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Rise of Humanity

Page 272

by <unknown>

  Feng Xiaozhong's eyes shone even more, and he clapped his hands in applause. He laughed, "Junior Martial Brother Zhong, you really know me well. Yes, you are right. The moment I laid my eyes on this Demon God Contracted Puppet, I was thinking of capturing the demon god. He would be a perfect specimen for my research. As for the wishes, I doubt that even the gods will be able to fulfill my true desires."

  Zhong Yue then said solemnly, "Senior Martial Brother Feng, I intend to use the third wish for your ways to open the Bloodline Wheel, what do you say?"


  Feng Xiaozhong said leisurely, "You value the wishes of the Demon God Contracted Puppet the most but to me, its biggest use is for my research. I can capture him for my research. A demon god that can produce a Demon God Contracted Puppet … Hehe, he must be very, very valuable!”

  He then lifted his finger and pointed over at Zhong Yue's forehead. Immediately, a massive surge of information flooded into Zhong Yue's mind –words, images of the totem patterns, dissected gods, their internal body structures, the composition of their Yuan Shen, and most notably, the pictures that contained the shackled chains!

  These shackled chain pictures were the most terrifying of all; they were the seals in the human bloodline, made by the totem patterns!

  These pictures showed the complexity of the seals that locked away the powers in the human blood, and when all of these pictures come together, they would form six perfect circles that collectively represented the Seal of the Six Paths Reincarnation!

  Zhong Yue was stunned, he had once seen these bloodline seals that locked his Fuxi powers away before when he was trying to open the Bloodline Wheel. However, they were just not as many as what Feng Xiaozhong have presented to him!

  Following this influx of information was the method that Feng Xiaozhong used to progressively breakthrough the bloodline seals before ultimately opening the Bloodline Wheel!

  This information was large and complex. Even though Zhong Yue had the confidence that he would eventually be able to attain them all in the future, that would take a long while, most probably tens of years!

  On the other hand, Feng Xiaozhong was a true genius, a man that made one feel as if he were the reincarnation of the heaven itself!

  Zhong Yue heaved a long breath, he stood up, and Feng Xiaozhong stood up together with him to send him off. The latter then said, "The day you leave the Eight Barrens is the day I will come to claim the Demon God Puppet."

  Feng Xiaozhong walked Zhong Yue to the door of the demon palace, and Zhong Yue turned back with his eyes filled with complex emotions. He said softly, "Senior Martial Brother Feng, are you not planning to go back to Swords Gate anymore?"

  “No … I will not go back….”

  Feng Xiaozhong was also filled with an inexplicable emotion, he shook his head and said, "I can never go back anymore. If I return, my father will die, and none of you will like my existence nor what will happen next after my return…."

  As long as he doesn’t go back, as long as he didn’t see his father’s grave with his own eyes, the old headmaster would live forever in his heart. As such, he would be able to remain sane and would not plunge into a permanent state of madness.

  Once he had gone back, the last remnants of his sanity would also die along with his father. The old headmaster had banished him just so that he could retain his sanity. With the last sanity he had left, Feng Xiaozhong would still be a living man, and without it, he would turn emotionless like the heaven and earth!"

  “One last thing….”

  Feng Xiaozhong was dead silent for a few moments, he then suddenly said, "When you are opening the Bloodline Wheel, you will be able to see the Six Paths of Reincarnation. You have to remember this: When the humans are opening the sixth secret realm, forming the Six Paths Reincarnation in our bodies, a great terror will come for you…."

  His calm face distorted as his sanity was starting to shake turbulently, at any point in time now, he would plunge into madness. Feng Xiaozhong was suppressing himself with all his might so as to prevent himself from losing control and his voice husky as he said, "You need to be careful when you see the Six Paths Reincarnation, do not alert the existence that sealed us away, or otherwise, you will be the next madman Feng Xiaozhong! You, look after yourself … Go! LEAVE NOW!"

  His sanity was slipping away from his grasp, and he was starting to lose control.

