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Rise of Humanity

Page 242

by <unknown>

  The elders nodded and said, "Feng Wuji's incarnation brought the headmaster's jade seal into the underground, he is a man of wild ambition, sly and cunning. He is of utmost danger to our Swords Gate; it is hard to tell whether or not he will leave behind some unwanted gifts underneath of Swords Gate. The earthquake that just happened might as well be his doing. Right now, the jade seal is back in the hands of the headmaster, and it is natural for us to inspect the underground fully!"

  Shui Zian was now the grand elder of the Elder Council, he was an old Qi Practitioner of Swords Gate and knew a lot of the Swords Gate secrets; he led the crowd into the golden summit and pleaded the headmaster to cast out her jade seal. As the jade seal shone on the golden summit, the palace slowly moved to the sides from the middle, and a secret path emerged before them that led straight to the inside of the mountain.

  "In the internal structure of our Swords Gate Mountain are filled with seals and traps laid down by the first headmaster himself; the first stage is guarded by the Sword Spirit and the first headmaster's godly spirit. The one who enters without the headmaster's jade seal will have to face the wrath of the two spirits. Inside the Swords Gate Mountain, there are many secrets. Not even the first headmaster had fully explored them all." Shui Zian said solemnly to them.

  Although Jun Sixie was now the headmaster, this was still the first time she was here. It was an entirely new experience for her. The crowd followed the spiral steps down for tens of miles; along the way, Jun Sixie had disarmed the seals and traps that were laid down by the past headmasters with the headmaster's jade seal. Soon, the view before them grew wider as they continued deeper down the staircase.

  All of a sudden, a vast and huge space appeared before them, the internal space of the mountain seemed to have been scooped out, creating nearly seven to eight cubic miles of empty space.

  Right in the middle of this space of emptiness was the blade of a massive sword that extended from the top to the bottom. The tip of this enormous sword was pierced through the mountain body down to the underground. None of them knew what was at the bottom of this sword.

  That godly sword's godly aura was fully restrained inside of it. Oftentimes, totem patterns would emerge on the glossy sword blade, but they were incredibly abstruse as if they were extracts from the analects of heaven.

  This sword was so huge that even they, as experienced Qi Practitioners, were taken aback. Despite them sitting at the height of power in the Swords Gate and having already seen the Great Boundless Divine Sword, they were lost in their marvel of this godly sword in front of them.

  "The old headmaster once told me that this internal space was dug out by the first headmaster. When the great headmaster reached this place, his injuries re-erupted, and he felt the end of his life drawing near. Before he left this world, he sealed the sword hilt in the Seal Suppression Hall. If the headmaster heads over to the Seal Suppression Hall, you can see the sword hilt that is incredibly huge."

  Shui Zian continued leading them down, and he said, "The first headmaster instructed for this godly sword to be left untouched. But other than this godly sword, there are still tons of secrets left inside the Swords Gate Mountain, such as the three-layer secret realms. Some previous headmasters had tried to dig deeper down, but they were all met with insurmountable obstacles, the outer barrier of a secret realm."

  The crowd moved down and after a certain period of time, a huge barrier, which was formed by totem patterns, appeared before Jun Sixie. The thick and heavy totem patterns rippled like a curtain of water inside of the mountain.

  "This is it. This secret realm must be left behind by an incredibly powerful god. The totem patterns formed a barrier that blocked our paths into the secret realm."

  Shui Zian said, "All the previous headmasters were able to reach this point, but none could enter it. The totem patterns of this secret realm are bizarre. No one could decipher them, and forcibly breaking through the barrier with brute force is nearly impossible. Breaking it from the inside is probably much easier."

  Even this was the first time some of the ten elders had seen this secret realm. They looked carefully at it and found the totem patterns flowing inside of the barrier like water one layer after another. Although the figures behind the seal could be faintly discerned, the layers were too numerous that their view was blurred and distorted.

  The seal layers appeared to be like an ocean; there were faint images of the godly mountains in the midst of a sea, and majestic palaces with gods sitting atop it.

  “Elder Pu, the incarnation of Feng Wuji must have entered the secret realm with the jade seal through this place.”

