing down along with the Sword Qi, targeting Grand Elder Yu’s hand!


  The zither player pushed its six palms forward, the miniature sea turned into a huge tidal wave shaped like a palm and slammed down at the incoming hand!

  Feeling the appalling power as it came closer, Grand Elder Yu’s face changed and he shook his hand, breaking through the huge tidal wave and sending Jun Sixie flying a distance backward before she started falling down from the lofty sky.

  Chi chi chi —— The hundred sword silks pierced through Grand Elder Yu’s palm, and streams of bloody strings started flowing down from his hand.

  Jun Sixie fell to the ground, blood trickling out from her mouth as she swung her sleeves and recalled the huge zither back to her. The zither shrunk as it flew towards her and returning to its usual size as it came back to her hands. The zither strings flitted through the air and returned to the zither, laying themselves down and restoring it to normal.

  The snake-headed celestial zither player dispersed into smoke and was drawn back to her, disappearing into the top of her head.

  “I’ve lost.” Jun Sixie was clearly not an ignorant girl who didn’t accept her defeat, as she conceded without any hesitations.

  Grand Elder Yu clenched his hand tightly and the little holes on his palm stopped bleeding right away. He smiled and said, “Sixie, you are doing very well; for you to inflict some damage to me with your full power is in fact, a huge achievement that can place you on the top of most of the magnates.”

  Jun Sixie had gone all out, her soul weapon and all of her skills were cast, and yet, she could barely fend off his incoming hand. Grand Elder Yu had defeated her in just one exchange with one hand, and proven his appalling prowess to the crowd. He was incredibly strong, which was why Jun Sixie conceded defeat so quickly. Even if the battle continued, she wouldn’t be able go on for long either.

  Senior Martial Sister Jun is still the same ferocious young lady who doesn’t give in easily to things, her daring attitude to challenge the strong didn’t change at all.

  Zhong Yue couldn’t help but laugh, thinking, The other four clans, the Jun Shan, Li Shan, Tao Lin, and Tian Feng, have yet to voice their opinions. Clearly they are not on the same side as the others. Other than the elders in the Elder Council, there are still other powerful elders who have yet to declare their positions; they are either just taking this as a farcical show and are watching Grand Elder Yu dancing around like a clown, or they are waiting for the situation to be clear so they can stand on the winner’s side. This is really interesting….

  Grand Elder Yu asking for Fang Jiange and Jun Sixie’s opinions was only intending to show his superiority, and let the whole of Swords Gate know of his power!

  He had defeated Jun Sixie in one exchange, and this had clearly proved his prowess to the crowd. However, Jun Sixie had returned the favor by making a hundred needle-like holes in his palm, making the situation a little awkward for him.

  The conversation with Fang Jiange’s old turtle only added more awkwardness to the whole affair.

  Grand Elder Yu glanced around and sighed, “It’s a pity that Senior Martial Brother Feng Shouzhu is not here, but with his magnanimity, he probably would not compete with me either...”

  He was still intending to use Feng Shouzhu to show off his superiority, but realized that it was an extra move, and he could only give it up.

  The Swords Gate Mountain had turned dead silent. No one spoke a word, and the ambiance was turning eerie.

  All of a sudden, a sonorous voice broke the silence, it was laughing as it said, “Hearing that Swords Gate has a new headmaster now, the Zhong Li Celestial Race is here to congratulate him!”

  “The Xiao Mang Celestial Race is here to congratulate the new headmaster of Swords Gate!”

  “The dragon race is here to congratulate…”

  The Shan Shen race is here…”

  “The demon race’s Mistress Hua Zhen…”…

  One after another, the race’s voices shook Swords Gate Mountain. The human Qi Practitioners were shocked as they looked over at the source of the voices: a huge ship, bird nest, dragon boat, and other transportation methods of the other races were now arriving at the Swords Gate, unbeknownst to them!