  Zhong Yue bowed at Feng Xiaozhong, and he quickly left the demon palace, he boarded the boat in the sky, and he said solemnly, "We will leave now! To the Desolation City!"

  Tian Mo Concubine, Saint Concubine, and the others quickly moved the boat and left. Rays flashed across Tian Mo Concubine's eyes, and she said softly, "Darling, who is the one that captured Heavenly Saint Demon Embryo?"

  “An old friend.”

  Zhong Yue stood on the boat, and he looked at the demon palace with a blurred expression. He then suddenly said, "Darlings, I'm guessing that you've already notified your clans of the Heavenly Saint Demon Embryo's presence here, am I right?"

  Tian Mo Concubine, Ji Xiang Concubine, and Saint Concubine's countenances stiffened up, and they kept quiet; while the other court ladies were also blushing red in embarrassment, worried and unsettling in their hearts and didn't know what to say.

  All of a sudden, their mister laughed and said, "All of you know that I'm actually the human Zhong Shan Clan member rather than the demon race. It is perfectly normal for you all to do so and I have no place to say anything. Moreover, this isn't really a betrayal, you all are just caring for you respective clans, after all, the Heavenly Saint Demon Embryo is a huge matter."

  Tian Mo Concubine heaved a breath of relief, and she said smilingly, "Thank you for understanding our cause and forgives us."

  Zhong Yue nodded, he then smiled back and said, “I understand your causes, but if your clans suffer great damages from this, I hope that you all can forgive me also.”

  Tian Mo Concubine, Saint Concubine, Ji Xiang Concubine and the other ladies were dumbfounded, they couldn't understand what he was talking about, but Zhong Yue didn't explain further. He kept his sights away from the demon palace and thought, The demon race is really going through a hard time lately. Before this, there was Demon Saint's Triad Ritual and now, another calamity. The only thing I hope for now is that, after all this slaughter, Senior Martial Brother Feng can maintain a longer period of sanity….

  After they left, demonic clouds were billowing over to the demon palace and covered miles around it. The demon elders from various clans stood in the clouds and stared at the demon palace.

  As time passed, more demon experts arrived around the demon palace. Their auras filled the surroundings, and the air of demon magnates seeped throughout the surroundings!

  The eight saint clan experts stood in the sky, looking emotionlessly at the demon palace and were still pulling themselves back from galvanizing into actions. They were still waiting for more experts to come, or to be exact, something strong enough that could secure their success rate. A few moments later, a thick and oppressive demon god aura suffused the air as a beautiful ship flew over. Experts and cultivators of the older generation were on deck while a huge tambour was on the ship's prow.

  The tambour was unsurprisingly a divine demon weapon, one that was beyond the ordinary divine armaments!

  Other than that, there was a flaming war chariot riding over while leaving a blazing trail behind in its wake like scarlet contrails – it was none other than the Asura Saint Clan's Sun Chariot!

  The eight saint clan valued the Heavenly Saint Demon Embryo so highly that they had even taken out two divine demon weapons!

  While at the center of demon's focus, Feng Xiaozhong in the palace was shuddering violently, his face contorted in a strained effort as he gave it his all to suppress his insanity. All of a sudden, his body stopped still, and his face turned calm. But as he lifted his head up, the inquisitive light that used to shine in his onyx eyes was now overtaken by a pure and unbr
idled madness.

  He strode out of the demon palace and lifted up his head. Looking into the sky with a warm, bright smile, he said, "Ah … More specimens to add to my collection…."


  In the demon palace, light and soft melodies resounded in the depths of the palace, caused by the metal chains that were locking the colossal demon god corpses down. These demon gods were dissected, and their internal organs were exposed to the air. Other than godly corpses, there was still a thousand feet tall glass container on the side. Totem patterns were carved all over it and inside were sealed the spirits that belonged to the demon gods!