  Jun Sixie said, "The Xiao Mang Celestial Race must have certain ways that allowed him to tread through the totem barrier…."

  “Ashes left behind by a burned charm!” Elder Lei Shan spotted something and said.

  The others stepped closer and scrutinized the ashes of the burned talisman. They could still sense the leftover godly aura in the ashes. Clearly, Elder Pu had reached here with the headmaster's jade seal and went through the barrier with this godly talisman!

  Their hearts sank; this issue had troubled the Swords Gate headmasters for generations, but now they just found out that a Xiao Mang had succeeded. It was truly a huge blow to them!

  But Jun Sixie suddenly smiled and said, "I've killed Feng Wuji's incarnation, he didn't have anything of the secret realm. The elders may ease your hearts. But the Xiao Mang Celestial Race is indeed strong, to possess talismans that are beyond what most ordinary gods can procure."

  The elders turned solemn and somber. The Xiao Mang Celestial Race was indeed really powerful. The death of the high priest had little to no on the Xiao Mang Celestial Race's overall strength; and as of now, Feng Wuji had become its new high priest. He was taught the cultivation method of the【Great Boundless Sword Qi】and the Earth Innate Spirit Body, and with him being the new high priest, the Xiao Mang Celestial Race would only grow even stronger in the future!

  Jun Sixie cast out the Great Boundless Divine Sword, and she slashed it on the totem barrier. With her rudimentary【Great Boundless Sword Qi】, the Great Boundless Divine Sword, and the support of her magnate cultivation base, her attacks were incredibly powerful.

  And yet, such an attack only managed to break through a little over ten layers of water curtain seals before its power was depleted. Jun Sixie was afraid that the Great Boundless Divine Sword would be lost in the seals and she quickly retrieved it back.

  "There are 64 layers of water curtains. With each being a layered seal, even the second headmaster, the strongest headmaster, could break through only over fifty layers of seals."

  Shui Zian's eyes lit up, and he said, "But the headmaster has the Innate Water Spirit Body. Do you have any confidence to decipher these water-style totem patterns to open the secret realm?"

  The Innate Water True Spirit emerged behind Jun Sixie; it had the head of a snake and the body of a human. It was standing atop two black dragons, and a dark serpent coiled around its arm. It looked into the layers of water curtains. The elders kept quiet and looked anxiously at their new headmaster and were refraining from making a single sound to avoid disturbing their headmaster's contemplation.

  Among all of the headmasters, she was the only one who possessed the Innate Water Spirit Body. And as the Innate Water Spirit Body holder, she was naturally gifted with an incredible affinity for comprehending water-style totem patterns. If one had to choose a person who had the greatest chance of breaking through the seals, it would undoubtedly be her!

  After one hour, Jun Sixie raised her head and heaved a breath of relief. She said, "Sixty-four layers, with each having different totem permutations. Thankfully, they are all water-style totem patterns. It's only a matter of time before I decipher all of them. At the latest, 60 years, and at the earliest, at least 30 years. I will be able to fully understand the totem patterns and enter the secret realm."

  The elders were overjoyed, they said, "Magnate cultivators
have a lifespan of five to six hundred years. Tens of years aren't considered long. We have more than enough time to decipher the seals!"

  "If we can break through the secret realm's seals and achieve what the previous headmasters couldn't, Headmaster Jun will be able to leave her own legend in humanity's history!"

  The elders were laughing merrily, and Jun Sixie was also in joy. She thought of herself achieving something that not even the previous headmaster go do, and she felt quite proud of herself.

  All of a sudden, the ten elders were stunned, and they stared vacantly into the secret realm behind the water curtain seals. Shui Zian rubbed his eyes and mumbled, "Am I seeing things? Why am I seeing the figure of someone in the secret realm…."

  Jun Sixie quickly looked over and was stunned as she saw the same figure!

  They gazed at one another and saw the same look of shock in their faces, Elder Tao Xinyi stamped her crutch on the ground and said puzzlingly, “Could it be the projection of the master of this secret realm? The projection of that god’s figure?”

  "But if it's an image projection, he shouldn't move, should he? But look, he is moving!"

