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Rise of Humanity

Page 447

by <unknown>

  Just imagine how furious the Emerald Heaven Dharma King would be once she caught wind of the news that her son was killed!

  Once the Emerald Heaven Dharma King was angered, the entire Left Fang Galaxy would tremble in fear!

  And that four guys over there did not have the slightest idea about the trouble they got into! They were even still casually studying the body and Yuan Shen of Prince Shi Yun, robbed his secret realms and took Prince Shi Yun as if he was one of their trophies!

  “Seize them!”

  Suddenly, an old demon god pointed at Shi Buyi and Old Man Six Paths and he shouted, “Do not let them go and wait for further instructions from the Emerald Heaven Dharma King!”

  Shi Buyi’s expression changed tremendously, and while he felt bitter in his heart, he quickly started to figure a way to escape; Old Man Six Paths was also worried and he thought, This is bad. There are so many gods here, and I might not be able to fight my way out here.

  “Quickly, notify Emerald Heaven Dharma King and tell her about this tragic news!”

  After a few days later, Zhong Yue and the others completed their study on Prince Shi Yun and his secret realms also started to crumble; his Yuan Shen was cut in half by Zhong Yue and even if it was a quick one, his Yuan Shen was still destroyed by Zhong Yue.

  The four of them then left that place and continued to search around. By now, this event had gone on for three days, about seventy percent of the Qi Practitioners were already dead, leaving only the elites among the elites still standing on the battleground.

  Prince Shi Yun said he was going to challenge Bi and An, Li Tianxing, and Reverse Emperor after killing me, which means that these guys are people on par with Prince Shi Yun or even stronger than him.

  Zhong Yue then thought again, I hope that they won't disappoint me like how Prince Shi Yun did.

  At the same time, news of Prince Shi Yun’s death finally reached the Fang Star of the Left Fang Galaxy. The Fang Star looked just like a fang and Emerald Heaven Dharma King’s palace was built on this star.

  “My crown heir is dead.”

  In the marvelous palace came a lady’s voice. The sunny weather turned dark and lighting struck everywhere.

  “My heir lost to a young human that came from nowhere? And that human cut my son down with just one strike?”

  Emerald Heaven Dharma King looked at a mirror that displayed the scene sent to her by a demon god; it was the scene where Prince Shi Yun was struck down by Zhong Yue in one strike. Emerald Heaven Dharma King immediately laughed but there was no sign of happiness on this gorgeous lady’s face, “This idiot son of mine, he actually let out the first hand to his opponent? Who gave him to guts to do so? Did he not know that in a real battle, even a slightest mistake would cost someone his life? Good. Good! I suppose this will teach my stupid son a lesson. What a shame, I spent so much to lay down a good future for you but now, everything I did was all for nought. But he is still my son, and his murderer will pay for what he’s done. Heed my orders, everyone in the event shall hunt down this young human! I want him dead for what he did!”

  The demon god that passed the news to Emerald Heaven Dharma King trembled and he quickly informed everyone about her order.

  Shi Buyi too, heard this order when the demon god told the others. The furious Shi Buyi shouted, “Did you all not say that Emerald Heaven Dharma King was someone that cherished every talented individual on her land? Why is she doing this now!”

  The demon gods around him gave him a cold glance and they ignored him; they continued to notify each other and ordered their students that took part in the event to kill Zhong Yue at all cost.

  “If your student killed the other Qi Practitioners, Emerald Heaven Dharma King would definitely protect your student at any cost, but who do you your student killed this time? That man your student cut down just now was the son of Emerald Heaven Dharma King!”

  Chan Dongyuan said coldly, “Did you know how much she spent on her son? I’m afraid even with your lives and your lifelong treasures would not even come close to how much she spent!”

  Chapter 619: Superimposed Solar Storms |

  Shi Buyi was infuriated yet was left with no choice, he turned and discussed their situation with Old Man Six Paths. After hearing Shi Buyi, killing intent burst in Old Man Six Paths’s eyes as he whispered sternly, “There is only one way to stay alive now.”