  These spirits of the demon gods were also dissected, and they were long dead, but their spirits remained in this world. The greatest pain one could ever suffer didn't come from the body nor the heart but the spirit. When their spirits were dissected, spread into pieces, and left exposed to the air, even the gods would be tormented into tears!

  Their faces were dreadful, they were struggling, pummeling on the glass container, trying to get out and their angered voices were only reverberating in the glass container as the totem patterns on the glass container even constrained the sounds in it!

  While outside of the demon palace, a blood-curdling battle broke out!

  As of now, the boat was already long gone from the battlefield. In the boat, Zhong Yue calmed himself down and looked into the information imparted to him by Feng Xiaozhong.

  Those complexed bloodline seals were required to be identified individually, one by one, so that he could match them with the respective ways to break them away attained by Feng Xiaozhong.

  He also needed to study the Seal of the Six Paths, study the Six Paths Reincarnation and also the sixth wheels in the gods dissected by Feng Xiaozhong. He needed to cross-reference all the information with the attainments he had on the sixth wheel so that all his insights would be aligned perfectly.

  Other than that, he would also need to locate the position of the sixth wheel and find its point.

  The more he studied it, the more his admiration for Feng Xiaozhong grew. The madman was incredibly talented, possessing boundless intelligence and the knowledge he had on the seals of the human blood was far beyond Zhong Yue's imagination.

  Another three days passed, and Zhong Yue had finally finished digesting everything Feng Xiaozhong had imparted to him. The next step was naturally to open the sixth wheel, forming the Six Paths of Reincarnation in his body.

  If only Feng Xiaozhong weren't a madman, he would surely be the most peerless paragon of the human race, wouldn't he? Even the innate spirit bodies could not hold a candle to him in terms of pure ability when considering the position of headmaster. What a pity … Zhong Yue could not help but lament the loss in his heart.

  All of a sudden, Tian Mo Concubine, Ji Xiang Concubine, Saint Concubine and the court ladies in the boat were suddenly shocked, their countenances turned pallid, and they retrieved the godly totem pillars of their respective clans. These totem pillars reformed the totem patterns engraved on them into different-looking faces and communicated with them quickly, their faces changed drastically.

  After a few moments, Tian Mo Concubine stepped forward, in a quivering voice, she asked, “Darling, that demon palace, who’s is it?”

  “The Transcender.”

  Zhong Yue opened his eyes, and he said placidly, "How are your clansmen?"

  No reply was given, and after a few seconds, Tian Mo Concubine answered bitterly, "None lived, the divine demon weapons were lost, and the magnates are all dead. That demon palace is now listed as a forbidden land to all of the demon race by eight saint clans … This Transcender … He must have a name, right?"

  Zhong Yue then answered calmly, "Do you know that there is a human tribe in the Great Wilderness, even with only one remaining tribesman left, it is still the greatest tribe of the entire Great Wilderness. It is called the Feng Clan."

  Tian Mo Concubine and the other ladies sucked in a deep breath of cold air, and they mumbled in fear, "He is … Feng Xiaozhong! This Feng Demon…."

  “It's the Transcender.”

  Zhong Yue corrected them and said, "Once he is in his berserk state, not even demons will dare to call themselves demons in front of him; and when he is sane, he is the incarnation of a living god. He is in between a celestial and a demon ... the Transcender."

  Chapter 367: Six Paths Reincarnation |

  “Stop beautifying his image!”

  The ladies' anger was incited as they refuted, "What is this name, The Transcender? Feng Xiaozhong is a madman!"

  Zhong Yue replied with a gentle smile, he didn’t talk back and recollected his thoughts.

  The demon ladies were all in a rage; the demon race had undergone two calamities, any one of these calamities could have significantly impaired their prowess as a whole and yet, two such disasters happened back to back. Even two of the eight saint clans' demon divine weapons were lost, and the magnates killed!

  Now they knew what Zhong Yue meant by the clans suffering great damages. Indeed, it came true.

  For the calamity, the eight saint clans had all blamed the ladies for passing them incomplete intelligence and condemned Zhong Yue to be held accountable for their losses.