  “This is not looking good! He is coming closer to us!”

  “He is going to pass through the seals!”

  “Brothers and sisters, arm yourselves!”

  The ten elders surged out their Sword Qi, cast their soul weapons, and Shui Zian even arranged his 64 Sword Cocoons into a sword array. He stood on guard, while Jun Sixie clenched the Great Boundless Divine Sword in her hands.

  They were readied for battle. The silhouette continued to walk closer to them, walking right into the 64 water curtain seals. The water-style totem patterns rippled as he trod through the layers of seals, adding an inexplicable ethereal air to the newcomer.

  “Is there really a god in the secret realm?” Elder Li Panhua said in a shuddering voice with her eyes filled with terror.

  "Maybe not a god, but a zombie of the god's corpse."

  Elder Qiu Zhen was also in fear, he said, "I heard that if the corpse of a god is preserved in perfect condition, it will turn into a zombie, and blood-red hairs would grow on them. Their hands would turn into green claws, and they would crave for brains as food … Brothers and sisters, do you think the earthquake just now was caused by this godly zombie?"

  The ten elders all felt a chill travel down their spines at the same time, and Jun Sixie quickly yelled, "No matter what it is, we will kill it on the spot!"

  Just as she finished her sentence, the silhouette came into their view. It was a young man. His head was the first they saw, and he said curiously, "So many people? Elder Shui, why are you all here? Hm? Even the headmaster is here? What exactly are you all doing here?”

  The crowd was dumbfounded, and all their mouths hung agape as they watched the young man slowly stroll out from the seals they just lauded as impenetrable. They were all caught stammering in their speech and were left unable to form a coherent sentence for a few moments.

  All of a sudden, Shui Zian's emotions took a turn of anger, and he reached his hand out and grabbed the young man by the neck before chiding furiously, "Bra- brat! You nearly scared the shit out of us! You rascal, why didn't you tell us before!"

  Elder Tao Xinyi was still in shock, and she stammered, "Old Shui, you ar- are the one that got scared, we wer- weren't scared at all. The headmaster also wasn't … headmaster, am I right?"

  Jun Sixie's beautiful countenance was flushed with embarrassment, and she quickly sought to shift the topic by asking, "Hall Master of the Seal Suppression Hall, how did you end up here?"

  Chapter 325: Absorbing The Saint Herb |

  This young man was Zhong Yue, he had traipsed past two layers of seals and reached to a teleportation formation where he was transported to the Swords Gate secret realm. After that, he deciphered the 64 layers of water curtain seals under Xin Huo guidance before finally reaching the other side of Swords Gate Mountain where he met Jun Sixie and the others.

  The ten elders saw that it was him, and they all heaved a breath of relief at the same time. They then released their Sword Qi and kept their soul weapons.

  "How did Seal Suppression Hall Master come to be in this secret realm?"

  Elder Lei Shan’s voice rumbled like thunder, he asked, “How did you go in and how did you get out?”

  Zhong Yue hesitated for a second before he opened up to them, "I entered through the Devil Soul Forbidden Land. I retrieved the bodies of all the previous headmasters as well as Elder Feng's. Then, I walked all the way up to this secret realm and saw the headmaster and elders right here. What are you all doing here?"

  The elders blushed in embarrassment and had their mouths became tightly shut. The fact that they were planning to open the secret realm but were stopped before even entering was something they would prefer not to say. This was not to mention explaining their fear and anxiety when they mistook Zhong Yue's silhouette for a godly zombie or even a living god.

  Those present were the respected elders of the Elder Council, and the great Headmaster Jun — all of them were fully equipped, and there was even the Great Boundless Divine Sword of Swords Gate with them. And yet, none of them could enter the secret realm, whereas an Atman Body hall master had just taken a tour around it as if it were his home.

  It was way too embarrassing to say out loud; hence, they would rather steer away from the issue.

  Jun Sixie and Shui Zian exchanged looks and saw the joy and surprise in each other's eyes. From Zhong Yue's words, did he mean that he had entered the Devil Soul Forbidden Land and strolled around it until he met with them?

  How was that possible?