  Their magnates alone outnumbered the Swords Gate experts!

  Elder Tao Xinyi’s countenance changed drastically, she voiced her anger loudly, “Four Ken Beast! What is the Four Ken Beast doing!? Why didn’t he, who is supposed to watch over the Great Wilderness, not alert us of their arrivals!?”


  Grand Elder Yu and Feng Wuji exchanged a look, Grand Elder Yu then raised his hand up and said with a smile, “Junior martial sister, there is no need to act this way. They are my old friends, they are just here to congratulate me! Come, follow me and we will receive our dearest guests!”

  Tao Xinyi’s face changed drastically again, as she chided him, “The Xiao Mang Celestial Race’s Yin, Qing, Yuan, and Que are the murderers of Senior Martial Brother Shui Zian, how are they friends to us!? Since they have come here on their own, we will arouse the godly spirit, the Sword Spirit, and the divine sword to slay them right here, right now!”

  Shui Zizheng suddenly laughed and said, “I’m the one that felt the deepest sadness for the death of my dearest elder brother; but today, it is Senior Martial Brother Yu’s big day, it is not so nice to spill any blood. Furthermore, they have traveled a long way just to congratulate us, they are our guests and since when do we kill our own guests?”

  Tao Xinyi was enraged, she was totally furious and her voice even shuddered due to the overwhelming anger. She looked at Grand Elder Yu and asked, “Senior martial brother, what do you say?”

  “Guests are guests, stay calm, my dear junior martial sister.” Grand Elder Yu laughed out loud, he was the first to step out and said in welcome, “My dear guests from the faraway lands, the Swords Gate is honored to receive you. Quick, please come in!”

  Elder Tao Xinyi couldn’t take it and blood spurted out from her mouth, the Tao Lin Clan disciples quickly supported her before she collapsed to the ground. The old lady said in deep hatred, “Yu Da, our Swords Gate will be destroyed in your hands!”

  The huge ship, dragon boat, and the other soul vessels entered Swords Gate and docked in the inner hall.

  Grand Elder Yu Da led the crowd and received the guests, inviting them to the golden summit palace while the elders and hall masters followed behind.

  You and Quan, the two elders and the others congratulated him when suddenly, Mistress Hua Zhen smiled and asked, “Who is this Zhong Yue of the Zhong Shan Clan? Please stand out and let me have a look at you!”

  Grand Elder Yu quickly asked, “Why is the mistress looking for the Seal Suppression Hall hall master?”

  Mistress Hua Zhen sneered coldly and said frigidly, “This Seal Suppression Hall hall master of yours has killed dozens of my maidservants, how daring!”

  Xiao Yuan also sneered in anger, and said, “Come, I want the two brats of the Zhong Shan Clan and Qiu Tan Clan to come to me now! Killing nearly a hundred of my celestial disciples and stealing my Bright Moon Mirror away, I will sentence the two of you to death right in this palace!”

  Elder You and Elder Quan then said to Grand Elder Yu, “The Seal Suppression Hall hall master has killed hundreds of my Zhong Li disciples, and ravaged a few tribes! We plead with Hallmaster Yu to hand out the two culprits!”

  Xiao Yin sneered, “If you reject our request, it means that you intend to be on the opposite side from the few celestial races here, and the demon race!”

  “Presumptuous!” Elder Lei Shan slammed his hand down and stood up, he scolded, “This is Swords Gate, and we of Swords Gate accept no humiliations! Not to mention the guests, even if it’s the gods themselves, we will also kill them dead!”

  Elder Lei Ting quickly pulled him back and said, “Big brother, they are not at fault. Who asked the Zhong Shan Clan member and the Qiu Tan Clan member to kill their people? There is still a long way for you to fully recover to a healthy condition, you should rest more. After all, your grandson is a traitor to Swords Gate.”

  “You!” Lei Shan was enraged, and his face turned as red as a tomato in extreme anger.