  “What?” Shi Buyi beseeched.

  “Kill them all!”

  Old Man Six Paths answered maliciously, “Let him off his restraints to kill whoever is in there!”

  Shi Buyi was shocked, he shouted loudly, “Are you trying to stir things up even more? A Dharma King is already bad enough, but now you want to offend all of the demon gods?”

  Old Man Six Paths nodded while the tree leaves on his head swayed along, “Yes, we will stir things up as much as we can! The more turbulent the situation gets, the safer we will be. If all of the Qi Practitioners in the Left Fang Galaxy are dead, the Zhong Shan Clan’s name will spread across the Prison Realm and that will earn us enough attention to stay alive!”

  Shi Buyi’s eyes brightened up as he said, “You are saying that if he becomes the brightest star in the Left Fang Galaxy, that when even the other galaxies know of his name, then the Emerald Heaven Dharma King will not dare to touch him directly?”

  “This is an event that every galaxy will hold to select the best out of the best to enter the competition of the Six Path Worlds. The Prison Realm Realm Lord values the competition very much, that’s why he has called for the selection of talents among the galaxies.” Old Man Six Paths’s grew darkly and his eyes turned ice cold, “Now that it is still a small matter killing Prince Shi Yun, but as long as the competition gets bloody enough, even the Emerald Heaven Dharma King will not do anything unless she wishes to go against the Realm Lord! Lion, contact the human brat and tell him to go all out!”

  Shi Buyi heaved a breath with an inexplicable expression on his face, he looked at the old man and said, “You may look like an honest and simple-handed commoner, but your heart is definitely darker than mine.”

  Old Man Six Paths casually glanced over while answered in a placid manner, “I’ve eaten more gods than you’ve seen.”

  Shi Buyi’s heart thumped in terror, although he hadn’t seen many gods, there were already more than a few hundred demon gods right in front of them now. Someone like Old Man Six Paths wasn’t the type to exaggerate; it could really mean that this old man had eaten over hundreds of gods.

  The monster lion calmed his mind, he ran the thought through his mind and said, “If he killed all the Qi Practitioners in there, we will fall foul with even more gods and factions, that will still bring us to death’s doorstep!”

  “But we will be safe, won’t we? Even if it’s just temporarily.” Old Man Six Paths hurled back a question.

  Rendered no choice, Shi Buyi contacted Zhong Yue with the totem pillar.

  “Prince Shi Yun is the Emerald Heaven Dharma King’s reincarnated son? The Emerald Heaven Dharma King has ordered all the Qi Practitioners to kill me?” Zhong Yue was truly astonished when he received the news, he laughed helplessly as he said, “The Emerald Heaven Dharma King should’ve hung a tag on Prince Shi Yun’s neck stating that he is the honorable Emerald Heaven Dharma King’s son so that he won’t be killed. Otherwise, who would known who he was?”

  Shi Buyi was between laughter and tears, “That Emerald Heaven Dharma King is just an old granny who is good in holding grudges. Nevertheless, you are in a dangerous position now, and even if you’ve win, death will still be a certainty!”

  “Not necessarily.” Zhong Yue pondered and he said, “There’s one way to live through this—we will make a big fuss out of things!”

  His eyes flashed while he said, “Fight, kill, and slaughter! The more experts we kill, the better our chances of survival are! It’d be even better if we become the winners at the end! That way, my name will spread across the galaxies and the Emerald Heaven Dharma
King will not dare to touch me anymore!”

  Shi Buyi was stupefied, he kept silent for a few seconds before he sighed and said, “You and that old man are two like-minded maniacs. Seriously, do you ever show mercy to anyone at all? Old Man Six Paths proposed the exact plan, he said that’d keep us safe for the time being.”

  Zhong Yue was overjoyed, “Old Man Six Paths thought so too? Great minds think alike! If that’s the case, this is what we will do. Lion, gather as much information on the experts in the competition for me.”