  Shui Zian then quickly asked, "Is the Devil Soul Forbidden Land safe to walk around in now?"

  Zhong Yue shook his head, and he answered, "Not now, but Elder Feng has exterminated the power in it, so the Swords Gate will still be safe for the next five hundred years. But despite the little threat it poses now, it is still not a place you would wish to enter. I'm betting that not even Elder Shui will be able to make it out safely."

  Shui Zian's face turned dark and gloomy. His eyes glared ferociously at the hall master while he breathed heavily in anger. As of this moment, he had never had a greater urge to beat this kid up.

  What do you mean by Elder Shui not making it out?

  This brat entered the Devil Soul Forbidden Land and came out like as if it were nothing. What was he implying by saying that Elder Shui can't do it? Is Elder Shui that weak?

  Zhong Yue then said apologetically, "Elder Shui, I'm not really good with words, so I hope that you can forgive me for that. But … it is true that you can't come out once you've entered. Although I can, it's not possible if you follow along … Well, I'm not saying that you are a burden ... no, why are you looking at me like that … No, don't, don't hit me. I'm just being honest and truthful … Old man! Stop! If you don't, then I will fight back … Damn it. I'll take you to the grave with me then!"

  Shui Zian had pulled him over and pummeled him into the ground. The two of them rolled on the cold floor and fought like brutes. The elders on the side then quickly stepped in to intervene, but somehow, within the confusion, a few more legs joined in on kicking Zhong Yue. Even the new headmaster made sure to land a few discreet kicks on his butt.

  After the two kicks she gave him on the butt, Jun Sixie's face blushed in red. She calmed her thoughts and said, "Alright, alright, stop fooling around already. Seal Suppression Hall Hall Master, how exactly did you get out?"

  The crowd dispersed and to leave Zhong Yue in the middle, whose clothes were disheveled after being bullied by the elders.

  Zhong Yue tidied his clothes and then said smilingly, "Of course I've just walked out like how you walk out from a door. After all, these 64 seals are nothing compared to the gods' seals of the Devil Soul Forbidden Land. It really isn't that difficult."

  The elders nearly spurted out a mouth of blood, and their urge to beat him up that had just been appeased suddenly flare
d again.

  Way too easy? If it were easy, why would they, the elders, and even the headmaster be left twiddling their thumbs in resignation outside of the secret realm barrier?

  The words that

  came out of this brat sounded like a grating taunt to their ears!

  “You all can’t get in?”

  Zhong Yue was puzzled, "Well, in that case, I guess I can teach you then. Please don't look at me like that again, am I monster or something? It really irks me…."

  The elders and Jun Sixie wee speechless, while Elder Lei Shan quickly asked, "Are there any treasures in the secret realm?"

  Zhong Yue nodded, “Yes, two divine weapons revolving around the god’s sitting corpse.”

  The elders and Jun Sixie's eyes lit up. Jun Wumei quickly said, "Are there any cultivation methods in it?"

  Zhong Yue mulled and answered, "Didn't notice, but this secret realm is very big. I suppose this god would have left behind some sort of cultivation heritage. However, that should only be available after passing through the tests that it left behind."

  Just like the heritage of the Monster God Ming King, this Swords Gate secret realm would also have the heritage of the guardian god, one that wasn't any more inferior to that of the Monster God Ming King!

  The elders were overjoyed, and Zhong Yue said solemnly, "But we can do this later. For now, we shall bury the ancestors I've brought out from the Devil Soul Forbidden Land."

  The others concurred, after all, the headmasters and Elder Feng's funeral were more important. They could always come back to the secret realm after that.

  The crowd hiked to the golden summit and summoned all of the disciples to hold the grandest funeral they ever had to bury the headmasters and Elder Feng into the Grand Spirit Palace. This Grand Spirit Palace was forged by Jun Sixie and the Elder Council to enshrine the headmasters and distinguished heroes of humanity.

  Previously, the Swords Gate headmasters died in the Devil Soul Forbidden Land, and their corpses were never able to be retrieved. This was why there wasn't the Grand Spirit Palace to enshrine them; but now, with Zhong Yue bringing them back, there was finally a purpose for the Grand Spirit Palace.


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