  Elder Lei Ting smiled, “The less trouble, the better; Swords Gate has just welcomed our new headmaster, we are still too feeble now. The two members of the Qiu Tan Clan and Zhong Shan Clan are useless now, and we might as well hand them over as requested. This way, we can enjoy some peace between the races, wouldn’t this be great!”

  The words had such an impact that Lei Shen spit out a mouth of blood and collapsed onto the ground like a piece of wood.

  Lei Ting then quickly asked in deep concern, “Brother, didn’t I just say, your body is not in a good condition, it’s better for you to go back and get some good rest, you shouldn’t intervene in this matter anymore. Someone, come over and bring Elder Lei Shan back to his palace!”

  Chapter 310: Estranged |

  A few Lei Hu Clan disciples came forward, picked up Lei Shan and escorted him away to safety.

  Elder Lei Ting might have crossed the border… How could he treat Elder Lei Shan like that, and his remarks are very inappropriate…

  The elders and the hall masters in the palace felt extremely disappointed, and they looked at Grand Elder Yu. From their point of view, Grand Elder Yu was supposed to say something, reprimand Lei Ting for his doings and rebuke the outsiders to protect Zhong Yue and Qiu Jin’er.

  All of these were the duties and responsibilities of the Swords Gate’s headmaster!

  Grand Elder Yu however, remained silent while Lei Ting blatantly laughed as he looked at Zhong Yue and Qiu Jin’er. “Zhong Yue, Qiu Jin’er, my dear Seal Suppression Hall’s masters, are you not supposed to give an explanation to our friends from the outside? Remember, today is a glorious day for us, we cannot risk any damage in our friendship just because of the two of you.”

  Qiu Jin’er was very sad, and just when she was about to listen to what Lei Ting said, Zhong Yue stopped her and said casually, “Elder Lei Ting, who are you to talk? Our headmaster has not said anything yet, are you even fit to talk right now?”

  “How dare you!” shouted Elder Lei Ting furiously as he unleashed all of his power, producing lightning sparks all over the Golden Summit Palace.

  As a Heavenly Dharma level Qi Practitioner, he displayed his prowess and his aura gushed towards Zhong Yue, trying to press him down.

  “How dare me? How dare you!”

  Having withstood Elder Lei Ting’s aura, Zhong Yue shouted back, “Lei Ting, where do you think you are standing at? This is the Golden Summit Palace, the spirits of our ancestors are watching us! How dare you shout like a barbarian here! Misbehave again and the spirit of our ancestors will show their wrath to you!”

  Elder Lei Ting had a scare, he quickly looked around nervously, as if the spirits of the ancestors were really there, and he unconsciously dispersed his thunder.

  Both Elder You and Elder Quan too, quickly looked around and checked everywhere, fearing that the spirit of the ancestors would really appear.

  They were very worried because the spirit of the first headmaster of Swords Gate slumbered in the very palace they were standing in. If the spirit was awoken, then the place they were standing on would turn into a hell filled with bloodshed in an instant!

  Elder Lei Ting was incredibly unhappy, but this time, he lowered down his voice and said, “You have offended our friend….”

  “Friend?” Zhong Yue laughed and said coldly, “Xiao Yuan, Xiao Que, Xiao Qing, and Xiao Yin from the Xiao Mang Celestial Race killed Elder Shui Zian, yet you still see them as your friend? Zhong Li, Xiao Mang, Kui Long Celestial Race, the demons, dragons and the other races constantly chased after me to kill me, a hall master of Swords Gate! Did you do anything? No! Instead of helping your own people, you blame them and your actions have betrayed the humans, the Swords Gate, the teaching of our ancestors! You must die!”