  The eight saint clan elders blamed Zhong Yue for intentionally causing the deaths of the experts as he did not inform them the identity of the demon palace's owner.

  Zhong Yue, however, was indifferent to their blame, the eight saint clans would have known that he wasn't a demon by now, and they had even planned to kill him already. They were just holding back because of the battle he was going to have against Demon Saint.

  The eight saint clans wanted him to battle the Demon Saint to test out the latter's trump cards before killing them both.

  Demon Saint was incredibly dangerous, especially after the incident of the Triad Ritual, and although the eight saint clans hated him to their bones, neither one of them dared to go against him in a frontal conflict.

  After all, Demon Saint had wiped out nearly every demon expert in the Triad Ritual and that infused fear into the eight saint clans. No one would ever know how many Demon God Blood Charms he had left or if he had any other trump cards.

  With the Inner Core Qi Practitioner Zhong Yue as their cannon fodder, the eight saint clans were more than happy to see him battle the Demon Saint and force Demon Saint to reveal his last trump cards.

  Whether or not Zhong Yue would win, the eight saint clans would not let him walk out of the Desolation City alive.

  In the boat, Zhong Yue was sitting still. He surged his blood essence tardily in search for the Bloodline Wheel's position. And as for how to do go about that, Feng Xiaozhong had already taught him.

  The Bloodline Wheel was the wheel of blood essences that linked both the Yuan Shen and mortal body together. Before the emergence of the Six Paths Reincarnation, no one had ever realized its existence, the sixth wheel that was intimately connected to the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

  The second requirement for the Bloodline Wheel was a particularly vibrant blood essence, and after such a long time of cultivation, Zhong Yue's blood essences were more than enough!

  The third requirement was to break through the seals in the human blood, which was also the most critical phase of the process!

  The Seal of the Six Paths in the human body would grow stronger with the cultivator. The stronger you are, the stronger the seals would be. They grow together with you and live together with you. Hence, the earlier one breaks the seals, the weaker the seals would be at the time.

  If a human had cultivated his Yuan Shen to the Pure Yang state, ascending to Deityhood, these bloodline seals would be so strong that the chances of breaking them were close to nil!

  After these few days of study, Zhong Yue now had enough confidence to break through the Seal of the Six Paths.

  The sequence he would have to go through would be: Breaking away the Seal of the Six Paths, the opening of the Bloodline Wheel, and coalescing the six secr
et realms to come together to form the Six Paths and ultimately manifest the Six Paths of Reincarnation in the body.

  Feng Xiaozhong said that when opening the Bloodline Wheel, I will meet with the Six Paths Reincarnation and that there would be great danger that will await me, possibly the one that sealed the humans away. It was precisely this great danger he was talking about that crushed his sanity and turned him into a madman … This Six Paths of Reincarnation … what is it and what secrets does it hold?

  Zhong Yue calmed himself down and thought back to the image he had seen in the Lesser Void World. The imperial consort had shown him the view of her Six Paths of Reincarnation, and he could clearly see the marvelous Six Paths. In it, sat a giant that was so huge that even the planets and suns seemed to be tiny balls that orbited around him.

  Such an otherworldly scene was something he could never forget.

  If that's what I'll see, I won't be shocked, and Feng Xiaozhong will definitely not be stuck in his madness. There must be something else! It will not be long. Soon, I will see what Feng Xiaozhong had seen!

  He surged his psyche and turned into the state of [Atman Body as One], morphing himself into a 360 feet tall giant in the Fuxi True Form while he surged all of his blood essences with great force.


  The sounds of buzzing could be heard as he opened all of his five secret realms – Dao Yi, Yin Yang, Shen Cai, Wan Xiang and Wu Xing. The powers of all five secret realms surged in his body and fused together in unity.

  The blood essences of his mortal body and Yuan Shen started resonating with one another, and he felt like as if a part of him that was long lost had finally returned to himself. As with the changes in his blood essences, the bloodline seals in his body started to emerge.


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