  “Already did!” Shi Buyi quickly told him the identities of the experts while reminding him, “The Consort Han is Realm Monarch’s beloved mistress, you must not harm her or otherwise, we will offend the Realm Monarch! Other than her, Bi and An are two giant figures with great factions backing them, you shouldn’t stand in their way as well! Whereas for the lady Zhen Yao, Li Tianxing, and the Reverse Emperor; they might not be any weaker than you, may be even stronger! You have to be careful!”

  Zhong Yue smiled, “Those who are weak will die with a single swing of my saber, whereas for those who are strong will eventually die as well, it’ll just take a little longer.”

  “I warn you, don’t you ever, ever harm Consort Han!” Shi Buyi reminded.

  Zhong Yue only nodded to end the conversation.

  Zhong Yue turned around, he looked at Jun Sixie, Bai Canghai and Qiu Jin’er, and he smiled, “Jin’er, senior martial sister, Brother Bai, be prepared, we have a bloody battle arriving soon!”

  “Bloody battle?” Bai Canghai was now full of confidence after he was able to pull through a few hardsworn victories, laughing jubilantly as he asked, “How dangerous can the battle be?”

  “You’ll soon find out yourself.” Zhong Yue answered. He looked up into the sky and the expression on his face changed abruptly, “Danger is coming, we need to find shelter!”

  Jun Sixie and Qiu Jin’er looked up into the sky as well, and the latter asked, “Senior martial brother, what danger? Is it the battle you are talking about?”

  “The danger and battle will most probably come at the same time.” The Yang solid lines and Yin broken lines emerged above Zhong Yue as he ran simulations of the future. He said, “The three suns above are moving in a queer manner, they are deviating away from their usual routes, it is a sign of an imminent calamity. Soon enough, the three suns will be at the closest distance they can get to the twin planets, they will form a triangle with the twin planets in the middle. The magnetic fields of the suns will clash and interact, causing the sunfire to blast out from the sun cores! The twin planets we are on now will be in the center of everything!”

  As he explained, Jun Sixie’s facial expression drastically changed. If everything he said was true, the sunfire that gushes out from the three suns will be fully swallowed, turning the twin planets into two planetary fireballs!

  By then, the planet surface will even melt away; no Qi Practitioners will ever be able to withstand the immense heat!

  “Not even the True Spirit and Imminent Deity magnates?” Bai Canghai asked.

  Zhong Yue flew up into the sky while saying, “The sunfire will melt everything, even a piece of divine gold will be vaporized instantly. My divine sabers are forged from the Solar Cosmic Ray and Metamagnet Divine Ray I’ve captured during a solar storm. This time now, the superimposition of the three solar storms will create over billions of Solar Cosmic Rays and Metamagnet Divine Rays! It is a thousand times stronger than what I’ve been through, even gods won’t last in this one!”

  Bai Canghai’s face turned even pale, and he immediately bolted after Zhong Yue as they flew toward the center between the bluish and jet black planets.

  The twin planets were close, causing their magnetic fields to clash and interact with one another in the center between the two planets. There, one could not feel the weightlessness effect, even a mortal could easily fly and navigate himself in mid-air.

  “The only safe spot is right here in between the two planets. This is the centre where the magnetic field of the two planets are clashing, creating a space fraught with high magnetic flux.” Zhong Yue said, “The magnetic flux here reach an equilibrium and repel the Solar Cosmic Rays and Metamagnet Divine Rays away from the field, making it a perfect shelter from the solar storms.”

  Finally, the four of them arrived at the target location. Zhong Yue moved around to inspect the field and found it to be a sphere of a thousand miles in radius.

  “The other demon gods’ disciples would’ve known about the incoming solar storms, even if they don’t, those who’ve survived the first wave of the solar storms will definitely swarm over to the only safe spot in here. At that time, that is when the competition will reach its peak.”

  Zhong Yue inhaled deeply, “We will wait here for them to come to us!”

  The four of them sat in the lotus position and prepared themselves fully for the incoming battles.

  An hour flashed by in the blink of an eye, the suns grew larger, and the sky colored like superheated metals.

  The three suns drew closer to one another as well as the twin planets, water vapours hung in the air, and the land cracked dry like droughts.