  Elder Lei Ting smirked and said, “You are shouting in the Golden Summit Palace…”

  Zhong Yue interrupted Elder Lei Ting as he walked forward and said, “The outsiders came here with ill intentions, tried to kill the people of Swords Gate, and a hall master of Swords Gate! As an elder of Swords Gate, you did not even look into the matter closely and you even want to team up with the outsiders to kill your own people! You personally made this decision to ally with the outsiders to harm your people right in front of the headmaster, and caused great trouble for the Swords Gate without any valid reasons! Are you trying to betray all of us? If so, no one except for you should be killed!”

  As he spoke, his voice grew louder and louder, his words were straight to the point and in the end, his voice was so loud that it echoed all over the palace.

  In just an instant, Elder Lei Ting was intimidated, cold sweat appeared on his forehead and he stammered fearfully, “I…”

  Zhong Yue then scolded him, “Shut the hell up! Now kneel at the side and await your punishment!”

  Elder Lei Ting shivered, and just when he was about to kneel down, he suddenly regained his cool. He quickly stood up straight and said, “Little child! I almost fell for it, but you are no headmaster of Swords Gate, it is already against our culture for someone as young as you to disobey the elders like me! Besides, you have yet to give an explanation about you slaughtering the people of our friends…”

  Shui Zizheng on the other side, laughed and said, “Some good speeches you had there, Seal Suppression Hall’s hall master! The palace, however, is not a place where you can just blatantly talk nonsense! Our friends came to congratulate our new headmaster, we must give them an explanation for your ill-doings!”

  Xiao Yin then said calmly, “Headmaster Yu, your Swords Gate is in a state of chaos right now, even a little hall master dares to make the elders kneel down before him. If no actions are taken, the Swords Gate will be a laughing stock in the future!”

  Grand Elder Yu’s face immediately turned black and he said, “As the headmaster of Swords Gate, I now rebuke your position of the hall master of Seal Suppression Hall…”

  Zhong Yue however, kept his calm and he said, “Just by wearing that r
obe does not make you the headmaster of Swords Gate, you still need the godly sword, the seal, and the acknowledgment from the sword spirit and godly spirit. After that, you still need to pray to the heaven and earth. Grand Elder Yu, the true headmaster of Swords Gate is still Headmaster Feng, for you have yet to inherit the godly sword, the seal, the true quintessences of the【Great Boundless Sword Qi】and you did not pray to the heaven and earth!”

  Grand Elder Yu’s face changed slightly and he looked at Feng Wuji, his eyes landing onto the sword and seal in the hands of Feng Wuji.

  Feng Wuji only gave him the robe of the headmaster, but not the sword and seal, and the prayers to the heavens and earth also had yet to be conducted as well. Without them, wearing a robe only granted Grand Elder Yu an unstable position, a position that could easily be rebuked by Feng Wuji if he desired!

  Zhong Yue then bowed towards Feng Wuji as he said, “Headmaster Feng, you are the only one qualified to decide if I am guilty or not.”

  Feng Wuji’s face changed slightly because he knew that Zhong Yue was trying to stir up chaos in his relationship with Grand Elder Yu. It was fine if he had to hand over the sword to Grand Elder Yu, but he would not hand over the seal, because he still needed to use the seal, which would determine if he could get his hands on the treasure hidden under Sword Gate Mountain.

  Grand Elder Yu’s expression darkened as he saw the hesitation in Feng Wuji’s eyes, and quickly said, “Dear nephew Feng…”

  Feng Wuji’s eyes twitched and he burst out laughing as he removed the sword dangling on his waist, handed it over to Grand Elder Yu, and said respectfully, “My error, I forgot to hand over the sword to you.”

  Grand Elder Yu quickly took the godly sword, and said as he looked at the seal, “This seal…”

  However, how could Feng Wuji possibly hand over the seal to Grand Elder Yu? After he ignored the question from Grand Elder Yu, Feng Wuji silently backed off as he thought, Yu Changji, it doesn't matter anymore if you hold any grudges towards me for not handing over this seal to you. After all, the destruction of Swords Gate is imminent and inevitable, there would be no use even if you had the seal with you…


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