  The plants were burnt into ashes, the woods caught on fire, and the rivers vaporized.

  Soon after, the ocean started to boil vigorously, and the volcanoes erupted into the sky and underwater.

  A few moments later, the appalling energy brimming in the suns nearly reached their limits, there were fire waves of million miles long and wide surging across the sun surface, igniting even the air around into flames.

  And finally, the three solar storms burst out simultaneously toward the twin planets along with the emanation of the Solar Cosmic Rays and Metamagnet Divine Rays!

  Burning flames larger than the planets were blasted out from the three suns and swallowed the twin planets in just seconds!

  Meanwhile, the Qi Practitioners in the twin planets bolted toward the only safe shelter where Zhong Yue and the others were at.

  Among them, the Qi Practitioners who hid the underground to avoid as much contact with their competitors as possible were the first victims killed by the solar storms. They were a fine line slower in picking up the omens of the arriving calamity, and took a longer time exiting the underground. Thus, they couldn’t even leave the twin planets before they were killed in the solar storms.

  Some were burning in flames while rushing toward the safe field, whereas the others were perforated like sieves by the Solar Cosmic Rays and Metamagnet Divine Rays!

  There were three Qi Practitioners that managed to enter the shelter right before Zhong Yue and the others, but they have abruptly disintegrate into ashes before they even get close.

  In just seconds, more than dozens of Qi Practitioners were killed!

  In the only shelter, only barely a hundred Qi Practitioners managed to survive. They were all looking out of the superimposed magnetic field and were awestruck by the power of nature while they were protected by a barrier that stopped harm from reaching them.

  “Teacher told me that the three solar storms will occur soon, but I never thought it’d come so strong and suddenly!” A half-cooked demigod blew smoke out of his mouth as he said.

  “The solar storms will not last too long, two hours at most. Shouldn’t we do something more interesting than waiting during this period of time?” A demon expert with a malicious appearance smirked and said.

  Chapter 620: All Killed In One Strike |

  Suddenly, a lady asked, “The Emerald Heaven Dharma King gave her order to kill the Zhong Yue. I wonder if this child is among us?”

  “That Zhong Yue comes from a small place, I think he don’t even knows what a solar storm is. He was probably killed by the solar storms already.”

  All of a sudden, an unwavering voice answered, “The Zhong Yue you are looking for is right here.”

  The experts gazed over and saw a young man standing staunchly before them.

  Beside Zhong Yue, Bai Canghai suddenly
felt his blood started boiling, and he nearly couldn’t suppress the desire to battle in his heart!

  It took only just one man and a single sentence to attract the attention of all the experts, and made a clear sign to the outbreak of a blood-curdling battle!

  Bai Canghai always exuded the image of a gentleman to the world, coming from a notable clan and was able to hold a stoic demeanour at all times.

  In addition to the Bai Zhe Clan’s clan rule of neutrality in worldly affairs, and having nearly zero conflict with the other races, Bai Canghai was seldom seen unleashing his power.

  However, deep down in his heart, he was still just a young cultivator filled with fervor, he longed for battle, to fight at will and free himself of the restraints imposed on him by his clan!

  And all of this desires were released by just one sentence!

  “Junior Martial Brother Bai is still rather unfledged, being able to be easily affected by the battles. You’ll get better if you follow around senior martial brother for a little longer.” Qiu Jin’er smiled and said.

  In turn, she was placid and calm as though they were just casually having a picnic. But that wasn’t too surprising at all as she has been fighting by Zhong Yue’s side more than anyone else, she had more experience than Bai Canghai despite her younger age.

  She even carried Zhong Yue all the way out from the West Barren, slaughtering hundreds of Zhong Li experts and celestial Qi Practitioners along the way.

  On the other hand, Jun Sixie’s face saw no change in expression even though her spirit was burning vigorously.

  The ex-headmaster of Swords Gate was, after all, the leader of a race. She evaluated and assessed situations from a wider and larger perspective, seeing things with more clarity than most others and holding a prestige far beyond the Prison Realm Qi Practitioners in the Ancestral Star.


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